Blue Royalty | Miscellaneous Thread

Laurel Danielle Parker

How is a 19 year old supposed to react when her mother tells her that she’s pregnant? Please, if there’s a rule book out there, Laurel would like to see it. You live your whole childhood with your life a certain way, and just as you become a young adult everything starts to flip upside down, what are you supposed to do? First of all, there was a reason her mother had seemed off, she was pregnant. That was certainly a shock. Not once did it ever seem to Laurel like she would ever have a sibling, especially not on her mom’s side. On her dad’s side, fine, it wouldn’t be too far out of the realm of possibility in Laurel’s mind, but her mom? It was a complete shock. It wasn’t easy for her to process, but she could understand. It’s not like her mom had even been trying to get pregnant, she just did. Laurel knew that accidents happen, afterall she wasn’t exactly planned either. She just needed some space to deal with it and figure out how she felt about everything. What more could you really ask for? When Laurel found herself at the table with her mom, Dan, Jordan Williams, and his kids, she focused on her phone. She didn’t really want to be there, the idea of being around her mom in general still seemed weird, but there she was to hear the announcement that her own mother was getting married. For 19 years of her life, Laurel had watched her mom, seen her try to date, but nothing ever lasted, not with her dad, not with a guy she dated for a year when Laurel was little, not her first love, not anyone. She’d seen her mother try to put her heart out there, for what? To just end up right back at square one? She’d heard who Jordan was to her mother, that first love, that first heartbreak, someone she wasn’t around or even wanting to talk about for years, how was that reassuring that Laurel wouldn’t be left to pick up the pieces of her mother getting hurt. That being said, that new baby could change things. By Annie’s reaction, it was no secret that she was blindsided by the whole situation as well, even bringing up the baby and how it seemed like their parents were making their own replacement family, which Laurel could actually agree with. Laurel knew her mom, and knew it wasn’t intentional, but it sure felt like her mom was just getting a do over. This time she wouldn’t be the young single mom with her daughter, trying to make it through and do her best, she would be raising a kid in a stable family, knowing exactly what not to do. Its not that she didn’t appreciate her mom, had a bad childhood, or even blamed her mom, but that kid would get everything she didn’t have growing up, that perfect little ideal family she never had. Laurel was still struggling in processing the fact that she would be an older sister, but this was the icing on the cake.
“I just can’t right now.” Laurel said, shaking her head as she stood up. She looked at her mom who was trying to ease the situation between them. “I’m not dealing with this mom.”
“Laurel, please… can we just talk about this?”
“No mom, I don’t want to talk about it. Its not like anything I say would make a difference. You’re just starting over, and I just can’t just sit by and watch you try to do what you and dad didn’t even try.” Laurel slid her phone into her pocket, pushing her chair back in and turning to walk away, pausing only for a moment to give her mom a look that clearly said she didn’t want her to follow. Laurel just needed space and time. It was all just too much right now, and she just needed to get away.

@benitz786 - Jordan, Uncle Dan
@novella - Annie


The “Something Old” - 2031 - Part 5.3

Aw okay this was kind of cute and adorable. Jessica was enchanted by her mother’s story, but it was also… really weird to know that her mother was doing tasks. Maybe Jess should flip back and read some of the tasks her mom had to do just to see what the hell was going on thirty years ago, but right now, Jess was invested in the current story. Winter… and her mom’s birthday was always a big deal in their household and Jess knew her mom loved everything about that holiday. Anna and Jess always believed that their mother could usually tell when it was going to snow, hours before it did. Adelaide always just had a feeling and usually, they were correct. But the other interesting thing was… well… Holly was Anna and Jess’ dog growing up. The puppy died when she was around 13, but Jess knew how much her mother loved that dog and Jess could see it killing her mother when Holly died. What Jess didn’t know was that her mother’s ex-boyfriend had gotten her the dog.

“Hey, you still awake?”

“Hey…” Jess whispered after pulling her eyes away from the journal, smiling as she saw her fiancé holding their sleepy baby in his hands - one who clearly missed her father by the way she tightly held on to his hand. “Yeah I’m a little attached to reading what happens next, just like Shay is clearly attached to you right now,” Jess put the book down as the man took a seat on the bed beside her, and immediately laid her head against him - kissing her daughter’s forehead and caressing her softly. “I want another one Dori,” Jess whispered, looking at her daughter lovingly. Jessica had never hidden the fact that she wanted a big family, though it was never something explicitly talked about with Dorian. “I do too,” There was a soft smile on her lips as she looked up towards her fiancé, bringing her lips to his for a second - until she found her daughter stirring, a soft cry leaving her lips at being awakened. “Shh my love, it’s okay,” Jess stared as Dori started bouncing her slightly to calm her down. “How about I read you a story?” Jess whispered - opening her mother’s journal again and starting where she left off.

“Hey, idiot, I love you,” Those were the very words I said to Leo the moment I woke up in his arms the morning of my birthday…

@astxrism - Dori
@Littlefeets - Leo


“Yeah, long time, indeed.” he replied with a bright smile. Cynric loved to smile or well at least when he was around her, Ari noticed. He was usually an idiot around her, but an idiot Ari could accept. After all they were ‘friends’ again if she fully gave him the honor of that title. “Sorry, I’m sorry!” He lifted his hands up as if to lazily give in to the police. “Are you really?” Ari scoffed, crossing her hands. Sure she was technically the one who bumped into him but then again, did she care about the fact? Not a single bit. “Congratulations for the best reunion idea, Cynric.” Ari laughed, “I guess you’re still an idiot.” She teased.

“You’re looking beautiful as always.” Ari flipped her hair, “Of course I do, I wouldn’t be Ari if I didn’t look effortlessly beautiful every time.” She responded. Ari tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear as Cynric kicked off the confetti into the side and cleaned the last of them off from his shirt. Ari wanted to ask what had happen, but then again did she want to know? “How are you? Anything you’re up to right now?” He asked. Ari hmmed, should she give him the privilege of deciding what they should do? yes because the narrator has no ideas “I was having a good day until a girl decided to ruin my mood. Like geez just because I told everyone the truth about you doesn’t mean you can ruin my day.” Ari rolled her eyes, “And i’m up for anything, what do you want to do?” Ari leaned closer to him, “Maybe make out?”

@Nil - Cynric

The Prank: Summer of Junior year

It was a normal Saturday evening and Elijah was feeling groggy from staying up all night while watching television. It was one of those odd days where both of his parents were home. Unfortunately he didn’t have anything to do today so he just crashed on one of the living room’s sofas and flipped through the TV station. “Why isn’t anything ever on?” He mumbled while running his hand through his messy hair. All of a sudden, his phone went off and he had a feeling who it was. It was Gerald Mulliney Gerald was your typical preppy guy who was pretty much living the rich life and getting into trouble because he was bored. He was fun to hang out with when he had nothing to do.


“Hey man, everyone’s at the park right now you should come.”

