Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Isabella smiled at Isla. When Isla called her Isa it was sweet. She did love that nickname. She listened to Isla talk carefully. As Isla said she wasn’t there for Isabella she shook her head as in saying okay. However, a little part of her wasn’t so sure if that was true. “Well I hope you get a good fresh start. Since that’s what you came here for.” The last part of what Isla said kind of stung a bit. It had nothing to do with you Isabella replayed it in her head. She couldn’t let it show that those words pained her just a bit.

So, Isabella smiled as Isla talked more. She listened to her as she took a sip of her drink. She thought about the times they shared in the past as they stood here face to face. She hadn’t seen or heard from Isla since the breakup. So, this was a little awkward to her, but she wasn’t going to let it show. “Well that’s awesome you got a new celeb to work for. I hope they treat you right. Glad to hear the influencing is going well as well.'” She smiled and took another sip of drink before responding about her career. Anyone could easily know how it was going if they pay attention to social media. “I’m doing great thanks. Oh, my career is going strong still. One of my movies are in theaters now, one just finished filming and about to start filming on another one. So been a very busy person.” She smiled big at Isla. Part of her missed Isla, and the other part of her was kind of happy it was over.

@Kbail - Isla



Faust was surprised to learn Ezra was in the millitary before, but still he nodded as if he knew. Truth be told, he was slightly embarrased for hiring somebody and not knowing anything about them. He hated people who never looks the staff that work for them in the eyes long enough to remeber things about him, so of course he didn’t want to be a person like that. He knew it wasn’t the case with Ezra, that he wanted to know him and trust him, and that it was Ezra’s fault for not wanting to share, but it still left him feeling closer to a boss who doesn’t care about his employees, and he always loved his job more when people working for him and over him were friends and family, like AJ and him working together. However, Faust was also priviledge, even though he never realized it. He got his big break in high school and although he’s kept his integrity and his kind nature, he’s never had to work a job that sucks or that he hated where he couldn’t afford to leave the job. All his jobs so far were about something he was passionate about and he never experienced anything else, so he never knew how lucky he was. He should let Ezra be a stranger if he wants to be, but Faust being so priviledged doesn’t understand that he’s not entitled to have a job or an employee that has to be friendly with him.
Savannah complimented him, so Faust blushed. It was an innocent, blush, not one where he desired anything more with Sav becuase he always saw her as a sister since she grew right before his eyes, anything more would feel disgusting to him. He responded to her though, letting them both know he’s not ashamed of getting flustered at the compliment. “Aww shucks, Savy you think I’m a great guy? That means a lot coming from a fellow great person!” He turned to Ezra and quickly changed the subject before the nautious ‘No you’re the best, no you’re the best!’ type of conversation would ensue, knowing how Sav and Faust felt about each other. He always wanted to do a duet with her of the song ‘You’re the best’ from ‘Anyting Goes’ since the song was so perfect for the two of them. Two friends hyping eahc other up. However he would hate such an interaction in plain talk, so he decided to switch the conversation. “So what are you drinking Ezra? It’s a hot day you need a refreshement. And you Savy, put your order with me and I’ll bring it back. I’m going to get something for me anyways.” Actually, he wasn’t planning on going anywhere yet, but he felt like Ezra might feel awkward when Sav and Faust talk about how great the other party is, and he felt like Ezra might want to retreat further into his shell form such an awkward conversation, which is even nausiating for himself, let alone for Ezra. That’s why after getting their orders, he was free to dissapear for a while, maybe get a drink, and give Ezra a more comfortable intro to society. After all, Faust feels like even after getting rid of his new fears, he would still keep a bodyguard around, so Ezra might have to be introduced to a lot more people, especially when … if … he returns to Broadway. The thought of “if” being a possibility, that is, there being a possibility of never returning to Broadway, that thought made him want to get a drink, even though it was early.

@Kate - Savannah
@Tina.G - Ezra
(He’ll return shortly, but for a post or two, he will be approachable)

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Yo, it was that time of year again! Miles Carter rolled up to the Beverly Shores Thanksgiving Yacht Party like he owned the place, and honestly, he practically did. Dressed head-to-toe in a fresh white Dior suit, sharp as a razor, but laid-back enough to show he ain’t trying too hard. He moved with the confidence of a man who knew exactly who he was. His look was clean but with a street edge, white kicks to match, a diamond-studded gold chain that caught the light just right, and shades that hid his eyes but not his swagger.
Stepping onto the yacht, sunglasses on, flashing that million-dollar smile that made him a favorite with fans and paparazzi alike. Cameras clicked furiously as he greeted people, but he handled it like a pro, tossing a wink here, a peace sign there. To him, these events were as much about socialising with people as they were about showing off. He knew how to work a crowd, blending genuine charm with just the right amount of flash.

The scene was pure luxury, yacht gleaming under the setting sun, a crowd of A-listers mingling with the neighbourhood regulars, all against the backdrop of the shimmering ocean. Laughter and the clinking of glasses filled the air, mixed with the chill rhythm of live music. The night air was filled with the scent of gourmet food and the distant, salty tang of the sea. The vibe was electric, a mix of laid-back luxury and the cool liveliness that Miles brought with him everywhere he went. He grabbed a glass of champagne from a passing waiter, raising it in a silent toast to the night, the city, and this wild journey.

He dapped up a few fellow producers, exchanged nods with some A-listers he’d collaborated with, and cracked a joke with the paparazzi he knew by name. Miles was cool like that, never too high and mighty to forget where he came from. Sure, he’s rich, famous, all that jazz. But he’s still got that ATL street vibe running deep in his veins. It’s what gave him that raw, unfiltered energy that made his beats slam harder than a heavyweight champ. Despite the wealth and fame, Miles still had that realness, that ability that played a part in making him one of, if not the most successful producer in the scene
As he mingled, Miles couldn’t help but think about Santi, his client ad most importantly his boyy and homie. Rumors swirled about Santiago’s brother, Emilio, making a comeback. Man, he hadn’t seen Santi’s big bro in years, but after four years who would have expected that? Miles wondered how Santiago was holding up, if the rumors were true, what did that mean for Santi? Was he cool with it, or was there tea brewing?

Taking a moment to himself, Miles sauntered over to the railings, where the city lights danced on the water below. He lit up a spliff, taking a long drag and exhaling slowly, letting the stress of the day melt away with each puff. The music played in the background, a steady beat that matched the rhythm of his thoughts. Tonight wasn’t just about schmoozing and networking; it was a chance to unwind, it was about celebrating success, embracing the grind. Celebrating another year of hard work and hustle.
As he exhaled a cloud of smoke into the night, Miles knew one thing for sure: tonight was about to be fcking legendary, and he was right where he belonged.

