Blue Royalty | Miscellaneous Thread

At that point, Leon started to feel bad for Hyun-Ae because she seemed to be blissfully ignorant of Yeong-Mi’s true intentions, thinking that she was just making conversation. “My brother’s name is Dae-Hyun, he’s in a group called Victory under IRT Entertainment. His group manager’s name is Hwang Min-Hyuk. He’s actually a friend of my mother’s from her trainee days.” She answered and at the second mention of her mother, Leon started looking between his cousin and his wife. “The two of them even stayed friends after your father ruined her career.” As soon as she said this, Leon cleared his throat.

“I’m going to make coffee, would either of you like some?” He offered in a failed attempt to diffuse the tension, which was thick enough that not enough a knife could cut it. Yeong-Mi nodded, keeping her cold gaze pointed at Hyun-Ae. Leon stood up and began walking towards the kitchen. “Hyun-Ae ya, coffee?” He asked, this time turning to ask his cousin directly.

@Ouijaloveletters - Hyun-Ae

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Hyun-Ae nodded slowly. “I’ve heard of your brother. Their music is very good.” She had said this truthfully. Well she may not have liked him much, she couldn’t deny that the music was good. Her eye twitched at Yeong-Mi’s next words. “He told me about that…I get the feeling you don’t like me. