Lysander was having a fun night with Beck, and he thought she was having fun with him as well, but it was ruined for him, and he suspects the same for her, when Shaun spoke up.
“And an accident? You expect me to believe that you just accidentally sent a picture that’s, um … pretty compromising to my mom’s phone?” Lysander thought that statement was stupid. If it weren’t an accident, that would mean she planned to send a thirst trap to his mom and not to him. Plus, it’s pretty common for people to send something to somebody they don’t meant to by accident. Especially since Lysander explained, although it was a lie, that she meant to send him an innocent photo but acidentally attached the one she meant to send to Lysander.
“You think sending a picture of Beck in a bikini to my mom is just a harmless mistake? That’s not a text mix-up. You’re on a date with him, Beck, and you’re still sending pictures to me?” Lysander wanted to say something back, his forehead was about to explode from the audacity. But then he realized that him accusing her of sending him the picture on purpose … well it sounded more like he’s trying to assure himself that’s what happened. Like he’s trying to convince himself she wanted to send it to him, and by saying it outloud somehow make it reality. Then he said something even more pathetic. “Make up your mind, Beck. Please, Beck.” Begging her to choose him as if he didn’t just call her a liar and adressed her with an appaling lack of respect. He is either narcicisstic and thinks he’s soo good that she’d pick him even though he just treated her poorly, or he tried to bring down her self esteem and then give her the option to pick him, like some sort of pathetic incel would. Either way, with this action, all the good impressions Lysander had when he met him earlier that night were outweighed by the hurt he’s caused Beck.
He’s dealt her a great deal more hurt than she did him … Who cares if earlier she kissed him. It’s like a anti-fairytale kiss, where in a fairytale you’d kiss a frog and he’d turn into a prince, here she kissed a prince and he turned into a toad. He wanted to say something, teach him a lesson, but she said “Shaun I…” and he decided to give Beck her phone back.
Lysander was happy that she decided to get a backbone and tell this jerk off. Throught her entire speech he’s been nodding to everything she’s said and smiling behind her like a proud father. The only time he didn’t nodd along was when she said “You know what, if I’m such a bad person Shaun…” where he immediatelly grabbed her shoulder to nodd left and right, making sure she knows she is in no means the bad guy here. When she dropped the F bomb he started nodding along again.
She finished the speech by saying something that warmed Lysander’s frost bitten heart. “Even as a fake boyfriend, Lysander is more of a man than you’ll ever be.” She hung up and he could tell she felt regret for being so mean, but Lysander thought he deserved to hear it. If he was truly worthy of her, then telling him when he’s acting like a jerk is someting he needs to hear, to become worthy of her again … Especially if he wants her so badly.
She flopped on the bed and started crying, and he recognized heartbreak when he saw it. He himself felt it, althought it was different for him, since he lost more than she could ever imagine. However, he wanted to make her heartbreak as comfortable as it could be so the healing process could be faster. He covered her with a blanket, lit a scented candle, made sure her phone and alcohol were further away from her so she doesn’t get drunk as a resonse since it’s a slipperly slope. He put some snacks next to her so she would have something to numb the pain, and at last he asked. “Would you like some tea or a bowl of nice, hot, comforting soup? Maybe some tomato soup with two triangle pieces of grilled cheese on the side?” Making sure he doesn’t know what he’s doing, he sent a message to Shaun.
This is the photo she meant to send you, a**hole!
The jig is up, she told you over the phone I was hired to be her boyfriend … But I WAS NOT hired to be a fake bodyguard. No, I was hired to be her actual bodyguard and I promised to keep her out of harm’s way. So far, the only harm that came to her was either done by herself or by you. I can tell you want her, but if you keep hurting her like this, I swear I will do my duty and keep her away from you, like I would form any other harm. If you don’t like this, then shape up, man up, and stop acting like a child! If you really cared for her, MORE than you cared for Josie or Ashley, you wouldn’t be confused. I don’t know who told you that siding with her enemies would get you any closer to her, but if there’s any confusion, it’s only the result of your OWN actions, so get your messy life in order, and don’t blame Beck for you not being able to control your own life. Seriously man, you’re acting like a child at a playground, pulling a girl’s piggy tails because you like her. Didn’t your mommy tell you that you won’t get a girl that way? Because I’m telling you now. If you dare hurt Beck again, I’ll turn up at your house and interrupt your ‘family time’ some more.
His hands hovered over the send button for the second, lenghty message when he heard the bell ring. He left his phone on the ground, thinking he would probably delete some of the message, but keep the gist of it until he returns. But then he thought that it might be Shaun, and he figured he might hurt her even more than he already has, so he decided to send the message. He hit send and turned to Beck. “Don’t worry, Beck. You just keep comfortable. I’ll get the door. If it’s Shaun I’ll make sure I use my fist to project the hurt he’s caused you.” He walked downstairs with an angry look, fully preparing himself for a fight if Shaun was there. He opened the door and to his surprise it was … Beck?
For a split second he was confused but then he realized. With a bit of a dissapointed voice he said “You must be Beck’s sister. I’m sorry, but she’s indisposed at the moment. She doesn’t want to see anybody. You can come in, I’ll tell her you’re here, and if she wants to talk she’ll come down, but I doubt she’ll be in the mood after everything that’s happened tonight.”
@eunoia - Shaun
@Kbail - Beck/Beatrice