Blue Royalty | Miscellaneous Thread

May 2016

“Tu dessines quoi?” Dominic could hear his sister’s voice in his ear as she peered over his shoulder while he was drawing. She giggled as he quickly slammed his sketchbook closed.

“Clara!” He scolded as he turned himself to face her. “Cela est une porte. C’était fermée pour une raison.” He told her, sarcastically gesturing to his door. He was still upset from a conversation with his mother minutes prior and while he knew what his sister was doing, he really wasn’t in the mood.

“Really, Dom? When has that ever stopped me?” She rolled her eyes with a smile as Dom put his sketchbook down on his bedside table, sitting up so his sister could sit down next to him. “I heard you fighting with Maman. Are you okay?” Her tone became serious as she put her hand on top of his.

“I’m fine.”

“You didn’t seem fine when you ran up the stairs and slammed your door.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Please, Dom.” She pleaded, putting her arm around him and resting her head on his shoulder, making puppy dog eyes up at him. Dom sighed. His sister was the one person in his family who he could actually talk to and trust that she’ll take his feelings seriously. Not only that but he trusted her to keep what they talk about between them. She was one of the only people who could truly confide in.

“It’s like she wants me to be insecure.” He told her, finally giving in and expressing his frustrations. “Which is f-cked up because most parents of fourteen-year-olds would want the opposite. The worst part is, it’s working.”

“Hey. Wait until you’re in high school to start dropping f-bombs.” She scolded with a smirk, causing a small laugh to escape Dom’s lips. “Piece of advice? Nothing will ever be good enough for her. Don’t let her get to your head. Your eyes are beautiful, Dominic, and one day you’ll meet someone who helps you see that. I promise.”

April 2022

Dom smiled down at his newborn daughter as he held her in his arms. Her sister was sleeping soundly but Amanda was wide awake, her big eyes looking back up at him. They were almost identical to Dom’s own but he thought hers were the most beautiful thing in the world.

Clara was right.

The End


Tu dessines quoi? - What are you drawing?
Cela est une porte. C’était fermée pour une raison - That is a door. It was closed for a reason.

@Littlefeets - Amanda