I know I’m going to go through and reread their previous convo before I write her post (and probably again throughout this convo too ) to make sure I get her right, so feel free to refer back to the previous convo as much as you want
Alright! I’ll definitely have him refer back in the next post then
Wait what’s happening is it a new day
Can I have Tomer for Rafaela?
Yes, new day starting now
What happened with the last day
Oh ok never mind I missed the post
Yes you can
You wanna start, or should I get something out?
Maybe you yes
I need a headstart to remember Tommy
Okiii, I will get something out soon
Why do I feel I lowkey suck at starting interactions? I just don’t know how to truly make a start interesting, but well, it’s something to get an interaction started at least! That’s part of the fun of RPing, that you build to something better together if the interaction is flowing well
I soooooo understand that Jass.
The start of an interaction feels awkward to try and write
I never know how much to write, like you don’t wanna do too much, but not to little either. And idk, as you haven’t quite grasped the vibe of an interaction yet at the first post of an interaction, it can be tough to write for sure
Actually adding Mars to my personal google doc now, I’m getting more and more excited to write with her!
I love her
She’s so fun to write tbh, it just makes me happy to write a character with her personality
I have Tate and Lainey if anyone wants to interact with them. I’m super excited