Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Lucy smiled at Blake as he spoke. She took in his words very carefully. She couldn’t help but smile when he talked. She felt maybe a few sparks flew. It always seemed to when Blake talked to her. She never admitted it to herself or him though. He then said “I’ve been doing well actually, I just finished filming a movie so life has been pretty chill for me I would say. How has you music career been going? Tattooed freak.” She couldn’t help but giggle when he pushed her arm playfully and called her a tattoo freak. “Glad you have been doing well. Oh, what kind of movie? What’s the title?” She asked then took a sip of her drink. She then spoke again "My music career is going. Just released a new album in January. It had to of my singles on it actually. She offered him a smile before saying “Well I maybe be a tattooed freak, but you love my tattoos.” She said as she playfully nudged him back. She wasn’t paying attention to anyone else at the moment.


Tommy was sitting at the bar when he heard a all too familiar voice. It was his ex. He wasn’t sure how to feel hearing that voice. He turned his head and offered a smile back as Quincy said “Hey there, Charming. Long time no see.” He took in hir words. He couldn’t help but smile a little bigger when hir called him “Charming”. He sat there thinking of what to say. He couldn’t find the words for what felt like forever. Then finally he spoke. “It has been a while. You are looking good I must say.” A smirk forming on his lips as he took hir appearance in. He tried really hard as he sat there to think of something else. anything else to say. Then it came to him. The simplest question. “How have you been, Darling?” He said with a smile as he took a sip of his drink. He was nervous about this interaction but he tried to not let it show.

@CrazyCaliope Quincy


The sleek black Tesla Model S glided smoothly to a stop at the edge of the pier, its polished surface reflecting the glittering lights from the Yacht party and the flashes of camera. As the door opened, Violet Summer emerged, her long black dress shimmering under the flashes. The criss-cross halter style highlighted her neckline, and the black sequins on the bodice faded elegantly down the flowing skirt. She felt for Bennett Hastings’ warm hand to guide her into pack of scavengers, as she needed stability before stepping into the whirlwind of press.

When his hand was firmly in his, they willing walked in to be devoured by the noise.

“Violet, you look stunning tonight! Who designed your dress?” a reporter shouted.

Violet paused to locate the face who had asked, while trying to keep up her radiant smile. “Thank you so much! This dress is by Versace, it’s one of my absolute favourites.”

Despite being so close to Bennett, she couldn’t even hear the questions he was being asked, much less his answers to them.

“Can you tell us about your next project, Violet?” another reporter shouted, thrusting himself forward.

“I’m currently working on a new film that I’m really excited about. It’s still under wraps, but I promise it’s going to be something special,” she replied, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.

“Are you and Bennett planning any special holiday events together?” a third reporter asked.

Violet looked towards Bennett before responding, “Bennett and I are looking forward to spending some quiet time with family and friends. The holidays are all about cherishing those close to you.” It didn’t matter whether or not they were actually going to celebrate or not, it’s the answer they were wanting.

As she started to gently tug Bennett away, for them to make their way towards the yacht, when a final question rang out, “Violet, how do you manage to balance your career and your personal life so gracefully?”

Violet laughed with gentle confidence before answering, “It’s all about finding the right balance. I’m lucky to have such a supportive husband, we make a great team.” And with that, they walk towards the yacht.

Reaching the yacht and stepping aboard, Violet felt a wave of relief as they left the press behind. Dropping her husband’s hand, she took a champagne flute from a passing waiter and took a delicate sip. Immediately, she screwed up her nose slightly and handed the flute to Bennett, playfully smiling. “Well, that’s definitely not my favourite. I think I’ll stick to something else tonight. What do you think, should we find the bar and get something we both like?”


@Kate - Bennett - Hope this is okay



Today would be her third Thanksgiving as a Beverly Shores resident. Third. It had officially been four years since Naomi arrived at Beverly Shores, and she did not know how to feel. Was she elated? Yes, very much so. Ever since she was a little girl, she had dreamt about this—living in Beverly Shores, rubbing shoulders with the great, and feeling like she belonged. And don’t get her wrong, Naomi knew she belonged. She had earned her right to call herself a Beverly Shores resident through hard work. There was no denying that. But sometimes, Naomi could not help but miss how simple her life used to be.

Actually, that was a lie. Her life had never been simple. What she meant to say was that she missed her brother. He still had 13 more years in the fcking cell, and he was refusing to let her bail him out. Her thoughts drifted as she walked towards the yacht for the Thanksgiving party, her high heels clicking on the polished pavement. She wore a light golden dress, following the theme of the party, and her hair was up in a bun, show casting the hoop earrings Naomi was often fond of wearing, because it reminded her of her brother, of when things were alright between them even if it was just for a day

“Miss Álvarez, Miss Álvarez!” a voice called out, snapping her out of her reverie. She turned to see a reporter with a camera crew rushing toward her. “Could we have a moment of your time for an interview?”


“Of course,” she forced out a smile. The reporter, a young woman with a microphone bearing the logo of a major entertainment channel, beamed at her.

“Naomi, thank you for stopping. How does it feel to celebrate your third Thanksgiving in Beverly Shores?”

“It’s wonderful,” Naomi replied smoothly. “Beverly Shores has become my home, and I’m grateful for the opportunities and the community here. Every Thanksgiving reminds me of how far I’ve come and the people who have supported me along the way.”

The reporter nodded, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. “Your journey has been nothing short of remarkable. From your early days in the entertainment industry to now, you’ve faced quite a bit of scrutiny. How do you handle the constant media attention and the rumors?”

By crying, but of course that response would be childish.

“It’s not easy.” Naomia admitted, it never was. “But I’ve learned to focus on my passion and my work. The noise will always be there, but I remind myself why I started this journey in the first place. It’s about the art, the performance, and the connection with my audience.”

“Speaking of connection,” the reporter continued. “Fans report to seeing you coming out of Mr.-” By then, Naomi was already walking away, she didn’t need this- more rumors about her love life, more people making things a bigger deal than it was, always trying to snoop into her private business instead of asking about her new upcoming movies or how she felt playing those roles. It was tiring, she hated it- despised it, but she did not despise this life, it was the life- the big dream that she had dreamed about since she even knew what dreaming entailed- the dream her brother himself foretold for her, and the dream hat Naomi will keep working hard to maintain. If nothing else in her life could go well- romantic wise, platonic wise or even family life, then perhaps she can make her fame go well. She could win an Oscar

As she approached the gangway of the Yacht, Naomi let out a say, as she looked at the tall white Yacht in front of her. This, exactly this is what she had been working for all this time. Often told by people that she was not going to make it, that women like her do not make it, but here she was, wasn’t she? She had made it and she hoped that this Thanksgiving will be bright.



A mixture of emotions surged over Quincy as Tommy turned. That all too familiar smile sent a rush of memories through hir mind. Then hearing him call hir “Darling” brought a warmth that ze hadn’t felt in the past six months. But ze couldn’t swoon and let hir guard down, ze had to stay strong.
“Thanks, Tommy. You’re looking quite dashing yourself.” Quincy replied. “I’m sure you already know this.” Ze let hir eyes sweep over his attire, noting the effort he’d put into looking his best. It was classic Tommy, always knowing how to make an impression. Ze missed that.

Quincy took a moment, a breath to steady hirself and look back into his eyes before continuing, “I’ve been… good. Busy with new projects and trying to keep up with life, you know?" Ze gestured to the glamorous surroundings. “But enough about me. How have you been holding up?” Wording it this way, ze was hoping that Tommy hadn’t met anyone knew. Ze didn’t think hir could hear that.

@ChayChay05 - Tommy



Savannah rolled her eyes when he called her kid and just looked at Faust as he mentioned that he lived the show and that he only told me that when I told him I wanted to stop acting and turn to only music and that he did not want me to feel guilty for leaving. He also mentioned that he could have done both the show and Broadway. “I never said you couldn’t handle them both, I know you could. You could have told me that I wouldn’t of felt guilty, but I get it to with the whole leading actor’s and actresses leaving and the show kind of falling apart. But honestly the idea of the play that turned into the show was a good idea and it was creative. But seriously that part helped me get my name out there more. Plus you made me realize how much I love music and signing. Without you or the show I probably would only be singing still around my house or in the shower.” Savannah thought back to that day and time that she told him and realized she likes music more than acting, which was very true she does like singing more than acting but she also realized there was more to her choice. “You know I still act here and there. Not much but every once in a blue moon I will. Also, after I said I didn’t want to do the show anymore I realized it wasn’t just the music ting but there was more to it that I did not think had an affect on me but I guess it did.” Savannah then commented on the part of what happened and how he had a stalker and almost died. As well as turned to where Faust was pointing towards and she saw the bodyguard. “Oh wow yeah that is really scary to be honest. I am so sorry that you went through that. Did they ever catch your stalker? also no need to apologize sometimes it is easier to just say it all than in parts. I’m just happy you are ok physically and here still.”