@raviola Santi mentioned



In Beverly Shores, one must always expect the unexpected, Naomi had come to learn. It was the first thing Naomi had learned when she arrived in Beverly Shores, and she would admit—she didn’t understand what people meant by that. Not at first, of course. After all, in all aspects of life, shouldn’t you already expect the unexpected? So what made Beverly Shores a place where that had to be emphasized?

Slowly, though, Naomi began to understand the statement, and she could now attest to its truth. In Beverly Shores, you should always expect the unexpected. For example, the return of Emiliano De La Cruz to Beverly Shores was definitely unexpected, and it had led to the entire table being silent. That silence, however, was destined to be short-lived because, of course, Beverly Shores could not stand silent for long.

Naomi considered getting a drink, but Santiago, Sunny, and Emiliano had already stood up to get theirs. It would look strange if she followed them, wouldn’t it? But she wanted a drink- sigh. Perhaps if she was accompanied by someone to get a drink, it would look less like she was eavesdropping and more like she was having fun with someone. But who should she go with?

Naomi slumped in her chair, scanning the room with an almost imperceptible sigh. Her eyes flitted over the familiar faces, each engaged in their own conversations. She dismissed a few possibilities—a nodding acquaintance here, an ex fling on the side, an old rival there—before her gaze landed on Henderson.

He was standing near the drink area, his tall frame and composed demeanor making him easily identifiable. Henderson, a bodyguard for the Wallace family—Claudia Wallace, if she remembered correctly. She didn’t know his first name, but there had always been a particular attraction she felt towards him whenever she saw him. His presence was steady, a rock amidst the often tumultuous sea of Beverly Shores’ social scene.

Naomi straightened up, a determined glint in her eyes. Henderson was the perfect candidate. She didn’t know whether or not he would particularly accept getting drinks with her, but even if he doesn’t and she goes alone, perhaps people might think she was sad at being rejected and drinking her pain away-the media already had a tendency to accuse her of desperation after all. She stood up, smoothing her dress as she walked towards him, her movements graceful and deliberate.

“Henderson,” she greeted as she approached, her voice warm and inviting. “It’s a bit suffocating in here, isn’t it?” She asked, trying to move the conversation as she tilted her head slightly. “I was thinking that a nice drink would be appropriate for the tense air here and it’s always better to drink with company, so can you be my company?” She asked, her eyes pleading, “I’m sure Claudia would not notice or mind.”


@CerealKiller - claudia


“Here you go Helen.” Helen smiled at him, nodding her head in appreciation. * “Helen, Quincy is my ex.” Oh.* Helen felt a bit awkward again. It was rather abrupt, and now she hoped she hadn’t intruded on their conversation. Were they on good terms? Did they still like like each other? Scene worse, did they hate each? Helen courteously smiled, even if it was slightly wobbly. She didn’t know how to respond to him. Tommy was smiling at them.

“It sounds like you have quite the journey ahead of you in this new chapter of your career,” Helen felt like the air shifted. She hoped it hadn’t been her presence alone. “If you need a peer, who’s experienced life and working here, feel free to get in contact.” Ze looked at Tommy. “I’m sure Tommy still has my number, or if not, he knows a way to get it.” Helen knew a fellow worrier. She subtly noticed Quincy’s hand, but made no move to point it out. She didn’t want to make Quincy, who probably felt uncomfortable already, to feel more exposed. “Excuse me for a moment, … I think I need some fresh air. I hope that’s okay? You both seem like you need to talk just you anyway.” Helen nodded, “alright,” she said, a little clipped. Her brows scrunched, Helen decided to try a subtlety apologize. “And Quincy, don’t apologize at all! We were getting a bit off-topic anyway. You’re right, we should probably wrap this up for now. I’m just glad we were able to meet today.” She smiled at Quincy, hoping that sounded alright.

@ChayChay05 Tommy
@CrazyCaliope Quincy


︵⏜︵︵୨ Earlier ୧︵︵⏜︵

Sunny was sitting at her vanity, putting on her jewellery when she heard her boyfriend come into the room. He came up behind her and put his hands on her shoulders as if he were about to massage them, but she shrugged them off almost instantly.

“What’s wrong?”

“You should know what.” She shot back, standing up and taking her blazer off of its hanger, putting it on as she left the room. Her heels clacked loudly against the floor as she made her way through the house.

“Wait, are you mad at me?” She scoffed and rolled her eyes at his obliviousness.

“What do you think?”

“At least tell me why.”

“Figure it out yourself. I’m going to my brother’s” Those were her final words to him before she slammed the door shut and walked to her brother’s house, hoping to catch him and Eva before they left.

︵⏜︵︵୨ Dinner ୧︵︵⏜︵

As she got out of the car with her brother and Eva, she acknowledged the presence of the paparazzi with a quick bow of her head and a small wave before shielding her eyes from the camera flashes and walking with only her final destination in mind. She tried to block out the things they were saying but some questions still caught her ear.

“Sunny, why didn’t you arrive with Nacho?”

“Sunny, over here! How did Santiago respond to your collaboration with Saint?”

“Your fans are wondering when you’re going to release your next album, is there anything you can tell us about that?”

She wanted to fire back ‘never’ just to shut them up but she much preferred her strategy of keeping her gaze down and saying nothing to them. This was how she had been instructed to behave around paparazzi during her time with Cloud9 and she continued to use it because it felt familiar and it worked. She would also be lying. She had never intended to take this long a break. This was the longest she had gone without releasing music in more than 10 years and it felt strange. She just hadn’t felt up to it after Emilio disappeared and Matias died.

They finally escaped the paparazzi as they climbed the stairs onto the vessel. Once they were on board, Sunny marvelled at the splendour of not only the venue but also the gorgeous fashions of the guests. If anything, the residents of Beverly Shores knew how to dress to impress. She watched the ocean as she followed her brother to where Winslie was sitting. When they got closer, they discovered that they had all been assigned seats around the woman, with Sunny being sat across from her. She smiled, greeting Winslie as the group got caught up. She smiled at their teasing her about her hypothetical next album but as soon as she felt herself settling into the environment, she heard a voice that made her tense up. One she had been starting to doubt she would ever hear again until Santiago had sent her a trailer for the latest film starring Emilio De La Cruz. A film that neither of them knew was being made.

