Are straight A’s worth it?

Some people say that good grades are really important and some parents expect their children to have the best grades. But are straight A’s really worth it?

I can say that I totally wasn’t worth it for me. I had straight A’s but nobody cares about that now :joy: Maybe someone has other experiences?


I was that one kid that was always focused on having straight A’s and I would get really sad and disappointed if I had a lower grade! I was always disappointed tho because there were many things in school I didn’t understand no matter how much I tried. I mean, I barely passed maths with a D.
But I don’t think it matters. It was just stressing me out because here you have to have good grades if you want to go to a college of your choice. Your grades from high school do count and it was always good to have a lot of A’s but not that necessary.
I wish I knew that wasn’t something I had to constantly worry about.


I don’t think they’re worth it at all, but in my country you can’t get any job you want unless you have straight A’s. So a lot of students here stress over having A’s.


In my country they only look at if you passed or not and if you have the passion for the job. So it really doesn’t matter here.

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I think that if you’ve sacrificed your social life in your pursuit of straight A’s, then it’s not worth it. If you’re constantly studying and never go out with friends or have fun, first of all, you’ll most likely run your mental health into the ground and second, you’ll have missed out on so many experiences.

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My straight A’s were so important to me. Up through high school I was able to keep straight A’s every years but 10th grade. 10th grade I had 2 B’s (a 90 and a 92 that had been a 93 on the last day of school), I cried when I saw I had B’s… I strive for my A’s, but now in college I’m too tired to care with some classes. I hope for all A’s, but as long as I get a C or preferably a B I’m alright as long as they’re done. My grades are extremely important for scholarships though. If my grades slip, then it hurts my scholarship. The more I keep straight A’s, the more flexibility I have for if I get a C.


Gay A’s are better


I depends :woman_shrugging:t2: It’s super awesome if you get it but it’s okay if you don’t :joy:


C’s get degrees, and A’s die of stress related complications

A’s are overrated, B’s are where it’s at :sunglasses:

I get…

  • A’s
  • B’s
  • C’s
  • D’s
  • F’s
  • me no go to school

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Also @Discussions what are your thoughts?


C’s later die of stress from paying for degrees, along with B’s… A’s help pay for said degrees.


I think I get A’s as my complete grade for my classes but lol it’s hard to get straight A’s on all my assignments…

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Mostly A’s (my school uses numbers) but some B’s too (especially for math!) I’d say I’m a B+ to A- student?


Yeah, I get B+'s too mostly, some A-'s and a couple of B’s


I’m in college, soooo…

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I get both C’s, B’s, and D’s when I was in class before I lost focus.




Yep, it dipped to D’s and F’s in the last 4 classes then I decided to take a break until next year. I need to regain my focus again. I lost it due to stress.

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Are you in college?


Yep, I’m going for Graphic Design. I’m taking online classes at SNHU.

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No clue what college that acronym stands for.