Bennett Hastings- Going to be making Banner shortly

Once the Tesla stopped and they both got out of the car, Bennett went to his wife’s side and took her hand in his and held it. He could see that she was not fully ready to deal with the press even though they are completely used it. Bennett guided her trough the press and all the flashing lights but stopped when his wife stopped so she can answer some of the questions the press were asking her. As she was answering her own questions Bennett started to get pelted with questions as well. He figured while his wife answers questions he may as well so he doesn’t come off as a complete ass, but he absolutely hates the press and would love to ignore them completely or take some of the cameras and microphones and smash them so they would break and grab some of the press with his bare hands. As he waited for questions he smiled for the cameras.

Bennett, how does it feel to be attending the Thanksgiving Yacht Party with your lovely wife, Violet Summer?

“It feels amazing being here with Violet. She looks absolutely beautiful today and I could not be a happier man”

Bennett, what are your thoughts on the current state of the film industry?

“It is what it is. It changes everyday and you just need to adapt to it”

Bennett, any upcoming projects or is all your time going towards supporting Violet considering the rumours? Bennett thought to himself of course they ask about the rumours.

“I am in the talks of a project but that is all I will say right now. As for the rumours they are lies, but no matter what i will always support my wife no matter what”

Bennett, how do you and Violet support each other’s careers in the entertainment industry?

“Well communication is key and just knowing that we support and trust each other”

As Bennett was done answering that question Violet was done her questions and he knew it was time to go on the yacht. “Well that’s it for today. Bye.”

He then walked with his wife onto the yaght and once they were there she dropped my hand and took some champagne. Bennett saw her make as she was drinking it knowing that meant she did not like it and she did say it was not her favorite and she will stick to something else and asked if he thought they should go to the bar and get something they both like. Bennett held the flute and he started to drink it and finished the glass before speaking to his wife. “absolutely baby. I need something strong and good. Did you enjoy talking to the press?”

@CrazyCaliope - Violet



Tommy took in hir words and listened as she spoke. He made sure ze knew he was paying attention. Something he probably lacked a little in their relationship, or maybe he lacked it a lot. He couldn’t help but feel the breakup was all his fault. He still wasn’t quite sure how it came to an end. His mind flew back to some memories of the amazing times they had together. He kept smiling at hir as he reminisced in his own mind. He hopes his face didn’t show he was in another world all of his own. How could he not be though with the great memories popping up. He kept smiling as this one memory came back to him. Tommy drifted off into the memory as ze talked.


It was New Years of 2024. They had been together for seven months. It was their seven-month anniversary to be exact. It was a big deal for Tommy. Tommy’s favorite holiday is New Years. He always loved watching the fireworks go off. They were so beautiful. It was a new and blossoming romance. Tommy was so happy to have Quincy. See they have known each other for a while. They were friends for a while then they lost touch. Then they found each other again. This time sparks flew, and one thing led to another. They started dating. Tommy adored Quincy for so many things. Tommy had loved before. However, he never fell so hard so fast. Well in a way because they had known each other off and on for so long maybe it wasn’t so fast. Tommy had decided to share his love of New Years with Quincy.

He took hir to his favorite spot. The beach, a secluded beach to be exact. Tommy had laid out a blanket for them to sit on. He had some champagne and some treats as well. He had planned it as soon as they started dating to be honest. He really hoped Quincy would love the surprise he had set out for them. He had spent weeks on this surprise. He had some candles lit and around the blanket. He had made Quincy wait in the car while he went and lit the candles. Then he walked back to the car and told Quincy to close hir eyes. Tommy then carefully walked Quincy to the blanket. Once they arrived at the blanket Tommy said, “Open your eyes, Darling.” Quincy opened hir eyes and was amazed.

The smile on Quincy’s face said more than words could say. Tommy and Quincy sat down on the blanket. Tommy opened the beverage and poured each of them a glass. Tommy smiled and looked deep into Quincy’s eyes “I can’t wait for midnight.” He said with a smirk on his face. Quincy asked him why. He replied, “One it will be beautiful, and two I can’t wait to kiss at midnight to ring in the New Year as the fireworks go off in the distance.” Quincy seemed pleased with Tommy’s answer. They talked and held each other as the time went by. Then before they knew it was midnight. Tommy leaned in slowly for the kiss as the fireworks were going off lighting up the dark sky.

Once his lips met Quincy’s in a slow but passionate kiss, raindrops started to fall slowly. Just a little mist but it made the moment even better. After a few moments Tommy pulled away from the kiss and smiled at Quincy. He wrapped his arms around hir and asked, “How do you like this, Darling?” Quincy smiled with excitement. Then said “I love it. It’s amazing and this was so sweet of you.” Tommy smiled more and held hir tight and close as they enjoyed the rest of their evening.