“Hope someone saved a seat for me?”

Sunny glared at Emiliano as he sat down, greeting both her and Santiago as if it had only been days since they had last seen him. She watched Santi out of the corner of her eye, deciding that she would wait to see how he reacted and then follow his lead.

“We’ve got a lot to catch up on, Emilio…Maybe over some drinks, so I’ll go find a waiter. You can join me if you want.”

She watched as Santiago stood up and walked away. She excused herself seconds later, following her eldest brother. She didn’t want to stay with Emilio without him and she also didn’t think Santi should be alone right now. She followed him to the inside of the boat, walking past servers leaving the room. She approached him calmly, putting her hand gently on his arm as a sympathetic gesture.

“Emilio’s an a*s.” She said as she leaned against him. She wasn’t sure if it would make him feel any better but she definitely felt better saying it. No matter what happened, they shouldn’t have found out about him coming back at the same time as everyone else. Yet she deliberately used his stage name, as if it was Emilio the actor who did this to them and not Emiliano their brother.


@Kristi - Emilio

@raviola - Santiago

@CerealKiller - Francisco
@sunflowerjm - Eva
@Madilnel - Winslie


Blake smiled at Lucy, he felt like he was enjoying their conversation a lot. “Yeah my acting career has kind of been… on the out’s lately with my fans so I just said, you know what, I’ll throw them a little bone and get in another action movie.” He chuckled a little while taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair. *“I don’t even think anyone liked my comedy movies. Did you see any of them? Haha, they always got bad reviews.” He shook his head. “- but you know, hopefully these days I can turn public opinion around a little.”

When Lucy said that she was thinking of doing a pop and rock duet he felt genuinely happy for her. “That’s great! I think you would do really well in that kind of genre, plus you already have the look for rock already.” He winked at her. He couldn’t help himself.

“By the way how’s everything going with your family? Do you have enough time to spend with them or are you always on the road?” Blake thought about how he doesn’t have a family yet and how he has always focused on his acting career so he wondered what was going on in her life.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy


Tommy could tell something was bothering Quincy. Maybe ze sensed his feelings for Helen. However, Tommy couldn’t allow himself to fall for a client. Not now anyway. Tommy noticed Quincy fidgeting and he knew something was wrong. He didn’t want to bring it up though and have hir feel worse. So, he just watched hir carefully as the conversation was going. As soon as ze said “I think I need some fresh air. I hope that’s okay? You both seem like you need to talk just you anyway.” Tommy knew for sure something was wrong. he was worried about Quincy.

He looked over at Helen who was speaking back to Quincy now. Helen said “And Quincy, don’t apologize at all! We were getting a bit off-topic anyway. You’re right, we should probably wrap this up for now. I’m just glad we were able to meet today.” Tommy was confused by this a little. He didn’t want Quincy to leave. However, he thought maybe Helen wanted her to, or maybe Helen was just trying to help Quincy feel better. He stood there stuck for a moment. It felt like a while before he actually spoke.

He looked to Quincy. “Hey Quin, you, okay?” He asked first and paused just for a moment. He didn’t want hir to leave. He took a deep breath. He knew how to calm this down or so he thought. He looked at Helen. “So, Helen where is your boyfriend Dave at?” Tommy really hoped this would help. Yes, it’s true he had feelings for Helen, but he wouldn’t allow that to be known.

Tommy then looked back at Quincy. He moved closer to hir. Then he lowered his voice as he spoke to hir. “You don’t have to go Quincy, unless you want to. I mean I don’t want you to feel you have to stay here and talk with me if you don’t want to. I can understand needing fresh air, but we are outside on a Yacht. You are surrounded by fresh air Quin.” He pleaded with hir. He wasn’t sure if it would work but he had to try. He had to try to get hir to stay.

Yes, sure it was a little awkward for everyone, but he didn’t want to hurt either of their feelings. He then straightened up and stood tall as he took another sip of his drink. He knew he was being awkward even though he wasn’t trying to. He didn’t understand why he had to have feelings for both of them. This was his first-time seeing Quincy since their breakup and when they started talking even though it was awkward… His feelings for Quincy came flooding back. He really did love Quincy so much. He wished he knew better how to navigate these feelings for both these amazing people.

On the one hand he had Helen. His client, his friend. She was beautiful, confident, and so sweet. On the other hand, he had his ex-Quincy. Ze was amazing, beautiful, and oh so brave. Sure, they had their issues in their relationship but to Tommy that only made them stronger. Tommy slipped back into the breakup. His mind carried him away as he stood there in front of Quincy and Helen.


It was eight months ago. It was in May. Quincy and Tommy had just left an event. They went back to Tommy’s house. It was a little of a year of them being together. Tommy was so in love with Quincy and loved Quincy so much and loved Quincy being at his house that while they were sitting on the sofa watching some tv. Tommy asked hir to close hir eyes. He then got up and went and grabbed a little box. It looked like a ring box. However, inside the box was a key to his house. He went back over to Quincy on the sofa. He got down on hir leave. He had the biggest smile on his face. He held out the box and told hir to open hir eyes. He then handed hir the box. Quincy opened it and was shocked. Ze asked him what it was to. Tommy said, “Well my house of course, move in with me?” Quincy shut the box quickly. Ze was not happy at all. Ze said to Tommy, “It’s too soon to move in.” Then one thing led to another, and they got into a huge fight with Tommy ending the conversation at the front door by saying “Maybe we should call it quits, end it here.” Then Quincy’s response cut Tommy deep even though he said it first. he never thought ze would agree. Quincy said “Maybe we should.” Ze then slammed the door on hir way out.

Back to Reality

Tommy stood there in a daze for a few moments after shaking they memory out his head. It was the worst night of his life. While the breakup was mutual, it still broke Tommy’s heart. He actually hadn’t dated anyone since their breakup. Helen was the first person he even remotely had feelings for. It wasn’t like he was in love with Helen… was he??? He shook his head again trying not to get lost in his mind racing so much. He looked to Quincy, “I understand if you want to be done talking to me. Given out last conversation before today.” He took a deep breath and took a huge gulp of his drink. The glass was almost empty again. He knew that Quincy knew him pretty well just like he knew hir pretty well. Sometimes he was just clueless on things happening when he is in his own mind as he also is talking to people.

