Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Josie couldn’t help herself, she let out a small laugh. This man was very persistent almost like a puppy dog. She smirked and leaned in a bit closer. “Oh really?” The next thing he said about wondering if she married for money made her laugh as well. “I definitely haven’t married for money, but it doesn’t hurt to have some stability and the ability to be spoiled does it?”

As Shaun talked about his new managing venture and explaining why he hasn’t been in any new movies this year, Josie could feel herself getting uninterested. She almost wanted to know what he would say if her husband just walked up to them, but obviously that couldn’t happen since her husband was on another business trip. Still, she imagined Shaun getting choked up just at the sight of her husband standing there. The thought of that made her almost chortle.

“Well, that’s a great business move. Becoming a manager.” She let out a deep breath as if talking to him was strenuous.

“Look babe, my music career is going fine. I don’t need any connections but thanks.” She rolled her eyes and started paying attention to the people around them. “Well it was nice… Talking to you…” She started walking away with Francisco, getting lost in the crowd to go mingle with others.


@Tina.G poor shaun lol

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Opal turned and looked into Bennett’s eyes as he took her hand, feeling reassurance in his grip as he gently pulled her back to the couch beside him, saying it clearly can’t wait. Letting out a small sigh once she was sitting, she smoothed out her dress with her free hand. The words she had been rehearsing in her mind didn’t seem the right ones now that she was in the moment. Still holding onto Bennett’s hand, she lifted her free hand to her hair, her fingers began twirling strands of purple. “You know, this reminds me of the last time we were at an event like this. Remember? That charity gala where you spilled red wine on my dress, and we spent half the night trying to clean it off?” She chuckled nervously, trying to ease into the conversation. “I was so mad at you deep down, I think you knew that, at least you did when we got home. But your suggestion for how to fix the stain was to ripe the dress off me and well, you know what you did.” She smirked.

“I’m happy it happened that way in the end,” Opal’s voice trailed off as she stared into her glass of water. She took a sip to find the courage to continue. “Bennett, I’ve been thinking a lot these past few days. About us." She glanced up at him, trying to read his face. “There’s something I need to tell you and I haven’t known how to bring it up. Bennett,” Her voice trembled a little on his name. “I’m pregnant."

Pausing a second to watch his reaction, she quickly continued before he could speak, “I… I don’t know if I’ll keep it. My thought is to abort it. That thought makes me cringe and I don’t understand why, but I’m also terrified about what this means for my career, for us, for everything.” Opal took a deep breath. “I don’t want to burden you with this right now, especially tonight, but I couldn’t keep it from you any longer. I’m scared, Bennett. I don’t know what to do.”

@Kate - Bennett

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Quincy kept the smile on hir face as Helen walked over. Ze watched Helen, taking in her red cocktail dress that fit her figure perfectly, her skin that looked ever so clear, at least with the case of well-applied makeup, and xe noted the way Tommy’s eyes lit up at her arrival. When Helen extended her hand, Quincy took it gently and responded, “Hello, Helen. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Quincy.” Ze introduced hirself, trying to remain cordial despite the awkwardness xe felt. “I don’t believe I’ve seen your face around before. Have you been hiding away?”

Hir eyes flickered to Tommy as he introduced Helen as his newest client. A rush of relief mixed with lingering suspicion washed over hir. So, she was just a client. But then, why did he look so nervous. Quincy wouldn’t have suspected nervousness if she hadn’t just watched Tommy down his drink, but still, xe maintained hir composure. Ze couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to their relationship than just professional ties.

Turning back to Helen, Quincy tried to continue with small talk. “So, Helen, what brings you into Tommy’s capable hands? Are you new to the industry or just looking for a change in representation?” Quincy took another sip of hir Old Fashioned. Ze hoped that by keeping the conversation lightly focused on Helen, xe could gauge more about her relationship with Tommy. At the same time, ze struggled with the pang of jealousy, trying to remind hirself that Tommy’s clients were just that; his clients. Quincy added, “Tommy is great at what he does. You’re in good hands.” The words felt slightly forced to hir, but hopefully only to hir! Xe felt a little paranoid now and started to fidget with the hem of hir dress.

@Tina.G - Helen - That’s totally fine and completely understandable. Without knowing, people make assumptions, it’s human nature. It’s only when a person is told and still makes the error that can look bad. Although, one or two mistakes occasionally is okay. (wink)
@ChayChay05 - Tommy - Me too. ME TOO! HEHEHE



. “Welll, Emiliano is already someone that seems to have caught everyone’s attention”

Of course he had, Silas mused to herself. “He is hollywood’s prodigal child after all,” Disappeared for four years, just like that. Like damn Though Silas was never one to get caught up in the lives of others – she’d admit, snooping into other people’s affairs was entertaining – she did wonder where Emiliano De La Cruz had vanished all these years. Even her uncle had asked about his disappearance when Silas finally secured a spot in Beverly Shores a year ago. All she could say was, Man, how the hell am I supposed to know? Does it look like his lordship and I were besties in middle school?" That had of course earned her a mean mug from her uncle, who had gone on to explain himself, saying that he had meant if she had heard any rumors about his disappearance in Beverly Shores. But Silas had heard nothing, except the whispers about him getting hooked on fentanyl and dumping Winsley to marry another woman. It didn’t sound too plausible, but if it was true, that was funny as hell. 'Disappeared for four years and shxt, he’s bound to have people’s eyes on him. Especially after the fentanyl rumors."

