Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Davit said “Won’t it cause an issue for you? Your fans and image may change.” Isabella looked at him puzzled and confused. She really didn’t care how it looked to the public or fans or anyone for that matter. She just wanted to be happy. She felt she deserved that at least, especially after last night. Davit then pulled Isabella to him and hugged her. She hugged him back and she laid her head on his chest. When Davit said “I love you.” again. Isabella wanted to say if you really love then you would come to my house with me. However, she didn’t want to put any pressure on him. She just hugged him for a minute, but it felt a lot longer. She finally talked. “Issue??? You think I care about my image? Yes, I care about my fans, but I want to be with you. I don’t care what that does to my image. I want to be happy!” She said as she helped him get up.

@SotaForgotten | Davit

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She had helped him out of the bed. “I do agree. You deserve to be happy and I want you to be happy. I just don’t want to get in the way of your fame and glory Pixie.” He looked around the room, trying to find the crutches that they should of provided but it seemed they haven’t left any in the room with him. He tried his best not to put too much of his weight on Isabella while they walked out of the room.“I’ll need to see a nurse about clutches…” he said as he looked around trying to spot a nurse that didn’t seem too busy. “I will go to your place only if you are sure you can handle…the consequences…” he finally waved a nurse down and talked with her about getting some clutches. It took a few minutes of waiting for the nurse to return, resize the clutches and left the two of the along once more. He was feeling relieved that he no longer needed to hold his weight back now being on the clutches. He looked at her once more, with a small smile yet serious look on his face. “Are you sure?”

@ChayChay05 Isabella

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Lysander was having a fun night with Beck, and he thought she was having fun with him as well, but it was ruined for him, and he suspects the same for her, when Shaun spoke up.
“And an accident? You expect me to believe that you just accidentally sent a picture that’s, um … pretty compromising to my mom’s phone?” Lysander thought that statement was stupid. If it weren’t an accident, that would mean she planned to send a thirst trap to his mom and not to him. Plus, it’s pretty common for people to send something to somebody they don’t meant to by accident. Especially since Lysander explained, although it was a lie, that she meant to send him an innocent photo but acidentally attached the one she meant to send to Lysander.
“You think sending a picture of Beck in a bikini to my mom is just a harmless mistake? That’s not a text mix-up. You’re on a date with him, Beck, and you’re still sending pictures to me?” Lysander wanted to say something back, his forehead was about to explode from the audacity. But then he realized that him accusing her of sending him the picture on purpose … well it sounded more like he’s trying to assure himself that’s what happened. Like he’s trying to convince himself she wanted to send it to him, and by saying it outloud somehow make it reality. Then he said something even more pathetic. “Make up your mind, Beck. Please, Beck.” Begging her to choose him as if he didn’t just call her a liar and adressed her with an appaling lack of respect. He is either narcicisstic and thinks he’s soo good that she’d pick him even though he just treated her poorly, or he tried to bring down her self esteem and then give her the option to pick him, like some sort of pathetic incel would. Either way, with this action, all the good impressions Lysander had when he met him earlier that night were outweighed by the hurt he’s caused Beck.
He’s dealt her a great deal more hurt than she did him … Who cares if earlier she kissed him. It’s like a anti-fairytale kiss, where in a fairytale you’d kiss a frog and he’d turn into a prince, here she kissed a prince and he turned into a toad. He wanted to say something, teach him a lesson, but she said “Shaun I…” and he decided to give Beck her phone back.
Lysander was happy that she decided to get a backbone and tell this jerk off. Throught her entire speech he’s been nodding to everything she’s said and smiling behind her like a proud father. The only time he didn’t nodd along was when she said “You know what, if I’m such a bad person Shaun…” where he immediatelly grabbed her shoulder to nodd left and right, making sure she knows she is in no means the bad guy here. When she dropped the F bomb he started nodding along again.
She finished the speech by saying something that warmed Lysander’s frost bitten heart. “Even as a fake boyfriend, Lysander is more of a man than you’ll ever be.” She hung up and he could tell she felt regret for being so mean, but Lysander thought he deserved to hear it. If he was truly worthy of her, then telling him when he’s acting like a jerk is someting he needs to hear, to become worthy of her again … Especially if he wants her so badly.
She flopped on the bed and started crying, and he recognized heartbreak when he saw it. He himself felt it, althought it was different for him, since he lost more than she could ever imagine. However, he wanted to make her heartbreak as comfortable as it could be so the healing process could be faster. He covered her with a blanket, lit a scented candle, made sure her phone and alcohol were further away from her so she doesn’t get drunk as a resonse since it’s a slipperly slope. He put some snacks next to her so she would have something to numb the pain, and at last he asked. “Would you like some tea or a bowl of nice, hot, comforting soup? Maybe some tomato soup with two triangle pieces of grilled cheese on the side?” Making sure he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he sent a message to Shaun.

