Astral Academy | Official Thread

Niamh shook her head ”I haven’t been, there, no. I’ve just heard good things about it, so I figured I should try it. Now I’m dragging you along with me. I’ve never been to a bad coffee to tea shop, so I’m not too worried about it. As long as it wakes me up, I don’t care.” She shrugged, taking a couple hopping steps. She was practically skipping in order to stay awake. When Guin explained Irish coffee, Niamh nodded. ”Yeah, I know. I’ve had it before. I’m also Irish, so I’ve been aware of it for a while. Thanks for explaining it, though. Now that you mention it, I could go for some too. Do you think we should just go to a bar? I don’t care either way.”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Guin



Gwen laughed and nodded no. “No, not unless you want to. If I wanted to get drunk I would just suggest that. Honestly, today I’m tired enough as it is and if I have just one drink I’ll be all the more tired.” Niamh said she’s never been to a bad coffee/tea shop and Gwen reacted with a slightly surprised ‘Oh?’ and followed it with “Really? I’d assume so for the UK but never for America. Most caffes in America serve my tea wrong. They just bring out a cup filled with warm water and a tea bag on the side. It can’t infuse as well if it’s not boiling when you drop the bag in.”

@Ouijaloveletters - Niamh


”Oh, fair point. Let’s just get coffee, then. If you would like, we can drink tomorrow. I’ll probably get myself a bit tipsy. It’s a very pleasant feeling. Quite a good way to sleep, I’d think. I can recommend something if you’d like tomorrow.” Niamh said, smiling. She led them outside of the college, and down a street, stopping in front of a cosy coffee shop. ”Alright, here it is. It looks even cuter in person. Shall we go in?” Niamh asked, stepping into the shop. The bell jingled as they entered, and Niamh smiled. ”Mmm…it smells so good in here.” She said, closing her eyes. It was also very warm, and that made her even more sleepy.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Guin




Lilith’s eyes remained glued to Callista, a smile forming on her lips as she admired the girl’s ethereal appearance. She seemed to glow from within, and her hair was golden like the sun. Lost in her beauty, Lilith’s mind had drifted, becoming closer with the thoughts circulating in her head. As the thoughts become louder, Callista’s voice softens and her demeanor shifts, almost as if she can see into Lilith’s frazzled mind. Noticing the sudden change, Lilith decides to try playing it cool. She relaxes her shoulders and lets her hands fall to her side, ”You don’t have to apologize, I enjoyed your little ramble”. Lilith smiled at her, giggling at her cute embarrassed laugh. ”I like your style as well, very regal, very pink” , she winked.

Callista had a look of contemplation on her face briefly before grasping Lilith’s hands in one swift motion. Lilith raised her brows in shock, but smiled naturally upon feeling the warmth and softness of her hands. After hearing her proposal, she nodded, ”Yeah, of course, I wasn’t going to class anyways, but it’s nice to have company”. Perhaps Callista was a mind-reader, because now, Lilith felt more at ease. ”Pastel pink? That’s kinda cute, my favorite color is Merlot”, she added with an amused tone. Picking up her bag from the floor, she makes eye contact with Callista once again, ”I’m curious about this place you have”. While it was completely out of character for Lilith to agree, she was impressed.


@cordyx - Callista



“Why don’t we just go there and see what they have to offer?” She said. Finally they started walking. Niamh suggested she recommends a bar for tomorrow, to which Gwen answered. “I mean, do you know bars in America better than I do? Plus it’s not like I haven’t been to a bar before, I can recognize when a bar is good from the way it looks and the reputation it has.” They arrived at a cosy coffee shop and sad down. “It does smell good. Let’s sit down and check the menu.” said Gwen as she was on her way to sit down. She snatched the menu to be the first to look at it since she knew Niamh wanted coffee so it would be easier for her, but Gwen needed to look over all the options and pick one. The cute interior, the nice location and the sweet aroma that lingered all attributed to the price of everything and it seemed expensive, but despite that Gwen decided for the one of the more expensive items, thinking if it was expensive better get something good rather than spend a lot of coffee. She gave the menu to Niamh so she could look it over before the bartender arrives to take their order. When he did show up, she turned to him and said “One cherry cola float please.”

