Beverly Shores | Official Thread

Ryker (Do not have a banner yet but will work on later or tomorrow)

Ryker didn’t have any clients right now but he has been a well known bodyguard so he was invited to this party which he was feeling eh about but he also thought maybe he can find a new client to watch. As he was walking around someone bumped into him and they apologized and then asked if Ryker was a celebrity or if he was mistaken for someone on tv. Before Ryker answered he studied the face. "Lysander is that you? it’s me Ryker. " He remembered the time they were in war together vaguely. A lot of thoughts were going through his head wanting to ask so many different things but he was not even sure if he should yet.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Lysander


Isabella ended up sitting down next to him but before she did she answered his comment about her not sure about being here and then answered about the drink. "So what ya having love? He asked since he was not actually sure what she had. “Also happy to see you here, it’s been a little while since we saw each other and talked. How’s life been for ya?” He asked before he could order any of the drinks.

@ChayChay05 - Isabella


Natalie Keaton really hated her sister at the moment. Her sister Megan was currently dragging her up the gangplank of a huge yacht, babbling a mile a minute. ”This is the best way for you to get out there! Introduce yourself to people, and build a network of people that can help you in the future. That’s what I’ve done, and look where I am now! Branch out, and don’t just talk to other voice actors and…whatever you call people who love anime. I forgot. Anyway, just have a good time, and try not to drink too much. I probably will, and will need you to drive. Worst case scenario, I’ll call James. Oh, I see some of my co-stars! Gotta go!” Megan patted Natalie on the shoulder, and the next time she blinked, Megan was gone. Natalie sighed at how energetic her sister was. Despite the two being twins, they were as different as night and day. Megan was the sun, bright and cheerful, while Natalie was the moon, calm and quiet…unless she got excited. Then, she was anything but. ”They’re called otakus, Meg.” She muttered, despite her sister being long out of earshot. Shrugging, she headed towards the drinks, trying not to bump into anyone or trip over anything.

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Despite her trying to appear serious, Aisling couldn’t help but smile when Eva hugged her and against her better judgement, laughed when she gave her side of the events, describing the paparazzi as ‘cvnts’ and saying they should be glad she didn’t slap them. Being a parent had taught Aisling that baby steps, both figurative and literal, were worth celebrating just as much as . Now that the initial shock had worn off, she had to admit that she was proud that Eva’s display had been relatively tame, knowing that it could have been worse. Like she had said, she could have slapped one of them.

“I believe you.” Aisling reassured her. She knew it would be hypocritical for her to scold her client because lord knows that if the roles were reversed, she would not have been able to restrain herself. “Do you want to talk about what happened? I’m all ears if you need to rant for a second.” She offered, in case Eva wanted to blow off some steam while no one was really paying attention to them. She wanted to make sure the girl would be in the right state of mind when their conversation ended and she returned to the celebrity world of the party.

“I know, darling. I know you’re trying and I’m proud of you for it.” She responded, her voice gentle as she tried to help Eva feel less discouraged. “The best you can do right now is try to keep yourself out of trouble for the rest of the night. You can’t undo what’s already been done but hopefully someone else will do something that they find way more appealing and it’ll be forgotten in a few days.” At this point in her career, Aisling was very well acquainted with the way the news cycles worked in this industry and with the people in attendance this evening, she was confident that something would happen at some point tonight that would overshadow Eva’s little outburst.

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@sunflowerjm - eva

Lucy using the word babe truly set fire to him even more. “Okay babe…” He said playfully. sh#t I probably shouldn’t have said that but…do I even care anymore? He wondered. He smiled and rubbed his chin while looking up at her as if he were asking himself am I really going to fcking do this? toying with his thoughts because he was not sure. He slowly stood up in front of the bar stool to the point where he was looking down into her eyes “okay…let’s go.” He still wasn’t sure how much he wanted them to do or if he was gonna back out eventually, but he knew deep down that he wanted to do something with her. Blake was starting to see it as a way to help satisfy her from a marriage that seemed to be failing. While they began to walk he put his hand on the small of her back but suddenly, he felt her stop in her tracks and look in the direction on her left. He followed her sight which is where he spotted Steven standing right there watching them. “Oh sh#t” he whispered to himself.