This is the photo she meant to send you, a**hole!

The jig is up, she told you over the phone I was hired to be her boyfriend … But I WAS NOT hired to be a fake bodyguard. No, I was hired to be her actual bodyguard and I promised to keep her out of harm’s way. So far, the only harm that came to her was either done by herself or by you. I can tell you want her, but if you keep hurting her like this, I swear I will do my duty and keep her away from you, like I would form any other harm. If you don’t like this, then shape up, man up, and stop acting like a child! If you really cared for her, MORE than you cared for Josie or Ashley, you wouldn’t be confused. I don’t know who told you that siding with her enemies would get you any closer to her, but if there’s any confusion, it’s only the result of your OWN actions, so get your messy life in order, and don’t blame Beck for you not being able to control your own life. Seriously man, you’re acting like a child at a playground, pulling a girl’s piggy tails because you like her. Didn’t your mommy tell you that you won’t get a girl that way? Because I’m telling you now. If you dare hurt Beck again, I’ll turn up at your house and interrupt your ‘family time’ some more.

His hands hovered over the send button for the second, lenghty message when he heard the bell ring. He left his phone on the ground, thinking he would probably delete some of the message, but keep the gist of it until he returns. But then he thought that it might be Shaun, and he figured he might hurt her even more than he already has, so he decided to send the message. He hit send and turned to Beck. “Don’t worry, Beck. You just keep comfortable. I’ll get the door. If it’s Shaun I’ll make sure I use my fist to project the hurt he’s caused you.” He walked downstairs with an angry look, fully preparing himself for a fight if Shaun was there. He opened the door and to his surprise it was … Beck?
For a split second he was confused but then he realized. With a bit of a dissapointed voice he said “You must be Beck’s sister. I’m sorry, but she’s indisposed at the moment. She doesn’t want to see anybody. You can come in, I’ll tell her you’re here, and if she wants to talk she’ll come down, but I doubt she’ll be in the mood after everything that’s happened tonight.”

@eunoia - Shaun
@Kbail - Beck/Beatrice

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When Lucy said that she wasn’t just fond of Blake, that she loved him, Isla’s eyes widened. So it was true, they were having an affair. Blake would always deny it whenever she would ask. Isla didn’t want to be rude, so instead she just looked down at the floor and let out a sigh, adjusting her hoodie. Even after trying to play nonchalant, she couldn’t help but say a few things about this shocking news. “Well, that’s great how you love Blake and everything but you do realize how bad it would look if you went public? Wouldn’t it be better if you were single?” She shook her head and looked at the floor again. “I’m sorry for being nosy I guess but, that’s just how I feel.”

Isla listened as Lucy answered the question she had about when she last saw Blake, but her answer was something she didn’t expect. She thought that Lucy would say something like “oh it was a couple days ago” not… This.

Isla didn’t know what to say. She just stared quietly until she finally spoke up again. “So you’re telling me that he was at the bar with you? Now all of a sudden, he’s in a car accident? Do you understand how bad that looks for you?” Isla was truly starting to feel that Blake was drinking all night and possibly in the morning since he’s never gotten into a car accident before. She wondered if Lucy was lying about how much time they spent together but she didn’t press on, she just waited for her answer.

Isla thought about the things Rowan said to her before she abruptly hung up on him. He seemed adamant that she needed to know something and she felt annoyed because she didn’t want to think about Isabella right now after what happened last time. How convenient that he had something to tell her as soon as she was back in California. Isla wondered if he was stalking her.

After Lucy responded, Isla saw a group of people walk down the hallway, then the lobby person told them that they’re free to visit Blake. Isla let out a long sigh and immediately got up to go to Blake’s hospital room, with Lucy following close behind her.

When they got to the hospital room, she saw Blake laying on the bed with bruises on his face. He also had casts on his arms. “Oh my gosh…” Isla said.