@Ouijaloveletters - Niamh - I love how Niamh is acting as if it’s her first time here and like she hasn’t spent a year in this college already and probably knows a lot of bars, caffes and restaurants and stuff


~>>Hallway–With Hesiod<<~

Now Darius was really frustrated. All he had wanted to do was rile Hesiod up a little, but Hesiod was flatly refusing to do so. Darius tuned Hesiod out halfway through his little puffed-up speech about why Darius’s insult was so bad. Stupid kid. I can’t believe my parents wanted me to be friends with this prick.

“Whatever, Dadophoros. You take everything so seriously. No wonder you have no friends.” Darius had no idea if Hesiod actually had friends or not, but that didn’t really matter at the moment. He turned to go, determined to force Hesiod into letting him have the last word by just walking away, when the churn of frustration in his stomach turned into something else. A tingling sensation traveling from his stomach and into his bones. A feeling he knew all too well. Not right now! **** ***** *****! Panic replacing frustration, he frantically scanned the populated corridor for somewhere to hide. The closest place he could see was… an empty room directly behind Hesiod.

Even as he felt his very DNA change, Darius charged at Hesiod, managing to take him by surprise and knock him into the empty room. Darius turned and locked the door behind him as his body warped and shifted, making him smaller, smaller, and then…

He was a cat. Of all fricking things, a cat.

“****!” At least he could still talk this time.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Sorry about the little bit of godmodding, I can totally change it if you think Hesiod has faster reflexes



“You take everything so seriously.” Darius tried to insult Hesiod not realizing what he said was almost completely true. He does take things seriously, but he finds that to be a good quality. He doesn’t waste time. Hesiod did however know how push Darius’ buttons. “That’s true, I do take most things seriously. Except for you and a few other things. But then how could I take you seriously when you come at me with such poor insults.” He was about to turn around and walk away, and as he was facing away from Darius with his back turned to the empty closet behind him, Darius came at him and attacked him. Hesiod might’ve been taken by surprise and didn’t see Darius coming, but still because of his upbringing he was able to rectify it and not let Darius beat him up. While Darius and he were thrust back into the empty closet, Hesiod turned a bit to the right and grabbed hold of Darius and slammed him into the wall behind him to gain control over him. He then put his forearm to Darius’ throat and he was about to ask him why he attacked, but his facial expression was pained and odd and it was obvious something was happening and focusing on it made Hesiod realease his hold enough for Darius to escape it and lock the door behind him. When Hesiod turned to face Darius he instead saw a cat. Realizing Darius shapeshifted into a cat he started laughing. "Oh, all that barking you just pulled only for you to turn out to be a pu**y. He stopped laughing and became a bit more serious when he said his next words. “You can’t even control your powers, that’s pathetic.” The ‘matter-of-fact’ way he said the next words made it clear that’s how Hesiod views Darius. As pathetic. He knows Darius comes from a good family, and he respects his family, but he doesn’t respect him and thinks he is the black sheep of his family, bringing down their reputation and their value. He sees him as the Artjoms of his family.

@Kitastrophe - That’s okay, I made it work but I also godmodded a bit, I hope you’re okay with it


~>>Closet–With Hesiod<<~

“You can’t even control your powers, that’s pathetic.”

“Yeah, these stupid powers I never asked for,” Cat-Darius spat. Hesiod was right, but probably not for the reason he thought he was. Darius had been able to control his powers, once. Even as he stewed in anger, he felt the surge of power start to run through his body again. Lucky for him, this was a short episode. His vision blurred and his head spun as he shot from a foot off the ground back to his regular almost six feet. Irritatingly, he was slightly shorter than Hesiod. He had never noticed before, as he tended to avoid being in such close quarters with him.