@ChayChay05 - Lucy
@CrazyCaliope - Steven

let the drama commence ; D



“While continuity absolutely is important, I’m also excited about new partnerships that align with my aspirations to establish myself further in Hollywood. How do you envision expanding my network while maintaining the integrity of my current relationships?” Rowan was happy with the conversation so far, but not knowing anything about this actress yet, anything about who she works with, he really didn’t want to say something he would come to regret. However that might come easy when answer such specific questions about a person you have no clue about. It was times like these he wished he’d watched more movies now that he’s older. All he’s been seing lately were premieres where Isabelle was and a few old movies he caught on his TV. He deiced to give her a vague answer that would have to satisfy until he frantically googles her as soon as she leaves. Hopefully the answer won’t be too damning. “Well of course continuity is important, every film-maker will tell you that, but you only need to think about continuity when a transition occurs so the audience doesn’t notice something out of place becuase then the transition could be jarring for the viewer. What I’m aiming to do is keep the people and everything the same during the transition so that it wouldn’t be jarring for you. Changes often cause stress, distress and lack of rest … So I’d suggest keeping it the same during the switch for the sake of your sanity. The people are you now contribute greatly to how your experience in the industry goes, so changing that immediately and abruptly is going to not be good for any of us. But after the transition we’d gradually introduce new options to you and by the end you’d have some new alliances and some old, so your experience with me as your manager would be both new and familiar, so it wouldn’t be too mundane nor too new and frighting.” He really wished he knew how well she got on with her team.
He thought it might be over, he hoped these questions would become easier, “Negotiating contracts is definitely a critical part of the job, Ensuring that the terms are fair and reflect the value of the work is essential. I’m curious, Rowan,”
Here we go again Rowan thought
"How do you approach negotiations? What factors do you consider when determining the right amount of payment for a role?”
He didn’t need to think much about that one, thank God, and it seemed like the question was less complicating than the last one. “Well, Miss Chadha, I take everything into account. the amount of lines, the amount of hours spent working for the movie, the briliancy of the script, how important the role is, how good the chemistry is between the castmates … Basically I’m accounting for three things … How well I believe the movie is going to be at the box office, how good of a performance I believe you gave, and how much you’ve worked in the role. If I miss in my predictions on one of those accounts and I either lose you some money that I know you should’ve deserved or I don’t make a deal where you could’ve made some money, I count it as a failure. All 3 of the things have to be right for me to sing for a considerable amount of money. Now miss Ravi, I have a question for you.” He said and turned to her. “Do you preffer to get paid immediately or do you preffer percentages?” He asked, trying to ascertain how their contracts would go depending on which she preffers.
She answered the question and followed the conversation with another question. By now Rowan got cool with the conversation sounding like an interview, and he started to enjoy it so it didn’t bother him. She asked a question about her crazy requests, and he was about to ask. “How many crazy requests do you have? Just so I can acustom to it.” But she laughed and told him she was only joking, to his relief. “Phew, for a moment there I thought I had a Peter Sellers on my hands. I’d seen people … Well actors who were hard to work with before, but I wasn’t the one dealing with them so I wouldn’t know FIRSTHAND how to go about it. I hope later on I would make some sort of a work relationship that would work with a person with crazy requests. As for Peter Sellers, I’m sure you don’t know who that is, but it’s the only person that comes to mind when somebody mentions a filmstar and crazy requests. He hated some colors. Flat out refused to wear the color green or act in a scene if somebody wore that color. And he would not want to be in a room if it were purple and made the people who worked for him call the hotels he would stay at to make sure there isn’t a drop of that color in any room he would walk in.” He wanted to stop taling about the actor for now, but then thought about the difference between his demands and the ones she thought were crazy. He couldn’t stop himself thinking how cute it was she thought that was crazy. " Actually, thinking about him now, I don’t think what you said is all that crazy. We all have our familliar tools and items that either help us concentrate or keep us feeling close to home. It would only be crazy if you had an outburts or refused to work like Sellers did, if one of those items wasn’t there. Go ahead, you can always give me requests to make your experience in your trailer or on set more comfortable. It’s part of my job to make you the best that you can be, so how could I do that withouth making the athmosphere where you work and where you live inviting and comfortable?"

@Jass - Ravi

ORP - I feel like I’m being interviewed now lol

Isabella smiled as they sat there talking and catching up. Isabella loved when he called her love. “I will have a screwdriver” She said with a little smirk. “It has been a while since we talked or saw each other. I’m happy to see you here too. Life has been moving. I’m busier than ever.” She waited for her drink. The bartender handed it to her, and she took a sip. “What about you? how are things with you and Opal?”

@Kate Bennett

Lucy downed her drink. Then Blake said “okay… let’s go.” She smirked as she backed away a little so he could get up. She smiled as Blake stood up looking down on her as he said it. Lucy wasn’t sure what was about to happen but whatever it was she was beyond ready for it. “Let’s have some fun.” She said as they started walking. She felt Blake put his hand on the small of her back. This made her smile even bigger. His touch sent electricity through her. They were slowly walking together when she decided to look around. She saw Steven standing at the bar watching her. She stopped dead in her tracks while looking at him. F^ck She thought as she stood there frozen with Blake on her right with his hand still on the small of her back.

She wasn’t happy he was here. He was suppose to be home with the kids. She knew she couldn’t make a scene though. It wouldn’t look good for their family image. She took a deep breath and looked at Blake. She whispered “Can we just run?” She took a deep breath. She wasn’t sure if she should go to Steven or to let Steven walk to them. She was a little nervous and scared. She was shocked he was here in the first place. She was a little worried what might happen when they did go home.

@Kbail Blake
@CrazyCaliope Steven



Perhaps all the rumors about her being easy had some truth to it, because Naomi could not help her flushed reaction when Henderson had complimented her beauty. It was such a simple remark, one that should have guaranteed a little chuckle and a thank you, not a shy flustered expression that was comparable to that of a pubescent girl but Naomi could not help herself. Not often people told her that. She was told she was pretty or “damn girl you baaad” but never that her beauty was something that would stand out. It actually made her heart flutter and she reached for her shot glass. Downing the fiery liquid in one swift motion, Naomi hoped the burning sensation would distract from her blush. She flashed Henderson a grateful smile, hoping to regain her composure. "I think then Claudia is quite lucky to have you as her bodyguard " Naomi flashed him a smile, turning to the direction he pointed. “You’re a good bodgguard, but still” the bartender refilled her drink, “You know how to have fun, without it interfering with your work.” She chuckled, “I wish mine were like that” she admitted. “Does it… Actually no that’s a stupid question” she said as she shook her head, not finishing what she was about to ask him.

Finally, she had asked him one of the many things, she was curious about that concerned him, she had asked him about his name. “Luka Zeus Hernandez.” The corners of her lips had tugged into a huge grin as Luka bowed down while she repeated his name to herself, voicing out each syllable, . She liked the way it rolled off her tongue and she was about to call him Luka until he told her that he preferred Mr. hernandez, as it made him feel important, causing her to chuckle. “Well, then, Mr. Hernadez,” her eyes had flickered to his lips, “it’s a good thing, then, that told me” she took a step closer to him, the scent of her perfume intoxicating while a hint of amusement flickered in her eyes, “I wouldn’t dare to make a man like yourself feel anything less than important,” Playfully, she had said. “How else can i make you feel important, Mr.Hernandez,” There was a way in which she said the last part, she had emphasised on his name, as if she couldn’t bear to slur it out. She had said it quite slowly, making sure it came out like “Her-nan-dez” and not all in one.

