Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Beck listened as Dasin told her that her real name was Silas Pierce. She smiled out of courtesy and politeness. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Silas Pierce. I was starting to think that your name was Dasin Miami this whole time.” She let out a soft chuckle, shaking her head at the absurdity of that idea. “I’ve visited Miami a couple of times and it’s a nice place.” Lots of hot men there too she thought to herself. That was one of the reasons she liked Miami so much. Hot shirtless men walking around in broad daylight out on the beach. Can you say its raining men and hallelujah any more? She didn’t mention this to Silas. Afterall, she didn’t want those rumors of her being a… Wh*re… To rear its ugly head just in case Silas had heard them rolls eyes… and seeing as Silas had mentioned hearing a lot of rumors about her, that seemed to not matter anymore.

She started getting more and more ticked off as Dasin continued talking, her like for Silas was quickly disappearing. Strike one. “Um… I don’t believe I did him dirty at all. I think we just have a feud and that’s that. It’s good to speak your mind about things in the industry and If anyone has a problem with that, well they can have fun with that.” She exaggerated a smile, then drank her new martini again.

The next thing Silas said made Beck pause and her mouth drop open. Strike two. The audacity. That sounded so shady. “Um excuse me…what kind of rumors?” Beck turned her neck as if she were daring her to say them. She knew that there were lots of rumors out there about her, primarily from people she couldn’t give a damn about. Still, she didn’t want Silas to get away with her shady comment.

Even through the strategy of playing “dumb”, Silas still added something else to tick her off. Even going as far as asking if she’s an alcoholic. “you don’t give dopehead energy” So only alcoholic? What the hell did that mean? Oh this girl was bold…Or maybe she was used to acting this way and didn’t realize it… These thoughts tumbled through Becks mind as she looked at her as if she was saying the audacity of this btch.* She wanted to get out of her seat but didn’t want to make a scene.

“Woah woah…okay there. I think you’re going too far. I don’t know what you mean by I give off alcoholic energy or whatever, but no, I am not an alcoholic if that was what you wanted to ask. Although, I do feel like you’re being quiteee disrespectful.” Beck was beginning to get quite annoyed but wasn’t sure if she should stand up or not. She hadn’t felt this annoyed in a long time. “By the way, I don’t think it’s very nice to ask someone if they’re an alcoholic, especially if we just met, but im sure you already know that sweetheart.” She put on a fake exaggerated smile.

@Kristi they bouta fight bruh

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Kavi got a sense of nervousness coming from the man sitting next to him. He could only hope that he wasn’t contributing to it. His sister had told him on more than one occasion that his ‘resting listening face’ looked very unapproachable. “You’re a singer, right?” He asked, remembering seeing Danny’s name on the radio on more than one occasion and, if he wasn’t mistaken, he was one of his sister’s favourite artists. “I’m a director and I tend to do smaller art films, not blockbusters.” He explained, offering a reason as to why their paths hadn’t crossed before.

“I’m also not working on anything right now, so I’m not really of much interest to the media.” Not that he was of any interest to them while he was working on something either and he wasn’t complaining about it. There was a reason he chose to stay behind the camera. He liked being able to go unnoticed when he was out in public, having people only recognize him by name. He deeply respected performers for putting themselves out there like that but it just wasn’t for him.

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@Tina.G - Danny

Tommy had to go talk with Dave. he had to let Dave know how wrong he was for what he did to Helen. He smiled at Helen then told her he would be right back to please wait right there. She said she would. So, he went to find Dave. He was a man on a mission. He finally found Dave. He marched up to him. He turned him around to face him. Tommy was fuming mad. He dragged Dave away to a secluded area of the yacht. “WHAT THE F**K IS WRONG WITH YOU DAVE? HOW CAN YOU LEAVE HELEN TO GO TALK TO YOUR EX!!!” He stopped to take a breath before going again. “LIKE SERIOUSLY DUDE? HELEN IS TOO GREAT OF A WOMAN FOR YOU TO JSUT LEAVE HER ALL ALONE WHEN SHE KNOWS NOBODY BUT US. PLUS, NOT TO MENTION THE PUBLIC EYE IS ON YOU. HELEN AND YOU ARE A COUPLE IN THEIR EYES.” Tommy never wanted to hit a client before in his life. What was it about Helen that drove him so crazy to want to hit people. He took a deep breath and sighed. “You do realize that if the paparazzi get wind of this it could be horrible for your career, right? I know you probably weren’t thinking. However, to be that rude and inconsiderate about Helen and her feelings is not okay.” Tommy was so furious as how Dave good do this to such a beautiful woman. Tommy stood there furious and wanting to get back to Helen. I mean he did tell her what he was going to do but still he felt bad as well.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Dave
@Tina.G Helen



After Evie left, his thoughts shifted from the memory of her form when wearing something more revealing to the realization how he left Helen when she knew nobody beyond … The man that is stomping his way towards him. Behind Tommy Ryder who was marching his way to Dave, he could see Helen looking ailenated sitting alone at the bar, not knowing how to talk to anybody because she knows nobody. When Tommy reached him, he shouted so loud almost anybody could hear. Dave has done many stupid things in his life, and he was often been shouted at, but that wasn’t the case since he was still a snarky teenager, who although was big for his age, shrunk form embarrasement when his mother told him off. Tommy gave him the same tretment and Dave knew he was right, so again, he felt small and contritely he looked over at Helen at the bar, looking as isolated and as betrayed as she must feel, all because of him. With guilt in his eyes Dave turned his gaze from Helen and to Tommy and said “You’re right, I’ll go apologize right now and see if I can make it up to her.” Withouth saying anything more, for a not so smart boy he knew more words wouldn’t help him any longer and that he must leap into action. Dave slowly walks away from Tommy and sits next to Helen at the bar. Not knowing how to start because just saying ‘I’m sorry’ won’t cut it. The bartender came over and asked Dave “What’ll you have sir?” Not thinking about getting anything he said “I don’t know. YOu wouldn’t have an apology there? It needs to be a good one though, since I really messed up.” Not ordering anything, he turned around on his chair and focused only on Helen. “Helen … I know I shouldn’t have done it in the first place, and I can’t even find a good reason for why I did it to … explain myself.” He softly takes her hand in his and says “I guess I thought when such a beautiful and charming stranger as you comes to a party nobody would wait to get introduced to you … But now I realized that when an individual is like that, most men would be too scared at first to approach and need to build up confidence. Or they would never approach becuase they would think she’s out of their league and they would just embarras themselves by doing it … Will you forgive me? I promise that I won’t leave you alone for a moment longer.” He took the hand he was holding and left a soft kiss on the knuckles. “What do you say WE join Tommy TOGETHER and forget I was ever so stupid to leave such a cool and beautiful woman behind?”




Rowan chocked on his non alcoholic drink. “Your first relationship?” He was dumbfounded. He assumed she had relationships before meeting him and because of his involvement she was too busy to date, but … First? Then he realized what she meant. “Oh you must mean your first serious relationship.” He corrected her, at least he thought he did.
When she said that a right role would come along, he said “Who knows, maybe the right role would be something completely different to any of the roles you played so far … Then again, is there any movie genre you haven’t played yet?” He tried to suck up by complimenting her but to also make her feel better when she was already down.

Rowan was silently drinking his beverage, when she sighed and began showing signs of both boredom and nervousness. He realized she was probably bored with him around and waited for her to excuse herself and talk to somebody else, finally leaving him alone. He took another swig of his drink, ready to not talk to her or even look at her because he already exhausted all the nice things he can say to her before … He was in the midst of drinking when she suddly turned to him and said “Rowan, you know you’re like a father to me, right?” He almost chocked on his drink again. Damn, is this girl trying to kill me before I finish with her? He thought? He eagerly listened to her while she ranted and by the time she finished he forced a smile. Like a father? That is so not what I want you to see me as … What the future holds will be hard for both of us, especially now that you tell me you look up to me … How could I do now what I’ve been waiting for my whole employement in your service? He thought. He realized that the first sentence she said, the one that made him choke, was harmful to his plan, but the rest of her speech was kind of helping so he started smiling for real this time. “Of course, I’ll find somebody for you, or I can step back for a while and let your charming and talented self find somebody yourself?” He so wated to step back to turn on his phone and dissasociated, read some gossip about her online to focus more on her. He was afraid she would double down on him finding her somebody becuase she was his only client, who would he introduce to her? He has long since the start of his career as publicist focused only on her, and dropped the remainder of his clients.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella

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Sunny often dreamed of reuniting with her older brother in the years he had been gone. She wondered what emotions she would feel in the moment. Typically, they involved happiness and an overwhelming sense of relief. Except now, when faced with the reality of it, she felt nothing but rage. It upset her that he seemed to be more than okay when he had caused so much pain to his family. That he had found the time to film a movie but couldn’t be bothered to send even a small text to his family to let them know that he was alive and well. She looked up at Santiago when he started saying something, his tone suggesting that he was going to defend him, and she shrugged her eyebrow in a ‘that’s what I thought’ manner when he cut himself off.

“The ass is here!”

Sunny rolled her eyes as Emiliano approached them, moving closer to Santiago as he asked if he’d kept them waiting. In case it wasn’t obvious already, she wanted to make sure it was crystal clear whose side she was on. “Well, it’s been four years, what’s another few minutes?” Her voice was dripping with petty sweetness as she responded with the fakest smile she could muster, standing her ground when the offer to get herself a drink came.

“I left mine at the table. I don’t think I need another.” She lied. She hadn’t had the chance to get herself a drink yet but she’d be damned if she left her brothers alone for a second, not knowing what either of them were going to do, or if she’d give Emilio the satisfaction of a moment alone. She watched as the last waiter in the room took his leave, meaning that the siblings were finally alone and anything was free game, which was both concerning and comforting. Anything could happen but whatever did could stay between the three of them, unless they had an unwelcome audience. The walls were glass, after all.

Santiago was the first to speak in their newfound privacy, asking the question that was on both of their minds. His delivery was calm and even though Sunny wanted to mirror him, she couldn’t help but cross her arms and continue to stare down her brother, as if her gaze alone could threaten him to tell the truth. They were alone now. He could drop whatever act it was that he was putting on, which meant that the last thing she would tolerate from him was lies or more media fluff.


@Kristi - Emi

@raviola - Santi



Arrival at the party

As Doug arrived at the yearly Yacht Party, he couldn't avoid the paparazzi, deside his attempts to enter the party, he was quickly swarmed by reporters eager to get the scoop on his latest movie.

One of them asked, “Doug, can you tell us about your experience working on your latest movie?”

Doug flashed a charismatic smile, his natural charm on full display. “Well, it was a wild ride, as always. I had a great time with the cast and crew. Every project brings something new to the table, and this one was no different.”

Another reporter pushed forward, asking, “What was the most challenging part of filming?”

Doug paused, considering his answer. “You know, I think the stunts were pretty intense. I like to do a lot of my own stunts, and this movie had some crazy action scenes. But that’s part of the fun, right? Pushing yourself to the limit.”