It was just his luck that he would have an episode now. Usually, he could hide them since he was alone a lot, so it was all his fault because he had decided to pick on Hesiod just now. At least it was well known that they disliked each other, so if Hesiod tried spreading rumors about this incident, Darius could just claim he was lying. No one could prove it either way.

“Look, let’s just go our separate ways now.” Darius turned his back on Hesiod and tried to open the door, which was proving more difficult to unlock than to lock.



”Yeah, that’s a good idea. Let’s do that.” Niamh said, nodding. She laughed when Guin asked how well she knew bars. ”You definitely have a point. I don’t know too much about bars, except for one or two. How about you pick? I picked the coffee shop today, so you pick the bar tomorrow. I think that seems fair.” Niamh had been to a lot of bars before, but those were back home. Here, she was pretty much a fish out of water. Even though she’d been at the school for a while, she’d never gotten out much, of her own volition. Niamh wasn’t a people person. Niamh took the menu from Guin once she handed it to her. Quickly scanning the coffee choices, she told the bartender what she wanted. ”I would like an iced carmel latte with a shot of espresso, please.” Turning back to Guin, she smiled. ”So, what classes do you have?”
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Guin



Hesiod was a bit dumfounded by Darius’ profession that he didn’t like superpowers. Hesiod didn’t understand why somebody with superpowers wouldn’t want to have them. Hesiod loved his superpowers and he thought if ordinary people knew there were superpowers they would all want to have them. He kept silent since he was still processing this idea that Darius hated his powers. He hated himself. Hesiod started thinking that maybe this hatred for powers and himself is why he picks on Hesiod when it always backfires on him.
Knowing this Hesiod wanted less to do with him than he did up to now. The moment he first talks to his family he is going to finally tell them about his dislike of Darius and the things he says to him. He didn’t particularly care, but enough is enough. He wanted to be as far from Darius as possible. He wasn’t about to be a punching bag for Darius in order to get his frustration with who he is out of his body. He isn’t his babysitter to help him through this irregular and irrational hatred for something nor is he going to be used by him to get his frustrations out. Before this comment Hesiod assumed Darius was either jealous or trying too hard at being funny, but now he knows about his insecurity and he isn’t going to let it happen any more and he got angry.
When Darius said “Look, let’s just go our separate ways now.” To which an angered Hesiod replied with “The first smart thing you’ve said during our acquintance. I suggest when we reach a certain distance between us we keep it that way.” He noticed Darius struggling with the door so he pushed him away from the door and said “That means you don’t come back to insult me because you’re an insecure little nobody who doesn’t belong here. You don’t even have the guts to stand up for what you want. In future, if you don’t keep away from me I’ll make you regret the day you were born even more than you already regret it.” He then turned sideways towards the door and let his anger take over as he slammed sideways into the door to open it. He did manage to get it open and withouth turning around to say goodbye and withouth a word, he left.



GuinevereZmajovaOgnjen/w Niamh in caffe

When they ordered Niamh asked her about her schedule. “Oh? I haven’t thought about that yet. I haven’t recieved a schedule yet.” Answered Gwen. She didn’t know what else to add to that so she changed the topic. “So, how are Orla and Cormac? Are they coping better this year with parting with their only child for another year or are they somehow worse than you described them last year?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Niamh


Niamh laughed. ”I haven’t gotten mine, either. I just thought you’d gotten yours. Guess not, huh? Well, what courses do you hope you have? I want Alchemy. That one seems super interesting.” Asked about her parents, Niamh smiled. ”Ah, mum and dad are doing well. They’ve gotten pretty used to me being away.” Niamh was starting to get more talkative with Guin keeping her awake. Once she got her coffee, though, Niamh would definitely be more awake. Coffee tended to make her a bit twitchy.
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Guin



“I’m not hoping towards any subjects, really. I know there will be math and english and stuff because there has to be, but I have no expectations nor am I really all that excited for the supernatural subjects.” She answered. “That’s nice to hear. It’s always nice having a good family connection. I love my family although at times they are a bit too much.”