Silas glanced at Emiliano, searching for any signs of him possibly being a crackhead. But to her, he looked fine. As someone who grew up around a lot of crackheads and had played around with drugs herself, Silas could tell Emiliano had definitely not touched any drugs.

“Don’t think he’s doing drugs though, if he is, damn the mf hides it well,” Silas said with a small chuckle. Beck had asked if Silas personally knew Emilio and she shrugged, “We don’t run in the same circle, Mam, and even if I could have gotten the chance to meet him here, I came here a year ago, he already disappeared by then.” She pointed out, listening to the rest of Beck’s question. She did agree that it was strange how he had disappeared for this long, but then again, he could have needed a break from Hollywood- he had like 5 projects coming out in a year before he disappeared from what Silas had heard, like Silas did not think it would be possible for her to produce 5 albums in a year- it’s been 2 years since she’s dropped her sophomore album after all, and according to Dasinners 2 years too long.

Silas thought that sometimes, the world just demanded too much. People tended to forget that entertainers where humans too (but then again the reason why Silas hasn’t yet dropped her third album despite the album almost being ready was due to laziness more than a lack of motivation) Moreover, Emiliano probably needed to breathe, to step back from the madness that had swallowed him whole. And maybe, just maybe, he was out there finding a piece of himself he’d lost along the way. Sht like that ain’t selfish, though it was uncalled for not to tell your family where you were going. “Probably needed some time to breathe,” Though four years a lot of time. "can’t blame him, besides who are we to judge? We don’t even know why he truly left, but enough about him.’ Silas said turning to Blake as she flashed her a smile. . “Producing going well for you?”


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Isabella had her award-winning smile on still as she looked Isla in the eye. She really wondered why the hell her ex was here. Like of all places. Why did Isla have to be where Izzy was. She could tell that Isla had a fake smile on and that she was playing nice. She took a deep breath before responding. “Nice to see you too. I’ve been fantastic and you?” Isabella asked with a grin on her face. She took a sip of her drink and waited to see Isla’s next move. Would she be honest with Isabella? Would she lie to Isabella? She knew this probably would get awkward before long. She kind of wished Rowan would come swoop in and save her from this humiliating conversation. Isla and Isabella ended on not so good terms. For Isabella. Well Isla being her first actual relationship… It was hard for Isabella to stand here and play nice. Yes, they had some great memories. They had great times. However, to Isabella the bad outweighed the good. “So who are you working for nowadays?” She asked trying to keep the conversation light and polite but not too personal.

@Kbail Isla (I’m sorry if it isn’t good)

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Rowan


The city of angels, they call it. The city shone like the gold shimmer on Violets earrings, the golden ones she chose in adherence to the dress code. Her dress hugged her curves in a bit of a raunchy way for a woman her age, but her body looked nothing over 28, with the top of her full breasts exposed. She had a slim waist and perfect abdomen concealed by the fabric, as well as defined hips, and toned legs that were almost fully exposed by the length of the dress, or… lack thereof, combined with its sleek slit. It was a bit short, but she had always been the most controversial out of the Wallaces.

Contrary to the suggestion of her “clout-chasing” tendencies, Violet, better known as Celeste Wallace, did not become an actress for fame. Truly the best part of her career was the craft itself. She was bewitched by the appeal of dedicating her life to the things that she loved most; obviously the scene and being a part of it, but did not exclude having a luxurious and meticulously planned style, and viewing and tweaking the cinematographic aspects of her films with the crew. Truly, she would have been a producer if it were not for the household’s name. Though it was not much of a household, as the sisters were past the point in their life where they lived together.

Currently, she shared ownership of her home with her husband, Isaac Hyde, renowned member of the Static Sun band that had conquered the musical charts of the 2010s. Isaac, like her, was also quite the artist, so his craft had more substance than just taking his shirt off and appearing like the ideal boyfriend for every teenage girl, although that was definitely a part of it. He was always a bit more of a punk, her favorite thing about him despite its lack of appeal to the posh, stainless actors that often surrounded her. Fans often think that she chose him because he was the only person she could be uncensored around, like a breath of fresh air. Then there was also that ambrosial tattoo on his neck that could almost begin to fade considering how often she pressed her tongue against its ink. She never did let him forget how much she cherished him.

