Beverly Shores|Signups

Almost an hour for that Ravi post, not too bad if I say so myself, for it being quite a long post

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I am open to it
Depending on his answer to her question :eyes:

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I wasn’t expecting her to get a manager out of her first interaction, but honestly I’m down for it and I think Ravi is genuine in that she cares more about personality and connection and stuff than experience, so it’s defo an option for her as I think she finds him interesting as a person and appreciates his honesty :thinking:


Also, I had so much fun writing that Josie and Doug flashback, hope it’s okay with you @Kbail and I didn’t write anything you’re not okay with!


Also, remind me to put my characters on the wiki tomorrow

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I swear I’ll get right on it, just as soon as I finish something in the gen slides

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Might be tomorrow tho that I’ll read it, cause I’m quite tired tbh

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That’s ok

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Hey Jass do you remeber Bridgerton general slides?

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It had these

And I did these in the Beverly gen slides

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Such similar aesthetics :rofl:

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Remind me too to do this tomorrow!!

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Well not really, I just left the same color blue because unlike with Bainbride, I didn’t specify which color of blue is Faust’s favorite

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I still notice a lot of similarities, like Faust almost feels like a current day Bainbridge to me from what I know :zipper_mouth_face:

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Maybe in some areas, but Bainbridge’s whole personality was that he wanted children and liked music
and Faust is the opposite, his whole personality is music and he likes children and wouldn’t be opposed to having them

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Still sounds quite similar to me even if their main thing is different :upside_down_face:

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My coworkers and I have just spent the last 10 minutes trying to figure out how to use a landline

We gave up :joy:


What? Am I this old? Or was the line faulty or something like that?


Love the chemistry between these two

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