He rolled his eyes, wondering why he never had anything better to do. “Eh….Okay I’m coming.”

After leaving the house, He saw Gerald standing in the middle of the park laughing with a bunch of random guys that he usually goofed around with, and some new people Elijah had never seen. “Here we go.” He said to himself. His time out with Gerald on this particular day was surprisingly enjoyable. Usually Gerald was bossy and always wanted everything to go his way, but they did end up having fun with whatever he decided to do. On this particular day, they decided to annoy the neighbors and play childish games. “HEY COME BACK HERE!” The cashier yelled after them as they escaped the store, laughing. They all sat down at the park again and ate some snacks and Gerald spoke to him about something. “Hey, I think we should play a prank on someone from one of our schools.”

“How?” He really didn’t want any conflict with anyone but it sounded fun enough.

"I know pretty much where everyone lives. Don’t ask me how I just do.” Elijah really didn’t want to know how. It was probably something illegal.

“Well…who do you have in mind?”

“That kid Napoleon who goes to your school. I think he needs to loosen up a bit.”

“But how do you even know him?” They were truly on two different spectrums and Elijah didn’t know him that well either, they were just in the same classes. Plus, Napoleon already seemed to dislike him.

“I have a friend of a friend who knows him, and I met him through them.” He dismissively waved his hand in the air. “ Whatever it doesn’t matter.” With that he stood up and looked at the bag of items he had for pranks.

“This is what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna put the whoopie cushions just outside his door, then we’re going to use this remote controlled rat so when she gets scared he has no choice but to step on them. It’s going to be so hilarious to hear the fart sounds every time he jumps around!” He burst out in a fit of laughter.

Elijah started laughing while imagining it. “That does sound hilarious. Whatever I’m in” With that, they got up to go to Napoleon’s house.


Gerald gently placed the fake rat on the doorstep as Elijah quietly placed the whoopie cushions on the first stair step. Then they went to the closest bush after knocking on the door. “Hey.” Gerald said, nudging his shoulder. “We were supposed to use these water balloons today for something else but I’m using them now.” He said with a grin. Elijah realized he must have had this Napoleon prank planned since the beginning. I mean, who has a bag of pranks for no reason.

To be continued @Caticorn - Napoleon

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{ School | One week after the wedding }

What a beautiful and not exciting morning. After the wedding there was really nothing fun happening, except his struggles with some personal problems that are catching up. A real definition of a not exciting morning. Maybe he shouldn’t be complaining about that, as long as there is nothing happening he has time to fix his life but at the same time, he’d probably handle everything better if there was something distracting him. Pick up. Cursing to himself, Zek was standing in the parking lot of the school, holding a cigarette as he tried to get ahold of his mother. For the 6th time. She’s just busy… that’s what we’re going to go with. She wants to talk to him and help but she’s just busy. Super busy. Super super busy and her phone died. Yeah, her phone is dead. She is too bush to charge her phone. Perfect. Locking the phone as his grip on it tightened, Zek finished the cig he was holding before throwing it down and putting it out with his foot.

Looking up once he was ready to continue his journey to hell school, Zek noticed a girl almost at the entrance of it. Oh she’s not getting away. ”Good morning, sunshine,“ Running to her to stop her from getting inside, Zek casually wrapped his arm around her shoulder, a friendly smile on his lips. Getting away from what? Well, this. Not waisting a second he pretended to point at something to the side of the school, gently turning her around and dragging her into that direction, away from their dear friends. ”Oh, look at that over there!“ Keeping his smile and positive attitude on that will soon disappear, Zek looked behind them before attempting to push her against the wall and that way get more privacy… It wasn’t as bad as it sounds. ”What’s wrong with you?“ And that’s when he started, visibly frustrated with the girl. For her own good… Look, he could understand that she had some troubles with her parents, especially with Jordan and he couldn’t judge her for that. But he could judge her for not going to her dad’s wedding. He was not afraid to call her out for that - he was never afraid of doing such things. How could she not go? One day she will regret that, or at least that’s what Ezekiel believed in. ”Sorry… What’s wrong with you?“ Realizing he was probably being a little too harsh, he lowered his voice, repeating the same question with a forced pout this time. ”Please tell me you were at that wedding and I somehow didn’t see you?“

@novella - Annie

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It was a week, and Instagram still hadn’t been cleansed of the many wedding-based posts, mainly on the newly-weds but still partially bringing up her and Sadie. F^ck that. She put her phone away as she began to make her way to the entrance of school, though was brought to a quick stop by Ezekiel Griffin who attempted to distract her in order to get her away to talk in private. Annie raised her eyebrows at her friend as her back hit the wall. “Woah, keep it in your pants, Zek, it’s, like 8am or somehing,” Though her eyebrows lowered again when it seemed Ezekiel wasn’t here for that. Or even a joke about that. Annie looked at him in confusion, she couldn’t remember distinctively when she could have p!ssed him off - what had she unknowingly done this time? “I mean, you might want to be specific, we could be here a while otherwise,” She told him while tilting her head as he vaguely asked what was wrong with her.

She sighed and looked away from him as his reasoning revealed itself. She did not need this. Not today, or preferably ever. What was it to him whether or not she went to her father’s wedding? “No, you would be correct, I wasn’t there,” Annie confirmed. “What reason would I have to go and see that happening?” She vaguely responded, as she knew it wouldn’t be hard for him to believe that she didn’t show up just for the sake of not showing up. However her reply clearly was not sufficient, as he continued to push for… what? Another answer? An apology? “Ezekiel, there’s no f^cking… deep reason behind that, I didn’t want to go, so I didn’t go, get off my back,” Annie snapped at him, her joking-nature coming to an abrupt end before turning back to the entrance. Sure, she was usually an easy-going person, but when necessary she will mercilessly push people away. But in this case, who was she protecting? Him from her or her from… literally everything.

@.astxrism Ezekiel Griffin

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Cherry Chapstick

.,,,,,,,,,,,. 2036 ,,,,,,,,,,

Hera smiled lovingly as she watched Ane’s currently dull, full lips moved. “Whatever you want me to do,” they replied, putting her hands into her pockets casually. It was a reference to Daiane’s introduction to her, fairly playful for what Hera usually goes for. Their flirting can be quite sexual most of the time, and to be fair, it still kinda was… as Hera gave Ane a look that said all the words they were thinking. However, Hera was not going to speak her mind just yet, for their potential was not to be wasted on a hit and run. Besides, Hera was still testing the waters with this one. Her heart, to them, was vast acres of unexplored territory.

Awwww, Ane thinks 9 is late. “Oh, so you want me to leave?” They teased, amused by how easily the girl had set herself up. They knew that she wanted her to stay. Call it intuition, or arrogance, she knew. Perhaps, it was trust… Nahhhhh. Trust was never a Hera thing. The only person Hera has ever allowed herself to rely on since their mother overdosed was herself. That was why they were so confident. There’s no one to look up to. However, there was no one worse than them either. Hera thought she sucked because they constantly gave into their addiction, not that it mattered much. No one cared what happened to her, so why should she?