It is clear that she is not a vanilla-flavored woman, in fact she would better be described as something like hibiscus, for its hot pink stain and popularity in her native region. She was publicly bisexual, although she seldom got around to dating women, and dressed a bit uncoventionally as well. Despite her differences, however, she was still a Wallace by name, at least to the public. She liked to limit the number of people who knew her real identity.

Her sisters were at their houses readying themselves as well, although maybe they were together, there was always some sort of exclusion going on between the three of them. She hoped they were not alone, after those awful divorces they both went through, they must have been spending many nights by themselves. At least Claudia had her children, sometimes it was hard to believe that they were so much older now, as she had known them since they were children.

“Baby, what did you put on? I need to approve,” she said a bit demandingly. Some could say that Violet was controlling, but how could she not be? Isaac had a tendency to be significantly more outlandish than she was, with his always-speaking mouth and musician sense of self-expression that his stylist only fueled (practically a walking personification of ADHD). He walked into the room, and she was pleasantly surprised, opening her arms to gesture. “So good,” she said, cutting her sentence on both edges like The Valley girl she once trained to be. He walked up close to her so they could speak, and sparks laced with heat flew between them, it was a good thing they still had chemistry.

“You look very handsome,” she said, composed. There was no need to address their tension because they were supposed to be seeing her sisters soon, and they had already woken up quite passionate in the morning. “Shall we go?” Violet smiled, and after he agreed, they went to leave the house, briefly saying goodbye to their children. Little Skye was about to turn 3 years old, and Xander, the funny son, was showing off that he could put up his light brown hair into a ponytail at the top of his head. Her oldest, however, Francisco’s daughter, had to be found in her room to get her kiss goodbye. She was very complex for a nine-year-old, and Violet pitied that. Out of her three babies, Lila was the most like herself. She knew she was the odd one out, her little brothers were a bit younger than her, and her dad wasn’t theirs. She didn’t get to see hers as much, either, because he was always on tour, and so she had to stay with her mom. It was a pain that she both empathized and identified with, as she never knew her father growing up as well, not until she found out she was a Wallace as an adult. It hurt having to leave her alone for events like this, but she had to hope that a kiss goodbye was enough; that they did not forget about their parents when the Nanny was let in by the maid.

She brushed her hands over the white fabric on her hips when she left Lila’s room, dropping the melancholy for a more professional mood, her face resting like she would look great no matter how the paparazzi might try to catch her by surprise. She went to Isaac, waiting for her in the grand living space of the house. They had designed their home themselves, so instead of sofas or anything of the sort, they had a little conversation pit beside where her husband stood. The house was stunning, brought together by different textures and hues making its modern, euphoric silhouette. Celeste took one last heel step to where Isaac stood, and took in hers his tough hand to tell him she was ready to lead. As expected, he had not put much of an effort into saying goodbye to the kids. She turned to face him before they left, give him a small smile, and there was a depth in her eyes that he seemed immune to, giving her a casual nod in return.

Outside of the door, they reached the white polished-stone land of what they would sometimes call a front porch, walking down the grand steps to the black limousine that waited for them. Claudia had already sat in the vehicle, and Cameron was walking in its direction as well. Celeste looked to Cameron with a knowing expression, like she knew that they would soon be quarreling, but neither of them were disposed to be openly vile. Quickly, however, her gaze drifted to the chauffeur opening the door for them. She squeezed Isaac’s hand to keep him in place, and they let Cameron enter first. Then, she lowered her head with as much grace as she could to get into the black car, sliding onto the leather seats with ease. Isaac followed, and sat next to them, but the subtle war had already began. She looked at both of her sisters, and smiled brightly, she still wanted to act peaceful at first, then throw away their insults with weak jokes later. “You girls look beautiful!!” Celeste beamed. Perhaps one should say that she should feel intimidated by the sisters, as she was the odd one out, but on the contrary, she viewed it as a reason to try harder. Where she did not fit in, she swiveled in like a snake.

Limousine idk
@idiot.exe husband
@novella cameron
@cerealkiller claudia and nacho



“Ezra is my bodyguard. I felt the necessity to get one after what happened.” Okay, so Faust was okay with people knowing Ezra was his bodyguard. Or that he had a bodyguard in general. Ezra kept that knowledge in his back pocket. “Can you believe it, he’s younger than me. He’s even younger than you.” Ezra’s lip quirked up for a second, but quickly let it fall away. “Well nice to meet you Ezra, i’m Savannah Healy or also known as Blair London.” Ezra politely reached his hand out to shake hers, something he wouldn’t normally do to a clients friend, but he didn’t want to leave a bad taste in her mouth as Faust seemed to enjoy her company.