@CrazyCaliope omg. this was a tough one to write. Hope you like it though
@Tina.G Hope Helen doesn’t get upset
@LunaticLeviTheSecond Dave

Lucy smiled and listened to everything that Blake said about his career. She always felt the sparks when they got together. She couldn’t deny that there was some major chemistry and sexual tension there between them. She giggled here and there. “Well your action movies are the best. I mean you flying through the air in those scenes. jumping from cars and stuff. It’s awesome for sure.” She smiled at him then he talked about his comedy movies. “I’ve seen a few. They weren’t that bad. I mean I’ve seen worse for sure.” She took a sip of her drink and then moved her hand closer to his. " I’m sure you will turn the public’s opinion around. You are amazing regardless of what they think." She gave him a flirty look.

Luc couldn’t help but giggle when he said she had the look of a rock star. “Well you aren’t wrong about that; with these tattoos I do have the rock look down.” She giggled and leaned a little closer as she pushed him playfully. “At least I look good in the rock style, and how hard can it be to sing pop or rock? I mean I can. I just have always loved country music better than anything else. Guess it’s the Georgia Peach in me.” She giggled again. She really did enjoy flirting with Blake, even if nothing would ever come of it. Part of her hoped something would happen between them. However, she knew the reality of the situation was she was married, and some people had a problem with that. Even though she isn’t in love with him, for her image however she acts like she is more in love with him than anything. Maybe that’s why some people were iffy about it.

Lucy took a deep breath as he asked about the family. There were so many secrets. So many lies. So much crap. She thought for a moment before speaking. Her demeanor changed just slightly but she hoped it wasn’t enough for Blake to notice. “Everything… Everything is going… it’s going okay.” She said then took a kind of big gulp of her drink before continuing “I get to spend a good bit of time with them. I miss the kids like crazy when I go on tour and I’m away, but I video call them every night before my shows to make sure I tell them goodnight. I can’t believe the twins are twelve now and little Kameron is seven now.” Part of her wanted more kids. She just wasn’t sure if she wanted them with her husband.

Her husband and her had been married for fourteen years. She thought he only married her because she got pregnant with Cindy their fourteen-year-old. Yes, it’s true she did grow to love him; however, she wasn’t in love with him and never has been in love with him. She knew though that divorce wasn’t a good look for a celebrity. Her producer Miles probably could help her spin it too looks good in her favor. However, Steven was also a famous producer. So, she was scared… “So what’s on your mind right now?” she asked him with a seductive look and smile. She didn’t like what was going through her mind and wanted to get back to the flirty stuff with him.

@Kbail Blake I hope this is okay and that you like it
@sunflowerjm Miles


✁✃✁—=𝄂𝄄 o v e r l o a d 𝄄𝄃=—✁✃✁


There was always a certain entertainment in the antics of Dejay and his actions from the day they met. True enough, it was once formal until they properly knew each other; he could never really be mad at Dejay and the way he would apologize for all those certain embarrassments. If only a blush were in Marco’s inventory, he could even make his embarrassment a feature in his face. Naturally, he had nothing to say but a girlish giggle at his statement and apology. He had given him time to at least regain that certain suave energy he needs, but Marco certainly doesn’t mind both, and with his lighter tone reappearing, he grinned, “You’re a good book in my eyes, cover and content.” With a subtle wink and sparkle, he assumed his position and lightly drank from the glass of champagne.

In usual fashion, he played along with his foolishness as he walked around the fence, acting as coquettishly subtle as possible. Avoiding too much contact with him, Marco played around with his fingers, as if fidgeting with a glove from his hands as if they were there. With a calmer tone, he matched his subtleness by saying, “Charmed. Usually men don’t wear sequins from head to toe unless they want to look comically bad for a role. Not my fault Elton John and Liberace are their main inspiration; these actors don’t even value and understand their camp.” As if enticing for a catch, Marco got closer as he whispered with a pretend girlish attitude, as if telling gossip from one another, “Isn’t this the part where you kiss my hand and I’d swoon like crazy?” With a deeper voice, he lingered on with his act, “If only I had the power to ask for your number again and again, now that’s a load of charming stories I could tell at numerous parties.”

As if nothing had ever happened, he returned to his usual seating as he took another sip with satisfaction. With a cheeky smile, he shrugged, “With anonymity, of course.”

With the tone being as different as the introduction, he expected the atmosphere to go down dry as soon as a topic of his would be discussed, like a casual talk about the weather. As expected, he got nothing out of Dejay about Emilio. Naturally, even their closest friends won’t know their inner turmoil. He was curious. Simply curious. He had met a different man a few years ago, and now word comes of his reappearance, like an artist with a rebranding in music. Keeping his tone light, despite his face already creasing, he went back to talking about his career. “Interesting. I haven’t had contact with him in a while, and he’s starting to bother me by postponing meetings to continue the f^cking portfolio. Honestly, I’m a busy man and am out here making a living as well.” Keeping face with the decision on keeping his sunny disposition, he gave a crooked smile with a tone slightly reeking of a demand: “Tell Mr. Golden Boy, a certain seamstress is looking for another fitting and needs to finish it pronto. He’ll know who said it.”

To his surprise, Dejay also had a trick on his sleeve to scurry the conversation into another, as Marco was left dumbfounded by his comment. Looking at the seafood boil, he had nothing to do but laugh alongside his chuckles. A playful roll in his eyes began to direct into Dejay’s direction as he voiced out his opinions on seafood. “Ugh, and I hope the next time the seafood here will be well seasoned.” Going closer to Dejay, he had an anecdote on his last experience as he chuckled on the predicament, “Did you know, I ordered lobster thermidor in a chic restaurant and tasted nothing but raw sea. I couldn’t even finish the meal, and it cost me a fortune.” With a bewildered face, he nudged him as he continued on with his story, “They’re lucky they know how to make risotto, or my ancestors would’ve come down and slapped me for eating an abomination of a dish.”

With the boil served to the table, Marco patiently awaited another set of appetizers as he looked in Dejay’s direction once more. How weird. He claims to be a stylist and has not yet taken pleasure in making comments on one’s fashion. Looking up and down and seeing a plain suit, he did nothing but pucker his lips and sit back in his chair properly. As he was about to grab a piece, he halted and made a comment on his seatmate’s outfit: “You look… acceptable today. I don’t really blame you, however, since you know. Bodyguard. You could loosen up the collar since you look like a five-year-old on Sunday service.” With clean hands, he pulled his collar so as to give it a looser look, feeling the crisp collar of the shirt. Starched, as expected from a respectable man. After fixing his suit, he sat back and continued, “Does Emilio have a strict dress code in a bodyguard’s suit? If so, I’m going to say a few words about workplace freedom. Have you seen Beyoncé’s bodyguard? Woof, that’s a man who knows his body.” Thinking for a moment, however, he had thought that ‘no, not all of the outfits Julius wore were a good choice.’ With a sour look on his face, he gave a friendly smile as a way of apology for his rough comments, “Well, we’re not all blessed with a good fashion day. I would exempt Beyoncé, but she wore that crusty microbang.”