Back to Reality

Tommy was snapped back to reality when he heard Quincy talk again. “Oh, What projects? Who is your manager now days?” He asked and smiled at hir. He took a sip of his drink before responding to the last part of hir question. “I’ve been good. Got my busy schedule with my clients, ya know how it is. I’m busy a lot still. and how are you holding up?” Tommy couldn’t tell hir about Helen and how he was falling for her. Especially since she was one of his clients. He didn’t want to break hir heart. So, he wasn’t going to admit that to anyone until the time was right. He smiled and sipped his drink as he waited for Quincy to speak.

@CrazyCaliope Quincy (Hope you like the memory)


Opal watched as Bennett downed the champagne flute she’d just passed him, a small smile playing on her lips. The smile soon dissipated as she let his question hang in the air a moment. “You should know better than that. Talking to the press is like walking through a minefield in stilettos,” she replied with a playful roll of her eyes. “But we’ve gotten good at it, haven’t we? A necessary evil, I suppose.” She squeezed his arm gently, before helping him by taking the empty flute from his hands. “Let’s find you a fresh one, that doesn’t taste like liquid regret.” Putting a different emphasis on the word regret, she quickly placed the flute on a passing serving tray and uttered a thank you.

She took his hand again, leading him towards the bar. A server at the bar was free and she asked, “Mineral water for me, please, in a glass. And…” She looked across at Bennett, waiting for him to order. When he had, she spoke in much softer and quieter tone, “If you see a quiet spot somewhere tonight, I would like to speak with you. It’s time sensitive, given the time of year and…” Her words trailed off as their drinks were slide across the bar to them.

She took her glass and raised it. “How about we make a toast? To surviving another round with the press and to a night that’s just getting started. What do you say, Mr Hastings?”

@Kate - Bennett

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Once Bennett finished the Champagne his wife answered his question about how it is talking to the press and he chuckled a little bit. “you are very right sexy lady, they are hard to get through and always need to be on your toes at all times. But yes love we are masters now of dealing with the press.” Violet then gently squeezed Bennett’s arm and took the empty flute and placed it on a servers tray and then took my hand and walked me to the bar. She ordered a mineral water which surprised him, as he would expect her to drink more than that once sip of champagne. Bennett then told the waiter that he just wanted a Gin and Tonic.

After he ordered his wife then said in a quiet and soft town that she needed to speak to him and it was time sensitive given the time of year. Bennett is very confused on what it could be but he felt like the fact that Violet said given that time of year he had a small hunch possibly but just thinking its probably something about the gift that females receive. “Umm okay baby” he said and shrugged his shoulders then they got the drinks and Violet proposed a toast of surviving another round of the press and the night getting started. “That sounds perfect to me right now. Also I see a couch that is open over there and no one is really around it.” Bennett says and points at the empty couch that no one is really around. As he waited to see if his wife was okay with that spot he quickly thought about if Isabella was coming or not.

@CrazyCaliope - Violet Summers
@ChayChay05 - Isabella Lopez mentioned

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Quincy felt like maybe Tommy had zoned out. He’d been smiling for a wee while, perhaps thinking about his newest relationship. They had to mean something to him with a smile that big. A mixture of curiosity with who this new person was and the undercurrent of sadness that he had indeed moved on.

All Quincy could think about was the time that they had agreed to attend their first event together, as a pairing. Tommy had organised for a limo to pick him up first and then hir. It was overcast that day, but that didn’t hinder the conversation on the journey to the event. It even started raining, but still they talked. That night, Quincy had wrapped hir chest and was wearing a classic suit. Xe adjusted their pants, the limo was about to pull up, and Tommy took hir fidgeting hand and said xe was beautiful. He said this despite hir not dressed femininely today. Quincy genuinely smiled, realising in that moment that xe was being fully accepted for who xe was. Xe pushed hirself towards him, hir lips on his. Kissing him. Moments passed as they pulled up and the driver oped the door, which is when xe pushed hirself off him and said, “Thank you”.

Quincy had a large smile on hir face when he asked about work. “Ah, my projects,” Quincy began, “I’ve got a couple of scripts in my hot little hands. Still deciding. Working with the community a lot, too, helping those who find it difficult coming to terms with their own identity.” Xe caught the attention of the bartender and ordered an Old Fashioned, then turned back to Tommy. "My manager hasn’t changed, I wouldn’t want to leave AJ. He’s a sweetie and far too dedicated.”