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Ezra’s focus during the training session was unparalleled, a tense determination etched onto his features. Each calculated move was a dance of precision, his body a weapon guided by years of relentless training. His mother’s stern gaze followed his every motion, a silent conductor orchestrating a symphony of combat.

The morning sun cast a golden hue on Ezra’s sweat-soaked form as he completed the simulated confrontation. His mother, a stoic figure unyielding in her pursuit of excellence, acknowledged his success with a curt affirmation. “Good job,” she stated, her words carrying a weight that surpassed mere praise. “You truly have never been a disappointment. Now it is up to you to make sure your sister are not either.”

Despite the acknowledgement, there was no room for complacency. The path Ezra walked was one of perpetual challenge and expectation. His mother’s relentless drive and uncompromising standards had sculpted him into a disciplined and formidable individual.

As the training session concluded, his mother’s gaze remained fixed on him. “Go to the car,” she commanded, her tone leaving no room for negotiation. “The driver will take you to the academy, unless you wish to walk there. There’s still time.” The clock on the training grounds indicated it was 4:10 am, a testament to the early hour Ezra had been roused from his slumber.

Ezra, however, had a different plan in mind. He met his mother’s stern gaze with a focused determination. “I’d like to take a nap first,” he declared, “Then, I’ll go with the car along with Navya and Renee. They’re still sleeping, and I’d prefer not to disturb their rest.”

His mother’s reaction was immediate, a scoff that held a tinge of disapproval. The corners of her lips tightened slightly, but after a moment of contemplation, she relented with a nod, leaving the panting Ezra on the training grounds. Before he had taken that nap, he had taken a quick shower, making sure all the sweat was washed off and then went to sleep- a least that lasted for 2 hours before he had woken up his sisters.

Arriving at the academy, Renee had been quick to depart from him, rushing to hang out with her friends, and Ezra raised a brow at that, turning to face Navya, “How have your training been?”


yeah this is absolutely shxxt y im sorry, i had to get it out today




Declan’s skin glistened with the mid afternoon sunshine. The sun filtering through the windows cast a warm glow on the luxurious room, highlighting the opulent furnishings and extravagant decor. His room was modest, if you hadn’t seen the price tags attached each item. Very minimalist vibes.

Dragging himself out of bed, he made his way downstairs, his bare feet slapping against the marble floors. As he entered the spacious kitchen, he found his mother Mariya sitting at the marble-topped island, a bright mimosa in hand. She smiled warmly at him, her matching deep crimson eyes crinkling at the corners in a familiar gesture of affection. “*Where’s Rohan? he croaked, his voice deep from sleep.

Rohan, Declan’s father, had been sprawled on the floor, a bemused expression on his face as Mariya tugged him to his feet. Declan did not flinch. Didn’t even bother to wonder what they had been up to before his arrival. Their relationship was more like that of roommates than a family, each occupying their own separate worlds within the confines of their lavish home. It was nothing new.

Mariya reached out a hand towards Declan, offering him his own mimosa. “Morning, darling. How did you sleep?” she asked, her voice light and airy.

Declan took the glass from her with a polite smile, the emptiness inside him growing with each passing moment. He knew he was surrounded by luxury and comfort, but he longed for something more meaningful and fulfilling in his life. As he gazed out at the sweeping views of Beverly Hills from the window, he couldn’t help but feel a deep sense of dissatisfaction wash over him.

With a deep sigh, Declan took a sip of the drink, steeling himself for another day of pretending that everything was fine in his perfect, empty world. Fine. I gotta get ready for Astral. Draining the rest of his drink, he flashed them one more shiny smile before heading to pack. “He still goes to that?” Declan heard his father say as he made his way to the top of the stairs.

