Blue Royalty | Miscellaneous Thread

Daddy’s Expiration Date - 5 Years Old

Aria Pierce felt tears bubbling in her eyes as she looked at her daddy’s driver’s license. Why she had the item? Well, she was bored and her daddy’s things where just layyinnnggg there waiting to be played with. When she got a hand on his wallet, she immediately emptied the contents, and so currently, everything was laying around her. On one side, was his preeetyyy credit cards of all different colors. On another, there was a picture of mommy and her. There was coins and green paper that mommy used to buy Aria Ice cream. And there was this… a card with a picture of her daddy. So why was she crying? Well, under her daddy’s name, there was an “expiration date” set for November. The problem… IT WAS OCTOBER AND HER DADDY PROMISED HE WASN’T LEAVING EVER AGAIN.

Within a few seconds, more tears fell down her eyes and sobs left her lips as she tightly held the item and went to her dad who was sleeping on the couch. Her mom had gone grocery shopping with Toby, so it was just her and her dad. “Da…da…daddy,” Aria cried to the sleeping figure, soon struggling to get up on the couch and laying on her dad’s chest as she cried on him. She didn’t want her dad to leave… or expire… did that mean he was going to die? No… it wasn’t fair. He said he wouldn’t go.

She felt him shift, putting his hand on her back and rubbing it as he whispered “What’s wrong princess?” Her dad always woke up with the smallest of sounds - not that Aria was exactly being quiet as more tears fell down her features. For a few minutes, she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want him to make him sad and make him cry with her… but why did he have to expire? “I…I…I don’t… want you to expire daddy,” she cried - unable to keep it in and she felt her dad pull his driver’s license out of her hand and slightly laugh. Why was he laughing? This wasn’t funny. He was gone for soooo long and she didn’t want him to leave again. She’d miss him too much and toby wouldn’t get to know their daddy. It WASN’T fair.

Buuuuttt thennn her dad explained that he wasn’t expiring, the picture was and he just had to take another pictureeee. “Yo…you promi…promise?”


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