Hir drink arrived on the bar top and ze clasped hir hand around it. Ze needed to hold something as xe listened and thought about how busy he was with his new person. Pushing those thoughts aside, ze responded, “I’m glad to hear you’ve been keeping busy with your clients.” Ze paused, wondering if hir inflection on the last word had cause a little tension between them. Quincy voice softened when answering this next question, “I’ve been holding up. Life has been… different without you. Busy, yes, but different. I’ve missed our talks, our moments together.” Ze took a deep breath, feeling a little in disbelief that ze had just said this.

@ChayChay05 - Tommy


Opal looked suddenly over at the couch; he was correct, there was a free one. In fact, there were a few, no one was really over there at all. The weight of the her world was now pressing now on her shoulders at the revelation hanging heavily in her mind, she took a few strands of purple hair and twirled it around her finger. “You’re right, there is. There’s absolutely no reason why we can’t.” With her glass in one hand and hair twirled around the other, she walked to sit on the couch.

She took a deep breath after sitting carefully in her dress and draped her hair again. “Actually, Bennett…”, Opal started apprehensively. She took a slow sip of her water, buying herself a moment to gather her thoughts. “I… I know this might not be the best time, but it’s something we really need to talk about.” Another sip of water. Then as she continued, her speech got increasingly faster, “You know what, this is the best time at all. We should enjoy Thanksgiving. After all, we have a lot be thankful for; our careers, our fans, our… relationship. It’s a party, let’s go party.” She went to stand up again to find something go and dance or something.

@Kate - Bennett

Tommy listened attentively as Quincy talked. Nodding his head and smiling at hir. “Oh nice, projects in hand are always a good thing.” He smiled and ordered another drink. “Always good to help people. You have always been willing to help people with that.” Tommy’s drink arrived in front of him. “Glad AJ is still your manager. Where is he? Glad he is getting work for you.” He took a sip of his drink.

He continued to listen to Quincy talk. He did kind of miss hir voice. Ze was like his first true love. Tommy wanted hir to move in with him but ze refused. As Tommy took another sip of his drink, he heard what Quincy said. “I’ve been holding up. Life has been… different without you. Busy, yes, but different. I’ve missed our talks, our moments together.” He almost choked on his drink.

He replayed what ze said over in his head as he tried to think of a response.
It wasn’t that he didn’t want to respond. He just wasn’t sure what to say to hir. He didn’t want to hurt hir feelings, but he knew he needed to be honest with hir. However now… now was not the time. He took a deep breath before talking “I’ve missed out talks too. I’ve missed you staying at my place some nights as well. I totally get what you mean by it’s different without me, because mine is different without you.” He smiled at Quincy. He then decided to look around and see if he could spot Helen.

This was an awkward conversation and he needed saving. His eyes looked through the sea of people and he finally spotted her. She turned around and their eyes met. He smiled at her like welcoming her into the conversation. He really hoped she would take the hint and walk over. He then turned back to Quincy and smiled. “Lots of people here today. Some I don’t know as well as others that I do.” He said with a smile and took a sip of his drink. He really hoped Quincy didn’t read too much into him looking around the yacht to see who was all here.

@CrazyCaliope Quincy
@Tina.G Helen


As they continued talking, Blake noticed the natural chemistry that always flowed between them. He always thought that Lucy was an attractive woman and if she were single he would have gone out with her, but there was always a mental blockage since she was married. Still, his smirks and winks always slipped between the cracks. She always reminded him of his past exes and it seemed like they would have dated anyways.

"…but you love my tattoos.” Blake let out a cheeky laugh. “I mean, they’re pretty badass. Looks like you could wrestle a couple of bears or something.” He laughed again. “I’m just kidding, just kidding.” He put his hand on the bar table which was almost touching hers.

“I can’t tell you too much about the movie But… It’s an action movie…” He took a sip of his whiskey again. “I haven’t played in any action movies in a while so im excited to be in this kind of movie again.”

“You know, I heard about your new album but I haven’t gotten around to listening to it yet. I’m glad you’re still doing music.” He smirked. “Would you ever branch out to other genres or stick to country? I could see you wearing a lady gaga wig and dancing around.” He started singing the poker face song and dancing a little just to tease her.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy

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“Yeah, it’s good to stay busy. Helps the mind, right?”, Quincy agreed, trying to keep hir tone light. Ze looked around before answering, “AJ is around somewhere, or not, probably still at his office making calls like the pro he is. Constantly working, that man, but at least he’s always got my back.” After ze said it, ze realised that may have sounded like a dig at Tommy. To stop hirself from overthinking and panicking about it, ze took a quick sip and then help hir glass in both hands while listening to Tommy say he missed Quincy too. Perhaps he wasn’t seeing anyone. Was there a chance?