She couldn’t help to think that she had done good in choosing him to accompany her to get drinks, as the bartener gave her a dirty martini. She had taken small sips, her eyes on her companion. “I couldn’t resist to talk to the sexy bodyguard right in front of me.” She had teased, before she finally shrugged and said, “i’m not really close with most people here.” She admitted. “I-” her voice faltered, “Seem to not be very good at making friends, unfortunately.” She made exes, lovers, some acquitances but never true friends. It was almost like some evil spirit was out to ruin her life for her.

Sorry for any errors and also ill color code later i still dont have internet on my laptop so CRYING i have to do this on my phone :broken_heart: i hate writing posts on my phone but hereee



At the party | With Josie

Doug sighed deeply, his gaze thoughtful as he considered Josie’s question. He leaned back slightly, his fingers absently tapping against the side of his glass. “It’s not about being unsatisfied with my career,” he began slowly, choosing his words with care. “I mean, I don’t enjoy it all, but acting has its moments, especially the stunts and action scenes. But there’s a difference between the rush of those moments and the emptiness when they’re over.”

When Josie mentioned the dating app, Doug chuckled, shaking his head slightly. “I appreciate the offer, Josie, but I think I need more than just a swipe-right kind of connection.” Doug had definitely tried in the past, and it had brought him some wild night, and some of his most interesting stories, however, it had the tendency to stay superficial. He wasn’t quite sure why that was, if it was just the nature of the apps, or because he was a celebrity, but it never brought him what he truly desired.

“It’s hard to find something real in this world, you know? Especially when everyone knows you from the screen or the tabloids. It’s like they see the persona, not the person.” Doug paused, taking a sip of his drink before continuing. “I guess I miss that connection, someone who sees past the image and gets me for who I am. Maybe I’m just old-fashioned that way,” he added with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood despite the weight of his words.

When Francisco approached, Doug’s expression shifted to one of mild amusement mixed with apprehension, given some of the history they shared. He smiled and greeted Francisco with a nod. “Hey, Francisco. Didn’t expect to see you here either,” he replied, trying to keep the conversation light despite the sudden shift in dynamics and their past, a past Josie knew nothing about. Trying to cover what was going on in his mind, he finished his drink.

As Francisco continued with his friendly, yet probing demeanor, Doug did his best to stay composed. “I’m doing well, thanks. Just catching up with Josie,” he said, glancing at her with a smile, trying to signal his appreciation for her presence.

After a moment, Doug cleared his throat, feeling the need to break away briefly. He stood up from his seat, breaking the lingering tension. “Well, I’m going to grab another drink. Josie, would you like something?” He asked, his tone friendly and casual, masking the underlying turmoil he felt from the unexpected turn of events with Francisco.

@kbail | Josie



Santi baby, we did it :muscle:

Emilio… well, for lack of better word, yapped about a whole lot of nothing. He had been an early bird, he hadn’t been…? He seemed to be finishing thoughts that he forgot to express out loud, nothing that he said made sense. At those comments Santiago said nothing at first taking a moment to think. He would rather have observed Emiliano than offended him, because a part of him did fear that there was something missing. He hoped there was, so he could forgive him, something relating to his age, or another vanity of his. But his patience was thin enough, and Emiliano was bound to break it soon.

When the brother and sister spoke of drinks, Emiliano’s smile faltered, as though beside his cheeks were little stars that dimmed without the shine of his pearly teeth. He appeared to be heating, like the atoms in his limbs and torso were relaying back and forth, stressed by their lack of a topic to switch to switch to or distraction to provoke. It seemed almost evident that whatever he hid was sufficiently incriminating, on a level that is moral of now legal. Sympathy advised Santiago to go easier on his once brother, but his emotions were demanding an explanation. “You have your drink,” he said with a relaxed, seemingly effortless charm. “Worry about you.”

The man tried overcompensating, rambling on and on about beverages, but Santiago quickly stopped him.

Emiliano tried to begin an explanation for his disappearance, but it all sounded like a terrible excuse. He took awfully long pauses, each break of silence equally as long as the details he chose to admit. And as thoughtful as he sounded, his speech was not sincere. His return was only proving to be a disappointment, letting his siblings down again.

“Not our burden?” Santiago scoffed, looking away because he could not stand the sight of Emiliano. “You think you’ve gotten old- have you even noticed the way we’ve changed?” Looking down at himself, the man gestured at his own silhouette, which was far from the version of himself that Emiliano had deserted so many years ago. On his ears, he now wore earrings, though they were true to his heart in their cross-shape. His hair was styled differently, more commercial, and it looked like it would be smooth or perhaps wet from a distance but to the touch it felt gelled and commercial. His clothes were loud and vibrant, and he had never liked vibrant colors. But Emiliano was blind to all of it, as if he had never known his siblings at all, or worse, he had forgotten them.

It was offensive, but beyond that neglectful. With Sunny, and his brothers families, he often found solace in knowing that he seriously mattered to them. All of his life, the paparazzi criticized, his friends used him, and at the worst point in his career he was humiliated for the world to see, but his family did not leave him. They were blood and law, it was not possible. So how come Emilio did?

The thought of it crossed his mind, the way he left them thinking the worst, the way that they eventually did. He remembered breaking down in front of the police, grasping at threads so that the case would not grow cold, he remembered his hands shaking when he held the phone to talk to Wyatt on the other side of the glass, calling just to hear his voicemail. Had those calls even gone through?

To even imply that whatever he did was out of respect for them conveyed simply that he knew nothing at all. Santiago fought the irritated, dry-throated feeling that was beginning to dominate him. Tears culminated in the bottom of his eyes so he gritted his teeth so that his voice would not break. “We thought you were dead.”

He figured that his words in that moment would not be strong, so he instead swept up the red mesh of his shirt to show the tattoos on his ribcage, two sets of angel wings, and one initial for each. Emiliano and Mattias. God, he had no idea how much Emiliano knew about what had happened to Mattias, but he decided that he could not tell it now, then he would surely cry.

He just tugged down the bottom hem of his shirt, and lowered his head, hands crossed together in front of him. “Sunny has them too.”

