Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

Not at 2AM though

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Donā€™t sigh me

You know this will be a misc now right :joy:


Oh I expect it

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Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve asked some variation of this before

Leo at jessā€™ time in misc world,

  1. Leo did you know your son dated Addieā€™s daughter and loved her like you loved Addie. Thoughts?
  2. Addieā€™s daughter found all of the stuff Addie kept about youā€¦ you know photos and a bracket you gave her and such. Thoughts?
  3. Do you keep stuff Addie have you?
  4. Do you know Harry loves Addie?
  5. Do you think Harry loves Addie as much as you did or could have?
  6. Do you love miranda more than you lived Addie? Youā€™ve been with miranda longer
  7. Though technically you were friends with Harry longer than both Addie and miranda have known you. So do you miss him the most?
  8. I heard your daughter has a video of you and Addie having sex. What if she shows miranda?
  9. Harry had Addieā€™s back when he should have had yours. Will you ever forgive him?
  10. Do you think if Harry backed off - heā€™d be in a similar political position heā€™s at now? After all, he works for the British parliament in one of the highest seats available because of Addie


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740 more

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:thinking: wait, when in which world?

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Real world in the misc just released

I canā€™t remember the exact date but when Shay is a baby

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:+1:t2: Cool, thatā€™s what I was thinking, but I thought I should double check to be sure

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Yes maā€™am :joy::joy:

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Will be more questions after I write Harry and Leo bestie flashback

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It wonā€™t be spring break

But itā€™ll be cute

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I still donā€™t know what happened on spring break

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Neither do I honestly. :woman_shrugging:t2:
I want to figure it out, but I just have zero idea what it couldā€™ve been

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My question is

Did he ever tell Addie

Or did she learn that from her husband

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Unless it was brought up somehow, she may have had to learn it from her husband

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