You think maybe she’d try harder to make her mother proud, but no, she remembered too little about that person to know what she’d want from her. Plus, they highly doubted she was “watching from above” or down here on earth right next to her, or anywhere. She was too tired to believe in a god who disappointed her. There was no heaven, there was no hell. The only thing she could trust was the earth. As well as the moon above it.

Ane started to speak again now, her brown skin glowing a blue tint under the patch of open sky above them. Features soft, like a whispered prayer, words gently guiding the flame of the candle in your hands side to side. They pretended to be nonchalant about the view in front of her, twirling her hair around her finger, stopping abruptly as Ane finished her sentence, loosing her smile.

Hera was not suprised that Mrs Meyer didn’t like her. Somehow though, she was still disappointed. By now, she was used to people calling her a no good. No money, no manners, no good grades, no future. Yet, Daiane still found a way to be her friend. Or perhaps… more than that. She never acted on her desires, though. Shoutout everyone who has an opinion on Daiane. She always listens to them. And although it made her kind, Hera didn’t want her to get hurt.

“What do you want, Ane?” The street lamps shined on Hera, but now, all eyes were on Ane as the landscape came to life. It was a genuine question, which Hera tends to dislike asking because of her natural born politeness, but this one could not be avoided. Plus, she was okay with being honest here. Ane’s presence made talking less of a struggle. Hera has been with many women, so of course she knows how to talk to them, but when she’s with Ane, the words hold substance.

At last, the girl hinted at what she truly wanted, Hera smirk-smiling at the compliment. That’s what it was to them at least, figuring she had to be pretty special in order for Ane to second guess her parents. Then, the girl obeyed her light’s signal, taking heavy steps through the snow until she put her hands on the rough bark of the tree that stood just a few feet from Ane’s brick wall, propping one foot up and climbing swiftly from there to the top. Every branch was weak, and so Hera had to step quite delicately. The fragility of nature felt similar to the way Ane feels in her naked form. Figuratively, of course, knowing Ane she was probably waiting for the right person. A part of Hera hoped she’d be that person, the rest of her hoped she’d find someone better.

Carefully, they reached their hands onto Ane’s windowsill, from which she then began climb in, hitting her boots against the wall to get the snow off before entering. As her legs slipped into the threshold, Ane took a few steps back, startled by the fact that Hera was actually here. Seeing the look on her face, Hera chuckled shyly, heavy boots dropping onto the floor. The girl stood up, closing the window behind her so Ane wouldn’t be cold anymore.

“Nice place.” She observed confidently, leaning back one the wall, hands in her pockets. “No wonder your mom doesn’t want me in here messing it up.” She joked lightly. It’s not the room she needs to worry about Hera thought, staring up and down Ane’s body. The girl was wearing astoundingly short shorts, and a skin-tight shirt. It was hard for Hera to look away. For now, she wouldn’t say anything, though. Ane isn’t just that to her.

.,,,,,,,,,, @unsungcheerio,,,,,,,,,.

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Did Zek get the reaction he thought he would get? Of course. What else were you expecting? An actual explanation in a calm way? If he wasn’t so set on, what could only look like attacking Annie, he’d joke with her about keeping it in his pants. But it really wasn’t time for that… sadly. It really did look like that, didn’t it? Ah, that would’ve made his morning better… Anyway, if he expected her to defend herself then he shouldn’t really react to her answer, but no - Zek’s brows slightly furrowed, shaking his head in disbelief once she dare to say what reason would I have? What reason? ”That’s your dad, Annie,“ he whispered, trying to keep this conversation calm. ”What reason would you need? Was that really it… “I just didn’t want to go”? That’s…“ for a short second Zek stopped, looking away from the girl as if he was trying to fight the urge to say something he knew would sound bad. Would you call it luck that Annie ended up snapping before he could even continue what he started?

Zek was a little taken aback by her reaction and as she started walking away from him, he just stared at her for a brief moment before once again running after her. ”Annie,“ he called out, stopping right in front of her not that close to the entrance but where people could surely notice them. That’s why he lowered his voice and finally continued, ”I’m not done.“ He gently placed his hands on her arms, stopping her that way as well. ”That’s so ungrateful. I just… you’re going to regret that one day. How do you… That was a really shtty thing to do.“ Was he too much? Yes, but he’s not sorry. He’ll never be sorry for that because he was telling the truth.

@novella- Annie

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As Ezekiel continued talking with his own opinions on her actions, the initial slight-p!ssed-off attitude Annie had began to develop further. “How the f^ck is this any of your business, Ezekiel? Oh, yeah that’s right, it’s literally not,” Annie interrupted him, with genuine confusion as to where this was coming from, why it bothered him so much that she didn’t go. “This just doesn’t effect you, like, at all, so stay out of it,” But of course he wasn’t done, why wouldn’t he be done? God forbid him staying out of this, Annie flinched away from him trying to stop her from leaving.

“Yeah, that’s my dad, but we don’t exactly have the perfect f^cking relationship,” WHAT THE HELL was this guy on? Her words didn’t even begin to reflect the anger that had been long burrowed floating to the surface. He had no idea what he was talking about, and yet was acting as though he did. “Which, obviously, you’d know all about after you watched it become even worse after he thought I set fire to a f^cking forest,” OH YEAH SHE WENT THERE, because who is he to sh*t on her for jeopardising her relationship with her father what he was the f^cking one to take a blow at it in the first place? Zek let this happen, and now he was blaming her for it. “And it’s fine, it literally is fine, I don’t even care that happened, but don’t get on your f^cking high horse now when you belong right down here with me,” Annie took a step back from him as a loud silence lingered for a moment too long. “And maybe I am just ungrateful and sh^tty, I’ve never claimed to be otherwise. So are we done here?” She asked him with a fury in her eyes telling him that yes they were very much done.

@.astxrism Ezekiel Griffin


Thiiiiis was not how their conversation was supposed to go. Ezekiel’s intention was never to hurt Annie with his humble opinion, but it looks like that’s the only thing he ended up doing. Or was she just being too hotheaded? Whatever you would like to think. Listen… he might’ve said more than one would expect but that’s what he’d always do, it doesn’t help when that other person doesn’t cooperate. Maybe she had a good excuse, maybe there really was something stopping her other than her stubbornness but she didn’t give him a reason to believe in that. So excuse him for trying to understand her. She could’ve simply said her parrot died or something irrelevant like that and he’d leave it at that with an apology.

Too bad she decided to throw some shade. Out of everything, that wasn’t what he was expecting. ”Wow,“ was the first thing he managed to say, immediately letting go of her arms and raising his in an almost defensive way. He took a step back from Annie, unlike her trying to approach this in a calm way. First of all, not for a second did he drag her father into this… not in the way she’s making it to be. Why tf was the fire thing important now? And when did he ever say he was above her in any way? ”I never asked you to do that. You could’ve just told the truth and nothing would matter then. I don’t know where… that…. is coming from but right now I’m not going to be someone you let out all your built up frustrations on because I told you something I believe in,“ his voice lowering, Zek shook his head as he looked away from her, now placing his hands in his pockets. There wasn’t a moment of silence since he quickly continued. ”Feel free to find that person because you clearly need it. And I’m saying that for your own good… I didn’t come here to fight, so yeah… We’re done,“ turning around and walking away from the school, he gave her that pleasure of not having to deal with him anymore.

@novella- Annie

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Daddy’s Expiration Date - 5 Years Old

Aria Pierce felt tears bubbling in her eyes as she looked at her daddy’s driver’s license. Why she had the item? Well, she was bored and her daddy’s things where just layyinnnggg there waiting to be played with. When she got a hand on his wallet, she immediately emptied the contents, and so currently, everything was laying around her. On one side, was his preeetyyy credit cards of all different colors. On another, there was a picture of mommy and her. There was coins and green paper that mommy used to buy Aria Ice cream. And there was this… a card with a picture of her daddy. So why was she crying? Well, under her daddy’s name, there was an “expiration date” set for November. The problem… IT WAS OCTOBER AND HER DADDY PROMISED HE WASN’T LEAVING EVER AGAIN.

Within a few seconds, more tears fell down her eyes and sobs left her lips as she tightly held the item and went to her dad who was sleeping on the couch. Her mom had gone grocery shopping with Toby, so it was just her and her dad. “Da…da…daddy,” Aria cried to the sleeping figure, soon struggling to get up on the couch and laying on her dad’s chest as she cried on him. She didn’t want her dad to leave… or expire… did that mean he was going to die? No… it wasn’t fair. He said he wouldn’t go.

She felt him shift, putting his hand on her back and rubbing it as he whispered “What’s wrong princess?” Her dad always woke up with the smallest of sounds - not that Aria was exactly being quiet as more tears fell down her features. For a few minutes, she didn’t say anything. She didn’t want him to make him sad and make him cry with her… but why did he have to expire? “I…I…I don’t… want you to expire daddy,” she cried - unable to keep it in and she felt her dad pull his driver’s license out of her hand and slightly laugh. Why was he laughing? This wasn’t funny. He was gone for soooo long and she didn’t want him to leave again. She’d miss him too much and toby wouldn’t get to know their daddy. It WASN’T fair.

Buuuuttt thennn her dad explained that he wasn’t expiring, the picture was and he just had to take another pictureeee. “Yo…you promi…promise?”


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Dan’s not scared, he’s just… Dan - 2029

Scared? No; Daniel Parker was many things, but scared was not one of them. Nope. No sir. Powerful? Yes. Good Looking? Hell Yes. Not an idiot, like Dorian DeLoughrey. YES, YES, YES. Scared, however… nope. That wasn’t in his vocabulary. That’s EXACTLY why the minute his wife told him she was pregnant, he marched his bloody ass to the hospital, argued with the staff for a good hour just so they would give him an appointment for a vasectomy right then and there - which was troublesome since most of the doctors were booked for the rest of the day. But this was Dan, the person who OWNED the hospital, so you better expect that after a bit, he was seated in an office ready to go.

After a few seconds, his doctor came in to talk about all the different parts of the procedure and Dan simply found himself rolling his eyes. “Look, I don’t care. This will just make sure I don’t have any more kids right? Perfect. Go ahead Doc.” Honestly, Daniel didn’t care about the ins and outs of the procedure he just wanted it done. The fear of having another kid had already set in. Don’t get him wrong - Daniel loved being a father to Veronica Charlotte. But that was one kid. How the fcking hell was he supposed to do it again. Nope.

That should have been it. A quick 20 minute procedure and Daniel would be done. Here’s the problem though… similar to his cousin and sister, Daniel Parker was not a fan of the hospital. There was a distinct memory in his mind with his parents spending weeks calling every hospital to ask if any bodies had been admitted. THere was the fact that he almost lost the most important people in the same day. There was the fact that he almost found his dead cousin in her apartment and had to physically hold her as they got to the hospital - recovering from her… loss.

Hospitals just weren’t… it. So, the moment the doctor told him to pull down his pants and he pulled out a fcking knife, Dan said hell to the fcking no. Backing into supplies, he put his hand up as the Doctor held the scapule. “Don’t you fcking dare get that thing near me… we’re done here,” Daniel said rashly before practically running out of there.

Here’s the thing though… Daniel wasn’t… scared… and he had… well… already told his wife he was getting the vasectomy. So… it was kind of late to tell her he didn’t go through with it right? Right… he’d just… be careful… yep… careful.



Driving Incident - 2029

Okay. Let’s get one thing bloody clear. Driving in America = fcking bonkers. People didn’t know how to drive - so don’t blame Jessica for what was about to happen. Blame everyone else. Blame those idiots who would move lanes without using an indicator. BLAME THE IDIOTS WHO PUT THE STEERING WHEEL ON THE WRONG FCKING SIDE. It’s the left, bloody Americans. Not the fcking right side. That’s the reason she was standing in the middle of the road - trying to figure out what the hell to do about the large dent now on Dori’s car. Okay… that and the fact that she accidentally rear-ended the car in front of her on her way to the Mexican food truck because she was 100% craving a burrito. Okay fine… blame her a little bit, but the little nugget inside of her was just as hungry as she was.

Jess’ hand was on her stomach, feeling her baby kicking around as she exchanged the confusing insurance bullsht. There was one thing for sure, however. Jessica Pierce had just… wrecked Dorian’s favorite car and he was going to bloody kill her. Great. It took about two hours on the road… with the bloody cops taking photos and whatnot for them to tell her that the car would need to be towed. They did ask if she needed a ride though. At least that was fun - Jess always had fun making copper friends. That reminded her… she should probably invite her old buddies from the Beryl precinct to her wedding. Note to self: Invite Police buddies an…

Never mind that. She found herself distracted as Dafren, the copper friend, pulled into her new house with Dorian. The only problem… well… Dori had seen the cop car pull in at the gate and was now standing in the front with a confused expression on his features. “Alright let’s get our story straight. You arrested me for cursing out the institution of American policing but my personality was so bloody amazing you decided to just give me a ride home instead after a quick hand job alrig… bloody hell,” Jess sighed, as the tow truck followed suit with Dori’s broken car. “Never mind Darren” Jess sighed.

With those words, she got out of the car, finding Dorian right next to her helping her up. Before anything, she found herself making an exuse “I got hungry I’m sor…” Though she didn’t even get that out as she felt his arms hugging her tightly. “Are you okay? Is the baby okay?” With a soft smile, she nodded. “I’m still hungry though… can I borrow the keys to your other car?” she questioned with a joking smile as he wrapped his arms around her again.