Each question became increasingly difficult to ask, mouth-drying to answer. Emiliano cursed, throwing his glass to the ground, shattering it into a champagne pool, little shards of the glass standing in it as their rounded rims beamed. Santiago and their sister were startled, and Santiago figured this was going to be another one of his dramatic moments that he had no choice but to mediate. Instead of listening to his apologies, he thought about how to handle the situation.

Quickly, his brother dropped down, and went to grab the pieces with his hands.

Like a worried parent, Santiago dived down to the ground to bat his hands away, worry plaguing his expression. He swatted his younger brothers shaky fingers back like they were two boys in their parents house, panicking about how to hide the fact that they broke a vase. In that moment, Emiliano did not look at Santiago, not his eyes, but eventually he did remove his hands from the mess on the floor, and raised them to where his injuries bled directly downward.

By now, his palms were torn in small cuts, drops of blood beginning to gush from different slits.

Numbly, his brother stood, and Santiago felt no other choice but to blindly follow him, rising quickly to follow behind his footsteps. He reached the trash can, dropped the shards, and then turned around.

“Seven years,” the man began to mumble, and betting on his best chances, Santiago tried to snap him out of his spell. He placed his hands firmly on the man’s shoulders and interrupted the end of his last few words.
“What do you mean seven years?” He demanded. “What happened to you?”
And the question was repeated, but he needed an answer. Their family deserved to know.

@Caticorn Sunny
@kristi Emi


︵⏜︵︵୨ TW: mentions of death/grief ୧︵︵⏜︵

Sunny crossed her arms as she listened to Emilio make up excuse after excuse for his behaviour, each of them containing little to no substance. She was convinced he was just doing it to hear himself talk because he clearly didn’t want to acknowledge the fact that Sunny and Santiago were falling for any of his bullsh*t. She had to bite her tongue when Santiago told him to worry about himself, stopping herself from making a crack about how that shouldn’t be a problem. As much as she had once hoped that her brother would return safely, she felt as if the man standing across from her was a stranger. She scoffed, rolling her eyes when he claimed that whatever had kept him away from them wasn’t their burden to share.

“You’re our brother, Emiliano, of course, it’s our burden!” She retorted. Santiago pointed out how much they’ve changed since the last time they saw him. Much like her eldest brother, she had changed quite a bit since their brother had left. On a more superficial level, she’d changed her hair a few times and got a new tattoo but she also stopped singing and started a business. She had lost her spark and tried to find it again. Found love. She wondered if he was even aware of her relationship with Nacho. So far, everything to come out of her brother’s mouth was self-centred and he had barely taken a moment to acknowledge that the people he was talking to were the people he had grown up with and then deserted, leaving them to fend for themselves in their darkest hour.

She was 26 when he left. She remembered the sinking feeling when they first realized that he wasn’t coming home. She remembered always keeping an eye out when she left the house, holding on to hope that she would see him. She remembered the shift from hoping that he would be found alive to just hoping to find his body.

She looked up, blinking to dry her eyes as Santiago told him that they thought he was dead. He showed Emiliano the tattoos they had gotten to honour both him and Mattias. When he mentioned that she also had the tattoos, she pushed back her sleeve to show him the outside of her wrist, where she had chosen to place them.

She jumped as Emilio threw his glass on the ground, leaving a mess of broken glass on the ground. “Careful.” She quickly warned as her brothers bent down to pick up the glass but it was too late, Emiliano had already cut himself. “Aish.” She hissed as she saw the blood. She grabbed some nearby napkins and began to wrap them around her brothers’ hands, trying to help stop the bleeding. However, she tightened her grip when he confessed that he had originally planned to stay away for seven years.

“Why, so we could have held your funeral first?” She muttered sarcastically under her breath while Santiago asked the important question. At least one of them had their priorities straight. Though she couldn’t deny that every snarky comment she shot at her brother felt really good. She watched him with a hardened expression as she waited for him to answer Santiago’s question. Normally, she would say that he had a right to privacy but in this case, she felt that they were entitled to an answer. They had a right to know where he had been, what he had been doing, and why his brother’s death wasn’t a good enough reason for him to come back.


@Kristi - Emi

@raviola - Santi


celeste xx

Hearing the surprise he had for their daughter, the anger that the woman was feeling in regard to Nacho’s current relationship deliquesced into a smaller, weaker version of itself. Her expression softened, and she smiled with a heartfelt sentiment in her eyes. Her vulnerability, however, had slowed to a point where she feared it may have been all too genuine, and surely that was bad press considering her marriage, so she created a facade of hyper excitement in her reply.

“Did you reaaally?” She beamed, because although she was trying not to be so sincere, her joy was difficult to mask. “Ignacio she’s going to love that.” And her reply was meant to sound easy and natural, but she realized it was so much so that she had not used his stage name. At this, her reflex was to widen her eyes a bit, and then quickly control herself, biting down on anything she could say to make the situation worse. Isaac was going to be livid, and she had enough tantrums to deal with at home already. Sometimes three kids felt like four when Isaac was upset.

For a moment she thought about how Nacho would not be like that in the same situation, it was the only thing she could focus on when he replied to her statement that everything was going well. She did not know if she believed him on his contentment with Sunny, in fact she knew that she did not believe him, and she sensed that he did not believe her, but they could not say it, because it was no longer appropriate for them to point out such things. The only things that they could express were their genuine regards for each other. It was often the only part of these red carpet conversations that felt real, and if she had chosen any part of their interactions to be sincere, then it would have been these kind parts.

It was that stupid feeling of a love affair that had dissolved like sugar in lemonade. The drink could be mixed, stirring your straw until you cannot see the pit of white at the bottom of your cup… but the little pieces do not cease to exist. They only blend in. Their love too, swirled lost in citric waters.

He said that Isaac was a lucky man, and she smiled back, tasting the bitterness of wedding bands in her slow-drying mouth. She needed sweetness but even then he could not give her what she needed.

“He is a lucky man…” she joked weakly, overcompensating for the empty space she felt within herself.