With the appetizers finally served, he grabbed a few of the cheese sticks and beef skewers on his plate. There was a certain guilt, however, feeling as though he had spoken too much with little to no breathing space for Dejay. In a valiant effort to know about his day, he gave him a nervous smile as he wondered the best way to speak about him and only him: “Gosh, I made it all about me that I haven’t even asked a lick about you! How are you doing, Dejay? All well?”


@Kristi | Dejay


Opal nodded, feeling both grateful and uncertain. “Thank you, Bennett. It means a lot to me.” She squeezed his hand gently before letting go. “Yes, mingling is a good idea. But in a moment, I need a second, and I’ll catch up with people in a bit." She was still twirling her hair around her finger. "Yes, let’s meet up before we leave.”

Opal took a moment to collect herself, closing her eyes, waiting to feel the couch lift to tell her Bennett had moved away. When he had, she sank back into the couch, letting out a deep breath she hadn’t realised she was holding. She tried to calm her racing thoughts. The room buzzed with chatter, but felt distant and muted compared to how loud her thoughts were.

After a few moments, Opal smoothed out her dress, took a deep breath, and glanced around the room. She knew she couldn’t sit here forever, but maybe only a few more minutes as she looked for someone to talk with.

@Kate - Bennett - Thank you (wink)


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Quincy took a deep breath. Ze heard Helen, of course ze did, but unfortunately ze wasn’t quite processing her words enough to respond. Ze felt bad for that but ze was feeling the weight of Tommy’s last words and his plea for hir to stay. Glancing at Helen, who seemed to be caught in the middle of this cyclone of emotion, ze felt all the discomfort that Helen probably felt and some.

Dave. Quincy knew the name, but couldn’t think where from. Ze didn’t have time to consider it. Tommy was suddenly right beside hir, up in hir personal space. Hir breathing became shallower but faster. Ze could smell his scent filling hir nostrils. Feel his breath on hir skin as he told hir in a hushed voice that they were surrounded by fresh air and pleaded with hir not to leave them.
But why would he not want to spend more time with his “client”. Oh, boyfriend, he said. Was he having a secret affair with this Helen and ze just happened to be the perfect buffer to stop people suspecting? No, no, Tommy wouldn’t do that. He wouldn’t, would he?

Those words came thick and fast, consuming Quincy mind: “I understand if you want to be done talking to me. Given out last conversation before today.” The memories of their breakup and the hurt that followed were still fresh, but so were the feelings that had resurfaced seeing Tommy again tonight. Quincy’s fingers started to pick at the hem of hir dress now. “Tom-”, xe started, the words seemly stuck in hir throat. Xe stepped back, away from Tommy, loosing hir balance in the process. Immediately, xe shot hir arms out slightly for balance and caught hirself. Only causing a slight wobble and a little of their Old Fashioned to slosh out of the glass and onto the floor.

Quincy took a few quick seconds to compose hirself and force on a smile to mask hir internal struggle, she tried again. “Tommy, I appreciate your concern, I’m okay.” Looking over at Helen, giving her hir attention. “And Helen, it was really nice meeting you. But I think I do need a moment to clear my head. I’m sure we’ll cross paths again soon. I do hope we get to talk another time.” Ze took another step back, trying to be more careful this time. Xe could feel the cool breeze now, reminding hir that there was indeed fresh air all around. Turning to Tommy, xe said, perhaps unconvincingly although xe was trying, “I think it’s just a bit overwhelming right now. It’s been a couple of months since I’ve been to any kind of event and I don’t want to ruin your evening, so I’ll just step away for a bit. Maybe we can talk later when things are less…” Quincy stopped, xe was going to say intense but realised that was not the word to use right now.

So with that, Quincy turned and made hir way towards the edge of the deck, seeking a quieter spot to gather hir thoughts. Ze knew ze needed this moment to breathe, to process everything that had just happened.

@Tina.G - Helen - I do want them to have another conversation at some point, I think it’d be fun.
@ChayChay05 - Tommy - 'til next time (wink)



~Morning of Event~

Cole had just moved into Beverly Shore a week ago when Isaac Hyde, his good friend hired him as his bodyguard. Cole wasn’t sure what to expect with this first event. he knew a few people who lived in Beverly Shores from his six years of being a cop in the city. Cole was probably the youngest guy to have to stop being a cop because of an injury. Isaac said to meet him at the event because he was riding with some girl named Celeste or something and her family. Cole said sure thing to that. Cole was actually really nervous about going to this event. He woke up and he ate breakfast. Then he had gotten the message from Isaac telling him to meet him at the event. He decided to have a lazy day. He just relaxed and unpacked some things in his new house.

He thought back to when him and Isaac met. There was something that had happened and Cole got dispatched to a call. Isaac was there. They met that day. They seemed to have clicked very well. Maybe it was the way Cole was so blunt with Isaac. Maybe it was how he did show that he cared about the truth of what happened. However, they ended up seeing each other a lot more and becoming friends. When Cole’s police career came to an end because of his injury he knew he needed to find a new job. One he could do after being shot in the knee and needing surgery. He couldn’t be a cop anymore because of how bad it messed up his knee. He could still run just wasn’t fast enough anymore. This sucked for Cole.

Cole was in therapy for a long time. He had to learn to walk again. He just finished therapy for his knee a few months back. Since he couldn’t go back to the police force, he had to think of what he could possibly do. Cole remembered that Isaac said he was out a bodyguard. So, Cole decided to text him one day and ask if he be his bodyguard. Luckily for him Isaac said yes. Cole has only been working for Isaac for a week. So, this was the first big event he was going to. He took a shower and got ready.

~Time for Event~

He had just put his finishing touches on his outfit when the car pulled up to get him. He took a few deep breaths before going outside and getting in the Rolls-Royce Phantom. He stepped inside the really cool looking car. He sat down and seat belted as the driver took him to the event. He stepped out at the event and paparazzi was everywhere. They of course didn’t know who he was yet. Some of them asked him some questions.