“Any plans for your next project?” another voice shouted.

Doug grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Oh, I’ve got a few things up my sleeve. Can’t spill the beans just yet, but let’s just say it’s going to be something unexpected.”

With that, Doug waved off the remaining questions, making his way onto the yacht with his signature casual swagger. Despite the dislike he had developed for the constant media scrutiny, he maintained his enigmatic persona, leaving just enough mystery to keep everyone intrigued.

Making his way up the gangplank onto the yacht, Doug grabbed a drink from a passing waiter without breaking stride. He took a sip, scanning the crowd with a keen eye for familiar faces and interesting conversations. Doug stopped to chat with a small group, the small talk boring him relatively quickly. Every now and then, he glanced around, keeping an eye on the flow of the party.

That was when he saw an all too familiar face and, his face lit up with a genuine smile. Without hesitation he excused from the group. He made his way over to Josie, with whom he shared his youngest daughter Sabrina, weaving through the crowd with his drink in hand. It was always good to see Josie, even if there romance had been short lived, they had built a strong friendship for the sake of their daughter.

“Hey there!” he called out as he approached, his voice warm and welcoming. When he reached her, he pulled her into a friendly, yet heartfelt hug. “It’s great to see you,” he said, pulling back to look at her with a grin. “You look fantastic!” While to some this might have come across as flirty, for Doug this was meant as nothing more than an uplifting compliment.

Doug stepped back slightly, giving her space but maintaining a close, conversational distance. “How have you been?” He asked as he studied her for a second, genuinely interested to hear the answer. “Sabrina asked if she could join today, but I had to tell her no, and she acted like it was the end of the world!” She looked at Josie with a knowing smile and small chuckle, and continued “Typical teenager. I can’t believe how quickly she’s grown up.”

@kbail | Josie


Isabella shook her head at Rowan. She didn’t know how to explain what her and Isla were. Technically it was her first ever relationship. She wasn’t good at keeping in touch or really being in a relationship. She was always so busy with acting. “No, I mean my first ever girlfriend or boyfriend.” He then asked about her roles. She thought for a moment. “The only genre I haven’t played in yet is horror.” She said as she drunk more. She couldn’t believe what she had said to him. She was ready to escape by all means. “I will be okay.” She smiled then she stood up. “Well I’m going to go and mingle some. Catch you later yeah?” She said as she smiled and walked away.

She walked around with her drink in her hand. Saying hellos to people here and there. She looked at everyone laughing and having a good time. Through the crowd she finally saw a familiar face. She smiled as she downed her drink. Then she popped a piece of gum in her mouth. She walked over to him. “Hey there sexy” She whispered the last part so only he could hear her. She had walked up behind him. She was hoping he would recognize her voice without having to see her face.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond leaving Rowan
@Kate Approaching Bennett


Blake smiled at Lucy. “Thanks.” Both of their chairs seemed to be closer together at the bar, and both of their hands seemed to be almost resting on top of each other’s. She’s always been hot… He thought as he looked at her. This was the closest he’s ever remembered being near Lucy and he could see why her husband married her. He was a lucky man. “By the way I don’t think I’ve ever seen you curl your hair before. It looks nice.” His voice sounded more low and sultry with the tension between them. There was a piece of hair almost covering her eye and he resisted the urge to move it out of the way. “I mean country music is great, I can see why you do it.”

Blake listened with empathy as Lucy talked about missing her kids while on tour. He thought about what it would be like to have kids for a split second. Throughout his life he vowed to only focus on his career. He never wanted kids and many people judged him for that. He always thought it was crazy how he ended up with no kids when he had many hookups and girlfriends throughout his life. "Ah, i’m sorry to hear that, I know it must be hard. That’s actually part of the reason I’ve never had kids because I would be worried about not spending enough time with them but you’re a great mom. I see the way those kids look at you."He could see how down Lucy looked and put a hand on her shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay.”

“Ahhh little Kameron is 7 now, he’s probably getting up to even more trouble.” He chuckled.

“So what’s on your mind right now?"

Blake noticed the seductive look on her face and felt his face getting hot. He laughed and looked down at his drink yep he was in danger Well there’s one thing on my mind. he thought. She obviously knew that. He turned to her again, leaning back in his chair. “Hmmm…I don’t know…you tell me.” He smirked. “You have a strand of hair on your face…” He moved the strand of hair he was noticing earlier out of her face slowly.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy



“Miami is aight,” Silas had shrugged, “I had good memories in that place but also,” Silas paused, scrunching her nose in thought.

“Nah actually all of the memories were good,” She chuckled, a deep, throaty laugh. “Miami had some wild people, though, and some crazy beautiful women”

California was always Silas’s home, the place where her roots ran deep. But Miami had become a second home, a place etched into her spirit. It was where her career had taken off, where she’d lived with her cousins and partied with them every night. Miami was where she had met that older married woman, the one with a strange addiction to collecting seashells. She believed they held messages from the ocean gods. They had slept together, and afterwards, the woman cried, saying she was now impure for cheating on her husband, who, she claimed, was the son of an ocean god and would turn her into a fish for her betrayal. Well, at least she was hot, though her hair did smell a bit fishy after the deed—maybe that ocean god thing was real. As long as she was not the one getting turned into a fish, then, that was not really Silas problem, was it? “What about you? What you like about Miami?”