He commended Sunny for her strength, and she nodded, listening to him thank her for her assumed concern. Without a word, she nodded, understanding that as much as she pried he would not tell her. Even though Celeste felt like she needed the bit information, she still nodded. It may have seemed courteous that she decided not to push him for more, but the truth was that she backed down because of her lamb-like tendencies. She must not have had the strength that sunny did.

“Of course,” she replied to his thank you. “She’s strong for dealing with you, too,” Celeste half-joked. It was the closest she could get to a rebuttal so she took it, swallowing her resentment and shallowly enjoying their humor. Her staged laugh was a bit dramatic, so it likely appeared like flirting when Isaac stormed over to them, swooping her closer by her waist, cocking her head to the side when her hair hit his shoulders in a way that was less than gentle.

She laughed because she could not scream. She wanted to shout at him badly, but she supposed they would have to save it for later.

“Babyyyy!” She scrunched her nose, hoping that the vein in her forehead would not pop out. “I missed you too!” She explained falsely, and then let Nacho greet him stumped. He was embarassing her by trying to argue here. She would be embarrassing herself if she let it continue.

Proudly he announced that she was speaking to her ex-husband, as if narrating a penalty to a stadium and her cheeks flushed, feeling even worse. His grip on her waist had been tight and quick, and she was beginning to feel the slight twist that he had made to her shapewear, that her stylist forced on her although she did not need it. Ignacio replied, and she gave him a polite smile, the best she could do for an apology for their interruption.

“We were talking about Lila,” she told him in her civil voice, trying her best to mediate his intolerably raving beams of whatever emotion he was feeling, and the quiet discomfort that Nacho was expressing. “I was asking about a gift he had gotten her, and about how his De La Cruz girlfriend was doing?” She feigned a chuckle, gesturing at how obvious it should have been that she did not approach her ex-husband to seduce him, and how ridiculous the idea was.

@idiot.exe @CerealKiller


✁✃✁—=𝄂𝄄 v i r g o ’ s‎ ‎ ‎‎ ‎ g r o o v e 𝄄𝄃=—✁✃✁


“I’m not really a writer, moreso a set designer who just calls designer furniture that I saw on Pinterest.” Marco returned his gaze as he warmly grinned at Dejay’s face, lightly pushing it away with his finger as if to hide the warmth of his face. Sincerity aside, he would soon change his tone as he gave another jest as to give an entirely different reaction on his face: “Best advice though, wear a bikini. That’ll get the public to look at you, alongside yours truly.”

A mischievous chuckle came out of Marco’s mouth as he looked at Dejay with such disbelief. You really wanna go history lesson with me? Marco shook his head with amusement as he lightly gave a simple answer for his pleasure in falling into an educational discovery: “Dejay, google Liberace in the 70s and Elton in the 70s. You’ll get the answer.” In clarifying his motive, he further added, “I’ll keep it at that to really make you use a phone in a dinner setting. I do love a bit of rebellion, don’t ya?”

Leaning in closer, cheek to cheek, as he raised his hands to his mouth, disguising coquettishness into gossip, Marco matched Dejay’s more suave flirtations as his tone went a little lower than his usual speaking. “Enchanté, don’t make me swoon; I get wet easily.” Being Marco, he couldn’t help but make an explicit flavor in his choice of words, leading him to a performance of making a mistake. As if a child had broken a vase, he gasped whilst covering his mouth, his tone still playful that slowly lingers to a suggestive invitation, “Oops, can’t say that in public, I’ll be waiting at a certain dock in a nice deck if you continue on with the flattery.” With a wink on his face, he continued on to recall what Dejay said, something about jumping off places, he questioned, " Are you talking with experience? Never really said anything about action scenes, more like I’m suggesting you to tie me and do unspeakable things. Knowing me, I ain’t jumping in an ocean with sequins." Within a second, he quickly looked at Dejay with a sudden realization, “Also, did you just call me old?”

The scent of the sea is what he could recall at that moment. There were buzzing noises from all the ongoing conversations around with little journalists and paparazzi as the dock was getting smaller and smaller. Whatever lingered on Marco’s mind felt hazy at best, knowing one thing: keeping some things on the bottom of the sea, fishing them out when the time sees fit. Still finding his words, he looked at his plate, looking for signs to see which road he’d take. “He—I can’t make out on who he is. Whatever I can or cannot say, what Emiliano did to me is not a discrepancy between what he is and what he is not. I’m sorry, it’s more personal. I have… issues with people not really being clear to me.” There is truth to those words; communication was the bane of his life, and the lack of it from the past stings him harder than any needle he had faced throughout his life. He knew it was unfair to keep some in the dark, as he always was clear on what he thought was and wasn’t okay to him, but reasons muddled in that set him up to at least explain his differences in some decisions. “Now I’m being a hypocrite for being so vague, but that’s just me wanting some space in whatever’s happening right now; I hope you’ll understand. I think we can all agree; we’re oh so shocked Mr. Golden Goose Boy has suddenly appeared after hiding.” Despite his more sincere state, he will still find a way to at least lighten the mood, nodding with Dejay’s decision to talk to him. “Please do knock some sense into him, and make it hard. I wanna see him pack up that color corrector and concealer combo.”

In passing moments, laughter comes back as he listens to Dejay’s suggestions after a date. Marco’s smile slowly faded into deep thought, thinking of ways that could make the night worth it: “Elton’s not really on my playlist, and Beyonce’s ultra expensive. Though I wonder how you’ll be able to convince Beyonce of a super ultra exclusive performance.” Adding to that great plan, he thought of something that felt nice and a good change to his usual outings: “If it was me, maybe it’ll be like a chill bossa nova in the background. Yeah, yeah, a surprise for the club anthem Marco. But I like the vibe of just coffee in a warm interior with music that’ll really sink you into a sofa. Very global village coffeehouse, so 2000s. Think of Colbie Caillat’s Bubbly’ or Norah Jones’ ‘Don’t Know Why’” With no halt in his planning, why not be specific on the men he would dream of meeting. Moreso, the men he’d like to play as the dancer: “For that dancer we can call thirds on; how about men my fancy like Zane Phillips, Gong Yoo, Ne-Yo, Idris Elba, Oscar Isaac? You could even ask Tom Hardy if you really want a challenge. Oh, what I would do to have a taste of him, worth every darn penny. Let me simmer on that thought.”