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{ Bad dinner date with Clio | 2028 }
you do make me hard, BUT SHE MAKES ME WEAK

Today was a special day. Why? Well, because Dorian planned a fancy little dinner for his beautiful girlfriend after not being home for a while. He was coming home that day and wanted to spend the night the right way. What a great boyfriend, isn’t he? If only he knew that what he thought would be one great night will turn out to be the complete opposite. Well… at least to him, because of what he was going to find out.

Closing the door behind him, Dorian could hear light footsteps coming from the living room, making him drop his bag next to the door and open his arms. Why? Because the moment Clio turned the corner and saw him, she jumped into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist. She still had Dorian’s t-shirt on, the one she had on when Jessica gave Dorian… well, Clio a visit. But that’s not something she was going to mention until later. HELLO, her boyfriend just came back home after being away for a week! ”Hi,” he mumbled in between the kisses and smiles, gently pushing the girl against the wall with his hands supporting her thighs. And he did miss her… even if it took a while to get to this state of mind - opening himself up for someone new when that was the last thing he wanted to do. Did it matter? The girl he ended up marrying once again disappeared for a year… That was a… As much as he wanted to believe that was all in the past, he couldn’t. But Clio was here to help with that. Right? That’s how you deal with that? ”I missed you,” barely a whisper leaving the girl’s mouth, Dorian stepped back with Clio still in his arms and slowly started walking toward the bedroom.

* * *

”Your friend stopped by today, real nice girl.” Sitting in one of the fanciest restaurants in Miami, Clio was secretly prepared for the best night of her life. She was ready for Dorian to pop the question… or she wasn’t but she was still excited and fcking nervous. It was hard to hide that when she found a ring in the back of his closet earlier that day with a friend she just mentioned. Yes, without knowing that Jessica was the girl Dorian was hung up on when she met him, she took the worst moment to bring her up. ”My friend?” And at first Dorian was confused because… he had girl friends? And one of them would give him a visit and stay to chat with Clio? He was confused, but there was a curious smile on his lips as he was trying to pick up food from his plate, looking down at it. ”You never told me about her. Jessica?” And that was when he just froze, that smile faltering while his gaze stayed glued to the plate. What… did she just say? If he only looked up he could see the smirk on Clio’s lips she failed at hiding, not knowing that the only thing on her mind was the ring. Not knowing that she was thinking he might propose tonight. ”Please tell me she’s a friend and not a crazy person I let in?” He could hear Clio laugh but it seemed like it was far… Jessica was back? She was back after yet another year of no words, nothing, and just… decided to knock on his door? He did this once before… when he tried to push her away because he wasn’t ready to face her after what she’d done and he was planning to do the same thing again… He was… Trust him. Yup… That’s why this shook him up. He didn’t want to see her… Yeah, keep telling that to yourself, buddy.

”What did she want?” Clearing his throat, he finally looked up at his girlfriend with the fakest smile. ”Just to say hi. Why didn’t you ever tell me about her? She’s great friend material, I need some girls around here,” listening to her, Dorian grabbed a glass that was next to his plate, and picked it up, bringing it to his lips. Nope, that’s not happening. This is too much. ”I-She was gone for a while so… I don’t know… ” ”So what-” ”Is it good?” Not wanting to talk about Jess, he tried to change the subject before Clio got the chance to finish what she wanted to say, referring to the food. Thankfully Clio simply nodded, ignoring his sudden strange behavior. Putting the fork down, Clio reached out to grab his hand, placing it on top of the table but instead of doing that, Dorian took a sip of his drink… No, he downed that whole drink. ”What’s wrong?” Still waiting for Dori to take her hand, Clio looked at him, this time worried about what she said wrong. ”I… wanted this to be perfect but… I’m just so tired. I’m sorry,” finally placing his hand over hers, that’s really all he did. A forced smile he hoped she couldn’t tell was forced while his hand was just still. Did his fake excuse work? Let’s say it did.

* * *

Did he propose? Of course he did not. Was Clio sad? She was, a little bit, but being a good girlfriend she didn’t want to force Dorian to stay at that restaurant long, seeing he was tired. Jet lag and whatnot… See… She believed his lies. But there was always one thing he was never too tired for and she wanted it.

As Dorian was getting ready for bed and unpacking, Clio took time to take off her dress and only in her lingerie sit on the edge of the bed, waiting for her boyfriend. But what she got as a reaction was the last thing she expected… Walking in his bedroom and noticing her, Dorian only weekly smile almost completely ignoring her and just throwing himself on the bed. His eyes immediately closed, bunch of thoughts going through his mind… Every single one having to do with his… Best friend? Could he even call her that now? A girl he married? The one that disappeared but was back? There were many things he could call her but- ”What are you doing?” Opening his eyes, Clio was now on top of him, her soft lips leaving a trail of kisses down his neck to his chest. And this was one of the rare times when he didn’t want her to do that… But even shifting a little and mumbling something didn’t stop the girl. Of course she wouldn’t get the hint when he doesn’t remember the last time he did this… ”I’m not in the mood,” a whisper, enough to make her finally look up at him confused. There was this… one other thing proving him wrong, he was in the mood but… Not now. Not after tonight… Not… ”Clio… Can we please just sleep?” ”But-” ”Cuddles?” Pulling her up closer to him, Dorian gently kissed her, a soft smile before she rested her head against his chest and he wrapped his arms around her. ”I missed your cuddles,” than why was he just blankly staring into darkness the moment he turned off the lamp on his night table?

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Oh… I fcked up… - 2040

Do you know what the other interesting part about Back to the Future was? Time Travel. So could anyone blame Dan for being interested in figuring out both sides of the puzzle? A flying car was one thing - honestly, easy if you asked Daniel Parker. The biggest thing to do was to extrapolate what people had already figured out about planes, hoverboards, and rockets and utilize that information on a smaller target. It took Dan a few months to figure that one out. Time Travel, however? Well… let’s just say Dan was a little rusty on quantum theory and had to do a little catching up and research before he even knew where to start. That being said - he did have a little breakthrough when a quantum professor working on the exact same thing sent him some of his breakthroughs. Most of it was mumbo jumbo, but the good old professor was on to something with one of his theories - one that Daniel was currently working on.

Music was playing upstairs as his beautiful wife was telling the event planner what she was doing wrong for the soon-to-come baby shower that was happening in their home. The entire house would be full soon, and in the meanwhile, Dan was getting the last few parts of his Time Machine together. Or at least, in theory, it was supposed to be a time machine. Anyone who walked in would probably call it a hunk of junk in the middle of his multi-billion dollar bat cave, next to his multi-million dollar iron man suit, and his flying car and even the monitors set up in the back. Perhaps the reason Dan was pushing himself into random projects was to avoid the fact that little Akielah Azure was actually his sister. Maybe he was just bored. Either way, it’s what he had found himself invested for almost a year.

“Leeeet me guess. You’re finally building something that will let pregnant women like me drink alcohol? If so, I say go forth and conquer,”

Dan was a little distracted, meaning he didn’t exactly hear Jess come in. What did that lead to? Well, let’s just say a slight electrical malfunction as his machine started smoking with one wrong twist of a wire. “Fck,” Dan sighed, going towards the fire extinguisher and making sure to keep it handy as he turned the power off.