“Isla… Lucy…” Blake managed to squeak out.


@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Rowan Mentioned



Location: Club Ivy

James wondered what the heck Ryker’s problem was. Now he was trying to call him out in front of the couple as if he did something wrong. “Look man, I don’t appreciate your tone right now. I’m just trying to have a drink with you, have a little talk but you’re taking it too far. I don’t like men. You know what, I shouldn’t even be talking to you after you punched Lucy. Plus, I was supposed to be with Lucy RIGHT NOW but she decided to go home with humpty dumpty instead.” He looked at the couple. “I’m sorry y’all, It’s been a long night. That woman you thought was your wife was supposed to be my woman tonight but someone ran off with her. It looked like Beauty and the Beast in this b#tch He angrily sipped his whiskey.

“You guys really made everything even more chaotic over there but I’m glad you made up or whatever.” He was jealous that the man was going home with someone he loved and he wasn’t.

Not bothering to be polite he took out his phone and texted Lucy something on her Instagram since he didn’t have her number.

Hey I found your Instagram. I just want to say you’re an incredible woman and I don’t care if you went home with Jolly the green giant I’m still here when you come to your senses

@Kate - Ryker
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Edward/Avon
@ChayChay05 - Lucy Mentioned


Ryker heard James get upset at him and said he shouldn’t be talking to him especially since he hit Lucy. Ryker just drank more. He listened to James talk to the couple. “Your right James, i’m sorry if I am taking it to far, and I know you aren’t into men, I said I was dropping it and I am, sorry to piss you off. And about Lucy I feel terrible, I didn’t mean to hit her. Let’s just try to start new i’m not here to piss you off anymore. So I apologize.” He then looked at the couple as well. “Yeah it is a good thing that you guys made up. How long have you guys been married for?” Ryker was very curious


Savannah was still at the bar and after she finished her drinks she saw Ryker, James, Avon and her husband, and James did not look happy at all. She decided why not go over and talk to them especially before she leaves to go back to Josie’s house. She walked over to everyone. “Hey guys, mind if I join you? Also if you want a drink, it’s on me. Avon everything ok between you and your husband now?”

@Kbail - James, Josie mentioned
@ChayChay05 - Lucy mentioned
@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Edward/Avon


Beatrice wasn’t expecting Beck to answer right away. Maybe it was because she hadn’t seen her sister in person for so long that it seemed somehow unreal.

What she truly didn’t expect was for someone else to answer the door, someone like… Him?

For the first time in years, she was truly dumbstruck to the point of being speechless. Beatrice was faced with radiant blue eyes staring into her soul, and a cutting jawline that framed his face perfectly.

“I… Um…”

“You must be Beck’s sister. I’m sorry, but she’s indisposed at the moment. She doesn’t want to see anybody. You can come in, I’ll tell her you’re here, and if she wants to talk she’ll come down, but I doubt she’ll be in the mood after everything that’s happened tonight.”

Seemingly snapped out of a spell, she shook her head. “She’s indisposed? What happened?”

Beatrice walked into the house with a frown on her face. She had no idea who this guy was. She saw the drama on instagram but didn’t look into it too much. Was he her fake boyfriend? She hoped not, seeing as he was very attractive.

The guy lead her into the room where Beck was laying in her bed. “Beck, what happened?”


“Would you like some tea or a bowl of nice, hot, comforting soup? Maybe some tomato soup with two triangle pieces of grilled cheese on the side?”

Beck shook her head, still laying in the same place even when Lysander laid out everything to comfort her. “I don’t think I can eat right now.” The words that truly haunted her was “you’re not a real man” it was the complete opposite she felt about Shaun, yet those words ended up leaving her mouth. Why did he affect her in ways that made her act out of character?

Beck was hardly paying attention to anything Lysander was doing, that was why when she heard an extra pair of footsteps on the floor it confused her. She turned around and saw… Beatrice…

"Beck what happened?

“What are you doing here?” She asked, sitting up in bed. She quickly wiped off her tears, feeling like she saw a ghost. “Nothing happened, nothing of your concern.” She quickly got off of the bed and started going to the bathroom to wash her face.

Beatrice looked at her, with a worried expression. “Look, I just came by because I saw what you were going through on Instagram and I just want to make sure you’re on the right track and that… You’re doing okay. I just want the best for you Beck.”