Accepting his request on what he would do to improve upon his wardrobe, Marco pulled out a slim black case from the inside pockets of his coat, opening to reveal thin-framed glasses to fully look into what Marco would have to work with. Looking up and down, he removed his glasses as he regained his smile. A first draft comes to his mind: “Well, let’s start with the obvious: hire a tailor. Secondly, you’ve got nice biceps and pecs, so it would be a shame to hide it all with some frumpy outfits, though we could do some nice oversized outfits if we really want a chill day. The best investment on that oversized part is the tops, bottoms is a make-or-break type of deal. Do you do legs? Chicken legs will be quite a challenge, especially since you have a nice @ss. Shoes for you would be sneakers, moccasins, oxfords, Chelsea boots, loafers, boat shoes, work boots, and combat boots. Accessories, I will touch on that later.” Continuing on, he took a sip of his champagne as to clear his throat. “Anyways, I would love it if you invested in sleeveless outfits or something that emphasizes your body. A Henley shirt will work wonders for you. Also baseball shirts. Tight with enough looseness to give others a sense of imagination. Jackets are in, Dejay, so invest in some nice jackets. Jackets will be the statement pieces for a man, I’ll tell you that. Jean jackets, leather jackets, bomber jackets, puffers, varsity jackets, Harrington jackets, and all other jackets within the color of the rainbow. I’d suggest neutrals, cool tones, and jewel tones.” He was done with his assessment, until a thought came to mind on what shirt styles he could work with as well. Not just for casual wear but for more sophisticated events, “Can you work with a peasant top? Mandarin collar? Formal or semi-formal doesn’t necessarily mean suits; we can go with a polo or a short-sleeved button-up. We could go trendy as well with a nice knit-crochet button-up, perfect for summer. Tweed will be the number one factor in making you look like a casual professional man. I’d love to see you rock a glitter shirt, but that’d be me wanting more from you.”

A challenge was once again thrown to Marco, looking at Dejay’s playful eyes as he slightly turned his head to take a good look at his current outfit. With a sneer, he confidently responded, “Well, you got the first note: ditch the tie and loosen the button up. It’s semi-formal in a yacht setting, so you still need some sleeves. Oh! How about a nice vest, a subtle damask, to have that elegance in a summer palette? We could remove the jacket and roll up the sleeves to really emphasize those thick muscles. Show off a wristwatch to show your status as the main bodyguard; maybe add some rings for style and extra pain for a punch. A pin could be nice too; maybe a flower if you want some softness. Of course, you’re a bodyguard, and I love when bodyguards have harnesses. Reminds me so much of bondage, turns me on. We could do those harness straps to see the iron, but that could interfere with hiding stuff and probably clash with the outfit. This is a draft, mind you; it still needs a bit of work, but I’m slightly proud to alter some of your choices.”

“I… enjoy the company as well. It’s not really always that I just sit down and reconnect since my life’s usually a meet and go. Loud noises and bustling crowds were my life, you know. Well, until I reached my 30s and I found myself having an acid reflux after drinking my usual 50 shots. Lots of burping. I sadly had to minimize a quaint 30 shots.” Marco lightly smiled, satisfied with his answer. Looking at his plate once more, he felt as if his toes were back on land as he looked at Dejay with a playful smile. “But back to the topic, I’m glad you’re not really sick of me rambling and being quite unhinged. It’s usually the invitation that excites them, then whoosh, off they go! I guess life’s been slow that you get to appreciate people more than usual, makes you wonder if I would ditch the eyeliner when I hit 50.”

“I hope I’m still punk rock by 60.” Marco’s eyes widen with a hope to still be as cool as he is now.

As quick as the night started, Marco’s eyes rolled with the mention of Emiliano’s name: “And so I’ve heard.” The opportunity did leave him wondering, possibly on something new, however, quickly losing the name of his wearer and thinking of Dejay’s words on what could be his big break. Connecting pieces of his puzzle, he slowly looked at Dejay with a sudden realization: “Law Roach got famous famous when he did the red carpet for Zendaya. It could work, just worried that this red carpet could make or break my career. Especially since I’m working with a dude, not a woman with thousands of archival pieces.”

“But it could be a good challenge. I mean, Balmain, Yves Saint Laurent, Alexander McQueen, and Comme des Garçons have menswear. The world could see the beauty of suits.” Slowly nodding to his thoughts, his voice squeaked a bit. A wondrous idea that could change his trajectory in life: “Yeah, I could do the method dressing. Very en vogue for this time. Dejay, you are an angel sent above.” With both hands on Dejay’s shoulders, he felt as if he could kiss him. But slowly, keeping his composure, he slowly let go of his grip as he relayed back his previous comment, ““I’ll never forget you, silly. In fact, we’ll be seeing each other frequently once I’m in Emilio’s sights.” Keeping it light, he added a cheeky comment that could solve both issues ringing in his mind. “My last request, though, is to keep it a surprise for Emiliano. Say to him that the seamstress will be styling him for the premiere. Lightly inform him and his manager; I’ll do the rest of the lifting. I want to see that look on his face.”

“I’ll keep that warning as a light gesture. I love being stuffed with a big meal. Makes a man active, with all the protein stored for that energy.” With his eyes staring with such intensity, Marco’s lid felt heavy as he felt a sudden rigor of energy wanting something more. Under the table, his foot slowly crept in the direction of where Dejay was, stopping as he felt a shoe. Crossing his foot over to the opposite side, he slowly teased him as he rubbed upwards as both men were touching leg to leg. Drapery helped to conceal beneath, as he felt a sudden urge to… restrain himself as he pulled out another item in his pocket, this time a small black book. With their legs still intertwined, still at a light rubbing motion, his face remained stoic as he wrote down what he needed. A regular occurrence to any of his upcoming plans, “I do need the when and where, though; you know me, time’s gold, and I keep my time in a neatly stored schedule.”