“Orrrr maybe not yet. Okay… that’s fine… just do me a favor and figure it out in the next 4 to 5 months before I give birth?” Jess had a playing smile on her lips as she approached Daniel, a scotch in her hand as she handed it to him. “I thought you could at least use a drink, and I could live vicariously through you. How’s it going?”

Jess had a soft smile on her lips as she wrapped her arms around her cousin in a loving way, pulling him in for a hug before sitting on the floor aside from him. “It’s good… mostly… I don’t know about this whole Akielah thing Jess. Like… don’t bloody get me wrong. I’m happy she’s alive, but how fcking bad is her Stockholm Syndrome if she doesn’t agree with me tearing those fcking parents of her down. Leonardo and what? Fcking Miranda Azure. Not to mention bloody Ka-”

“Don’t… just… don’t bring him up Dan.” Dan sighed looking towards his sister, knowing that even to this day, any mention of Malachi Azure hurt her. “I mean… I get your point of view Dan but also… for literally 34 years of her life, they were her family… and they were good to her. It’s not like they treated her like scum, she was quite literally born to people who are… richer than you Dan.”

Though there was a frown on his lips with her words, he knew she was right. Jessica was always the sensible one between the two of them. Did that mean Dan didn’t take a LOOooonNNg drink from his Scotch? No, Dan did, indeed, have a very long drink. “Anyways, no more party-pooping. Come on, we are going back upstairs where Val and your soon to be children are waiting. Plus mum just got here, and we both know she can bring the party. And I’m pretty bloody sure I saw Jordan and Jez arriving, so really, it’s basically the whole gang at this point.”

With a soft grumble, Dan got up - offering his hand to his once again pregnant cousin (though this definitely deserved some Dorian Bashing, let’s do that later, upstairs you know) a hand. “Come on… you know for a secret hideout… it’s honestly not a bloody secret anymore.” Dan laughed leading Jess to the elevator. Everything would have been fine… except the moment Daniel pressed the up button on the elevator, it was almost as if the entire room short-circuited… which… well… that surge of electricity towards his machine wasn’t… great. The moment the surge restarted the lights, Dan heard his machine make a sound, and then an energy pulse was emitted from it. The last thing Daniel Parker remembered was pulling Jessica inside the elevator and using his body to protect her before everything went black.

“Daniel baby. Don’t be troublesome for the nanny okay? Your father and I will be back in a few hours after this charity auction.”

Okay… this was… weird. Where the actual fck was he? Daniel’s head was pounding and It took him a few seconds to recognize his surroundings, but finally forcing his eyes open and looking in front of him, Daniel saw his mother standing there with a smile on her face. Now that was weird in itself, because let’s be honest, his mother didn’t smile.

“And don’t bother your sister, my love. She’s teething right now and we all know she can be antsy at any little thing,”

What. The. Fck. Teething? His sister. Okay. He died. Yes. That’s what happened. The machine had killed him. Damn. That sucked. Wait… was this hell? Was he going to experience his worst memory over and over again. Okay, that sucked. Come on big guy - yes Dan was a dck, but he did do some good in his time. What about the actual millions of girls he had saved? Was being a dck to Dorian really deserving of being here? Really? Fck you big guy. Fine. Let’s get this over with.

Dan watched as his parents left, rolling his eyes. Here was the issue however, Dan was… fcking small. Looking down at his body, his handsome features were replaced by little baby kid hands with a Bill Nye pajama set. Wait. OH god… please don’t tell him. Running as fast as his little legs would let him, Dan looked in the mirror and was about to fcking lose his sh!t.


This was horrendous.

@CerealKiller - Val Mentioned
@Littlefeets - Akielah Mentioned
@astxrism - Dorian always mentioned in Dan’s posts

What just happened? Her head was pounding, but currently, her eyes were closed. Fcking Dan and his inventions. Jessica didn’t know what had happened, but she knew it wasn’t good. Call it a gut feeling, but she just… knew something was wrong. Pushing her eyes open, almost simultaneously Jess heard a familiar voice practically yell in her ear “Why are you wet?”

Finally opening her eyes, Jessica found herself on top of her husband. Her hair was dripping wet as she met his eyes… an annoyed expression as he… quite literally… checked her out - his eyes stopping at her tattoo. Looking in his eyes, he seemed to continue speaking - his hands still on her waist “Why are you in my room?”

“Dorian… what… darling what just happened?” Jess lovingly placed a hand on his cheek… though he notably looked younger, Jess was honestly too confused to question it. This was all just… why was this so familiar? And why the bloody hell was Jess not in a bat cave with her cousin. What… had just happened?

@astxrism - Dorian Mentioned

Scene in Question

Blue Royalty | Official Thread - #1752 by astxrism

She was going to be a grandmother, again. Honest to goodness, Adelaide Parker was excited - the biggest smile plastered on her face when she walked into her nephew’s house to see her daughter talking to her husband. There were gifts in Addie’s hands that were instantly taken by the help, and the woman soon walked towards her daughter, pulling her in for a deep hug. “How’s my granddaughter doing?” There was a soft smile on Jessica’s features, as she returned the hug. “She’s doing fineeeee mum. She does like some weird food, I’ll tell you. I found myself actually enjoying veggies yesterday. I swear if she comes out and starts eating like Dori, we’re gonna have a problem,”

After a quick laugh, Jess excused herself to go bring Dan up from his… cave? Did she hear that right? Oh well, Adelaide had learned a long time ago with Justin not to question their children’s whims. On that note… where was Justin? Addie looked around for her brother, though as she moved through the scarce party - mostly because she was early - there was a noticeable boom that met the room, causing everything to shake. Adelaide put her hands in front of her face to catch her fall, her eyes closing out of slight fear. Though, after a few seconds, the rumbling stopped.

“Is everyone okay?”

It was the first words that left her mouth as she fought a headache that started, opening her eyes. Here was the issue, however. The floor was different. Confusion filled her being as Addie looked around her - somehow finding herself in a bathroom. What the hell? There was another noticeable item on the floor beside her and it took her a second to realize that it was a pregnancy test… one that clearly was noted as positive. In the trash beside her, there were more used pregnancy tests, all noting the same thing. While there was a sense of familiarity that hit her… it… no it couldn’t be. Standing up off the floor, it was only when Adelaide Parker looked in the mirror that she realized something was wrong. She was… at least she looked… 19 again.

@Littlefeets - Leo? Ish mentioned

“Jordan… we need to… stop… kissing…and…go inside,”

Jordan smiled cheekily as his wife pulled away every few seconds to say those words. They were currently parked outside the Parker residence and, well, let’s just say he was keeping her more than occupied. Could you blame him? The honeymoon may have been over but Jordan was positive this honeymoon phase would never end. “Hey baby, you know your mama is sooooo mean to me,” Jordan responded, leaning in towards Jezebel’s stomach and placing a chaste kiss on it before kissing her one more time.