When Beck declared she didn’t feel she had wronged the man, Silas raised an eyebrow, the gesture both skeptical and knowing. Ah, so she was either delusional, a liar, or both—a delusional liar. Delusional if she truly believed her actions were justified; a liar if she knew she was wrong but refused to admit it; and both if she was in denial.
“You guys had a bad collaboration,” Silas pointed out, “So you went to the tell the whole world he was unprofessional in multiple radio stations and interviews, creating bad rumors surrounding his name, instead of simply confronting him or keeping it all to yourself?” Silas continued, taking a sip of her drink, " I don’t know what you call it in your book, but in the real world or at least in the type of world that Miles and I grew up, that is called doing someone dirty." Then again this was really none of her business, it was in the past and Miles had grown from that and though he was her homeboy, he had longed moved on from it and she didn’t really care about all this, so she said, “But eh I suppose if you think you didn’t do the mf wrong, you didn’t do him wrong,” She continued, “What do I know ,”

Moreover, Silas began to talk about the rumors surrounding Beck, and apparently, little Beck had not heard about her alcoholic rumors, and she seemed peeved about it. It seemed Silas had forgotten that Beverly Shores was a place the uptight rich people lived in, because she associated herself with the more chill kind, because whew. The rumors about her were way too mild to be doing all this, in Silas’ opinion, because if Beck heard the rumors surrounding Silas she would possibly collapse and because the rumors were not true—well, some of them—Silas laughed them off or sometimes used those rumors for jokes when talking with her fans, showcasing that she never took them seriously. Then again, Silas supposed, the always been middle class/upper class peeps do not like to hear that they give alcoholic energy, though a lot of them were, especially in Beverly Shores.

“Damn, you really did grow up middle to upper class, huh,” Silas let out a laugh. “It was not an insult, it was actually a compliment from someone who grew up around drug dealers, and had unfortunately messed with drugs for some time myself when I was younger, that I can’t actually see you doing none of that stuff.” She hummed, taking a sip of her drink. “The only thing I can see you doing is drinking alcohol, which almost everyone in Beverly Shores does. I was calling you clean, Not that you’re a true 100% alcoholic, Mrs. Dawson.” Especially considering that Beck seemed quite boring and uptight, not the care free nature Silas was used to and enjoyed.



Lucy smiled as Blake complimented her on her hair. She loved when certain people did that. It made her feel better about herself. She could feel the chemistry between them. As well as the heat that was rising between them. It was a tension she knew all too well. However, with Blake it was more intense than it was with anyone else. She hasn’t felt this intensity or tension and passion since Levi Sutton. Levi was her high school sweetheart. They lost contact when she moved to L.A. That was actually the reason they broke up. They broke up because she was moving away. They met freshman year and dated all through high school and up till she moved away. She was surprised by his arrival to L.A. thirteen years ago. They hadn’t seen or talked in the five years since she had moved here. Then he just showed up in 2011. They talked and hung out a few times before losing touch again twelve years ago. She did find herself thinking of him from time to time.

Lucy smiled at him “Well, I like all music. Country is just my favorite to be honest. I grew up on it and it just became a part of who I was growing up in the countryside of Georgia and all.” She giggled as she kind of went closer to him. There was like hardly any space between them. She loved being this close to Blake. Lucy looked up and smiled as he put his hand on her shoulder and told her it’s okay. This made her feel safe, heard, and protected. She wasn’t used of feeling that. She hadn’t felt this safe in a while. She giggled when he talked about Kameron. “She is a good bit of trouble, but I feel Cindy the fourteen-year-old girl is actually more trouble. The twins Kayden and Derek aren’t that bad shockingly considering they are boys.” She giggled again.

Lucy took a sip of her drink as she didn’t break her eye contact with Blake. The heat was more intense now between them then it had ever been. Lucy was happy that Steven stayed home with the kids. She knew she could flirt and not have a scene be caused. She could he was playing hardball. She figured she would have to turn up the heat some. She looked deep in his eyes as he smirked then said she had a strand of hair in her face. He slowly moved it out of her face. She felt the heat in his touch. It was electrifying. She could feel the sparks more now than ever since they were so close to each other. She decided to rest her hand on his on the bar. She stood up between their bar stools. She smirked as she leaned in, and gentle kissed his cheek with the most seductive look in her eyes. When she leaned back, she spoke “Thank you for moving the strand of hair handsome.” She smiled as she stayed standing up with her hand resting on his on the bar. She didn’t even notice it was there. It just felt so normal.

@Kbail Blake
@CrazyCaliope Steven
@bpalmer Levi She is submitting him soon


Josie continued mingling throughout the party with her assistant Francisco, but eventually they had split up to talk to other people. Everytime she passed someone it was always someone she knew, whether it was a housewife who lived down the street with four exotic cats, or someone’s husband who was having rumors spread about his shady side business. She always enjoyed hearing what was going on in their lives even it was sometimes just to get more intel on gossip.

Josie started walking across the room again when she spotted Doug entering the door and walking right toward her. Immediately a confused smile appeared on her face and she froze dramatically.

"Hey there!"He greeted.

He hugged her and she hugged him back stiffly. “It’s great to see you too…” She really didn’t expect him to be at the party but as always his presence seemed to fill up the room. The guests turned their heads to see who was talking. That was what she always loved about him, even now as a friend. Suddenly, she heard the name Sabrina slip from his mouth where everyone could hear. “Doug! What are you doing! shhhh! Lets go talk over there.” She lightly hit his arm and then gestured toward a couch across the room where hardly anyone was around.

Josie hadn’t heard from Doug much at all. Her daughter Sabrina was mostly staying with him or his family because Josie was busy trying to get her career… And marriage… Back on track. She missed catching up with him, especially when she’s supposed to spend time with Sabrina in a few days.

