Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

Then cry


ā€I donā€™t really care. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll see my friends often and meet someone there.ā€

ā€You think I havenā€™t? Of course Iā€™ve talked to her recently but itā€™s been a littleā€¦ strange.ā€

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OH la la

meet someone

like a mistress? HMMMM

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Jez is no longer responding to these kinds of questions. Sheā€™s too scared, upset, and stressed to answer.

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Hi dorian here to bother you again (lets do younger dorian - right after the the reunion)

  1. So, you and jess had this big talk after you broke up with clio about what happened and it ended up with you two once again having sex. What was that after sex talk like? I mean, clearly, you two decided to date again so Iā€™m guessing well?
  2. Were you not scared to get your heart broken again by Jess?
  3. So Jess told you she wrote you a letter when she was gone and you didnā€™t get itā€¦ any thoughts about what happened to it? What if I told you Dan got rid of it?
  4. So you two got back together about 2 months before the reunion - did you spend most of that time together? Where? Did you go to Mexico orā€¦ like how did you even keep it secret? Youā€™re pretty famous Dorianā€¦
  5. Sure you and Jess are together now, but are you not scared sheā€™ll leave again?
  6. Are you going to tell your family first or Jessā€™ family that you got Jess pregnant? And that youā€™re back together of c
  7. Are you even dad material? I think. youā€™re more uncle materialā€¦
  8. Have you found a house yet? Where do you want to live? WHY MIAMI? ew
  9. So Jess now knows you have a ring for her. Can you just ask the damn question already?
  10. Marriage before baby or after? Gotta make a quick choice.
  11. Are you ready for marriage?
  12. What about Riker? Heā€™s been wanting to marry you :triumph:
  13. What do you think your teammates/coach are going to think about you being engaged this quickly?
  14. So can you tell anna and jess apart now without tattoos?
  15. What goes through your mind when you see Jessā€™ stab scar?


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Hi Elodie,

  1. What was Xander like as a baby?
  2. Favorite memory of him?
  3. Do you see a lot of Riker in him?
  4. Which daughter do you think is most like you?
  5. Who was the calmest baby?
  6. Who was the messiest baby?
  7. Least calm baby?
  8. Most antsy baby?
  9. Would you trade being a mother for anything?
  10. I heard Lexi is realllllly sick? Temperature over 100? Maybeā€¦ take her to a hospital?


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  1. When Kaya was littleā€¦ what type of baby was she? Fiesty? Did she wake up in the middle of the night a lot? Did she eat everything?
  2. Do you see Ziah in Kaya, even when she was a baby?
  3. If you had to trade your daughterā€™s life for your wife to be alive - would you take that trade?
  4. Do you ever wish you and Ziah had another baby before she died?
  5. Thoughts about Mikel dying?
  6. Thoughts about Jordan being in a coma?
  7. Thoughts about Annie being a pierce? Did you know? Jess knew. How is she a pierce. IF JESS KNEW THEN SHE PROBABLY TOLD YOU TELL ME ANDY.



Jezebel in 2026 a few weeks after seeing Jordan

  1. Soā€¦ you and Chase huh? Tell me everything. Heā€™s an actor right? Howā€™d you meeeeet? Love at first sight? Is there any wedding plans coming in the future? How does Laurel like him?
  2. You havenā€™t talked to Jordan in likeā€¦ 5 years right? How has that been? You heard about his divorce right? Thoughts about that? Thoughts about him stepping out of the lime light?
  3. So running into him at that coffee shopā€¦ must have beenā€¦ interesting. Did you two talk? What about?
  4. How has your relationship been over the last few weeks?
  5. So heā€™s encouraged you and your relationship right? Thoughts about that?
  6. Does being around jordan bring up any risidual feelings?
  7. Have you been to Jordanā€™s new house?
  8. Did you see his music sheets? And the countelss chart topping songs heā€™s written but have all been sung by other artists?
  9. Thoughts about the new song by Sam Fischer? Hopeless Romantic?