“I have everything under control.”

"Then why were you crying, and who is this?"She pointed to the beautiful Lysander. Part of her wanted to know who he was because he was so handsome but she mostly felt that Beck might be acting reckless again if this was possibly a random hook up.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lysander
@eunoia - Shaun mentioned


Ashley threw the ruffled white dress on her bed, the white mixing with the dim light of her room.

She slowly ran her hands over the silky fabric, as her blonde waves fell down over her face.

The constant bickering of the day left her with one thing on her mind, to go after Shaun. It was the only thing that would teach her dear friend Beck a lesson, right?

Ashley held the large Shaun Cohen poster she bought for the day and twirled around, smiling and laughing. It was the second poster in her collection - this being the biggest one she had, and she had bought it just for the special occasion of finally shooting her shot.

Shortly after arguing with Beck online, her day was spent wandering through aisles of clothing, searching for the perfect dress, the perfect shoes, for when she met Shaun soon, because she just knew it would happen.

Now she was back home.

Ashley sat in the chair that was in the corner of her room. She wore a smirk on her face as she pulled out her phone and looked for Shaun’s Instagram. She decided to send him a message and figured that this time, she would make it count.

Hey Shaun, I know you were going through a hard time with Beck earlier and I just want to say, I’m here for you, if you need me. We can go out to a restaurant if you want? I just think you’re a good guy who deserves the world and you shouldn’t let Beck’s antics get to you.

She checked off all the boxes of sympathetic girlfriend. The only “hard time” that she knew of however was the small argument that happened on Instagram but what was wrong with playing it up a little? Just to lend a listening ear. That was all she wanted. She was just innocent.

@eunoia - Shaun

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - just so you can see


Isabella smiled as Davit said “I do agree. You deserve to be happy and I want you to be happy. I just don’t want to get in the way of your fame and glory Pixie.” Then he looked around the room for something. Isabella wasn’t sure at first what he was looking for, until he said “I’ll need to see a nurse about clutches…” When he said this they had just walked out the room and he was looking for a nurse. Isabella was helping walk. Then he said “I will go to your place only if you are sure you can handle…the consequences …” Davit then found a nurse and waved her over. She went and got the crutches and returned with them. She helped him adjust the crutches to the right height and everything for him. Once he was all set they started walking to the exit again as they talked. Then Davit looked at her with a small smile yet serious face and he asked “Are you sure?” Isabella stopped at the elevator as they waited for it to come up to take them down.

“Well… First, yes I am sure I want you to come to my place. Secondly, F^^K the consequences! Whatever they are I know I can handle them. All I want is you Davit… I want you to never leave me again. I want you to stay with me…” She said as the elevator dinged signaling it was now on the floor they were waiting at. The big doors opened and she held the door as he walked into the elevator on his crutches. Once he was free of the doors she walked in too and pushed floor one. The parking garage where her car was at wasn’t attached to the hospital. However, she wasn’t gonna make Davit walk on the crutches all the way to the car. So once they got outside in front of the hospital she said to him

“You wait right here. I’m gonna go get the car. I’ll be right back. Please don’t disappear on me this time.” She giggled but she was dead serious at the same time. She walked away leaving him sitting on a bench. She was parked on the fifth floor of the garage. So, she had to go to the elevator in the parking garage and take it up. Then walk to her car. Before she could even think about getting down to him. She practically ran to the car and started it. She then went down and to the front of the hospital to pick Davit up. She smiled as she pulled around and threw the car in park. She jumped out the car and ran around to the passenger side to open the door for him. Once he was in she shut the door and walked around to get in the car. She took off to her house with Davit in the passenger seat.

@SotaForgotten | Davit

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As they were waiting for the elevator, she replied. [Color=red] "Well… First, yes I am sure I want you to come to my place. Secondly, F^^K the consequences! Whatever they are I know I can handle them. All I want is you Davit… I want you to never leave me again. I want you to stay with me…” he was slightly hurt she’d think after what they just did, that he’d leave her. “I promise I will never leave you.” . He brought a hand up to her face and gently rubbed her cheek with his thumb. He knew he would have to prove it to her every day of his life, but the fear would always be there.