Josie sat down on the couch with a sigh. "Doug… Why would you mention Sabrina so loud where everyone could hear it?"She really did not want anyone to know that she had a daughter in the public. She did not want her haters to get ahold of her daughter and harass her, and having a child didn’t look good for her brand of being a youthful pop singer and reality star. People would find more ways to drag her career.

@Jass Doug

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Arrival at the party

When Josie guided them to a more quiet place, internally Doug thought here we go again. This had not been the first time where Doug had to defend himself talking about Sabrina to Josie. However, he followed her without saying a word. As he sat down, he waited for Josie to speak.

When she said he shouldn’t have mentioned Sabrina because everyone would hear it, Doug chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Josie, relax. People know I have her. I’ve never hidden that. No one’s going to bat an eye hearing me talk about Sabrina. They know she’s with me, for all everyone is concerned, her mother is not in the picture.” It hurt him a little bit to speak that truth, Doug wanted nothing but the best for Sabrina and he knew it wasn’t always easy for her to feel rejected by her mother. It was not meant as an attack on Josie however, no, he had understood Josie’s decision to not publicly acknowledge her daughter. So this comment, it was meant to reassure her that she really had nothing to worry about. He leaned in closer, lowering his voice but with a faint hint of laughter still in his tone. “Honestly, people wouldn’t look into my words. They’re used to hearing me talk about her.”

In his mind he added besides, they’d probably bat more of an eye seeing us sneak off to a quiet corner to talk than me mentioning Sabrina’s name. He, however, opted against saying that aloud. Josie seemed already anxious enough, and he didn’t want to add any fuel to that. Also because he genuinely was excited about catching up with Josie, and he didn’t want her to move on just yet with her evening.

Doug gave her a slight smile and continud with an earnest tone, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “I get it though. I’ll be more careful. How about we catch up properly now? I’ve missed our talks.”

He settled back into the couch, his demeanor relaxed and inviting. “So, how’s everything going with you? Any new projects or adventures?” He tilted his head, a genuine curiosity in his eyes. “And how’s the marriage? Last time we talked, you were working things out. I hope things are getting better.”

Doug’s voice softened as he added, “And of course, how are you doing? Really doing? I know things can get overwhelming.” He offered her a warm, encouraging smile, showing he was truly there to listen.

@kbail | Josie

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✁✃✁—=𝄂𝄄 h u n g u p 𝄄𝄃=—✁✃✁


With a playful raise of his eyebrows, Marco’s reaction to Dejay’s playful yet calmer energy gave him some sort of enjoyment to come out of his mouth. Maybe it was due to his presence or his sense to make some sort of comeback. Marco gleefully played back at his reply, alluding to the whole book allegory in a literal sense: “That’s what they call a filler, Dejay. You usually don’t add that in your book if you don’t want your audience to steer unto another author’s contents.”

Dejay’s comment did give Marco a laugh, as the compliments did stray away from his dig on certain men who play dressy by picking the queerest men with the most laughable execution. With amusement, he continued on with his ruse, “Thank you for the compliment. Though I was going for Miss Piggy, who skinned Animal, but in sequins.” Though comparing both men who dressed bodaciously, Marco added a bit of tidbit on his opinions of their styles: “Trust me when I say this: Elton John in the 70s was swoon worthy for the furs, glasses, and glitter. Liberace… is a talented pianist.”

With his flirtatious comments, Marco had nothing but a blush on his face. There was such girlish enthusiasm with the stroke of words he uttered that Marco had nothing but intrigue laced in his eyes. Coming closer to Dejay with a soft voice, he relayed, “Color me intrigued. With all these coy interactions, I’m starting to feel sweaty in these garments. Care to scandalize, add to another rolodex of those stories?” Pulling back, his eyes shifted unto the intricately placed plates with timid eyes as to withdraw his previous comment. “Of course, I’m not here to ruin someone’s life today. I’m here to fatten myself, be a size 7, and really push myself off the fashion industry.”

With his chivalrous kiss at his hand and the wink and smile Dejay gave to Marco, a blush simply wasn’t enough to display such flattered emotion. With the clink of the champagne glass, Marco felt as though a laugh had come out of his mouth. In his head, it felt as though it were loud, and he felt slightly embarrassed to think he had gained some attention by being too much on a calm evening. His laugh was fine, despite his consciousness saying so, but he had to keep some form of reservedness to avoid looking loose to others.

His emotion did run to a sour turn once Emiliano rang around the lips of every vowel he spat. Marco felt as though there was a bit of suspicion about what had happened to both of them. His eyes went shaky as soon as he saw the crease of his brow forming. He was probably curious, and yet Marco knew his agreements and kept a reserved face to hide any form of suspicion. But he still had a notion of annoyance toward Emiliano and his sudden appearance, especially. Masking his beating heart, he placed on a put as to appear mostly irked to play on his workaholic side, “Stuffing words into my mouth, I see? I did not say anything about being close. I’m more pissed at clients who necessarily don’t inform me about their whereabouts and just leave me out of the open to—” Marco coughed. Something to stop him from saying anything as his emotions would run. In a silent manner, he drank another round of champagne as to clear his throat, continuing as to what he had said for clarification: “Excuse my tone; normally celebrities who have such high standing get on my nerves to care more about their legacies and forget every single person who makes them look… presentable.”