“So how long has Ezra been working for you? Also Ezra what made you want to be a bodyguard?” Ezra listed to Faust answer. But he couldn’t help it, he smiled. “After I was discharged the second time I decided to settle down for family. I guess I needed something similar, but different? Something with a similar amount of discipline and structure.” Something with clear cut rules, something I knew..

@LunaticLeviTheSecond Faust
@Kate Savannah


“Hello, Helen. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Quincy.” Quincy gently shook Helen’s hand, “I don’t believe I’ve seen your face around before. Have you been hiding away?” Helen smiled, her nose scrunching up slightly. “Oh, no, I actually just moved to Beverly Shores. It’s been quite a change, but one I’m grateful for.” Helen said politely, really trying to keep it light. To banish the awkwardness she was internally feeling.

“So, Helen do you want a drink?” Helen didn’t typically drink, but she would be glad to have something in her hand. “That would be great, thanks. Anything is fine.” Helen just listened as Tommy continued. “Quincy, Darling, meet my newest client, Helen.” Oooh Helen thought. This must be Tommy’s special someone. He had never mentioned anyone, but then again, he was only her manager. Helen relaxed a bit, if Tommy liked xir then ze was probably pretty nice. Chill. Helen trusted Tommy’s judgment.

“So, Helen, what brings you into Tommy’s capable hands? Are you new to the industry or just looking for a change in representation?” Helen slipped her hands around her glass, she loved this question. “I suppose I am now. I was originally based from Thailand as a model, so I know how the system works there. But I needed a bit of a leg up here, and Tommy has been my saving grace. I had actually met him some years ago, when I came to the United States for a movie. But the odds we ended up together—working together again? Saving grace.” Helen took a small sip. “Anyway, he’s been helping me around the acting world here.” Helen smiled proudly, looking over to Tommy. “Tommy is great at what he does. You’re in good hands.” Helen nodded, “I agree, I appreciate you so much, Tommy.” She beamed.

@ChayChay05 Tommy
@CrazyCaliope Quincy :raised_hand::sob:


Once Bennett looked and her and held her hand as in to staying stop don’t walk away Opal sat back down on the couch and continued to hold hands. He noticed that Opal was twirling her hand with her fingers and she does this sometimes when she is nervous about something. She then mentioned about the Charity Gala where I spilt red wine on her dress and how upset she was and how that night ended. “Oh yeah baby I remember that night very well, and I knew you were mad at me, hence why i was trying to help get that stain out. Even if we got it out I knew you would still be mad but I tried. That was a wonderful suggestion I had when we got home, still think it was the best decision.” He smirked at her and then gave a little playful wink as she drank her water.

Opal then continued speaking after drinking her water and said she has been thinking the last few days about them and he was really nervous thinking he did something wrong or that she was going to say that she wants a divorce. Opal then said the words that Bennett never expected to hear which was that she was pregnant. Bennett’s eyes went wide really fast ad he froze basically, he did not even know that they could have kids and they talked about it saying they were fine with not having kids and focusing on there careers. Opal also mentioned that she is not sure if she will keep it and thought about aborting it which makes her cringe at the thought but she is also scared about what it would mean for career and just everything. Bennett took a minute or two to compose himself from the shocking news. “Hey hey hey honey we will figure this out ok. We can talk about this later when we get home or tomorrow, but no matter what, we will come to a decision together. I am shocked of the news to be honest and a little scared myself but it will all work out in the end on whatever decision that we make. I do appreciate you telling me though. For now let’s go and enjoy ourselves and later or tomorrow we can talk more about this.” Bennett hugs her for a moment so that way she knows he isn’t upset and he figured she needed the comfort eve for a moment. “But come to think of it, it now makes sense why you did not really like the Champagne and why you got water instead of another beverage.”

@CrazyCaliope - Opal/Violet


Tommy smiled as the two of them talked. It seemed to be going pretty well so far. Once Helen answered, Tommy got her a glass of bubbly and himself something a little stronger. When the bartender made the drinks, Tommy handed Helen hers. “Here you go Helen.” In this moment Tommy wanted nothing more than to call Helen “baby” but he knew he couldn’t. Tommy noticed the way Helen looked when he called Quincy darling. “Helen, Quincy is my ex.” He smiled at both of them. He didn’t think about that possible hurting Quincy’s feeling in the moment. He didn’t want Helen to think there was something going on between him and Quincy, since there wasn’t. However, at the same time he didn’t want Quincy to think more was going on between himself and Helen either.

Talk about a love triangle. Tommy thought this kind of thing only happened in the movies. He never dreamed of it happening in real life and even less about it happening to him. As he stood there with his drink in his hand. He thought about Quincy knowing he was nervous. He really hoped that both of them couldn’t sense it. He usually knew how to keep his composure. However, in this moment he seemed to be losing it faster than an alligator moving in the water towards their prey.

