Any good research questions regarding coming out?

I’m going to be doing the topic for a paper and need questions that I can research. I’m stumped. @HomeworkHelp


My main problem is wording them correctly.

I’m so sorry if you can’t read that.


Those are pretty good questions!

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Thanks, I’m trying. It couldn’t hurt to get some more, and I can’t think of anything else.

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My answer to the last question:

Lesbians and gays like only one gender, it’s not necessarily easier but if you’re bisexual you can date one/two genders while for gays it’s one. Let’s say a gay girl wants to date another girl, they’ll have to come out in a sense, to that girl or their family under some circumstances. While a bisexual girl may like both genders and only date guys so she won’t feel the need to come out? If that makes sense.

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Oh. I don’t need questions that can be answered easily. There goes that question.


Moved this to the #general-chat:school category as this is supposedly a topic paper for school you’re asking for help with. Also I think it would be better if you tagged @HomeworkHelp instead rather than Discussions.

How many more questions/suggestions do you want?


Oops, I didn’t realize there was a homework help tag. I just want three, so, technically one more because that last question is out. Of course, I could use all the questions you can come up with.


Oh god. The pun.


I appreciate you answering it because you pointed out the flaw.


No problem ~~ :eyes:

:slight_smile: Questions needed.

Actually, just give me two, please.

This can be kept open if anyone needs help with research questions!

would you like me to close it now or would you like to keep it open?

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It can be kept open for people who need help.

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that’s fine then <3

If anyone else is ever interested in doing some research on this topic, I’d recommend researching statistics regarding coming out, especially statistics around age and countries in which people feel safe coming out.

@LGBTCommunity - Does anyone else have any good research questions about coming out?

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