With that, he returned to a presentable smile. With convenience, he felt as though his phone vibrated as he looked before excusing to turn the other side. In that opportunity, he had time to scroll down to look at past conversations. Further turning the other cheek to hide any content, he looked at the history and murmured to himself, “How dare he, leaving me on read. If he wanted quits, he should’ve… It’s fine. It’s fine.”

With Dejay’s efforts to shift the mood, it seems as though the good-ol’-fashioned conversation about food would calm his nerves. As with his story and his amused state flushing away past frustrations like an ocean, did he notice some form of invitation to hang out and connect for a while? With a light chuckle, he leaned in closer to tease Dejay for a bit. “I love a quaint invitation; just make sure to schedule what we’ll do instead of inviting me to watch a movie and chill. Do a picnic, hire a dancer, invite him for extra sensitivity, and aftercare.” As he went back to straighten his posture, he chipperly thought of a meal that Dejay could try out and see what his hands could make in such a dish: “Make sure to make Saltimbocca for me. I’ll make sure to inform my ancestors that you’re new to this, so they won’t curse on you and me.”

And when he thought the night would have been bad, the thought of Dejay asking for tips from Julius on fashion shook him to the core when he lightly took back his comments after a worthy contemplation of such fashions. With fear set in his eyes, he lightly touched his shoulders as Marco’s head voluntarily shook from the words that spewed out of Dejay’s mouth: “Oh, please don’t. Take the advice from me. You may be a bodyguard, but your clothing should suggest a formidable presence. That includes suaveness in your suits, down to the tailoring and detail.”

Naturally, Marco understands that wearing a suit may feel uncomfortable. And with the numerous comments on its lack of comfortability, he wonders if tailoring is a dying art or if it is just polyester, abundant in fashion. Whatever it was, he had to clear out the air of such ridiculousness in such statements, primarily to spite Emilio’s view on suits: “Men say suits are boring because they don’t know how to style them and burden themselves with a sea of monochromatic masculinity. Add a flower, give your vests patterns, experiment with the suit’s silhouette, accessorize your cufflinks, or add or toss essentials! Any variety, really. I’m not wearing a button-up and tie just because I know this is an event where water would go on my face.” Crossing his arms, he took a breather as he looked at Dejay with a look that he would give to his clients when a change of style was needed. “Yes, yes, and for an event out in the sea, I would’ve ditched the tie and made the button-up loose. It’s all to 'match the event’. I know you hide crazy gadgets here and there, but it is my job to make people look good and work around their situations.”

Hearing that Dejay was well did release any guilt on conversations falling all on him, and yet his ears rang another comment on him enjoying Marco’s company. With a playful snark, he noted, “You like the company or the invitation that goes after? No judgement; we’ve talked about the limits of my service, but I am still human so…” Marco paused as his look softened, reminding himself to make it about Dejay and not him. Still keeping up the playful ruse, albeit much softer, he continued, “But… do keep yourself safe. Don’t let the work get to you; you won’t be an efficient bodyguard if I see you limping around the lanai.”

“If you limp, make sure it’s with a strong man. God gives a good image of you using an ice pack after furious jumping,” Marco joked. He couldn’t miss the opportunity that was right in front of him.

Excited to tell what has happened to him, Marco responded, "Oh yes, I went back to New York to converse with my old boss. Talking about a new opportunity for some influencers who’ll pay good in the next New York Fashion Week. Who knows, next time it’d be Milan, Paris, or London. " His smile did fade once going to his recent activity, “Here in Beverly Shore, same old. I’ve had the usual clients here and there, but not enough to make me worthy of styling a red carpet look.” Taking a sip from his drink, he would then contemplate if the direction of his work would mean his rise or doom. There was fear, yet he couldn’t show it to Dejay, not to him. With a musing wonder plastered onto the fear beneath, he uttered, “II don’t know, man, I was told there’d be good opportunities here yet my boutique is still doing okay. I want more than okay; maybe then I’d be worthy of opening a fashion house in France. If only Marco Marco was still an original name.”

With both the boil and appetizers served, after tasting some of its appetizers, Marco naturally took a piece of the boil, eating it as he judged its taste. It was okay. Lightly nudging Dejay, he proclaimed, “I sense as though the boil was seasoned to taste. Not enough for my taste, but good enough to stuff me through the night. Although… I am interested if you are still open to that quaint invitation of you serving me food. A midnight snack, perhaps? I am craving some creamy chicken Alfredo.” Marco winked, moving on to some of the appetizers for another small bite.


@Kristi | Dejay

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Josie sighed and leaned back into the couch. Maybe she was being too hard on him. She just didn’t want any risks to happen. She leaned forward again, crossing her legs. “Okay, yeah I know. Just trying to be safe.” There were already rumors out there about her having a secret daughter and she didn’t want to give people anything else to latch onto. The only person that truly knew that she had a secret daughter was Beck, who was her producer and friend, but the people that spread those rumors were past friends who she had fell out with.

“I’ve missed our talks too Doug, but to be fair you hardly even answer your phone. You know that sometimes I’m busy but I still want to hear what’s going on with Sabrina.” It often made her annoyed when he wouldn’t pick up her phone and she would rant to her husband Sean about it. "So what’s going on with Bri?( Sabrina) How’s she doing?

Josie’s listened as Doug asked about her marriage and she sighed, looking at the floor. She always knew that if she wanted to open up to anyone about her marriage in detail, Doug was the first choice. He pretty much knew everything that was going on between her and Sean. She also felt like she could always be herself when talking to him, and it was what she needed. “I don’t know man, we’ve just been arguing so much lately…he’s just been annoying…going on business trips, stuff like that…the usual.” She rolled her eyes and shrugged. “…but whatever. It’s basically like an open marriage.” Josie explained. Even if she didn’t necessarily want it to be that way, it just happened naturally.