As Quincy talked to Helen, Tommy smiled and took a big gulp of his drink. He couldn’t believe the question Quincy had asked. However, it was just a normal question. He was just over thinking things. He smiled confidently as Helen responded to Quincy. when she said "But the odds we ended up together—working together again? Saving grace.” Hearing Helen saying the words “we ended up together” made him smile so big. He just hoped Quincy was too busy paying attention to Helen to notice the big dumb smile on his face.

His smile didn’t go back to normal as Quincy said “Tommy is great at what he does. You’re in good hands.” Then Helen’s reply was just as sweet. He blushed a little as both of them said nice things about him. “Well thank you both for the kind words.” He normally had so much more to say than this. Why was he at a loss for words in this moment. Part of him wanted to hold Helen’s hand. The other part of him want to kiss Quincy on the cheek. He knew however that he couldn’t have them both at once. Even if that’s what he wanted.

@CrazyCaliope :eyes: :face_with_peeking_eye:
@Tina.G :eyes: :face_with_peeking_eye:



“So how long has Ezra been working for you?” She asked. Faust felt like he already said that he got him due to the accident, which he did mention, but he realized she probably just missed it. “Well, I hired him almost immediately after the accident.” This was one of the few questions Faust could answer about Ezra. He hoped she doesn’t ask anything more or anything he doesn’t know becuase … Well he hasn’t gotten to know Ezra at all yet which is odd because he’s been around him and he’s known him for 3 months already, which would be plenty of time to get to know somebody. Thankfully Ezra answered the next question himself. “Ezra, have you ever listened to Blair’s music before? Or have you heard of Blended Beats on Disney?” Faust thought of Ezra as handsome but shy and unsociable, so he thought introducing him to somebody as sweet and cute as Savannah to help him out of his shell. Faust has nothing against people being shy, but he hates how he’s never had a propper conversation with Ezra and he’s still a stranger to him, so he wants him to relax his unsocial behaviour a bit with Faust’s friends and family to get him comfortable enough so they would be more than acquintances. It was important for Faust because Ezra has his safety in his hands, and Faust wants to know him better to completly trust him for this type of business.

@Kate - Savannah
@Tina.G - Ezra

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⋆。˚⭒ ⋆ 𐙚 ⋆⭒˚。⋆

Evangeline looked out at the ocean, the sun shining in the sky. She loved the sound of the waves as it helped her feel more relaxed in a place like this, where the loud music and everyone’s conversations could be heard. Still mesmerized by the view, she hardly noticed the voice that called out to her, startling her a bit.

She turned, a smile tugging at her lips as she recognized the figure approaching her. It was none other than her ex-boyfriend, Dave. Eva had met Dave before she even became famous. He would go to the club she used to dance at, so it was no secret they had their fun times. She wasn’t sure how she ended up in a relationship with him, but she could definitely say he was very attractive. Dave was tall and fit, which made Eva, with her petite frame, feel protected. She loved that when she was with him, no one would dare touch her. Their relationship didn’t last long, though. After she became well known, their careers clashed a lot, and they barely had time for each other, which was, you could say, an advantage for Eva as she had been thinking of breaking up with him a very long time ago… but of course, she would never admit that to him.

“Oh wow, what’s up, Mr. Tall Man! It sure has been a while,” she said, using the nickname she had coined to tease him during their relationship. “You look very red; I like the suit,” she joked again. Eva had to admit she was surprised to see him here. It wasn’t that she felt inferior to him, but over the past few years, she had become familiar with almost every A-list celebrity. Then again, ever since she broke up with Dave and started dating Santi, she had stopped keeping track of what Dave was up to.

“I’m surprised to see you here. Shouldn’t you be in one of your tournaments or something?”

⋆。˚⭒ ⋆ 𐙚 ⋆⭒˚。⋆

@LunaticLeviTheSecond dave


Isla decided that she was going to be tough and not back down. She let out a deep breath, smoothing down her bun. She could hear the sarcasm riddled in Isabella’s tone, and it made her nervous. She had a right to be upset after all since it did look like she was stalking her. Isla had never said that Beverly Shores was a good place to move to, so it definitely looked like she only moved there for her. “Look Isa- i mean… Isabella…I know what this looks like but I moved to Beverly Shores to have a fresh new start. It had nothing to do with you.” Welp that was partly a lie but Isla made sure to have a calm demeanor to not show her true feelings. Deep down she was happy to be exchanging words with her again.