However, he ignored them and went onto the yacht. Once he got there, he smiled at faces as he made his way to the bar. Once he had his drink in his hand. He looked around to see where to go. He looked to see if he knew anyone here. He didn’t see any familiar faces. So, he decided to go to the bow of the yacht. He leaned against the railing three facing the crowd. He was sipping his godfather, and in his own world not really looking at anyone.

@CrazyCaliope Opal can approach now
@idiot.exe Isaac



⋆。˚⭒ ⋆ 𐙚 ⋆⭒˚。⋆

Evangeline raised an eyebrow, a glint of curiosity in her eyes. She wondered if he mentioned his girlfriend to get a reaction from her, but to be honest, she couldn’t care less. ”Ah, your girlfriend. She’s here with you tonight?" Eva asked, glancing over his shoulder as if searching the crowd. She scrunched her eyebrows, pretending to think deeply. ”And you decided to come talk to me? Does she know you came to talk to your ex?" she said, her tone carrying a subtle edge of intimidation.

”Now Dave, if I were still your girlfriend and I knew you abandoned me at a party to talk to your ex-girlfriend, I wouldn’t be so nice about it. But you already know that, right?" Eva sighed, her voice tinged with mock disappointment. ”Tsk, tsk. Mr. Tall Man, I suggest you go look for her before people begin to talk. It wouldn’t look good for your image, especially if you’re just starting out as an actor." She leaned in closer to Dave, as she whispered, ”As for me, I will be walking away now. Santiago, my boyfriend, can be a little ruthless when it comes to what is his."

She stepped back, giving him a measured look. But I’ll leave you with some advice: if you decide to have some fun, make sure not to embarrass yourself. These parties tend to get a bit crazy and like I said, people love to talk." Eva said with a knowing smile. ”It was nice seeing you again, Mr. Tall Man."

With that, Eva stood on her tiptoes, planting a light kiss on Dave’s cheek before turning on her heel. As she walked away, her hips swayed with confidence, knowing Dave would be looking at her. She didn’t know why she did it but it was second nature to her, she just couldn’t help it.

Not bothering to turn and see if he was following her, Eva headed to the bar, ready to grab herself a drink. After the start of her night, she knew she would need a couple drinks to make the rest of the night tolerable.

⋆。˚⭒ ⋆ 𐙚 ⋆⭒˚。⋆

@LunaticLeviTheSecond dave


Aaaaand there it was. Not even ten seconds into the limousine ride and the arguments had already started, but Celeste smiled, because she had to, and because Violetta would too. “Yes, it’s mostly just up to the producers to edit the content from here!” She exclaimed happily. A long time ago, she would feel deeply guilty because her starring in a film with her sister’s ex-husband would obviously hurt her feelings so much, but now, she could justify it by knowing that Cameron hurt her first. She did not know that she had started the drama, but if she did, she excused her conscience because that was never her intention, or at least that was what she thought. Truly, her betrayals came from deep-seated greed. There was nothing more important to her than being the center of attention, even if it meant eliminating her closest competition. It was too bad for her that she was brought into a spotlight that she had to share.

Some people said that they could see her malice in her stone cold eyes, a young beauty that she once possessed rotted by botox and mistakes that she could not erase, only conceal with heavy makeup. But even then, there was evil that she could not banish even in her sincerest of smiles, something dead in the bags of her eyes that wanted to kill you too.

She looked over to claudia, a face like a moonstone, soulful kindness surrounding her aura. For someone so generous, it was hard to comprehend why she participated in Celeste’s antics. It was a question that she could not ask, simply because she would not dare to shatter the broken shards of glass that made up their sisterhood.

“Claudia’s performance might have been her best yet!” She complimented, seeking aide in alienating Cameron back into silence. “It was great for us to finally practice lines that we both needed,” she stifled laughter, though that much of what she said was true. “I wish you could have joined us,” Celeste added in a voice that sounded like a pout of sympathy, getting her lick back. But it wasn’t enough, she needed more to be satisfied. “But don’t worry, we’re not holding it against you, we know that you’ve been taking more of a break from the spotlight.”
She smiled in an attempt at warmth.

By her side, her husband watched them spew venom. It was impressive that he had not chimed in yet, as her presence usually included no silence, in fact it was so loud that it could even contain the sound of cymbals clashing, or the strike of an electric guitar chord for no apparent reason. Perhaps he would add something soon, or perhaps he had already detected that this sort of guided argument was likely not his business, so he submitted himself as her hot, alternative accessory.

After the limousine ride ended, they began to board the ship through a swarm of paparazzi asking questions. Overstimulated, she covered her eyes when she first saw cameras flash, but eventually moved to where the mics were and arrived at what she believed to be the spectacle of the event: interviews. The cameras were less abundant there, and she posed simply to please the press, even though it was likely not an instinct for others to do so, answering questions as they came. She kept her answers short and simple, as she did not want her lips to be moving in the pictures that would be in the mainstream media within minutes.

“Celeste, how is your movie with Callan Prescott going?”
“It’s great, couldn’t have asked for a better costar.”

”Does Cameron support your movie together?”
“She loves it!”

”What do you think of Nacho dating Sunny?”
“Im happy that he’s happy, he deserves it.”

”Did you not see that they arrived separately?”

The last question had caught Celeste off-guard, as it was the only one she had not seen coming. Without moving her head, her eyes glanced over at the De La Cruz siblings, a reputation that had switched from golden child stars to badass musicians in seconds and she noticed them. Santiago, or “De La Cruz” as she did not like to call him, had obviously arrived with his girlfriend, the slvt, although Celeste was no one to talk, but by his other side, funny enough, was Sunny De La Cruz, tattoos and badly bleached hair completely separate from her ex-husband. She knew that it was a mistake to say that she could meet Lila, nowadays, Francisco’s relationships were just catch and release.

Her eyes swept back to the cameras, and displeasure riddled her smile, turning it a bit smug. Surely she would have to discuss all of this with Francisco later, but for now she was not happy with him. How could he let their daughter meet a woman who could so easily become a stranger?

As the thought left her head, she realized that Isaac was no longer by her side, and had likely gone off to greet his friends without saying much of a goodbye. She was immune to it, though, it was something he did regularly, something she did too if she was excited. She slid her hands down her hips, fixing her already-perfect dress, when she saw a familiar Colombian man walking in her direction. The scent of his strong cologne pierced the air a few feet before he reached her, and she turned away from the fans to give him a condescending smile. She was not happy to see him.