“Okay fineeeeee, in we go,” Jordan sighed, getting out of his side of the car and running towards hers - opening the door for his beautiful wife as he helped her up. Keeping a tight hand on hers to make sure nothing happened, Jordan led Jezebel towards the front door of the Parker house and the three-way baby shower that was happening for Jezebel, Valerie, and Jessica.

It was beautifully decorated - as expected with Valerie Parker who he immediately went to hug - who was already in a conversation with Andy. He saw Jezebel talking to her dad, and so Jordan continued with his conversation with Val as Andy moved to go play with Shay. “Even pregnant, you can pull a better party off than most people I know, Val,” he added with a smile towards his close friend. What neither of them expected, however, was for the room to actually start shaking. “EARTHQUAKE,” Jordan screamed, helping Val bend over and using his body to cover her - glad that Justin was doing the same with his wife. “Val are you okay?” Jordan remembered asking, but that was before a seeing pain met his head and he had to close his eyes for a second.

After a few seconds too long, Jordan finally opened his eyes - expecting to see Val… but the issue was, that wasn’t what he found at all well… not exactly. He did still see Valerie Parker… and Dorian DeLoughrey… but he was no longer on the floor, instead, he was standing and was… outdoors. What just… happened? Looking around, it was immediately clear that he was at a campground… and honestly… not just any campground. Rather, it was a camp that he visited when he was in high school. The other issue… everyone looked… really young. Dorian… and Val… and… “Hey… Are you okay?” …and Sadie. Jordan’s heart dropped seeing her, not even realizing that she also looked… really young. At least, not until she continued. “I don’t know much, if anything at all, about… the situation but–…I don’t know, I just wanted to… check?”

Jordan remembered those words. He remembered this… what was it… a memory? What the actual hell just happened?

@novella - Sadie Mentioned
@Littlefeets - Jezebel Mentioned
@CerealKiller - Val Mentioned

Scene in Question

Blue Royalty | Official Thread - #2108 by novella


Picnic with favorite “cousin”

It was another sunny summer day and the main Astor family took this opportunity to travel to Italy on their private jet. Persephone, her cousin, had joined them. Yeaaah!! Because to be honest, Hades would have spent all his time annoying her. Teasing her and being like, ‘you know you’re not allowed to be in a relationship till you’re in your 30s?’ Like damn did he really think she would listen to that sh!t? If she wanted to be in a relationship, she would be in a damn relationship. How old did he think she was? They were literally just one year apart, Madeline could do what the fck she wanted.
Madeline had also heard something about her brother, he has changed… the people in her school would say. She hadn’t really understood what they meant, because at home Hades was still the same annoying douche who liked to get himself in trouble and teased her. So she did what any curious sister with a good heart would do, she spied on him to see this ‘change’ of his. And f
ck in school he was a complete different person that she remembered. Apparently he had cut ties with so many of his friends, only keeping in contact with a few of them and he liked to brood a lot. ‘No one understands me’ ‘I’m all alone,’ like take a chill pill dude. Apparently, he has also changed his name to Eryx and only a few were allowed to call him that name. At least he was still outgoing with the family. But she would have to ask him what happend.

To be honest, Madeline didn’t really give a f*ck. As long as he didn’t start acting the way he did in school, she didn’t really care. It was none of her business really but she cared for her brother and she loved drama, so she wanted to know the reason for his behavior. But when she asked he shrugged and flicked her forehead, @sshole.

“Ah italy, do you know this is where you mothers and me got married?” Her dad said pointing at a place. “I thought you got married in some other country.” Her brother said.

“Didn’t we get married in Germany?” Her mama asked as she carried Madeline’s 2 years old brother who was sucking his thumb. Awww wasn’t Arden the cutest?

"Yes, it was Germany. But we had two weddings, one in Italy and the other one in Germany remember? " Her other mother responded. Yes Madeline had three parents: Mama, mother and dad- their family was pretty chaotic but they made it work… kinda? Her father nodded.

Time skip

Madeline and Persephone had went to the park together for a picnic. She had asked Hades if he had wanted to come but it went like this:

“Do you want to come?”

“Is Persephone coming?”


“Then no” Madeline rolled her eyes. She knew why Hades hated Persephone but what happened wasn’t her fault. She wasn’t to blame for the ‘mistake’ her brother was just being an @sshole.

“If she is not coming I will come, tell her not to come.” There was no way Madeline was doing that. “See ya” She waved at him.

And so yeah now Her and ‘cousin’ Persephone were in a picnic together.

“Do you want to play a game or eat first?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Persephone sorry it sucked, I had no idea what to write.


Why are mommy and daddy so mean? :pleading_face: - 2035

Note: This is set in the world that Jess had a dream about - aka Jess never came back to C High but instead of “Jess” knowing what’s going on (like in the misc), this features Jess who lives in that world.

Many people could say that Shay had an amazing life. Honestly, Shay believed it. She lovveeeed her mommy and her daddy and they always gave her kisses and hugs everyyy day. What was better than that? Let me tell you - nooooottthinggg. Her father would always play soccer with her when she wanted and it was soooo much fun to beat him. How could the world think he was soooo good? Or maybe Shay was just a prodigy. TAKE THAT SOCCER PLAYERS (or how her mama said football) SHAY WAS GOING TO BEAT YOU ALL ONE DAY. RAWR. Then, after playing all day with her papa, her mommy would feed her the besttt food and her dad would complain because for some reason he didn’t like chicken nuggets. It was all really funny to watch but her and Zoe didn’t care, all Shay cared about was how she loved her family - even though zoe was realllyyy little right now. Aidan was little…er but he was fun too. And then Godpapa Andy was her favorritteeeeee, and cousinnn Kayaa who was soooo pretty, and Cousin Ronnie who was sooo coooool, and… well, you get the gist, Shay could go on and on and on and on but to sum it up, she was happy and she never wanted anything to change.

So tell Shay why when she went to sleep one fateful night with everything okay and happy and her dad kissing her good night and her mom reading her a bedtime story, that she didn’t wake up that way? As usual, Shay woke up with the sun - a bright smile on her lips as she jumped off her bed. But… it wasn’t her bed. Confusion met her little features as she looked around the room. Instead of her purple elephant wallpaper, the wall was a borrringgg white color. And instead of her pretty purple bed, she was sleeping in a big bed like mommy and daddy did. Annnndd where was her stuffed Giraffe? Shay didn’t go anywhere without Mr. L.N. Snuggles. What did L.N. stand for? Well, obviously Long Neck. Also where was her sister? Zoe and Shay shared a room always… so where… where was Zoe? Where… was Shay? Did her mommy and daddy move her? But why?