Looking back up to see if there was a chance, xe noticed Tommy’s eyes brighten as they locked onto someone in the crowd. No, no chance of that. Quincy followed his line of sight and saw a woman, turning around and meeting Tommy’s gaze. It didn’t take much to put two and two together. The connection between them was evident and Quincy felt a pang of jealousy mixed with resignation.
[color=#66b2b2]“That’s good to hear, Tommy,” Quincy replied, focusing on keeping hir voice steady as xe turned hir head back around. “It’s always interesting to see who shows up to these events. Networking is half the fun, right?” Xe didn’t mean to sound as cynical as it came out, but xe did.

Taking another sip of hir Old Fashioned, Quincy decided to address his new interest. “You seem pretty excited to see someone,” xe said, attempting smile. “Anyone I should know about?” Xe looked over to who xe assumed was the new person in Tommy’s life, the smile still on hir face. She was gorgeous, xe will give him that; a beautiful choice. Xe nodded hir head to her, in a gesture to welcome her over.

@ChayChay05 - Tommy
@Tina.G - Helen - HEHE. I’m excited.


Lucy smiled as Blake laughed. His laugh was infectious. She giggled when he said “I mean, they’re pretty badass. Looks like you could wrestle a couple of bears or something.” She looked at him in the eyes. Then he said just kidding. “I mean if I look like I can wrestle some bears; at least I look tough.” She giggled more as he put his hand on the bar, and it was almost touching hers. She wanted so badly to reach out and grab it so bad.

She nodded her head as he talks. She sips her drink as well. “I get not being able to tell me about the movie. Well at least your back in the action world. You always did love a good action role.” She smiled at him, and her hand brushed his as she went to sip her drink again. She smiled big as he said he heard about her album. “Glad to know you keep up with my career sir.” She winked at him. Then he asked if she would branch out. “I actually thought about doing a duet for rock, and pop” She said as she giggled at him singing and dancing.

@Kbail Blake

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Faust rolled his eyes comically. “Sav, stop being so humble, by that time the show was beneath you and I couldn’t hold you down to something that was no longer able to contain neither you or Issa. Let’s not mention it again, I did like it, I knew it was going to end because both you and Issa grew to be bigger than it, and I came to terms with it, but I didn’t want you guys to be sad or anything for following your natural path so I said I wanted to end the show to easer your own exit from it.”

Faust sighed before answering. He felt as if he was talking to Graham Norton. Like the feeling your’re interviewed by the press on a sore subject, but it’s the type of press you feel comfortable with. Still there’s this tinge of discomfort, yet he didn’t let it show and answered her questions, but with less detail than if she asked something not about the attack.
“No, the stalker is still out somewhere. I have no clue who it might be, so I thought it would be better to come here, where I feel safer, with constant surveilance, friends and most importnatly … My loving family.” He switched the subject to his family hoping to be asked about them, but then he remebered he still hasn’t talked to either of them since coming here so if he were asked something, he wouldn’t know anything except for that renovation a few years back. He turned his gaze back at Ezra, hoping to see if he would want to be introduced to Savannah. He remebered how much younger than himself Ezra was, he was even younger than Savannah, who was a teenager when Faust was finishing university, and Ezra would’ve been even younger back then, barely a teenager at 13 years old.

@Tina.G - Ezra mentioned - should I introduce Ezra and Savannah guys?


Bennett watches his wife walk a little before him and was checking her out and smiled. He then walked to the couch and sat down and with her and faced her. Before he could ask what was going on Opal started to drink her water then started to speak and she seemed nervous for some reason. Opal then tried to get out of it and stood up. Bennett took her hand in his “Babe sit down, this is clearly something important and I know your ways, so I know if you don’t say it now you probably won’t ever say it. We can go and enjoy the party after.”

It was ironic since he was hiding something from his wife that was serious but he was not ready to share what the news is, and it was definitely not the right time tonight to share that details. He loved his wife but he hated worrying her, plus he was still not sure how to feel about it. “You know whatever it is we will figure it out, and I will be right here by your side. Did you do something wrong?”

@CrazyCaliope - Opal


Savannah playfully and lightly hit Faust arm in a playful way when he said stop being so humble. As she hit his arm playfully she was listening to the rest of what he said about the stalker and the incident. He then said again that he did not want to keep us on the show when Issa and I wanted to grow bigger and our separate ways and said that he does not want to mention it again. “I’m not being humble Faus just stating facts but I get it and we will stop talking about it.”