Declan had been at Astral Academy for several hours already. Dragging a lounging lawn chair behind him, Declan made his way to the front of the school hoping to catch some sun and maybe witness the arrival of the newest students. There was always some sort of commotion or dramatic scene whenever a new student arrived at the school for the supernatural, and Declan couldn’t resist the chance to observe the chaos.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even realize he was drifting towards the faint scent of cigarette smoke until it filled his nostrils, the sweetly clinging scent mingling with the fresh spring air. Looking up, he spotted a girl standing under a tree, a cigarette dangling from her fingertips as she exhaled a cloud of smoke.

Declan set up his lounging lawn chair in a somewhat haphazard manner, squinting up at the bright sun as he tried to find the perfect spot between the trees. After a moment of contemplation, he let out a satisfied sigh and settled into the chair, only to realize that he was in the shadows, the sunniest spot just a few feet away. Declan lazily slid out of the chair and dragged it over to the sunny patch of grass, all the while appearing nonchalant. As if she wasn’t standing only a few feet away now. He finally stretched out in the warm rays of the sun, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him.

They sat in companionable silence, the only sound being the gentle rustle of the wind and the occasional puff of smoke from the girl’s cigarette. Turning towards the girl with the cigarette, Do you have an extra smoke that I could bum off you?

@Kristi • Sylvia • LOVE her banner!!!





Keir leaned against the cracked window of his mom’s ancient car, the familiar hum of the engine mixed with an unsettling rattling sound as they drove towards Astral Academy. His older siblings, Jennifer and Dan, chattered away in the front seat, but Keir remained unusually silent. As they pulled up to the college, Keir’s siblings turned to him, concern etched on their faces. They all climbed out of the car, the autumn air crisp around them, and Keir could feel the weight of their gazes on him.

Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Jennifer asked, her hand resting on his shoulder. Keir nodded, offering a small smile. “I’ll be fine. I’m excited for this new chapter.” Dan clapped him on the back. “You’ve got this, bro. Just remember, we’re only a phone call away if you need anything.” Keir felt a lump form in his throat as he hugged his siblings goodbye. It was strange to think that he would be navigating college on his own, he had always had them to lean on.

As Keir gathered his belongings and prepared to enter Astral Academy, Mama Jude stepped out of the old car and enveloped him in a tight embrace. He could feel her gray curly hair blowing in every direction, her thin body a reminder of her strength and resilience. And the unnatural strength he had. That he came here to learn to control.

Keir hesitated for a moment before whispering to his mom, “Did Forest not come because of me?” Mama Jude pulled back slightly, her piercing eyes searching his face. She was an iron force to be reckoned with, but even she was not immune to worry for her youngest son. With a gentle smile, she assured Keir, “You’re brother is finding his own place, love. Forest only needed a little space, it was a coincidence it happened now. He sends his best wishes and knows you’ll do great.” Ciarán nodded, feeling a surge of gratitude for his mom’s unwavering support. Despite her tough exterior, Mama Jude always knew how to comfort and reassure her children in times of uncertainty.

As he watched them drive away, Keir took a deep breath and gathered his belongings. The familiar buzz of nerves and excitement settled in his chest as he walked towards the entrance of Astral Academy.

As Keir made his way towards the entrance of Astral Academy, a sudden movement caught his eye. A big black dog had appeared out of nowhere, causing his heart to race with a mixture of fear and…curiosity. He was already on edge, worried that he had somehow offended his oldest brother, Forest. Seeing the dog made Keir’s mind swirl with troubling thoughts.

Then the flashes of uncontrollable nights flashed in red burst behind his eyes. Before he knew what he was doing, instinct took over. A surge of panic and wild energy coursed through his body, and he broke into a sprint towards the nearby forest. As he ran, his form began to shift and contort in unnatural ways. His bones cracked and reshaped, muscles bulged and stretched, fur sprouted from his skin. Keir transformed into something less than human, less than dog.