They had walked out, thankfully there was a bench outside of the hospital where he ended up sitting. Isabella looked at him, "You wait right here. I’m gonna go get the car. I’ll be right back. Please don’t disappear on me this time.” He smiled a little, feeling conflicted inside as she walked off. [Color=white] “She’ll never let me live it down, will she?” he thought to himself. As he was waiting, an slightly younger woman come over and sat on the other end of the bench. They chatted for a minute before Isabella rolled up in her vehicle, got out, helped him in and got back in before driving off. It didn’t take long before Davit had fallen asleep. His phone dinged a few times, indicating he had received a text.

@ChayChay05 Isabella

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Lucy was sitting there confused when Isla said “Well, that’s great how you love Blake and everything but you do realize how bad it would look if you went public? Wouldn’t it be better if you were single?” Isla shook her head and looked at the floor. Lucy spoke up with “What are you talking about? Who is going public with what? Wait did you just say I love Blake?” Lucy asked confused, yeah she thought that but how did Isla know her thoughts. Was Isla a mind reader… Then Isla said

“I’m sorry for being nosy I guess but, that’s just how I feel.” Lucy just looked at her. “Hey, sometimes people are nosy. We can’t help it.” Lucy offered Isla a smile. Lucy was shocked Isla didn’t ask her about her black eye. Then Isla listened to Lucy and said “So you’re telling me that he was at the bar with you? Now all of a sudden, he’s in a car accident? Do you understand how bad that looks for you?” Lucy sighed. This girl was only hearing parts of what Lucy was saying.

This was very frustrating for Lucy. Lucy repeated herself “Last night. We both ended up a the same bar. I was there with a group of friends and he was there and we bumped into each other.” She paused for a second hoping this time the girl would hear her correctly. “We didn’t go to the bar together. Not sure who he was there with to be honest. I just know that I was there with my girl friends, we even had a limo. Then I saw Blake and we said hey to each other.” She stressed that they had just bumped into each other.

“Wait… what does him being in a car accident have to do with me? How on earth is this my fault?” She asked as she thought maybe it is her fault and she started feeling horrible. “How does this look bad for me? I didn’t have anything to do with this! I heard about the accident and came up here to check on him!” She said defensive. Then they finally got told they could go see Blake. Lucy wasn’t at all prepared for what she was about to walk in on. Lucy followed close behind Isla. So, Isla was the first one in the room and she said “Oh my gosh…” Lucy took a deep breath as she walked into the room.

She looked over and saw Blake laying there on the bed with his face covered in bruises. Lucy thought This doesn’t look like any accident She wondered who the hell could have done this to such an amazing. Kind and loving person. All Lucy wanted to do was run over to Blake’s side. However, she didn’t want it to be too much or look suspicious. Then Blake managed to some how say “Isla… Lucy…” Lucy couldn’t help but say something, even though she was just inside the doorway. “Yes… I’m here.” Was all she could think of to say in the moment. She how’s this would help him know how much she cares for him. All she wanted was him in this moment.

@Kbail | Isla & Blake



“Ok, let me just…take off my shirt…it seems right to be shirtless at the gym. Well, you’re not, but you actually have muscles.” As Avery peeled off their shirt slowly, Ezra did what any reasonable person would do in a potential shirtless situation: he admired them. Well, one might say he was checking them out, but in his mind, he was just… observing.

“Yeah, yeah, I’ll send 'em,” Ezra responded to Cole, then turned back to Avery, his expression more serious now. He’d been caught up in the moment, but he knew he needed to ask the question. “Hey, Avery, can I ask you something?” he said, his voice low and gentle. Ezra gestured to the scars on Avery’s chest. “Those… scars. What are they from?” He locked eyes with Avery.

“Later, guys,” Ezra said finally, shouldering his bag. “I’ve got to get moving.”

@Ouijaloveletters Avery
@ChayChay05 Cole


As Avery took off their shirt, they felt Ezra’s eyes on them. There was no way he wouldn’t notice, but Avery was ready for that. All they had to do was wait. Three, two, one…Ezra asked. Avery gave him the soft smile that they’d prepared for questions like this. Here’s hoping he wasn’t too weirded out. ”Oh, that’s my top surgery scar. I’m trans. Yes, I can be trans and identify as non binary. All trans means is that I don’t identify as my birth gender. Some non binary people are ok with being called trans, others aren’t. I’m ok with it, though.” Ok, now let that sink in for a minute.
@eunoia - Ezra
@ChayChay05 - Cole


Isabella looked deep into Davit’s eyes while waiting on the elevator and talking with him. Davit told her “I promise I will never leave you.” She wanted to believe him. However, at the same time given he left her in the first place all those years ago without a word. Made it kind of sit there in her mind. She knew with what the just did it wasn’t likely of him to leave in that manner again, but she was still scared he could, or would.