In regards to his statements about the stalker he did state that the stalker is out there and has no idea who it is and why he decided to come back to Beverly Shores which he felt safer with the surveillance and being with friends and family. Savannah wanted to ask how his family was doing, but then she figured if she did it would lead down to the family conversation and he would ask how her family was and she has not talked or seen her family since getting emancipated at 17. Savannah saw Faust gaze in someone’s direction and was curious who it was. “Do you know that person?” She was not sure if maybe Faust was friends with the person or was having some drama.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Yes I am good with them meeting
@Tina.G - Ezra unofficially mentioned


Helen’s eyes widened in surprise as Dave suddenly excused himself, leaving her feeling lost and uncertain. She watched as he walked away, feeling like she was abandoned in the middle of a sea of strangers. She had expected him to be more… invested in their appearance, or at least pretend to be. But instead, he had simply handed her off to Tommy and walked away. It’s fine. Everything is fine. The world is still round and birds are still flying.

As she looked around, she spotted Tommy, who was already talking with a someone. Helen hesitated for a moment, not wanting to intrude on their conversation. But as she scanned the room, she realized that she didn’t know anyone else here, and Tommy was the only familiar face. Helen looked back around and their eyes met. Tommy smiled at her like welcoming her into the conversation, Helen hesitated, looking to the other seemingly beautiful woman with short brown wavy hair and a dress that hugged her edges. The person Tommy was talking to nodded hir head to Helen, in a gesture to welcome her over.

Helen took a deep breath and mustered up her courage, feeling a mix of trepidation and curiosity. She didn’t know what was going on or what to expect, but Tommy’s friendly demeanor and the other woman’s warm smile made her feel like she was being included, if only slightly. Helen made her way over to them, trying to appear confident and composed, even though her insides were still reeling from Dave’s sudden departure.

“Hello,” Helen said waving, her smile finally reaching her eyes. Helen realized that xe was even more beautiful up close. Helen extended a hand to xe, “hi, I’m Helen Bannarasee.” She offered politely, wondering if Tommy had mentioned her at all. She glanced at him.

@ChayChay05 Tommy
@CrazyCaliope Quincy (Helen thinks Quincy is female, so that’s why she references xe like that)

Mentions ~
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Dave


✁✃✁—=𝄂𝄄 3 6 0 𝄄𝄃=—✁✃✁


What a boring day. Another sketch of his idea was once again crumpled by his expectation of making a form of statement to one of his clients. The task was quite simple with the orientation that he had managed, and yet, his motivation and creativity were at his wit’s end. Feeling a sharp pain from the back of his neck, Marco took a halt on his project and went on to his journal to find a suitable time to go back and continue this project with a fresh mind. As he finished writing, he took a good look at his drawing room and saw bottles of brandy and crumpled paper scattered among the wooden floors. Picking up the mess he had made, a recollection came into his mind of the Thanksgiving Yacht Party that would take place tonight. At this age, he found himself secluded in his home, managing his boutique, and went out to parties a few times to meet with the neighbors. With a craving to go out and enjoy his 30s, he finally declared to himself that he would finally go out and be the person he was back in New York.

At an event that focused on a yacht, Marco sketched a plan for what he would wear to gain attention. Of course, he had to note: the invitation’s note on the color scheme, the environment, the weight and texture, and a suit that fits this’surrounded by the ocean’ vibe. He had a perfect suit for it, custom-made when he was invited to a New Year’s event, lucrative enough so as not to be noticed that it was reused. Searching in his closet, he pulled out each zipper to peek at the contents until he finally found what he was looking for: a nice bedazzled red suit with a shine that was as luminous and smooth as spilt red wine. Marco debated whether or not he would wear a blouse, but soon decided to go bear as he would be in a place where a pool and an ocean surround him. Jewelry was kept simple to give attention to the suit, along with pushing his hair back to give a cleaner, lean look in an otherwise baggy silhouette. With a touch of red makeup, a spritz of perfume, and a nice red shoe, he watched the local news as he planned to arrive at the yacht ‘fashionably late’.

With enough time in his hands, he went for a quick stop in a place where he would get the borrowed jewelry a friend had borrowed for an event. Before leaving, however, a tall man with hair as wild as a lion’s mane came upon him face-to-face. The man did introduce himself, delighted to see a friendly and handsome presence. After his introduction, Marco gave a subtle smile and said, “Marco Manzo. Stylist. Pleased to meet you.” With a swift hand, he pulled out a calling card to give to Blake, signaling a possible client in his hands.