In a flash, the transformation was complete. Keir stood in a clearing, now a creature caught between two worlds—a werewolf. His sharp senses overwhelmed him, the scent of the forest, the sunlight filtering through the trees, the beating of his own heart. Fear gripped him as he struggled to comprehend what had just happened. He didn’t even realize high pitched whines, then low pitched growls escaped his new voice box. He was disoriented, stumbling around.


@Caticorn • Dimitri • sorry that took so long! :sweat_smile: excited for the interaction!!!



After fighting with Darius, Hesiod was angry, emotional and needed to calm down. Whenever Hesiod used to feel overwhelmed or angry, he’d simply escape to his favorite peaceful area. Calming down for him was rowing out to sea where nobody could reach him, nobody could hear him and nobody could witness his actions. It’s not because he does secret things that he doesn’t want the world to know, he just sometimes needs some solitude and not to worry about his image and his family and expectations he has to reach. In the open sea he can say anything, sing anything, do anything, but most importantly, he can just relax without any pressure.
The stillness of the water in this remote part of the sea made him relax and not care about anything else, let alone Darius, and he started singing.

"Somewhere beyond the sea

Somewhere waitin’ for me

My lover stands on golden sands and watches the ships

That go sailin’ …"

He stopped singing when he heard the water move as if somebody was swimming or diving very slowly and gently and he stood up to see what it is.



Black Modern with Metalic Shape Twitter Header


Being a vampire, Sylvia had come to learn, had its own peculiar set of pros and cons. The duality of her eternal life was a paradox, a constant tug-of-war between the allure of immortality and the burden of endless existence. On one hand, the gift of immortality bestowed upon Sylvia by her vampiric nature could be seen as a tantalizing prospect. The idea of living through the ages, witnessing the flow of civilizations, and accumulating knowledge and experiences beyond the reach of mortal beings held a certain mystique. It allowed her to amass wisdom and cultural insights that no human could fathom. The longevity of her life offered an uncharted canvas on which she could paint the diverse hues of history, embracing the beauty and complexity of centuries. So many attractive people keep being born, many faces to meet and seduce. Smoking too, Sylvia could do that without any worries of hurting her tongue and her strength was quite unmatched, she was also eternally beautiful .
However, the very immortality that presented itself as a gift bore the heavy weight of a curse. Sylvia, over the years, found herself entangled in the monotony of an unending existence. The repetitive nature of human interactions and the fleeting nature of mortal relationships became a stark reality. The excitement of new encounters gradually dulled as the centuries wore on, some people just were not that interested to keep Sylvia wanting to live. She wanted to know how it feels to disappear, to be mortal, once more, but that was an experience long gone.

She blew out the smoke, her eyes raking the landscape, when her nose scrunched smelling scent-- it was hard to decipher the scent with the smoke, but Sylvia could guess what type of person the scent came from- a hellhound, a demonic dog. Fun, hellhounds always tended to have a un eased sexy appearance to them. They were always restless, trying to keep everything in order, to guard the gates of where Sylvia belonged.

She wondered if she should approach him, tease him a bit, and offer him a smoke, but it seems she had no need for that, as he had already turned to her, asking for a puff. The corners of her lips spread, as she came closer to him, blowing smoke in his face, a lecherous grin expanding on her sharp features, “It seems that not only are you a dog, but a mind reader.” She reached through her pocket, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, extending it to him, but before he could reach it, she placed it behind her.
“For a exaggerate, I might need a kiss.” She puckered out her lips, coming closer to his, before she pulled away. “Relax,” She told him, “I merely jest.” she continued, throwing the cigarette to his lap. “You new?” She asked, “I imagine, I would remember a face like your’s.” She told him, leaning to the walls, as she blew out some smoke.



.• 𓂃 ‧₊˚ ⋅ •. 𓏲*ੈ ✩ ‧₊˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝 .• ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓂃 •.

The ride to the academy was a blur, as Caspian was deep in his thoughts the entire way there. Before he knew it, he was standing before his new dorm room. Hesitantly, he pushed the door open and walked in. His eyes wandered around the scene, a heavy feeling beginning to settle in his chest. It was a big and spacious room, yet filled with nothing but a desk, chair and a bed in the corner. Though the room was well maintained, the wallpaper was a bland white and there were no decorations aside from a small painting. Caspian felt a sense of suffocation rising in him the longer he stood there. He knew he could ask for a remodel, but who knew how long it would take for a new student. He could only anticipate the moment he’d finally a space of his own, but for the time being all he could do was wait.

He dropped his suitcases off by the wall, and with a sigh, he made his way to the desk. He hung his backpack on the chair, rummaging through it to take out a notebook and pen. Pulling the chair aside, he sat down on his desk and flipped through the book. It was filled with handwritten text, sketches; a journal that held his deepest thoughts. A lot of the text was written in code, some even violently crossed out, and at times there were ripped out pages, concealing his words. As he landed on an empty page, he put the pen to it, letting it glide across the paper and giving voice to his deepest thoughts.

Dear Pennie, it started. How have you been? I really miss you. I can’t believe it’s already been a year since we last saw each other…

The letter continued, as Caspian detailed the events leading up to this moment. He wrote about his life as if she were reading the letter, with a grin unfading from his face. He told her about the academy, its purpose, and how he felt about stepping into a new world full of supernaturals. And he mentioned his father, his sister, purposefully skipping over the painful and mundane parts. That could wait, because all she needed to hear was that he was doing better, and a new chapter of his life had finally begun.

He’d gotten so lost in writing, before he knew it he’d filled out both sides of the paper. He ended the letter with a simple I hope to see you again soon, in whatever way I can. His smile had twisted into a bittersweet expression, his eyes glazed over as he read through the letter.

Caspian carefully tore the paper out of the journal, folding it over. He sat up, leaving the room with nothing but the letter in hand.

.• 𓂃 ‧₊˚ ⋅ •. 𓏲*ੈ ✩ ‧₊˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝 .• ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓂃 •.

He wandered off the campus grounds, taking in his surroundings and basking in the feeling of warm sunlight on his skin. As a gentle breeze blew through the air, he walked forward lost in thought. The nostalgic salty scent of the sea filled his lungs, and a familiar sight lay in front of him. It was the grand ocean, spreading out across the horizon. Caspian made his way to the coast with a sprint, his lips splitting into a grin. He knelt in front of the edge, the sound of the waves pulling him into its depth.

Unfolding the letter, he placed it on the surface of the water, watching as it sank to the bottom and let the waves carry it away. After it disappeared, he closed his eyes and sighed.

Caspian began to lean forward towards the water, as if entranced by it. He landed with a splash, and immediately felt his body begin to change. A tail instead of legs, webbed fingers and scales, he morphed to perfectly fit into his natural environment. He swam to the depths of the ocean, energy coursing through his veins and filling him with life. After a while of swimming aimlessly with the current, he rose up to the surface to check his surroundings. Nothing but an endless canvas of blue lay in front of him, with land far into the distance. As he turned around he noticed a single boat rowing towards him, a faint sound of singing interrupting the sea’s rhythm.

Curious, Caspian dived underwater and began to make his way towards it, but slowly so he doesn’t alert the person. As he swum close enough, he peeked out from behind the boat, getting a closer look at who was inside. Though before him was an unfamiliar man, the song gave off an air of nostalgia. He was swayed by his own memories, reminded of the last time he felt pure joy.

Caspian began to sing along almost by instinct, he hadn’t even noticed the silence from the man.

"Somewhere beyond the sea,

“She’s there watching for me,”

“If I could…”

His voice trailed off, noticing a pair of eyes on him. It was then he realized he’d caught the person’s attention. His eyes widened, freezing in place.

“Oh… I… I mean, I… Help. I’m drowning!” he exclaimed barely, as if he were a five year old trying to act for the first time. “Oh this water is so deep, I’m afraid I don’t remember how I got here,” he continued, but he couldn’t stop himself from smiling at his own lies.

