Beverly Shores|Signups

Whichever it was, the tension could be sizzling!


wait wait wait this is so fun. I love that its all older characters, and love love love the fandom wiki setup

I have a couple of characters I want to adapt to this real bad… tentatively reserving a bodyguard and a celeb, most likely mid/early thirties respectively.

but like w/ other new rps cannot act on this 'til after exams :[


I feel like 30-45 makes more sense for a bodyguard.

Sure they might start their career as a bodyguard in their 20s, but getting a little older they’ll have more life experience, and more experience as a bodyguard to be able to get hired by high profile clients.

Plus, assuming there weren’t any serious injuries, illnesses, etc. as long as they took care of themselves, (which I’m assuming they did) there’s no reason they’d be any less physically capable in their 30s and 40s than they were in their 20s. They’ll just have the increased emotional/mental maturity, and might have certain things that hurt more than they did at say, 25.


I was wondering if this was strictly for the actors or if we could make any part of the staff, like a maid, a chauffer, a gamekeeper, a nanny, the cook, younger or older? I mean aren’t the staff members basically the NPCs?


its strictly for managers, bodyguards and producers

people who it would make sense for them to be around a specific character 24/7

Also talking about this- when plotting for bodyguards/managers/producers make them a character in the RP bodyguard/manager/producer for fun come on we want bodyguard x singer/actor romanceee


I mean, I took it as All characters, at least anyone who is submitted, should be in the 30-45 range.

And from my understanding the focus is on the celebs and the other characters that would be around them working and at events, such as a bodyguard or producer.
Stuff like a nanny or maid is really irrelevant. Cause they wouldn’t be attending events, or going to work with the celebs. So yes, they’d be NPCs and could be any age, same as a character’s children or parents, etc. But they don’t really count as actual characters. Because they wouldn’t be submitted/in the Faceclaims/posted for. They’d be mentioned as needed in other characters posts.


Yes this!



nannies are irrelevant, no one would really focus on them in the media or whatever or follow the celebs 24/7 as sometimes they would be going to hotels outside the countries and wont need the nanies/chefs

but managers and bodyguards and producers are important, and very ‘hollywood’


Oh I would disagree, there’s a lot of potential for nannies, they could be male nannies that took up the job of a nanny to take care of their child/children becuase they know the kids aren’t really the father’s but theirs; nannies who take the job to seduce the handsome and rich father, nannies who were forced to take the job to be around the parents and manageable to control so they don’t talk about what they saw/witnessed, there’s also a lot of potential with hot nannies breaking up the family and making it interesting for the media as well

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okay have to admit this is interesting

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Oh I didn’t mention a story about a woman/man whose child was killed by accident or otherwise or killed themselves becuase of a character in this RP, so the woman makes sure to get the job as a nanny and plots to poison their child. Sort of like a “Eye for an eye, child for a child. I wouldn’t get any revenge by harming you, I wanted you to know what it’s like for those whose children you hurt. You can dish it out but you can’t take it!”

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Yeah, just give her a filler job so we can put her on the celeb list
But how old do you want to make her bc we still have an age range

Sorry michi baby but yea she meant it’s allowed
And I wanted to tell you We’ll count him as staff for now tho since he is the person helping other musicians
But he can still be like metro level fame

Yeah I answered this over pms, but nooo :pensive:
We want to keep this as-is for organization

When do your exams end?

Yeah @LunaticLeviTheSecond the other job options don’t really work because they would be very limited in terms of scenes and interaction irp


While that would be interesting, I think the same still applies. While it could be a scandal, they still wouldn’t be going everywhere with the celeb or interacting with celebs/managers/etc. other than the one who specifically hired them.


Yes I agree
They would be npcs!! But that’s it
Thank you Brooke you’re a W


THIS and even tho the nanny stuff could be interesting I also think that it doesn’t tie back to Hollywood
Like “Famous actor has an affair with victoria secret Angel” would get press cos people can easily find information on the model and she likely already has a following
Which gets them attention and drama
“Famous actor has an affair with the nanny” is just kinda like oh that sucks
Cos we can’t know much more beyond that


But they could, you just have to make up a reason for them to do so

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just a popular staff

since in the celeb slides we have 3 categories

we need 3 categories for staff too

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I do like the drama tho
@LunaticLeviTheSecond you said that you didn’t want to make a celebrity, but I also like your drama ideas as a whole. I think it would be cool if you made a celeb maybe an actress or something who was a nanny before rising to fame.
Like imagine she took care of a celeb families kids only to be in pictures with them and get more eyes on her
And she slept with the dad and blackmailed him
Etc etc

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I don’t have time for a celeb … I have an idea for one guy who is a producer/actor but he takes a lot of time to write somebody so different from most of my character like he would be

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