Arriving just slightly late enough for the guests to arrive, his arrival gave a bit of attention to the paparazzies with his outfits. Pictures and some smaller interviews happened as he knew that his status couldn’t be compared to the celebrities, as much as he wished to get that kind of recognition, and so he went on to the yacht at lightning speed. In the casual background of other guests conversing and making some form of connection, Marco trolled along the yacht to bask in the view and look at some of the choices the stars and the scene had made for this event. Hearing some dramas and escapades is common in a room full of personalities, yet his eyes were focused on the clothing and what it entails about their tastes. Some were deserving of a nod, while there were others that did nothing but pucker his lips through the choices and basicness. And they say stylists are quite useless, yet here they are, lightly mumbling on his lips as he felt that he had perused enough.

After window shopping on the hottest and coldest fashions of Beverly Shore, a drink from one of the waiters was enough to quench his thirst as he basked in the view of the ocean. Nearby, he saw Emilio on the side as his grand entrance caused some form of commotion in the crowd. Of course, the golden boy himself would go around and make an ostentatious act. Such is the life of a celebrity. His heart took a beat when Marco finally saw his face, and yet, there was something he could not get out of his chest. A burning sensation. He had to talk to him; he really had to. Going to a vicinity somewhat near his presence, he noticed another familiar face. Dejay.

Sitting next to him, he had hoped that he would notice him by chance, as Marco knows that he has a certain type of energy that attracts and stays. Nothing. With his presence not acknowledged, he went on to clear his throat so as to circle Dejay back to reality. Still, no effect. Marco, slightly irritated, wondered who he was so transfixed by, only to look in the direction of Emilio. Of course, he is his bodyguard, after all. Bothered by the lack of attention from a good friend of his, he lightly flipped his fork so as to shock Dejay out of his trance. Finally, he did take action. Upon wiping the fork, both eyes met, with one having a face of realization on who he had given the fork to: “Thank you, such a gentleman. If only men are as courteous as you are.”

That playful tone in his throat was reinvigorated by the sight of him. A charming smile came upon Marco as he lightly teased Dejay in a coquettish manner. “Seems like we don’t know each other, eh? I’d be the first one to tell you that I’m Marco. What’s yours, handsome?" Letting out a laugh, he took a sip from his drink as he wondered something from the looks of Dejay when he was in pilot mode. Still keeping up that playful tone, Marco noted, “t seems like you were in pilot mode back there. Anything to look out for? Is it… him?” He continued on as he cleared his throat, “Is he… doing alright? Something’s fishy, and it’s not the ocean.”


@Kristi | Dejay

@Kbail | Blake (mentioned)


Tommy smiled as Quincy smiled at Helen welcoming her over. This did mean a lot to him. Helen was a beautiful woman with long brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. However, one she was a client and two she was technically dating his other client, Dave, well as far as the world knew. Tommy did wonder where Dave had gone. Did he run off for another woman. Tommy’s mind started racing. He felt his breath caught up in his throat as Helen introduced herself. Tommy looked to Quincy then back over to Helen. Boy was he in trouble with this conversation. However, he knew how to navigate it to go without a hiccup; or so he hoped. He smiled at Helen “So, Helen do you want a drink?” He asked her and then turned back to Quincy. “Quincy, Darling, meet my newest client, Helen.” He was a little nervous as to how this was gonna go.

He wondered what Quincy thought about Helen being his client. He wondered what Helen would think of Quincy. He wasn’t sure why he was so nervous, maybe it’s because he has feelings for them both. Maybe it’s because he is scared his feelings for Helen might be stronger than his feelings for Quincy. Even though he has longed for Quincy a good bit over these last eight months since their big fight and breakup. His mind was racing, and he decided to down his drink. He waited for Helen’s response about the drink before ordering another for himself.

@Tina.G Helen
@CrazyCaliope Quincy (I’m excited for this)



Ezra was a good body guard. Actually, great. Which was why he knew better than to eavesdrop on his newest client, Faust. Okay, well, look like he wasn’t eavesdropping. He had to be eyes and ears and everything in between. Ezra even pretended he had a psychology degree, he’d learnt to read people like a book. Although Faust had looked back at him several times, he seems at least comfortable in the conversation with Savanna Healy. Yep. He knew her. Ezra had done his homework on Faust, and everyone he had connections too or possible connections. So, when Savanna said, “Do you know that person?” and Faust kept looking to him, Ezra strode over.

Ezra didn’t hesitate to intervene, approaching them with a firm tone. “Ezra May,” he said, his voice commanding attention. He maintained a professional demeanor, deliberately avoiding any flirtation or friendly tone with her. Ezra was all about maintaining a level head and keeping his emotions in check—it was essential for his job. He almost felt giddy over his professionalism hiding under his stoic expression.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Faust
@Kate Sav