As Isabella drove she heard Davit’s phone go off a few times. She also knew he had fallen asleep. Soon enough they were at her house. He looked so peaceful sleeping she didn’t want to wake him up at first. However, she killed the car and spoke. “We are home Pookie.” She said as she got out the car and walked around to help him out the car and into her house.

@SotaForgotten | Davit

1 Like

Cole stood there as Ezra got ready to take the picture. Then Ezra asked Avery if they wanted in and Avery said yes. Then they decided no shirt would be better. Once the picture was taken Cole noticed the scars on Avery’s chest. Ezra said he would send the pictures to Cole. Cole nodded his head to let Ezra know he heard him. Cole was gonna ask Avery about the scars, but Ezra beat him to the punch. Then Avery said ”Oh, that’s my top surgery scar. I’m trans. Yes, I can be trans and identify as non binary. All trans means is that I don’t identify as my birth gender. Some non binary people are ok with being called trans, others aren’t. I’m ok with it, though.” Cole took this in as he stood there getting his stuff into his bag to head out. He wanted to go see Savannah but Savannah was at girl’s night. So home to Grizzly was his options.

@eunoia | Ezra
@Ouijaloveletters | Avery
@Kate | Savannah mentioned


It had taken a couple of seconds for him to wake up when she had turned off the car. “We are home Pookie.” he sat himself up in the seat as he looked around. She got out of the car and came around to help him out of it. Once he was standing on his crutches, he couldn’t help by eye the surrounding. Everything was different, new, and he needed to know his surroundings in case…He wasn’t sure when, but he had made it into a habit of location exists for any quick escape. Shaking his head a little, he thought “Stop it… Don’t think like that…”. With the crutches holding his weight, he reached over and gently pulled Isabella towards him. Holding her in his arms as he gently kissed her on the forehead.

@ChayChay05 Isabella


Isabella watched as Davit looked around. She was kind of worried about him, but just let it slip away for now. She knew he hadn’t been here in a long time and that this was probably weird for him. However, she felt she was in heaven being back with him. However, part of her felt it was too good to be true. She was just waiting for something to go wrong like it always seemed to. They went into the house. Luckily there is a two rooms, plus her room on the first floor. There is also a master suite upstairs which she uses sometimes as well. However, since Davit was staying here she would use the master suite downstairs so she could be close to him. She wasn’t sure if he wanted to sleep in the California king bed in the master suite with her, or if he wanted to sleep in one of the two guest rooms downstairs. She was nervous about what he might decide to do. “So… Where do you want to sleep? There is two guest rooms down here, or the master suite down here with me.” She asked not sure what his answer would be and not sure if she could handle what he might say. She held her breath waiting on his reply.

@SotaForgotten | Davit

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He was thrown off a little by her comment. He had originally thought her inviting him over as a "let’s catch up on old times" kind of invite. He hadn’t expected her to basically offer him a place to stay. Realizing he needed to inform her that he has a life back at home that needed him…unless…

He lets out a sigh before reaching out to take Isabella’s’ hand in his. “Pixie. As much as I’d love to stay, I’m currently in a motel. I only came here because your brother had informed me that you went missing… now that things have been…cleared up…” he started to hesitate with his words. He knew she wouldn’t like what he was putting down, especially since they had finally been reunited and had expressed their feelings for each other and more… But he didn’t even know what they were, they have not defined what they were. He tried to speak softly to her, as if not to push her away. “I am needed back at my home.” He placed her hand over his chest, roughly where the heart is located. “I will be here for you when you need me. I’ll do everything in my power to help you with anything you need. I love you and only you. But if you want me to stay…I need to know…what are we?”

