@moderators - I’m not sure if this goes against the guidelines, if it does, then I’m sorry.
I’m literally done with our society. Ever since this whole pandemic started the mortality rates have increased- not only by COVID-19 but by the U.S. police. No, I don’t need anybody telling me that it’s the action of people who don’t know what their civic duty is. With all due respect, they were hired by the police department, so by a stretch it’s the whole police force.
On a daily basis, innocent people are being killed by the police and proper action isn’t taken against them, which acts as an incentive for others. Policemen/women get away with murder on a daily basis but the moment a petty thief steals, he or she is thrown into jail for about six months.
What I’m trying to say is that a thief gets jail time but a policeman/woman who commits murder doesn’t get anything more than being fired or nothing at all.
Several cases have risen since the beginning of the pandemic, cases like the Ahmadu Arbery, George Floyd, etc. These cases have gotten all the traction and people are speaking up for them but in the midst of everything, one was forgotten, the case of Breonna Taylor.
This woman was a working EMT who was risking her life everyday to help fight the coronavirus. She was shot about 8 times by a louisville police officer who’s officials said they had a drug warrant. The criminal who they were after was already detained in the station. After all this, this police officer wasn’t arrested and he kept his job.
This kind of thing is what we need to purge out of our society. Her case wasn’t given the public view it deserved because she was a black woman.
The racism and female discrimination have increased during this period. I don’t understand why this is still a thing, its 2020 for goodness sake.