Sean wasn’t really fond of Doug. He always thought he was not a good father and partied too much. He also thought that he still had feelings for Josie. They would often get into arguments comparing Doug overstepping his boundaries to his sister in law Aisling, who she didn’t get along with. Sean hadn’t even told his sister in law that he technically had another child, so he really couldn’t complain about Doug.

“So yeah, what about that crazy woman you’re with…And don’t say it was a rumor.” She started laughing and covering her face. She loved messing with Doug and poking at him.

@Jass - Douggg if you want to see Sean he’s in my personal slides that are linked in the main rp post
@Caticorn - Aisling mentioned

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Hearing his endearing term ‘beautiful’ slip out, Opal glanced around quickly, making sure no one had overheard. She turned her attention back to Cole with an expression of both curiosity and concern. “You’re right, I didn’t expect to see you here,” she started to reply before lowering her voice to continue. “Missed you? I’m not sure. I enjoy seeing you when I have the change, however, things have been… busier than ever. You know how it is for me.”

Her eyes glanced around the yacht again, checking that no one was watching. Certain she couldn’t see anyone, Opal reached her available hand out to gently grip his arm. “I’m sorry to hear about your job. I know how much it meant to you.” Her tone was fill of genuine empathy. Looking at his expression, she had the feeling this was a devastating unplanned exit. One that she supposed was not the time to talk about. Instead, she retracted her hand slowly from his arm and responded, “A bodyguard, though? That’s different. But I’m sure you’ll be exceptional at it.” She paused, having a think about who could be looking, or needing a new bodyguard. No names were at the top of her mind. “So, who’s the lucky client? Someone I’d know."

@ChayChay05 - Cole

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As Bennett was at the bar drinking more, someone whispered in his ear ‘Hey there sexy’ to which he recognized the voice as none other than Isabella Lopez. He turned around “hey Bells, I was wondering if you were here or not. Want a drink or anything pretty lady?” He needed a distraction from the news that his wife just told him, and think about other things for the meantime. He knew that he and Violet needed to talk about it but he knew they would at a later time so he just wants to enjoy himself.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella Lopez

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AJ was a little late to the venue, he’d still been on the phone when driving. Hands-free, of course, but still in calls with producers and talent scouts in big productions, even commercial agents wanting names for big brands. He stepped out of his Range Rover, adjusting the collar of his black shirt under the crisp white blazer. Making sure his shirt was still tucked nicely into his coordinated white pants. He walked towards the yacht, giving a wide birth to the paparazzi’s flashing cameras and shouting questions at the stars just arriving. He was pleased his line of work meant he rarely had to talk to the press on camera.

Steeping onto the yacht, AJ scanned the crowd. He was looking for familiar faces: Quincy, Doug, Savannah, and even Faust, whom he hadn’t seen in months and hoped to catch up with tonight.
But first, AJ knew where he needed to be first and made his way directly to the bar. “A whiskey, neat,” he ordered. Turning away from the bar, he rested his back against the counter as he waited for his drink. His gaze moved across the deck, noting where everyone was. He spotted Quincy standing alone on the other side alone, wondering if ze was okay. Maybe he should talk with hir first. Doug was in conversation with a woman who looked to an ex of his; Aj wasn’t 100% sure. While Savannah and Faust were in a group conversation, perhaps that was the easiest option. The bartender slid over his drink and for now, AJ sipped it and watched the conversations and people around him.

@CrazyCaliope - Quincy mentioned
@Jass - Doug mentioned
@Kate - Savannah mentioned
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Faust mentioned




Faust took their orders like a waiter and sauntered over to the bar. When he was close enough to tell who was sitting at the bar, he smiled to himself. Just from the back he could tell exactly who was sitting at that bar, people watching while drinking a neat whiskey. But of course, who can’t tell family apart even when their back are turned to you? Faust came over behind him and put his hand on AJ shoulder. A little tame for how long they’ve been separated and how desperate Faust was to get to him, but he couldn’t exactly jump at him when AJ didn’t even notice he was near. “AJ!” He said as if AJ was a cup of water in the middle of a barren desert. “God I missed you so much!” Tears swelled up in his eyes but refused to drop down his face. They were anxiously waiting for AJ to say something sweet or endearing back to drop down and show their full appretiation.

@CrazyCaliope - AJ

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No one throws shade like the De la Cruzes- Times Magazine

”Sorry, did I keep you guys waiting?” Emiliano had asked them, and both of their responses had made Emilio want to roll his eyes, though he resisted the urge too. ‘Nope. Right on time. For when I called you, though, not your reappearance.’" Santiago had replied. In return, Emilio’s dear younger sister, Sunny had said, ‘it’s been four years, what’s another few minutes?’ he had forgotten just how petty his family could be.

“I’m actually quite an early bird,” He could have reappeared much later; in fact, it was supposed to be a few more years before he came back. If they were reacting like this to four years, they might have had a heart attack if they knew the actual duration he was meant to be away. Either way, they were still going to get that metaphorical heart attack, and possibly hate him more for not staying away until the term had finished “In more ways than one,” He mused, “Though it seems I had not been quite the early bird,” He had forced out a laugh, “Seems I’m really getting old, no?” He joked, taking a sip of his drink.