Do you know how kids usually could feel when something was wrong? Well, Shay just… had this feeling. A bad feeling… one where if she told her mama she was having, her mom would usually hug her until she calmed down, and right now, she wanted her mom. With a scared look on her face (even though she was trying to be brave), Shay struggled to open the door leading out to a bright hallway. But it wasn’t… her hallway. This wasn’t her house… so where was she? There was a pretty chandelier near the staircase, and Shay also saw that there was another floor. It was only when she heard distant sounds downstairs that she slowly made her way down - her thumb in her mouth to provide any sense of comfort.

Though the noise became louder as she walked down the last stairstep, and realized it was laughing coming from the backyard. Don’t get Shay wrong… this was a pretty house. It just felt… lonely. It was so big but no one was inside… why would anyone want this? Shay liked her house with her mom and dad close by a few rooms away from her and Zoe’s. But… but maybe the laughs were her parents? With a sense of hope, Shay walked faster towards the door - struggling once again to open the glass door and finding herself facing a large pool overlooking the beach. There were a few people in the backyard; both men and women who seemed to be having fun - but she couldn’t she her mom or dad.

“…And what kind of drink would you like beautiful?”

There was instant recognition in Shay as she heard her dad’s voice, instantly running and wrapping her arms around his legs when she reached him - uncaring that there was a girl wearing a bikini smiling and twirling her hair. “Daddy daddy… I was so scawred. Where…where are we? Where’s mommy?” Shay questioned, looking at her dad with bright eyes. Though, the man who looked back at her scrunched his eyebrows before sighing, looking around the room. “What the hell guys? I thought the no kids rule was a given. Who’s child is this?”

There was a frown on her daddy’s face as he bent down, pushing Shay’s arms off his legs gently. “Kid, where are your parents? Let’s go find them and get you out of here. This isn’t a party for kids,” Okayyyy why was her Daddy playing pretend? This wasn’t very nice… Shay already didn’t feel well. “Daddy… you’re my daddy. I don’t know where mommy is,” Her papa’s features contorted with confusion before he started laughing. “I get it. Alright, guys, which one of you paid a little girl to say that. Priceless. Good one.” Standing back up, Dorian pulled out his wallet. “Hilarious joke kid. What do you want? A tip for that performance. God they really are starting you little actresses young,” Dorian sighed, shaking his head as he handed Shay a 5 dollar bill from his wallet before continuing to talk to the woman in the bikini as if she wasn’t there.

Shay could feel her eyes bubbling with tears as she looked at her dad. Why was he pretending like he didn’t know her? He just kissed her goodnight a few hours ago… what did she do wrong? Why didn’t he want her anymore? “I…I want… I want my mo…mommy,” Shay whispered, looking at him but he just… ignored her again.

Not knowing what to do… Shay just… walked away - back inside his house where she took a seat in a corner and proceeded to cry.

"Trust me, Dan. I don’t want to bloody be here either. If I could pass this interview to anyone else, I would have. I… I honestly never want to bloody talk to that idiot after what he did at Davina’s funeral… god bless her soul. At this point, I’m honestly going to just bite my tongue, ask the 5 questions I have to, and get the hell out of here.

Walking through the front door, Shay saw her mom with her phone to her ear. Though, hearing Shay cry, the woman put the phone down looking at the girl with a shocked expression - soon changing to one with compassion. “I’ll call you later Dan… Hey sweetheart. Are you okay?”

Jess bent down next to Shay and the minute Shay saw who it was, the little girl wrapped her arms around her mom - sobbing harder as the woman patted her back. “Mo…mommy, D…daddy… he was…being…mean” Shay cried. Moving away from the girl, Jess wiped Shay’s tears with a soft smile “I’m sorry sweetie… I’m sure your parents didn’t mean it. Where are they? You shouldn’t be all alone,”

Wait… did her…did her mom…not… know who she was either? This wasn’t funny anymore… Shay didn’t like it she just wanted her mom to hug her and kiss her again. “Come on, let’s go find them okay?” . With that, Jess wrapped her arms around Shay, holding the girl up as she walked outside where Shay had just come from. Shay didn’t say anything - her sobs simply became louder as her mom walked her outside. "Dorian… first of all, don’t. I’m not here for any rude commentary, especially not around a little girl. Second of all, what the bloody hell is wrong with you having a party with alcohol and little girls alone in the other room. Do you know where her parents are so we can get done with that interview and… well… never speak again?

Jess didn’t even give Dorian a chance to say anything before looking down at Shay, “Hey sweetie. Where are your parents? Can you point them out?” . Finally moving away from hiding her face in her mother’s shoulder, Shay looked back at Dorian through blurry eyes before pointing at him.

“You have a kid?” Jess asked, shaking her head slightly.

“Trust me, I don’t have a kid.” With that, Dorian looked straight at Shay. "I don’t know what kind of ploy this is, but tell your mother that I’m not giving you any money. Got it? Who the hell is your mother anyways? Is she here? Who let you into this party?

And with that, Shay turned her face to her mom - staring back at her with confusion and pointing at her. “Yo…you’re my…my… mommy and…daddy,”

A slight gasp left her lips as her eyes opened, her face filled with tears she shed during her dream and her father standing before her. Though, the moment she saw her dad, she started crying harder.

“Shay, what’s wrong?” her father asked, helping her up and sitting down on her bed so he could put his arms around her. “Yo…you told me… you told me I wasn’t your… your ba…baby,” Shay cried, stuffing her face in her dad’s shirt. “…and…and mommy didn’t…didn’t remember me… and you to…told me…to go…go away,”

She felt her dad hold her tighter, a kiss meeting her forehead soon after. “I would never say that sweetie.” her dad started, wrapping his arms around her and standing up before walking outside the door and towards the kitchen. “I love you too much. I love youuuu soooo much that I’ll even give you ice cream right now. Will that make you feel better, beautiful?”

“Ca…can I sleep with you and m…mommy?” Shay whispered as her dad had a bright smile, kissing her again. “Of course you can,”



Persephone Astor stretched out on the blanket on the grass, turning her head to look at her cousin. “Depends. Does the game involve moving? If so…no. No movement. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.” She said, blowing a strand of dark hair out of her face. “What food did you pack anyway, Maddy?” She rolled over with a grunt, propping herself up on her elbows.
@Kristi - Maddy.



Picnic with favorite “cousin”

What food did she pack? That was a good question. She had bought from the store nearby “Uh Fried chicken, watermelon, lasagna, grapes and” Yeah she had no idea what it was but it looked tasty, “And some greens?” She shrugged. Madeline stretched her legs and laughed, “Should have checked the name before buying it” but it was expensive and looked good, well kinda. And besides Madeline had bought everything that she saw at sight for the picnic. “So wanna try it and see what it is?”

@Ouijaloveletters - Persephone


Persephone peered into the basket, nodding as Maddy listed off all the things she’d bought. “Ohh, lasagna. I brought cake pops.” Shr located the green thing, grabbing the bag and looking at it. “Well, won’t kill us. Maybe.” She said, opening the bag and grabbing a piece, handing one to Maddy. “Down the hatch in 3, 2, 1.”
@Kristi - Maddy

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