@Kristi | Dejay

orp: my eyes are actually drying with this brat lime green and coding galore, so many recheckings :sob: :sob:

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Christian Myers

name banner to be added later :sweat_smile:

Cameras flashed as Christian walked onto the yacht that was hosting the annual Beverly Shores Thanksgiving party. The paparazzi had little interest in him of course, all they wanted were the people walking in front of him. Evangeline Astor, along with her boyfriend Santiago De La Cruz and his sister Sunny. While he was in attendance as Eva’s bodyguard, he did also know Santiago and Sunny well through Kimberly and her late husband.

However, despite his connections to a number of the celebrities in attendance, Christian held himself at a distance. Not only because professional boundaries were important, but also because he was thankful to not be in the spotlight himself. There was nothing to like about the paparazzi. It was far more than enough to be asked the occasional question about someone he knew, such as Eva, or Kimberly, or his brother. The response was always the same “no comment” every time. It wasn’t his job to talk to the press. His job was to monitor the situation and be ready to deal with any problems. Was there enough security present at the party to indicate that there’s no reason to suspect a serious problem? Yes, but it was still his job to be ready for anything, whether it be something as minor as being there to protect Eva’s stuff while she’s in the bathroom, or a major threat.

As the yacht began to fill with people, Christian got himself a drink (not alcoholic of course, he’s working) and stood where he could observe the people around him, just occasionally looking down to type in his phone.


@sunflowerjm - Eva
@raviola - Santi
@Caticorn - Sunny


Isla stood on the yacht deck thinking about her life, watching the blue ocean waves every time they moved. The glass of champagne she held in her hand hovered over the edge of the rail, the liquid slightly moving everytime she twirled it around. There were sounds of people laughing and talking around her but she could only focus on the ocean and her thoughts; thoughts that were mainly about Isabella. She was glad that there was a possibility of them becoming friends, but for now, she wanted to put the past behind her and enjoy the party. To not think about her ex who seemed to be doing fine without her.

Isla went back inside of the yacht and started enjoying the party. She mingled with a few of the guests, some new to her and some that she had briefly met before.
Her champagne glass continued to be filled while laughter escaped her lips. She ended up passing by Celeste Wallace who was talking to her ex while her husband stood by her. Isla wanted to listen to what was happening but quickly walked the other way in order to not look like she was eavesdropping. Eventually, she spotted Silas sitting at one of the tables. A frown was etched on Silas’s face and Isla could tell something was wrong. After all, they had been friends for years. Isla casually walked to the table and sat down next to her with a sigh. “Hey…what’s going on? You enjoying the party?”

@Kristi - Silas
@ChayChay05 - Isabella mentioned
@raviola - Celeste mentioned

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Ravi smiled, appreciating Rowan’s thoughtful response despite his clear unfamiliarity with her background. His honesty and effort to navigate the conversation without knowing much about her were reassuring and quite endearing. “I like that,” she began, her tone warm and understanding. She nodded, acknowledging his point about the potential stress and disruption caused by abrupt changes. “Your approach makes sense. Gradually introducing new options while keeping the familiar elements intact sounds like a balanced way to handle the transition. It ensures that I can continue to work effectively without unnecessary stress.”

She leaned in slightly, her interest genuine. “As for your approach to negotiations, it’s good to hear that you consider so many factors. Balancing box office potential, the quality of the performance, and the workload involved is key to fair compensation.” Ravi smiled at Rowan’s question, appreciating his direct approach in asking her questions back. “I prefer a mix of both immediate compensation and percentages,” she replied thoughtfully, “Immediate compensation provides stability, while percentages align my interests with the project’s success. It ensures I’m invested in the film’s outcome, which I believe leads to better performances and a stronger overall commitment.”

Ravi chuckled softly at Rowan’s story about Peter Sellers. “Don’t worry, I’m not nearly as demanding as that. If I have any requests at all, they are usually pretty simple, just things that help me feel comfortable and focused on set. I completely agree with you that creating a comfortable atmosphere is crucial for doing our best work, but it’s not something I take for granted.” She paused for a moment, then added with a touch of playfulness, “But I’m really glad to hear you’re open to accommodating those little things that make a big difference. It sounds like we could work well together.”

Leaning back slightly, her eyes twinkling with humor, she concluded, “And who knows, Rowan? Maybe it’s time for you to order a Mai Tai - you might have just found yourself a new client.” Ravi knew that she would have to discuss some of the details with her legal team before committing fully to him becoming her manager, but she was excited, she saw so many qualities in him that she was lacking in her current manager, and she was excited to take this new step in her career.

She continued, her voice tinged with anticipation, “I think we can do great things together, Rowan. You’ve shown a keen eye for the nuances of this industry, and I appreciate your thoughtful approach to navigating its complexities." She paused, a smile playing on her lips. “Let’s set up a meeting soon to iron out the specifics. I’m eager to see how we can collaborate to enhance my career.”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond | Rowan
ORP: sorry for taking so long

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Opal smiled half-heartedly, knowing he was probably right about no one overhearing them, particularly after her last conversation. However, one can never be too sure and too careful. She then nodded thoughtfully when he told her who he was now working for. “Isaac Hyde," she repeated as her brain was trying to register the name of the face forming in her mind. "Yes, I’ve seen him at a few events. Talented musician, right?” Opal look around the yacht to see if he had arrived yet as she said, “Hope he isn’t arriving too late, wouldn’t want us to leave without him."