”Cece,” he called, his accent audible in the word. ”Siempre tan radiante.”

She flipped her hair over her shoulder, immune to his compliments, and waited until he was within arms reach to continue their discussion. When he did, he asked how Lila was, and she tilted her head with a sour look. “Great,” she said, her sarcasm almost too obvious. But she lowered her voice where she needed to, lowering into a whisper. “How’s Sunny?” And it was both a dig at his mistake in sharing her with Lila and his admittedly inappropriate flirting, as much as it may make her smile behind her mask.

@CerealKiller Nachooooo
@cerealkiller claudia also
@novella cami girl
@idiot.exe isaac
@Caticorn @sunflowerjm @myself De La Cruz party



It wasn’t until Evie mentioned it that Dave realized he did abandon Helen. He felt a bit bad, but not as bad as he ought to. Evie always had this magnetiziment about her that pulled Dave and some other men in. That is probably why they even got together in the first place. The way she talked to him now, and the way she moved, she had the same magnetism that first pulled him in, but after being in a relationship with her for a year, it seemed different to him. The difference, that crept up into his mind, became all the more evident when she started to move away from him. She swayed her hips as if she was still on stage, not an acclaimed actress. This force a memory of her to come to surphace, one he didn’t want to remeber, because he liked it before, but now the memory loses the charm.


Back in 2021 Dave was still a soccer player. He was one of the most well known soccer players, but still. However he has acted in a movie beforehand, which wasn’t a great movie, nor was his acting spectacular, but it brought enough dough to the box office for Dave to now be friends with a producer. It was his birthday and his week up to that night was full of strenuous trainings and full of downs, so his friends, including the producer, took him to a strip club as a birthday present but also to wind off. Some of his friends were putting money in the dancers’ g-strings and ‘encouraging’ them to “TAKE IT OFFF!”. Dave was enjoying a beer talking to his producer friend when he suddenly decided to take a private lap dance. Dave, then looked up at the stage and saw a dancer who looked as if she couldn’t hear any of the shouts and wasn’t obliging them with whatever they ask for. She would only see the men waving the money but she was deaf to their demans, letting them know she’ll dance the way she wants to. Dave looked up at her and to his surprise she looked down on him. Dave liked her because out of all the dancers she was the one holding out on the public, making them wait longer for the finish and therefore making her the most desireable from the bunch. Dave, who is 6’6 and had a tight shirt on which exposed the outline of his muscular body which might be what she liked in him upon seeing him. It was the way she moved on that stage while sometimes making direct eye contact with him that made him want her. When her dance finished Dave felt like he either needed a cold shower or a cold drink, and since one was more of an option than the other, he went to the bar. He ordered his drink and by the time he almost finished it, she showed up to the bar. They were both happily surprised to see each other again and it was at that bar their relationship started. They both assumed their relationship would be a one night stand and that they felt only lust for each other, but when they were talking in the bar that they realized they had a lot in common and would actually like to be in each other’s company. That’s how their relationship started, but the descend of the relationship would be the very next morning when Evie would become an actress. The producer Dave was with that night got his sights on Evie when watching her dance on stage and decided to get her into a movie he was making. Dave thinks their relationship might still be ongoing if he retired and became an actor sooner, or if she remained a stripper. Dave remebered how his playing was amazing when he first met Evie, but after a few months the relationship strained on him and his playing got worse, and it was only after their break up in 2022 that he won that MLS Cup with his team. Little did he know then that this performance would be his last good one and that his age was slowly catching up to him.


When she kissed Dave on the cheek and started moving away from him in that fashion, he felt as if she was on that stage again, making all the men want her more than any other girl out there. If she really wanted him to stay away from her she wouldn’t have kissed him on the cheek like that, or swayed her hips like that. Dave’s remebered what she said about this Sant … something she mentioned as her boyfriend. 'Santana, my boyfriend, can be a little ruthless when it comes to what is his." Dave would think it a turn off to have a man say you are his and not allow you to talk to your ex boyfriend before turning into a jealous rage. She might be looking for jealous men so she can always be their center of attention and being suggestive to others to keep those jealous men thinking only of her.
Dave’s head was spinning, not knowing if he still likes her, or if he likes the good memories, but suddenly he also started remebering how hard it was to get her alone and how doing that became such a burden that they both stopped trying and started despising having to spend time together. Dave hadn’t seen her since their break up, and he was curious who this new guy is … Santana or whatever his name was.

@sunflowerjm - Evie
@ChayChay05 - Tommy



─ ⊹ ⊱ ⊰ ⊹ ─

“Henderson,” Luka heard his name called out. He turned his head to see who had called him, and to his surprise, it was Naomi, a well-known actress. Luka didn’t know Naomi personally, but her reputation preceded her. In a place like Beverly Shores, where everyone knew everyone else’s business, Luka prided himself on being well-informed. It was his way of ensuring he was never caught off guard.

As Naomi approached, Luka offered her a small, courteous smile. He had heard many things about her, but he cared little for gossip and preferred to form his own opinions. To him, reputations were like shadows—often misleading and incomplete.

“Luka, I was thinking a nice drink would be appropriate for the tense air here, and it’s always better to drink with company. Can you be my company?”

“I’m sure Claudia wouldn’t notice or mind,”

He raised an eyebrow at her proposal, looking her up and down from behind his sunglasses. “Hmm, I’m sure she wouldn’t,” he replied, casting a quick glance back at the Wallace family to ensure they were still okay. Satisfied, he looked back at Naomi and chuckled, giving a small shrug. “Eh, sure, why not.” Luka said as he extinguished his cigarette before offering Naomi his arm to lead her towards the bar.

As they walked, he couldn’t help but admire her. Luka wasn’t the type to flirt with just any woman; love was the last thing on his mind. Yet, there was something undeniably attractive about Naomi. She had an aura that seemed to draw every man in the room toward her.

Reaching the bar, Luka motioned to the bartender. “How about some shots to start the night?” he suggested, not really waiting for her answer. He turned to Naomi with a playful grin as he finally took off his sunglasses. “I’ll tell you right now, Ms. Naomi, I’m the worst person to have as a drinking partner. I never say no to a drink.”

─ ⊹ ⊱ ⊰ ⊹ ─

@Kristi naomi <3


Isabella’s words stung her a bit.

“Well I hope you get a good fresh start. Since that’s what you came here for.”

