Blue Royalty: After Reunion Questions Thread (10-20 years after the end of the RP)

“He’s a comedian apparently.”


“I had a knife in my abdomen that was pushed inside of me and then pulled out, lost a sht ton of blood, almost died, had low oxygen which gave me partial nerve damage in my legs that I’m still working through. Do you really want to talk about how I’m doing? It’s hard.,”

“… I… don’t want to push him too soon. I’ll bring it up again later…,”

“Yes. If I have Kai with me, I’m willing to do anything. ,”

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No, Jess. Its true.

Did Kai ever tell you that his mom was from London? And that his uncle still lives there?

Your mom met Kai’s mom when they were younger, because your mom went to school with Kai’s uncle, and your mom was one of the only people in the school that was nice to him.

It’s all true Jess. Your mom even introduced Kai’s parents to each other.

Like I said, Kai’s mom was from London, and knew her from there. And she met Kai’s father when she traveled to Beryl to visit your uncle Justin while he was at Cerulean high. She never told you, but she actually spent over a year there.

Don’t worry, you’ll be meeting the guy very soon.

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I second this. :joy:

I need to see this


I’m working on a different misc rn but that’ll be next for sure :joy:


Do you have any guesses as to why?

Just know, Kai feels the same way with you Jess

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“… riggggghhhhhhht. Sureeee she did. I see you, you’re trying to test how gullible I am…,”

“You deserve like… a story telling award I swear. The amount of plot twists you’ve said in like the last few sentences is phenomenal ,”

"laughs and now you’re telling me my mom went to my school? Genius. How do you come up with this stuff?”

“Here’s hoping. If my mum is going to have another - I should at least be able to sus out my new step dad right?,”

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I’m telling you the truth Jess.
Just ask Kai, he can tell you about his mom and uncle being from London.
He just doesn’t know that they knew your mom.

Just wait until you find out I’m telling the truth.

I’m telling you what really happened Jess.
Your mom went to your school, because she started dating someone.

You should.
It’s actually someone she dated before she even knew your dad.

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“l… do. But nothing I’m willing to share without proof.,”

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“fine, I will. Them being from London doesn’t mean my mom knows them though. You know London is pretty large right? ,”

“Have you met my mom? She’s too headstrong to change everything for a man”

“who? ,”

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I know why, so why don’t you tell me your guess? It won’t hurt anyone if you’re wrong.

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“No. I’m going to talk to Kai about this before I talk to anyone else, including you.”

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But if I’m telling the truth about that, don’t you think the rest of what I said could be true?

I know a lot about your mom, and I know that the man she was dating wouldn’t have wanted her to change anything about herself. All he wanted was to have her as she was. All he asked was for her to not leave him and he would love and support her through everything.

It’s the man she met in Beryl. The last person she dated before she married your dad.

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So why haven’t you talked with Kai about it then? Since you won’t talk to me about it.

“The best storytellers are the ones who hide half truths in their stories”

“well that’s unnerving,”

“Maybe you’re right - but then I have to ask why she left that man for my father. Like don’t get me wrong, clearly my parents are divorced now but you know what I mean,”

“do we have a photo…. A phone number…. Maybe a social security? I need more to go off man”

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“You didn’t see the look he gave me when he told me…. I don’t want to hurt him again by bringing it up right now…,"

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But what if I’m telling you the full truth?
Go ahead, fact check me. You’ll see that it’s true.

Your mom got scared and left him, because she heard him say something to his father and never gave him the chance to explain that he didn’t mean what he said.

If you look through some of your mother’s things, you may be able to find pictures of them together, and even her diary from back then. But you’ll get to meet him soon.

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I know its painful for him to talk about, but if you ask him, he’ll tell you anything you want to know.

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