Thankfully, their conversation had eased a bit, nothing too private, and Opal felt like there was a small weight off her shoulders. It was strange, discussing such personal matters in such a public setting, but she appreciated the chance to catch up with Cole. “Well, if he’s got you as his bodyguard, he’s in good hands. I’m sure you’ll be great at this too.” Her free hand moved a few inches upward from her side before halting as she thought about what she was doing. Knowing she couldn’t touch his arm, even lightly, she returned it back to her side. Instead, she raised her other hand to her lips and took a sip of her water before lowering it to rest the glass base in her free palm. “So, how have you been adjusting? I mean, it must be a big change from being on the force. And… if you ever need anything, you know you can count on me, right?” She hesitated for a moment before adding more softly, “Just… be careful, okay?”

@ChayChay05 - Cole
@idiot.exe - Isaac mentioned


When Faust pulled himself out of their embrace, AJ noticed the tears on his face, but decided to keep the mood light for now. Instead, giving his brother a reassuring smile and patted his shoulder. “Hey, it’s alright, Faust. Least you can say your cheeks are glistening like your jacket.” He chuckled. That led to Faust saying how much safer he felt with all eyes on him, which AJ knew was because of the underlying anxiety his brother was experiencing. He knew how shaken Faust was by what happened, even if he didn’t talk about it often.

Faust ordered his drink and asked AJ what he’d been drinking, just as AJ had raised his glass to his lips and was taking a sip. “A Whiskey,” he replied after swallowing. “You know me, always the straightforward one.” He took another sip before setting the glass back down on the bar. Then deciding to address the tears light-heartedly, he teased, “You know, Faust, you always were the emotional one. Remember when we watched that sappy movie and you cried like a baby? What was it called again?” Holding in his laugh, he gazed at the bottles behind the bar as he thought. “You know, that old one, the one we watched as kids?” A few moments passed of him thinking until he turned back to face his brother, looking a little more serious, “But seriously, it’s really good to see you. I’ve missed you too. Ethan does too, he’s been asking about you, but I’m sure the reason for it is because he and I go out together more when you’re here. He smiled warmly, although it could be seen on his face that he was thinking more deeply about Ethan and himself. Not for too long, however, as he added, "Emily and Jack keep asking when they can see their uncle again, particularly Emmy, who wants to pick your musical brain.”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Faust

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Steven watched the pair intently as he maintained a composed demeanour while also taking another sip of his martini. Minutes massed. It was when he was finishing his drink that he locked eyes with Lucy and Blake, particularly with his wife. Noticing their shock and readiness to bolt, he remained calm and took a deep breath as he gently set his glass down on the bar. Then, straightening his blazer, he walked over to where they stood. When he was just a few feet away, he stopped, his gaze fixed firmly on Blake, catching Blake’s whispered expletive. But he showed nothing on his face in reaction, however. Shifting his focus to Lucy, a small but tight smile formed on his lips. “Lucy,” his voice full of control. “I didn’t expect to see you so… engaged tonight.” He let the words hang in the air, loaded with unspoken implications.

Then, turning his attention to Blake, he extended a hand while maintaining a facade of civility. “Blake, isn’t it? Steven Smith. We’ve spoken before, if I’m not mistaken,” he spoke with a cordial tone, but the undertone was unmistakable. “I hope you’re enjoying the party.” Then glancing back at Lucy, he softened his expression ever-so slightly. “I didn’t mean to interrupt. It looks like you two were in the middle of something.” He paused. Just long enough to give Blake the sharpest of looks. “But since I’m here, perhaps we should have a word, just the three of us? That is, of course, if you don’t mind me turning this into a Throuple.” Steven’s request was clear, a subtle command wrapped in politeness, even if his word choice wasn’t the most appropriate. Deep, deep down, there is a small part of Steven that knows he doesn’t understand the slang his kids use nowadays, even if he thinks he does.

@Kbail - Blake
@ChayChay05 - Lucy


You’re a singer, right?” Danny was slightly taken aback, but then again, a thrill whirled through him. It was refreshing not having someone automatically recognized him. Not having someone assume they know him because they knew of him. Also, it was a bit selfish of him to think that way especially being as he had no clue who Kavi Singh was until now.

“Ah, yeah! I’m a singer," Daniel replied, trying to sound casual despite the excitement buzzing through him. He couldn’t help but wonder what Kavi thought of him, if they had any idea who he was or if they just thought he was some random guy with a decent voice. I mean, he had performed in front of crowds of thousands before, but it was always under the spotlight, with cameras flashing and microphones thrust in his face. This was different. This was like… being a normal person, having a conversation without the weight of fame hovering over Danny.

I’m a director and I tend to do smaller art films, not blockbusters.” A director, huh? Daniel had always been fascinated by the creative process, and the idea of bringing a story to life through film was incredibly appealing to him. I could see why Kavi wouldn’t be on the radar of the media, but it was refreshing that they were willing to share their passions with me. “I’m also not working on anything right now, so I’m not really of much interest to the media.”

Daniel nodded, “I wish I could say the same, it can get intense,” he realized he slipped, honestly like venom in his words, so he added, “but I’m still grateful for it all.” Yeah, that was a good save on his end. Totally. He was smooth changing topics. A learned lesson. “So, what kind of films do you usually make?" Daniel wasn’t sure if he was allowed to tack on, ‘I’ve always been drawn to stories that explore the human condition, the complexities of people and relationships… anything that makes me feel something deep down’. Especially that last bit.

@Caticorn ~ Kavi Sighn

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“Look babe, my music career is going fine. I don’t need any connections but thanks.” Shaun pretend like he hadn’t seen that eye roll, “well, okay. If it ever need anything…” he knew it was over and time to give up. “Well it was nice… Talking to you…” he watched her sauntered away, “yeah. You too.” he said, moseying out of his rejection.

“Oof sorry.” Shaun’s hands automatically reached out to steady the other person “sor—” he did a a slow sweep of her, his arm slowly falling to his side. “No worries, nothing happened.” he smiled, turning to face her fully. “I’m Shaun, by the way.” His brows creased for a moment, recognition slowly creeping over his features. “You must be… Beck Dawson?”

sorry it’s so short!! :sob: - @Kbail - Beck, Josie mentioned

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