She nodded her head. “And I have…” Isla thought to herself that Isabella had to have known how snarky that sounded. To her, it was as clear as day that she hadn’t come to Beverly Shores only for a fresh start. Isla figured that if Isabella knew her as much as she thought she did, then she wouldn’t have said anything as snarky as that. It was…unnecessary. Isla withheld the urge to roll her eyes. While she wasn’t as heartbroken over Isabella as much as she was when she first moved to Beverly Shores, she still felt as if she were savoring this moment a bit too much. It reminded her of the fiesty side isabella had that she usually loved, but now it was just a cold reminder of how she had acted toward the end of their relationship.

Isla knew that she needed to grow in relationships. She was a bit controlling, and clingy, she even admitted that, but she still felt like Isabella was cold and uncaring especially toward the end of their relationship. Isla just wanted to know if she was cheating on her but that was the downfall of their relationship. Maybe she went too far, no…she did. Now, she had to live with her mistakes. She was forgiving herself for everything but always felt like isabella never took much blame.

It wasn’t time for that now though, it was time to move on.

As they continued talking Isla hoped they could continue being friends. She missed her presence, but there was still a lot of awkwardness there.

“Thanks, and i’m glad that your acting career is still going strong. I know how much of a hard worker you are.” Isla looked at the ground awkwardly, a memory passing in her mind about supporting Isabella on her career. The memory of them sitting on the couch, ice cream containers, and laughter filled her mind. The day that Isabella had got home from a hard day of filming. She truly always supported Isabella, that much was true. She missed those days.

“I’m… Going to go outside on the deck and get some fresh air. I hope we can build our friendship one day, even though i know it will take some time.”

@ChayChay05 - Isabella



One would think that after decades in the entertainment industry, attending events like the Thanksgiving yacht party he’d been invited to would get tiresome but Lucien hadn’t seemed to reach that point yet. There was always enough happening that no event was the same year after year, nor were the people. Between breakups, divorces, new romances, and breakout stars, each event seemed to come with its own train of gossip, fuelled by the paparazzi.

He took one final look at himself in the mirror to ensure he was satisfied with his appearance before picking his phone up off of his dresser and heading out to where his driver was waiting for him. He informed the driver of the party’s address, adding that they would first be stopping next door to pick up his friend and neighbour, Winslie De La Cruz Perrie. He waited inside the car for her to come out of her house, his driver exiting the vehicle to assist her when she did. Lucien smiled as she wrapped her hands around his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. He reciprocated the gesture by resting his head on top of hers.

“It is, isn’t it?” He responded when she stated that the night was already off to a good start. “And might I add that you look gorgeous tonight.” He added, having gotten a good look at her ensemble as she got into the car.

They arrived at the marina fairly quickly and to no surprise, the paparazzi had already begun to descend upon the attendees. He and Winslie stayed together as they stepped out of the car, their friendship being something they had both discussed publicly many times before, but they were separated soon after that as the paparazzi demanded photos and answers from each of them.

Is there anything you can tell us about your upcoming film?

“It was a pleasure to work with Cameron and you should look forward to it.”

What about the rumours that the two of you are romantically involved?

Lucien chuckled. “Our on-screen chemistry is just that good.” He quipped. Once he finally escaped the paparazzi, his eyes met Winslie’s as he rejoined her.

“It never seems to.” He agreed with her. He walked with her to the table and she revealed that she had made a special request for the evening which had been honoured - their seats were beside each other. Others close to Winslie eventually joined them but then came a voice that caused Lucien’s posture to stiffen.


Lucien subtly cleared his throat while Winslie moved herself away from him and he watched carefully for everyone’s next moves. Emilio started to address his siblings and after a seemingly tense exchange, Santiago stood up, followed by their sister. The exchange left a hanging tension in the air but thankfully Winslie broke it by asking him about his children.

“I got a message from Vienna about an hour before I left begging me to sneak her in.” He answered, confirming her suspicions. The small talk was a welcome distraction from the awkwardness of Emilio’s unexpected return. “Somehow it always surprises me how much they’ve grown.” He added, the message having given him a hard reminder that kids were, in fact, teenagers and would be adults soon.


@Madilnel - Winslie

@novella - Cami
@Kristi @raviola - de la cruzes


Isabella didn’t mean to sound snarky and maybe it did sound that way. She did feel a little bad for seeming that way. However, she didn’t care in this moment. She had a rush of emotions going through her that she didn’t know how to control. When Isla said “I’m… Going to go outside on the deck and get some fresh air. I hope we can build our friendship one day, even though i know it will take some time.” Isabella wasn’t sure why it stung a bit that Isla was walking away from her.

Before Isla walked away Isabella said “Yes, hopefully one day we can build a friendship Isla. I’m sorry if I seemed rude.” She added at the end before Isla walked away. She smiled at Isla and finished her drink. She went to the bar to get another drink. She wanted something strong to forget all her worries in the moment. She decided to go with an Irish Trash Can. It was the fifth strongest drink in the world after all.

@Kbail Isla




Rowan arrived at the party wearing all white, trying to fit into the theme. He didn’t really care about the theme, but he wouldn’t let Isabelly know that, ever. However, it wasn’t all that bad since white was slowly becoming one of his favorite colors, he didn’t like red because red stands out, and he just thinks gold looks tacky unless done really well or worn with confidence or both.
Across the deck he saw Isabella deep in conversation and when he saw her be in her element, he almost smiled, which he never would’ve guessed she would ever make him want to do that. Not her. Any feelings of warmth towards HER would complicate things, so there must be none and if you felt that … You didn’t!
He wanted to turn around not to face her but when he realized the talk was over and that she was headed to the bar, his legs just started walking over to the bar. He found her drinking a drink so alcoholic he could smell it from a few feet away. He joined her and ordered a coffee, before nonchalantly starting the conversation with. “Talk with your ex didn’t go as planned? Now, Izzy, I love you, but if you put that drink which looks andd smells like a cleaning solution, you’ll be worse off than you are now. It’s better if you get something that doesn’t look like a canned hangover and have a beer with me?” He looked her outfit over and smiled, knowing that EDW won’t be able to have any comments about this outfit. "Besides, you look to nice tonight to drown your sorrows, when my shoulder is right here. And look … He picked up fabric of his shirt on the shoulder closest to her before continuing “100% Cotton. Which means it’ll absorb your tears like a sponge better than you can absorb that alcohol.” He tried cheering her up, but turned serious for a moment. “So what happened?”

@ChayChay05 - Isabella

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