Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

I’ll forget about this tomorrow but I’m too tired now to think about what to write

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Dorian what about zach and ya girl? For that commercial she did with him. You good with that makeout scene?


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”I mean… No… But she has to do what she has to do and I’m proud of her for that movie.”

”… I bet he always talks about it without anyone asking him.”

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If I remember correctly, there’s also a part in that movie where she take her clothes off

Have you ever been in an interview and someone asked you about it like on Jimmy Kimmel or anything?

He does often note that it’s the best kiss he’s ever had

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Hi dorian in 2031, some questions

  1. You actually followed the rules? what the hell?
  2. You know the whole point of “keep them away from each other for a week” is so the future bride and groom don’t… have sex and I mean, I’m not positive, but I’m pretty sure you and Jess have had sex before.
  3. Your kid is like 1ish now right? She knows some words? What are her favorites?
  4. Do you play tag with her a lot?
  5. How fast is she?
  7. So you’re getting married tomorrow… how are you feeling?
  8. How has the last week been without your fiance at night?
  9. Miss Shay? You haven’t had her for a few days right?
  10. SO it’s been a week since you’ve had sex? Craaaazy.
  11. How was playing tag with Shay? Who won?
  12. Who won the bet? Jess right?
  13. Your kid realllyyyy cried just to say HI

You notice that it’s kinda like what you and jess did with the hi’s or do you think it’s just a coincidence

  1. Is shay the fastest human alive? If she is - how did you catch her?
  2. Thoughts about Shay pulling both you and Jess to the bed to cuddle?


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Hey Kai lets say 2038 (Aria is 4-5)

  1. SOooo I heard there’s a Perez Hilton story with Jess holding a little girl… what’s going through your head?
  2. You going to go see Jess?
  3. What if I told you that was your daughter? ANd Jess didn’t tell you because she didn’t want you in her daughter’s life?
  4. The little kid was born in Korea… thoughts?


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Okay Kai alt in 2036-2037 (Christmas Misc)

  1. Do you want your kids to believe in santa?
  2. Thoughts about Aria believing in Santa because JEss kept the spirit alive?
  3. DO YOU BELIVE IN SANTA? :triumph:


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@Littlefeets you still have this I think

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  1. You just got broken up with… so you’re single and ready to mingle? Because Addie has this hot friend named Miranda I’d love to hook you up with
  2. Any idea who the dude who picked addie up was?
  3. So… gonna go review that NDA now?
  4. How you feeling?
  5. Maybe addie had alchol posioning… thoughts?
  6. You should thank dear old dad
  7. hey there’s an intern you should totally fire


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Hey Dori

  1. Since you clearly don’t know how to read, how are you going to teach your baby girl shay?


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How many times have you cheated on Jess? @astxrism

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ooh how bad would it be if he actually did
like multiple times

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is very confused

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Though let’s be honest

Dan has someone following him 24/7 because he already thinks Dori is a cheater

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Stop being confused and answer :triumph:

saddd there’s not a chance for him to do it
stop wasting your time Dan

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Also there are sooo many people waiting to swoop in and steal Doris wife so do it


Dori can do it

As many times as he wants

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