.• 𓂃 ‧₊˚ ⋅ •. 𓏲*ੈ ✩ ‧₊˚ 𓇼 ⋆。˚ 𓆝 .• ‧₊˚ ⋅ 𓂃 •.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond ‧₊˚ ⋅ Hesiod Dadaphoros

ORP: This turned out sooo long, but it’ll just be the intro that’s this length :')


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Navya had woken up later than usual that day. For the first time in years she missed watching the sunrise as she trained. Instead she woke up to the rays already peeking through the curtains in her room, lighting up the space with a warm glow. Her brother and personal trainer was merciful enough to let her rest as the new academic year began. But she knew she wouldn’t be getting out of it so easy, he’d likely expect her to catch up on her own later. Regardless, she liked the thrill when she could choose her own schedule. Just deciding her plans on a whim, as if blindly throwing darts.

Navya rolled out of bed, her eyes landing on the pile of paper and fabric swatches scattered across the floor. They were laying just as she’d left them the previous night, abandoned in her frustration. She sluggishly gathered them and tossed them back on the desk, letting them become a problem for later. They ended up burying an unfinished sketch of a dress, a generic design with rough lines reflecting Navya’s creative block. It was nothing but a failed attempt that would soon end up in the trashcan stacked to the top with designs. And on the shelves were piles of sketchbooks she used to draw in, once a sign of her unfading creativity now laying untouched in months.

Unfortunately she had no time to waste on something so meaningless. She was a hellhound, her main focus should be strength, resilience and control. Anything else came second. With the trash out of the way, she made her way to the center of the room, begining with her “morning stretches” which could be considered an extreme sport for regular people.

By the time she finished, she heard a knock on the door from her brother, Ezra. He’d come to wake her up to travel to the academy, but she’d already beat him to it an hour before. After assuring him she’d be down for breakfast and shooing him out, Navya began getting ready for the day. And there was nothing better to start it than a burning hot shower reminiscent of the flames of hell. She finished by getting dressed in a bright outfit, sure to catch people’s attention.

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Navya and her siblings arrived at the academy soon after. As she stepped out of the car she put her sunglasses on, shielding her eyes from the sun as she took in the sight of the campus. The sound of her heels against the floor echoed, combining with the distant chatter of students and her siblings’ banter to create an all too familiar atmosphere. Another year of her prison sentence had begun, the second out of four she’d have to endure. To most that might sound overdramatic, but there were far more important things in the world that required her attention. The only reason she’d made it so far was for her family, and her promise to herself to never fall behind.

Renee parted ways to greet her friends, leaving Navya and Ezra to talk alone. Her attention wandered across the area, looking to see if she’d spot any familiar faces. “Today? Could be better,” she replied to Ezra, not bothering to turn to him. “Didn’t have a chance to go to the gym this morning, or run a lap around the city before I did. I’d say I’m disappointed in myself but I don’t really care. Free day,” she shrugged as she turned to him, flipping her hair aside. “How’s it going for you? Did mom give you at least a 30 second break this time?” she asked, chuckling.

But despite her nonchalant attitude, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt. She wanted rest so she could fully experience her first day back at the academy. Not that she was ecstatic about being back to sitting behind a desk for hours, mindlessly walking around the hallways as her days went by. Rather she was more curious about what kind of people she’d meet, what events there would be, especially if they were parties. She wanted something exciting, because after a single year she already felt like she’d seen it all. Though it also made her think how fast a year could pass by. Almost as if the event was right around the corner. She only had a year, if not less, and it made her anxiety rise the more the clock ticked. She had no time to waste.

She laughed to herself, shaking the thoughts out of her head. “Now to more important matters, I’m thinking of throwing a party as a welcome back thing. And I’ll make sure everyyyone is allowed just to make it more fun. What do you think?” she asked, pausing for his input. Not that she’d listen, she was only curious what he’d say.

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@KristiEzra Warren Chae