A sip that could very much ruin him in more ways than one, but oh well, it wouldn’t matter in the long run, and Emiliano De La Cruz was tired of playing it safe. His whole career had been built on the idea of being safe, of playing into the role of the American golden boy. Despite his parentage—being born to Cuban lesbian mothers—he was the epitome of the American dream- a thriving career, an all American blonde wife who came from humble origins and could relate to ordinary folks and was ‘america’s sweetheart’, the best siblings, and a tight knit friend group. Not only that he was good at sports, and had first started off playing soccer throughout his life, before he switched to American football and played quarterback for most of his high school years, while taking on roles that were bound to be received well by the public.
He had lived the perfect life, the life that was desirable and when people thought ‘America’ they thought about, that many people were able to overlook his lineage(though his mothers themselves having a strong influence in the film industry, did help as well) and considered him, to be ‘America’s golden boy’.
Anyways, the point was, he didn’t care about the effects of the alcohol, they were not to be that damaging, compared to if he smoked.

Talking about drinking, Emilano had raised his cup up as he advertised the drink to his siblings, it was some expensive wine, with a name that Emiliano find it hard to pronounce. But it was a good wine, a very good one that he thinks that his siblings should drink, so they can have fun while talking, but it seems that they were planning to have that conversation, today, without the drinks. He tried to urge them, stating that if they got the drinks, they could talk- knowing just exactly what they wanted to talk about but it seems apparently they’ve all had their drinks before inviting him here.

“And here I thought you said you wanted to catch up over some drink,” He said talking to Santiago, taking another deliberate sip of his wine, the alcohol warming his throat as he tried to steady his nerves. He could feel the tension in the room thickening, the unspoken words hanging in the air like a storm cloud and he felt the urge to maybe spill the wine on his red outfit, that way he could leave the conversation,to get something else and perhaps there would follow him and actually get some drinks- or maybe he could pour it on one of them- it would be Santiago, after all, Santiago was also wearing red.

“You know it’s a shame,” he continued, “In all my years at Beverly, I don’t think I’ve tasted a wine as good as this one. We should make sure to tip this people, the wine’s good this year, though it could be stronger.” He mused mostly to himself, before turning his attention back to his siblings. “Like Mum always said, when we were old enough to drink, the stronger the wine the stronger the bond.” He let out a chuckle, “I’ve always took it as her way of saying we should drink more together, and we really should, after all we have 4 years worth of drinking together to catch up too, but I suppose you guys already had your drinks without me.” He forced out a grin, “But really, I just don’t-'”

Emiliano was about to continue until Santiago cut him off, stating that Emiliano could have called, crossing his arms over the red of his shirt. The grin that had etched itself on Emiliano’s face fell at that, and he set his glass down, looking around the room, noticing that nobody else was there with them. All three of them were alone. Why didn’t you? Santiago continued, obvious disappointment laced in his voice and all Emiliano could about was that the drink should have really been stronger or he should have smoked before coming here. He sighed, running a hand through his hair and he wanted to say so many things-he had considered, continuing with overlooking all this, pretending as if nothing happened, and shrugging as he stated, the phone works both ways, or ignore the question and talk about something else. But they were all alone, it was just them- Emiliano, Santiago, Sunny, Mattias, with no one watching, no one trying to analyze their conversation. “I wanted to,” he admitted, grabbing his drink back up as he took a sip. It was the truth, Emiliano did want to contact them, the first year when he still had his phone, he fingers had hovered over the names, ‘first born :star:’ , ‘fake twin :beer:’, ‘she-devil :heart:’ more times than he could count. But he never pressed call.

He couldn’t press call, because then, they would ask where he was, why he had left and he couldn’t tell them for many reasons, one he didn’t want them to think of him like that, he couldn’t let him know especially, and he couldn’t. He wasn’t supposed to tell anyone until 5 months reached at least, until everything died down- or at least when they expected the shxt to die down. He would tell them he was on vacation, and it had slipped his mind to tell them he was leaving, but will be back in 7 months. Though when it was time for the 5 months, things had happened… and well, he had lost his phone and the 1 year he was supposed to be gone had lasted longer.

“I wanted to,” He repeated, his gaze flickering from Santiago to Sunny. “Things … they got complicated.” He paused, struggling to find the right words. “it wasn’t your burden, either of you” That was a lie, considering what had happened, and Emilio knew that they had deserved the right to know, but if they had really cared, they would have tried to find him-ask their mama. He had seen a picture of them, they all looked quite content, and when they realize he was back, they could have tried calling- though he doesn’t think they have his phone number anymore, he got a new phone. Though, they could have tried coming to his hotel, why the fck did he have to do everything? They couldn’t even notice that this was not the time and place to be talking about this nor did they even care to ask him how he was doing.

He reminds himself, he was the one who disappeared, was he not? He was but because, it was due to the fact that… “F*ck” He cursed, as he threw his glass to the ground, wine splattering in all directions, as the glass shattered against the floor, the sound echoing through the room like a gunshot. His chest rose and fell, as Emilio looked at the broken glass on the ground, rubbing his fingers on his forehead.

He dropped his hands to his sides, his eyes still locked on the shards of glass, his mind racing. “I…” he started, his voice hoarse. “Shouldn’t have done that,” Emiliano’s voice caught in his throat as he bent down to clean up the mess he’d made. The broken glass had cut through his skin, leaving a small, bleeding gash on his palm. He ignored the pain, focusing on gathering the shards and disposing of them, his movements quick and deliberate.

“Seven years,” Emilio announced as he disposed of the pieces into the trash “I wasn’t going to call for seven years,” he admitted, his voice strained. “Perhaps that would have been for the best,” A weird smile etched his face.

@raviola - Santiago
@Caticorn - sunny