Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

how about
no taking kids

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Thatā€™s just rude

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thatā€™s life

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Iā€™ll take grayson

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love him please

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Will do

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When can I pick him up?

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in 18 years

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  1. Do you dance in the rain with your kids :pleading_face:
  2. What about jumping puddles
  3. Do you think youā€™re giving your children a better childhood then you got?
  4. So youā€™re thinking about moving to London right? Why not beryl since all your family including your favorite, dan, live there?
  5. Are you not worried about having so many little kids in your family at once? Before there was at least an age gap between Shay, Zoe, and Aidan but now your babies will be a year apart and itā€™s 4 little tiny babies who need attention
  6. Have you talked to elo recently?
  7. Have any of your kids broken any bones?
  8. Any kids need braces?


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ā€They love the rain because of that.ā€

ā€If you asked me about jumping puddles in the past Iā€™d tell you no, but here we are.ā€

ā€I donā€™t want to compare anything to my childhood. Weā€™re giving them the best life we can.ā€

ā€I wonā€™t move somewhere my wife doesnā€™t want to. It would be nice to be close to family but Beryl isā€¦ Beryl.ā€

ā€Maybe a little bit but itā€™s notā€¦ fear. There is just going to be a lot more work but Iā€™m happy.ā€

ā€Itā€™s weird how Iā€™m not the one not answering calls.ā€

ā€So far, no. Letā€™s hope it stays that way.ā€

ā€They might need it, weā€™ll see.ā€

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[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
I do. Not just because everything going on with him is a lot too, but because heā€™s family.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
I do care about what sheā€™s going through. I want to be there for her, and make it all be not so much on her, but thereā€™s nothing I can do. Even if she would let meā€¦

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
Iā€¦ I canā€™tā€¦ Iā€™m done with this.

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More than pushing buttons.
Making Jez cry when sheā€™s already extremely stressed and upset.


I love you
Itā€™ll be okay

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No it wonā€™t



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Let me be supportive Iā€™m helping out when Jess canā€™t jiggle both

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How do you feel about moving to a place where you donā€™t know many people?

Have you consideredā€¦ idkā€¦ reaching out?

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Why? Because you know Iā€™m right?