“So yeah, I just wanted to put that out there, But um… I was able to find another celebrity to bodyguard for and that’s been going well. I’ve also still been doing well as an influencer.” Isla awkwardly nodded her head. “What about you? How’s your… Acting career been going…” Isla already knew how her acting career’s been going since she had been keeping updated on her career in the media. She even saw articles that had rumors about a relationship with her costar.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella

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Always in every type of relationship there is one person who loves the other more. Even in a rivalry there’s a person who hates the other less, which also means they love the other more. In this case and at the end of their relationship, that was Dave. See but Dave was missing one big information … All the feelings he had for her right now … That was the good memories he missed, but it was all the bad memories and the reason they broke up in the first place, that he subconciously doesn’t remeber and he doesn’t remeber how alone he felt by the end of their relationship when it became tiresome to work aorund a schedule to be able to see her.
“Oh, the suit?” He asked while looking down at his suit before facing her again and saying “Well I was just matching my … my girlfriend” The words were hard for him to say at first, but when he got it out it became incredibly simple. “Remeber my co-star from the rom com I did in 2018? Yeah, I’m doing another movie with her so we kind of reunited on set and … one thing led to another.” He said. “Yeah, my soccer career is pretty much over because I’m getting too old for it. I can’t play like I used to, but that’s the dillema of every soccer player in their 30s. So, I decided, or more so I was advised, to go back to acting. Who knows, maybe It’ll work, and if it doesn’t I’ll have to find some other job becuase being a soccer player is pretty much over and I can’t go back to it.”

@sunflowerjm - Eva

It had seemed, indeed, that at the moment Dejay realized who it was he had helped pick out a fork for, Marco had been waiting for Dejay to notice him, and that had made Dejay’s eyes flush with an expression that appeared quite boyish in its embarrassment. Marco was not offended, of course he was not, but he had been frustrated in waiting so long to be noticed, it seemed, because after all, he did give him a snarky remark to which all Dejay could do was smile as he responded,

“It was not a very gentle man behavior of mine to ignore your presence,” A statement, one followed by an apologetic look, “I’m sorry,” He apologized.

Perhaps Marco had not intended to prompt an apology—it would make sense if he didn’t—but Dejay had always found it better to apologize than not to when someone was visibly bothered by his behavior. It always tended to give them a sense of righteousness, of importance in his life, that Dejay rarely contradicted. “Am I forgiven?” His tone had been light, and his expression amused, all the boyish apologetic nature of his disappearing as he now expressed himself as a man- a man with lightheartedness and jokes of his own.

The jokes, of course, to match the one’s that Marco tended to throw his way. For example, due to Dejay’s accidental ignorance of his presence, Marco had questioned if they truly did know each other and had introduced himself as if they were strangers, but they had done quite a lot of things together to ever be considered strangers. “Dejay Sean Sinclair,” He grinned, playing along with Marco’s ways. “It’s a pleasure to see such a charming face in the party, I worried that it will be tinged with it’s usual dullness,” He had said the last part in a whisper, as if hoping not to be heard by the rest of the crowd.

Of course, Dejay, always the wise, had known that this Thanksgiving Feast shall not be as dull as it usually was- due to the re-appearance of Emiliano, but he said it in a manner as if he truly meant it and he was glad to see Marco, and indeed he was. Marco was a friend to him, and sometimes he was something more.

“Emiliano?” Dejay questioned as Marco pointed out that he looked like he was in a pilot mood back the, asking if there was something to be on the lookout for. “Yes, I was looking out for him, I am his bodyguard after all,” Emilio pointed out. “I don’t know,” Dejay had said in response to Marco asking if Emilio was alright, his tone now dry. “He says he is, I don’t think he is- at least not fully, but he does not want me to pry.” Dejay explained. Something’s fishy, and it’s not the ocean, that was what Marco had said, causing Dejay to chuckle. "Then perhaps it’s the food’,Dejay commented “There is a seafood boil, coming to be served by the waiters,” He said nudging his head towards one of the waiters, “See? mystery solved.”





For Cameron Audrey Wallace, attending events had become few and far between over the years. Her rare appearances were usually for the promotion of upcoming projects, whether it be her own or to support others. The thrill of these opulent events had expired long ago, a downside of being born in this kind of world. Cameron’s days of careless socialisation and easy camaraderie were long behind her, and it wasn’t something she had any intention of reliving. So when her parents had emphasised to herself and sisters that they attend, Cameron held great reluctance as she prepared to leave for the Thanksgiving Yacht party.

Despite attendance feeling like too much exposure for her desirable private life, Cameron had to trust her parent’s judgement on this occasion. Considering Cameron’s filmography that would be expanding in the upcoming months, even she could agree it wise to show her face. Amongst the many things that she had lost and let go of over the years, her acting career has consistently been something she valued, and she would oblige to whatever would help her continue that.

As Cameron came down the stairs in her chosen gold dress to fit the theme, an endearing voice echoed, “Bye, bye, mommy!!” Speaking of things she valued, her daughter Noa was the best thing she had in her life. Since the moment she was born, everything Cameron did was with her in mind.

