Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

There’s not that much to tell. After we graduated, neither of us had said anything about where we were going to college. I hadn’t even been accepted until just before classes started, and had no idea he was there until we just came across each other. We got to talking and after that started spending most of our time together. We started dating then on New Year’s Eve Dom proposed.

Yeah, it is kinda weird, but I don’t think about it much.

I was completely shocked.

I think so.

Yeah… I still miss her…

They’re good, and I quote, “thriving as sophomores”

I haven’t met Maya’s boyfriend. I just know he’s a junior.

I’m happy. Happier than I’ve been in a while.

I’ve always liked his eyes. They’re his best feature if you ask me.

I probably shouldn’t be answering that.

No idea between him and Dom, who would be what :joy:

I don’t know that I can give a good answer on that since Dom is the only guy I’ve actually been with and its so different from sex with a girl so I don’t have other experience to compare to.

It’s more equal.

Yes, we have.

He’s doing good. I can tell he seems less tired than he looked almost a year ago… now that the s^^t I was doing isn’t keeping him up at night.

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:pleading_face: He’s so happy to be in her life and have her and Jess both in his life

Kai would feel so guilty for bringing it up and making her feel that pain… and he would feel guilty for her getting stabbed in the first place…

I don’t know what would make him bring it up if he knew she didn’t know.

Maybe, either way, it could’ve a situation of saying something that leads to it, without realizing until after he said it.

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Understandably so

I don’t know why but I see it as a late night 2 am conversation while they’re on the sofa together. Jess is pregnant with their second child (probably early in the pregnancy) and she says something like “Do you ever think about it… you know… the stabbing”

And then he mentions the baby on a off handed way (not knowing that she didn’t know)

She first is in disbelief and then everything dawns at her

and she pulls away from him and tries to go for a 2 am run telling him to watch aria

Tries being the operative word because I don’t know if Kai would let his pregnant girlfriend go for a 2 am run

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If this is all you have to say when talking about your soon to be husband… honestly this is sad

Have you heard good things?

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No, he would not.
Not at all

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:woman_shrugging:t2: Sorry.
He doesn’t like her going out at 2am alone anyway, he’s definitely not going to let her go out like that pregnant

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I… I don’t know anymore… I still love him, but… I don’t know, it doesn’t feel the same as it did when we got married… We’re family, but everything feels different…

We’ve been married 11 years now.

No, I haven’t. I haven’t talked to anyone about it.

I’m trying to stay away from it… but there’s worse things I could be using…

Three. Amanda and Clara are 10 now, and Jacob is 2.

:woman_shrugging:t2: I don’t know if they would’ve tried it or not.

Please don’t.

No. I’m the problem here…

No, I haven’t. I wouldn’t. Nothing more than fantasizing…

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He’s in her house
And it’s her body :triumph::triumph::triumph:

Let her go out

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Wait brooke what happened again?

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What more do you want? Dom is the first guy I’ve ever been with and it’s just been different from any other relationship. I’m in love with him, and I never imagined myself saying that.

Honestly I’ve barely heard anything.

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The issue was really along the lines of Mav loves Dom, but he wasn’t in love anymore. Loves him as family, and loves raising their kids with him, but just in that way.
And trying to get over that, and doubting himself and his feelings, questioning if they rushed into things… was making it a lot harder to stay sober. The situation ended up not being good for either of them and their mental health…

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He’d rather her be safe.
He needs both her and the baby to be safe, especially after just bringing up the stabbing…

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See this is why you don’t get in relationships :joy:



This is why Jess can’t be trusted to be alone

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This is why you don’t tell Jess heartbreaking news that makes her replay her entire traumatic experience again and again in her head until she breaks

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He didn’t mean to :sob:

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This is why he should let her go for a run

To clear her head

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