Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

Kaya is adult she can decide herself




kaya can




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He respects jess’s privacy

dorian he doesn’t care about

he just thougth they were DONE


You’ve been dating jess for 2 months -_-

you sure?


Young dori

  1. Just be honest with yourself. You’re going to be a terrible father. Just give up. Move on. You weren’t meant to be a parent.


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”Who told you I want to be a fathe?”

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You and your future 7 kids

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”He had his little antsy moments but overall he was a good, happy baby. Never really had any problems with him and the girls aaaaalways wanted to help“

might come back to this

”Yes… They are so similar. He’s almost a clone of his dad“


”Amelia. Lexie is pretty calm now too“

”Oh… Phoebe“

”Depends on what you mean by least calm. Both Phoebe and Xander were quite active“

”Again, Phoebe“

”No. Nothing. Never“

”I am taking her… Don’t worry about my kids“

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”I have, yes… It was the first time he let it show that he wasn’t the happiest. I wasn’t expecting that breakup and him not being the one to end it”

”Unfortunately we didn’t really get to meet Clio that well. Dorian would always come up with some excuses as to why she couldn’t join us but from what I know, she’s a nice, lovely girl. We’d welcome her into our family if that’s what Dorian wanted”

”They… what? He didn’t tell me anything”

”Couldn’t be prouder. She grew up into such an amazing woman. Can’t wait to see what she does next”

”Oh, he was wonderful! Such a nice and well mannered boy!”

”No. I was quite sad when I heard it”

”I didn’t know that… If that’s the truth then that’s a really unprofessional coach”

”You’re joking! They’d tell me”

”I was, yes. She was in college, in London, far away from us. I know this is not what she was thinking but I didn’t want her to feel like she’s giving up her life by raising kids so young. I just wanted her to be happy with her decisions”

”Couldn’t pick a better person for my daughter. I loved him from the very first day”

”No! I really hope he wouldn’t”

”Mark? My daughter’s friend? I don’t know him that well”

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”Yesss. Mom said she was pretending to be a ghost but no one believed her”

”Noooo. He wasn’t”

”Noo, that was mommy. Dad said she was working so she had to pretend… I don’t know why”

”Mhmmm, they are nooot the same. How did dad not know?”

”He is soooooo fun but he won’t take me to his secret room in the ground because I’m not a spy… Maybe Ronnie would”

”Yes, he is sooo cute”

”No. Daddy said he was fine”

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Sounds about right

Wasss tooooooo

Were you sad when she left without giving you a hug?

Because they look exactllyyy alike

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nod nod sad

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[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
Okaaayyy that’s a lot of questions in one, but yes, me and Chase. He is an actor, and no it wasn’t love at first sight. No wedding plans at this point. We’re taking it one step at a time. Laurel seems to like him I think. About as much as any 16 year old can like her mother’s boyfriend, I guess.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
Yeah, we hadn’t really talked since the reunion. I mean, it had been 10 years since we talked before that, so it wasn’t something that was new, but it was different in a way too. I did hear about the divorce, and I was sorry to see that they couldn’t work. Jordan always seemed to be really happy with her, and I always wanted him to be happy. There’s not much I can really say about him taking a step back. Jordan is talented, and that talent should be seen, but I do understand him needing that space for a break.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
We did talk, and it was mainly just catching up.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
It’s been nice talking to Jordan again. We’ve started getting back to a better place again.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
It’s nice that he approves I guess. Jordan is the kind of person where if he saw a problem with my relationship it’d be concerning.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
I can’t say it doesn’t… no matter what, Jordan always has, and always will have a piece of my heart.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
I have.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
I did, and I’m glad to see that Jordan has been putting his amazing talent to use, but he deserves the credit for those amazing songs.

[color= #049fe0]Jezebel:
It’s a good song

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  1. When/ How did you meet and start dating?
  2. Did he initiate it? Did you?
  3. Did someone set you up?
  4. How does he feel about Laurel?
  5. How’s the sex?
  6. How many men have you slept with at this point?

But catching up after like 10 years. That must have been good right? How long did you talk for?

Did you miss him? I mean before dating, you two were friends (even if he had a crush on you) so you must have missed that feeling?

Exactly. Clearly chase is a good guy. You should lock him down.

But he’s protecting Sadie. You know how his fans can be

That was one of the ones he wrote

Dorian (when Shay is 18)

  1. Hi Dori, so you’ve been living in London for a while now. Thoughts? Do you miss Miami? Miss Beryl?
  2. Your little ones are 7 and 8 now right? How is that going? 4 little ones in your house?
  3. How’s Grayson? :stuck_out_tongue: If he succeeded Noah and Sophia shouldn’t exist
  4. NOw are you regretting putting Shay in an all girl school? You’re the only eye candy they have.
  5. So since you’re back doing soccer - do you play or do you coach? And what team? England? How much are they paying you?
  6. Still have your abs?
  7. How’s your relationship with Shay now that she’s older?
  8. So Shay’s graduating from high school soon huh? Since Oxford is so close by - is she going to live on campus/apartment/or commute from home?
  9. Is shay a good driver? You taught her right? I hope Jess didn’t… (OMG DRIVING TEACHING MISC PLEASE. Do all the kids :stuck_out_tongue: )
  10. How is driving in London, Dorian? We know Jess always uses the excuse that she’s a terrible driver because american’s drive on the wrong side of the road. Was it hard for you to alter your driving style?
  11. Is Jess a better driver in London?
  12. So you’ve been married for a looong time. Are you still happy?


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This Dori

  1. Do kids want to go to the store with you often?
  2. Are you always the one to go to the store? Does Jess not come with you? Is that because she keeps adding things to the cart if she comes?
  3. How pregnant is Jess right now? Close to having the twins?
  4. So after being married for 9 years, you know her store order pretty well huh?
  5. Is a new fear of yours that Jess goes into labor and doesn’t tell you because she wants food?
  6. So… seeing your old coach. Why didn’t you introduce him to your kids :frowning:
  7. Is “Look Cookies” your go to distraction method for your kids?
  8. Don’t you miss your coach? It was because of him that you became a soccer star
  9. At least listen to his reasoning why he did it :triumph:


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