“Is that all I get?” She called back playfully with her hands on her hips at Noa, prompting her to get up off the sofa and run over for a hug. Cameron lifted her off her feet in the embrace and wished she could just stay in with her. “Does mommy look okay?” She asked when putting Noa down. “You look like a princess!!” Noa exclaimed excitedly to which Cameron responded with a gasp. “A princess! That’s a lot better than what you said last time,” She told her, as Noa could be brutally honest with some of Cameron’s choices. “Are you and Dara going to have a fun night?” Cameron asked her, with a smile to Dejay’s 16-year old honorary older sister who had agreed to babysit. “Yes, yes, we’re gonna make cupcakes!” Noa informed her with an enthusiastic nod.

Through the window, Cameron could see the limousine pulling into the drive. “Well you better be saving me some!!” She told her as she started to head for the door. “Noa be good, okay? Thank you, Dara,” Cameron said, doing the rounds looking from her daughter to Dejay’s, then back to Noa. “I love you, baby, see you later!”

Cameron stepped into the limo to face Celeste and Claudia. Contrary to what the public are made to believe, this would be the first time in a while she had seen her sisters. The three of them were all booked and busy, with schedules impossible to align. Celeste was the first to break the silence, with a compliment to them both. “And you too, it’s nice to see you both and yourself, Isaac,” Cameron returned, despite her scepticism, nodding to the man beside Celeste who could probably feel the palpable tension as the vehicle began driving. “How’s things going? Taking Flight nearly done?” She asked to both sisters, as upcoming projects was usually the topic of interest between the girls. Cameron tried to keep herself updated on her fellow Wallace’s, but it was always worth checking in for any more insight. “Anything new in the works?”


@raviola Cely girlie
@CerealKiller Clauds was here
@idiot.exe Isaac who prob needs saving lol
@Kristi Dejay bae


Beck raised her eyebrows at the mention of Fentanyl rumors. “Uh… What?” She said in a shocked manner. She looked at Emiliano across the room as if she didn’t know who he was. Well, she technically didn’t since he had so many rumors and scandals lately. She remembered the good old days when he was her best buddy and they used to party together. He was so carefree back then. What happened? She thought to herself. “Okay I’m shocked right now honestly. I’ve never heard those rumors before. We actually used to be close so, its just surprising.” She leaned back in her chair, shaking her head. “He wasn’t like this. I feel like I don’t know him anymore to be honest.” She let out a bitter chuckle. It seemed like all these celebrities in the upper Echelon world were hiding secrets and were shady to one another. Now Emiliano had joined the bunch. “So you don’t think its selfish? It’s one thing to get some space but… He abandoned his whole family and wife, and now he’s acting like nothing happened.” She laughed bitterly again. “Look if I was his wife… Lets just say that his face would be sore.” She shook her head again with a smirk.

“Producing going well for you?”

Beck sighed and took another sip of her drink, not able to hide her emotions. “Yes, for the most part. I’ve had some challenges throughout my career, nothing I can’t fix.”

Beck frowned before speaking again.“Have you ever had problems collaborating with people? I mean, you don’t seem like the kind of person who gets in tons of drama and stuff. I’m just curious since that’s what I’m going through right now”

@Kristi - Silas



The autumn breeze carried the scent of saltwater and luxury as Francisco Ignacio Leone, draped in a pristine white Dior ensemble that accentuated his bronzed complexion and sculpted physique, stepped onto the red carpet that led to the main yacht. It was a crisp afternoon in Beverly Shores, where the annual Thanksgiving Yacht Party unfolded like a scene from a Hollywood blockbuster. Nacho arrived fashionably late, a trademark charm that always kept the paparazzi on their toes. His aura and presence commanding attention from the moment he emerged. His crisp white shirt, slightly unbuttoned at the collar, hinted at the perfect balance of sophistication and effortless charm, he looked every bit the Latin heartthrob that had captured the hearts of millions. As he adjusted the cuffs of his jacket, his signature smoldering gaze scanned the crowd, the flicker of the sunset and a hint of mischief reflecting in his deep brown eyes.

Nacho moved with the grace of a panther, exuding a magnetic charisma that drew both people and cameras to him like moths to a flame. As he stepped onto the deck, the crowd buzzed with excitement, the paparazzi snapping furiously eager to capture the golden boy in his element. He flashed them a dazzling smile, acknowledging their presence with a nod that was both humble and confident,his charisma was undeniable, a magnetic force, every move he made seemed choreographed, a dance of confidence and allure that made him the center of attention without even trying.

