Are You The One? - General Chat

anyone feel like giving a summary ? :joy: im catching up on bridgerton first but I gotta do my intros here soon


Thereā€™s really not much youā€™ve missed. The arrival day was just the first interactions for characters. Not sure if thereā€™s anything notably important in those conversations. But now that itā€™s the official day 1, the first date is happening. Tomer with Amberleigh, and Avery with Phoebe.
So the other characters have their day free to mingle, and vote on which couple should enter the truth booth.

You can vote for the truth booth here.


sickkkk well im almost done with Bridgerton then I can intro


is it still your response? I just want to make sure I didnā€™t miss it

Itā€™s mine.
Unless you had wanted to post first for them

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I mean I can do a post where he walks over and they start talking if you want. She is in the hot tub. either way works for me hun

Iā€™m so sorry for taking a week to reply @astxrism and it not even being an amazing post :sob:

How are you doing?

Who wants any of my 4 characters, I have:

Mars :eyes:


Also everybody just a reminder that you have the general slides too, so go add those outfits if you want. And feel free to have your characters write something on the board in either the girls bedroom or the guys room. (I thought that could be something for a fun little interaction without full conversations) like, feel free to have them gossip, or say who they might be interested in. literally anything is free game (whether they admit they were the one that wrote it or not) and I mean, thereā€™s no reason a girl couldnā€™t sneak her way in and write something on the guysā€™ board, or the other way around.
And keep writing those predictions, or using the general slides in any other way too.


All of my characters are availible as well!

I haveā€¦


Again, I just canā€™t pick who to have them talk with


Could I claim Amberleigh for Max pleaseeee :pleading_face:
I get it if you need some time to get her started tho!

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Of course!

Her first couple post might be a little rough as I start getting used to her, but I will gladly have her talk to Max.

Do you want to post first?

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Looking forward to it!

Sure, I can get a post out right now actually, tho it might be a little rough for me tooooo as itā€™s simply been a while.

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I have Phoebe and Tobias and now Desiree and Kian if anyone wants them

just lmk

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@Littlefeets, any specific place you want me to place Amber? Or can I take some freedom with that?

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I give you full freedom

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Hope I didnā€™t decide too much for herā€¦

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Also, I debated whether I wanted to go a way where you really were required to read the full prior interaction, but I decided to start it off easy, but I might refer back to that prior convo later

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Not too much at all :grin:

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