Davina in 2030

  1. Hi Davinaā€¦ so quesiton. You saw Dorian after Jess broke up with himā€¦ youā€™re a mom. Do you think he was okay?
  2. Did you like Clio? Like her enough to welcome her into your family if Dorian decided to propose?
  3. What if I told you Clio and Dorian got into a fight and broke up about 2 months ago?
  4. Are you proud of Jess? All of her expeditions, awards, and articles sheā€™s written?
  5. Did you like Jessā€™ fiance, Trevor? I know she introduced him to you when she was serious about him?
  6. Did she ever tell you why she broke it off?
  7. Did you know Jess broke up with Dori because his coach asked her to back off when she was 20 to protect dorianā€™s career and she wanted the world for him so she listened?
  8. How would you feel if I told you Dorian and Jess made up? And tehy were secretly dating again?
  9. Were you worries when Elo became a young mom right out of college?
  10. Thoughts about Riker? Did you like him for your daughter?
  11. Do you think Riker would ever hurt Elo?
  12. Thoughts about Mark?


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Zoe 6 years old

  1. Hi lil girl. Did you know your mom got stabbed when she was 18 and almost died?
  2. You know your dad was a bigggg meenie to your mom and didnā€™t call her?
  3. So your mom pretended not to know you right? Her name was ā€œLenaā€ Did you believe her? Why do you think she was lying?
  4. Can you tell your aunt Anna and your mom apart? You know once upopn a time your dad couldnā€™t tell them apart?
  5. Thoughts about cousin Danny?
  6. Do you like your brother Aidan?
  7. Were you worried at the zoo when your brother dissapeared?


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I love how youā€™re like jess knew did she tell you like youā€™re not that same Jess who told him


ā€Well, yeah, it obviously did. It was time to say everything I always wanted to.ā€

ā€Maybe I would be scared if I didnā€™t know why she did it back then, but I guess that fear is still kind of there. Just a bit of it.ā€

ā€Sometimes things like that get lost so I didnā€™t think much about it. If Daniel really had something to do with it then I wouldnā€™t be surprised. Iā€™d be surprised if he didnā€™t.ā€

Thatā€™s a good question, was thinking about how that worked
ā€Wouldnā€™t you like to know everything? We just managed to do it. I was expecting Daniel would find just since he knows eveeeeerything but did he? No. Just probes heā€™s not as good as he makes himself be.ā€

ā€I already gave you an answer to a similar question.ā€

ā€I donā€™t really care who finds out first. I know mom will be happy soā€¦ maybe itā€™s better to save that for later since Jessā€™ family isā€¦ kind of intimidating.ā€

ā€Maybe Iā€™m not but I know I will try to be.ā€

ā€Whatā€™s wrong with Miami???ā€

ā€I canā€™t do it just like that.ā€

ā€I donā€™t have a preference. It takes a while to plan the wedding so I guess I would wait.ā€

ā€Why would I not be?ā€

ā€He never did anything about it and I canā€™t sabotage his marriage :((ā€

ā€I was engaged once, I donā€™t see why it would be a big deal now.ā€

ā€Of course I can.ā€

ā€I try not to think about it much and just ignore it. That wasnā€™t really the best day.ā€

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I was thinking maybe dorian took a break for a month and jess told everyone she had another article in some country and they just spent time together.

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Good good

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letā€™s be honest

heā€™d choose ziah if ziah could live a long life

they could make more babies


ā€as a baby she was quite a troublemaker, super curious and tries to be independent, always touching stuff she shouldnā€™t. Not necessarily a big crier but it was never a boring moment. ā€

ā€on so many levelsā€

ā€I would love Z to be alive more than you could imagine, but no.ā€

ā€i do actually ā€

ā€He may have been one of my best friends back in the day, but honestly as for now if I said I was sad Iā€™d be lying.ā€

ā€Heā€™ll wake up, heā€™s probably the strongest guy I know if anyone can overcome this, itā€™s Jordan. ā€

ā€oh darling, everyone is a Pierce at some point. Are you even surprised?ā€