Blindness and eye condition awareness

Sort of. My lungs are weak because I was on a ventilator that helped me breathe.

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Because of the ventilator?!

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Ironic, I know. Once, they were burning something near where I live, and if felt like a rock was perpetually on my chest. I had trouble breathing.

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:cry: was it bad - bad?
also I think we broke the flag rule should we make a dm

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Yes, and yes.

Blindness can be categorised as complete blindness (unable to see anything) to legally blind (unable to see anything without high prescription glasses/range of sight is too limited to be called ‘normal sight’)
An eye condition could cause blindness, or simply make seeing and processing things much more difficult. (visual processing disorder is sometimes included, although it is more neurological than to do with the eye itself)

@Health - I am not blind/legally blind myself, nor do I have any eye conditions, although I do have a sibling who is bordering on legally blind. Do any of you guys have anything to add to this thread?


Yeah, exactly. It’s a spectrum.

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like most things lmao

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My nana was legally blind. She was an amazing person and never let much stop her. As used a cane and still went for walks around the block by herself as well as living in their own place with my Grandad. Of course, he drove them everywhere, but she was in charge and he would be the first to admit that. HAHA. She supported and helped so many others who were blind or losing their sight, still cooked dinner them, and loved her crafts (knitting, etc). She even read avidly; in the early stages with a special magnifying glass with a light on big print, and then by listening to talking books, as she called them. Every second holiday, I would spend my two weeks with them and she always made sure we all got out to places, like the zoo and stuff. My questions never went unanswered, and I got to learn about just how much she “see” and actually couldn’t. Sadly, it was cancer that took her in the end, but she was a kind soul who never let losing one of her sense defeat her.


That’s cool

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Uh, to clarify. Cool that she helped people and didn’t let her disability stop her.

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The most beautiful thing happened today. I made a new friend, and she said that my Nystagmus is like me reading the air. The eyes move when we read, and since mine constantly move, it’s like I’m reading things that are invisible. She then compared it to the Matrix…I didn’t get it. She said something about reading invisible code. @ScreenSloths, can someone explain the Matrix?

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Uh… this is hard to explain. It’s sort of like another world on top on this one. It technically is this world that we are all hooked into via computers controlling it; the Matrix. However, if you are, I guess, “unplugged” then you can see how it the Matrix works in the world. You can then manipulate the Matrix to your will and kinda give yourself powers-ish.

I guess he saying this is like saying that you can see more than others.

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Ahhhh. I think I get it. I just thought the comparison was super awesome.

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Yeah, very awesome. I loved it when I read this. Good friend you have there.

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I literally met her today, and she’s already the best.

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Nice. How did you meet?

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She saw me walking and said hi. She said she’d seen me around and I asked if she wanted to hang out. It honestly went really well.

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