@ChayChay05 Isabella


Isabella’s heart sank when he took her hand in his and let out a sigh before speaking. He started by saying * “Pixie. As much as I’d love to stay, I’m currently in a motel. I only came here because your brother had informed me that you went missing… now that things have been…cleared up… I am needed back at my home.”* Then he took Isabella’s hand and placed it over his heart as he spoke again “I will be here for you when you need me. I’ll do everything in my power to help you with anything you need. I love you and only you. But if you want me to stay…I need to know…what are we?” She knew this question was bond to pop up, but she didn’t know how to answer it. It’s not like he asked her to be his girlfriend… However, she knew… she knew if he went back “home” that they would more than likely fall apart.

Her mind started racing. She didn’t mean for him to stay forever, unless he wanted to. All she meant was while he was still in town… He should stay at her place instead of paying for a motel or hotel or whatever. She figured him having a free place to stay would be better so he isn’t wasting money. Plus she figured he would be at her place more than the motel or hotel anyways. When he said the part about “now that things have been cleared up.” Her heart broke at his words. It was like a double bladed sword being stabbed into her heart. She felt it hard. How could she possible say something. What could she say. She fought back the tears she could feel forming in her eyes. She swallowed hard before speaking up.

“Firstly, when I said you were staying here, I meant until you were leaving to go back. I figured you could use a free place to stay instead of wasting money on a hotel room that you wouldn’t be at anyways while you’re still in town.” She could feel the tears starting to escape her eyes as she kept talking. “I’m glad you will be here for me. I’ll be here for you too.” She said with a small smile but not meeting his eyes. She was scared to look him in the eyes for fear of breaking down and crying more than she should. “I love you too Pookie, more than you know.” She took in the last part of what he said again.

“Of course I would love for you to stay… I mean… if you leave… it’ll be like losing you all over again.” She said as the tears fell faster from her eyes, but you couldn’t tell by her voice that she was crying. You could only tell if you looked at her face, but she was looking down. She took a deep breath before answering the last thing he said, or well asked her. “I mean… what do you want us to be? You haven’t asked me to be yours Davit. I’m not sure what we are, but I can tell you what I hope we are, or will or can be.” She paused for a moment and looked up at him. “I want us to be together. Boyfriend/girlfriend… I want you and only you for the rest of my life Davit. You mean the world to me. You are my light in the dark. You are my strength when I’m weak. You are the reason I keep pushing on through all the bad things that happen, because I know… I know that with you in my life everything will be okay somehow… someway.” She said while staring deep into his eyes.

@SotaForgotten | Davit

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He felt a swirl of emotions as she spoke. There was so much he wished he could say but he knew he had hurt her enough and didn’t want to say or do anything that could ruin what they may or may not have.

It did warm his heart that she had offered her home for him to stay at instead of the motel he had been in. He felt stupid for assuming she had wanted him to stay here for good…though he wasn’t against the idea. The image of them living together, with a child or two between them was enough to get a reaction out of his body. To cover for this he faked cough and adjusted himself on his feet… He knew he needed to pay attention…but…

He let out a soft sigh as he moved his hand to her cheek, gently rubbing it with his knuckles. He wasn’t sure how much he hadn’t been listening to. " “I mean… what do you want us to be? You haven’t asked me to be yours Davit. I’m not sure what we are, but I can tell you what I hope we are, or will or can be.” She paused to look at him. It had looked like she was crying silently, this broke his heart. He had done nothing but hurt her since he had returned. "I want us to be together. Boyfriend/girlfriend… I want you and only you for the rest of my life Davit. You mean the world to me. You are my light in the dark. You are my strength when I’m weak. You are the reason I keep pushing on through all the bad things that happen, because I know… I know that with you in my life everything will be okay somehow… someway.”

She had poured her heart and soul out to him. This was different. It was easier being naked and having sex, but being completely honest about your feelings could truly make a person feel naked and vulnerable.

He pulled her into his embrace and held onto her tightly but not suffocating. He had no intention of letting her go, not like he did all those years ago. “Pixie…No… Isabella…” All of a sudden his mind went blank… What was he going to say again? He was frozen in place. The image from earlier appeared once more. He knew he needed to make his move before it was too late. “I would be the happiest man on this planet if you would allow me to be yours…I swear I’ll never disappear on you… I’ll do everything in my power to support you in everything you do.” He loosened his grip so he could look into her beautiful eyes. Desperately searching them for the answer he had already knew, but needed to hear. “Isabella Lopez. Will you allow me the honor to have you as my fiance, the honor to dream of being your husband in your future? Will you allow me to continue loving you, from close distance?”

@ChayChay05 | Isabella

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