[color="lightsteelblue”]”Who wants to go to the store with me?”[/color] With his car keys in his hand, Dorian walked into the living room where his whole family was. A dangerous question he already knew an answer to - all of them. [color="lightsteelblue”]”You too?”[/color] Picking up Aidan who walked over to him as his sisters ran to put on shoes, with a smile Dorian sat down next to his pregnant wife in the living room. Yeah… surprise, she was pregnant again. With twins this time so at least that came as real surprise. [color="lightsteelblue”]”But who is going to protect mom and little brothers if we’re both gone?”[/color] Whispering to his son, that was the moment when he heard their two dogs running up to them. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Them… Okay. Go ask your sisters to help you,”[/color] putting Aidan down and watching him run after his sisters, Dorian moved closer to Jess, now smiling at her once their little boy… and dogs were gone. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Okay so you want hot cheetos, cheese, ice cream, sour patch kids…”[/color] Starting, he bent down to gently kiss his wife, that smile staying on his lips. ”And whatever else I find and think you’d like so that will be… everything from the store?”
Don’t tell me he was wrong. That wish list would be endless, he knows it, we all know it, but don’t worry… he already asked her that morning. Stopping her from answering that, he got up, his hand still resting on the couch beside her. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Don’t worry, I did not forget about hot dogs and nuggets and fries on our way back… Just please don’t go into labor again while I’m in the store,”[/color] he added with a slight pout in a joking manner but… was he joking? He might’ve been sliiiightly serious because that first time was kind of traumatic. Who goes into labor without telling their partner because they want a bunch of things from the store?! Don’t answer. ”We’ll be back soon, aaaaand you two be nice,” he placed a kiss on her stomach before leaving with their kids.
* * *
Remember Dorian’s old coach? Back in high school? The one who was responsible for Dorian’s breakup? Yeah… what if Dorian bumped into him? If he didn’t know the whole story behind the breakup maybe… no, he would definitely be nice and talk to the guy. He spent so many years with him, after all, he deserved it, right? No. Not right. Not after what Dorian finally found out, and that whole thing was really hard to process. A part of him could understand why it happened that way but a bigger part of him couldn’t. Who was his coach to decide what Dorian’s life is going to be like and what was best for him? He was a nobody and that’s what he’ll always be. Could Dorian thank him for the carrer he now had? No, he wasn’t the one responsible for that, it was Dorian’s hard work and nothing else. Sure, maybe that whole idea of a single soccer player wasn’t bad but not in Dorian’s mind. That was irrelevant and you couldn’t prove him wrong. It wouldn’t be wrong to say Dorian now had no respect for that man.
[color="steelblue”]”DeLoughrey.”[/color] Oh f no. No. Turning towards the person who just called out for him, Dorian was hoping it wasn’t who he thought he was. Why did he just see a person he never wanted to see again, here, while getting groceries? Not the place, not the time. Not while his kids were here and he had to play nice in front of them. Or… did he have to? [color="steelblue”]”Don’t tell me you don’t remember me.”[/color] I wish I didn’t wouldn’t been Dori’s answer but his old coach didn’t end up getting a friendly answer. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Look, cookies!”[/color] First district the kids and then walk past the guy, saying what you want to say. [color="lightsteelblue”]”Don’t… talk to me.”[/color] Got that? Oh… you didn’t… Dorian didn’t even get to take a few steps before Hossler was next to his side, confused but hopeful smile on his lips as he rested his hand on Dorian’s shoulder. ”Wha- Look at you. It’s been… what? How many yea- This time it wasn’t Dorian’s words that stopped the man from talking, but his look. Letting the kids fight over cookies, they were distracted enough to not listen to the conversation their dad was having with his gooood old friend. Shaking his shoulder to get the guy’s hand off, Dorian’s brows furrowed just looking at him. The nerve of this guy to just stand there and pretend as if he wasn’t the biggest dck. He’s sharing that first place with… Daniel Parker.
[color="lightsteelblue”]”I think it was clear what I said.”[/color] [color="steelblue”]”Dor-”[/color] Glancing at his kids, Dorian continued. [color="lightsteelblue”]”My kids are here so I’m not going to make a big scene but even if I did I think my wife wouldn’t mind.”[/color] [color="steelblue”]”Don’t-”[/color] [color="lightsteelblue”]”Oooh, don’t what?”[/color] At least it wasn’t f off like last time even if that’s what he reallllly wanted to say. It’s really hard to keep it on the low when you want nothing but to brutally confront someone. But maybe his kids being there was a good thing… because this would probably end up badly. ”Or would you also like to decide which cookies I should get?” His voice still quiet and controlled, he noticed his kids got calm, now paying attention to their dad so with that he walked away from his old coach in a hurry, not listening to his excuses or whatever else he wanted to say.