As the initial excitement of his entrance began to settle, the whispers and speculations started to swirl among the guests and paparazzi. It was hard not to notice that Nacho had arrived alone, especially at an event of such grandeur. This deviation from his usual image of the doting, picture-perfect couple with Sunny did not go unnoticed. The cameras, always eager for a hint of scandal, caught every moment of his solo arrival, sparking rumors of trouble in paradise.
But despite the speculative whispers, he maintained his charismatic demeanor, as he navigated through the crowd, his smile remained effortlessly charming, his gaze sweeping over familiar faces and new acquaintances alike. He greeted fellow celebrities and longtime friends with a warm embrace or a playful wink, his magnetic presence leaving a trail of smiles in his wake. Champagne flowed freely, and Franco indulged in a glass, the bubbles tickling his senses as he toasted to the festivities and the promise of a memorable evening, all the while keeping an eye out for Sunny.

a glass of chilled champagne in hand as he passed the crowds, the earlier argument lingered in his mind. a missed call, a misunderstanding, and then the icy silence that greeted him in the morning. He had been clueless about what he had done that was possibly this wrong, but our boy was determined to try and enjoy the evening nonetheless. And then he spotted her, surrounded by her two brothers. Wait, two? He blinked, focusing more intently. There was Emilio, Sunny’s brother who had been absent for four years, standing next to her and santi. His eyes slightly widened in surprise, “So the rumors are true.” Nacho mused silently, his brow furrowing slightly before he masked it with a nonchalant smile.
For a moment, Nacho considered walking over, but something held him back. He didn’t want to disrupt their reunion, especially given the tension between him and Sunny. Instead, he decided to bide his time, he hoped to smooth things over with her later, but for now, he decided to fully immerse himself in the evening.

He turned his attention back to the party, weaving through clusters of guests with a casual grace that belied his reputation. And not long passed before he found himself at the bar again, lifting his champagne glass in a casual toast to no one in particular. He took a sip, savoring the bubbles that danced on his tongue. The evening was just beginning, and despite the drama brewing beneath the surface, he intended to enjoy it. As he moved away from the bar, he felt a familiar presence beside him.

“Cece,” he greeted, turning to face his ex-wife, out there in a stunning short white dress that seemed to shimmer under the soft glow of the yacht’s deck lights. The years had been kind to her, and Francisco couldn’t help but admire how she carried herself with a sense of confidence. “Siempre tan radiante.” he complimented her, his voice smooth and rich like the champagne he sipped. Their relationship had been a whirlwind, filled with passionate highs and tumultuous lows, but they had to find a balance for the sake of their daughter, his beautiful baby girl Lila. “How is Lila?” Nacho inquired, his tone softening with paternal affection. Although he didnt spend as much time with her as he wished, it was clear that his daughter was never far from his mind, even in the midst the glitz and glamour of his public life.

@raviola Vio
@Caticorn sunny mentioned
@Kristi Emilio briefly mentioned



─ ⊹ ⊱ ⊰ ⊹ ─

Luka prepared himself for another crazy night; being Claudia’s bodyguard was not easy. With her being one of the most well-known celebrities, there were always fans or paparazzi around her, so he had to make sure he always kept a close eye on her whenever they went anywhere. As they stepped onto the yacht, he made sure to stay close, even protecting Claudia’s sisters. Even though it wasn’t part of his job, he had known this family for a long time, and they had become very important to him, so he did whatever he could to ensure their safety.

”Luka, dear,” he heard Claudia’s voice, “everything seems to be going smoothly. Thank you for keeping an eye out. I think we’ll be alright from here. Enjoy the party.” Luka nodded at her words but still made sure to let her know he’d be close if she needed him.

Taking a moment for himself, he grabbed a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. Luka scanned the yacht, making sure he was aware of everyone there, though his eyes stopped when he saw the person who made his body tense every time he saw her.

While doing his job earlier, he hadn’t had the time to actually look at her. But now, taking a moment for himself, he couldn’t help but notice how stunning she looked in her dress. It fitted her figure perfectly. Luke couldn’t deny how beautiful he found the one and only Celeste Wallace.

Don’t. Luka thought to himself. He could not look at her with eyes of lust; she was a married woman, for heaven’s sake. So, he shook those thoughts from his head and went back to smoking his cigarette while keeping watch over the Wallace family.

─ ⊹ ⊱ ⊰ ⊹ ─


@raviola celeste :kissing:

slightly mentioned
@CerealKiller claudia


Opal took a deep breath, watching as his eyes enlarged after hearing her news, feeling a mix of relief and apprehension until Bennett hugged her. She appreciated his reassurance, yet she knew the weight of her revelation still hung heavily between them. “Thank you, Bennett,” she murmured softly, reflecting a little vulnerability in her voice. "I didn’t plan for this, I didn’t even know it was still possible.

She let his arms envelop her. “I’m scared, but knowing you’re here makes a world of difference.” Partially true. Her mind was racing with worries about her age, career, and doubts about the paternity. There was still a high possibility for the baby was his, so telling him would nothing but trouble. It would be definite to ruin her career and image. She looked up at him with a small, grateful smile. “You’re right. Let’s enjoy tonight and talk more about it later at home or this week, when we’re both ready.”

@Kate - Bennett - Should we wrap up the conversation?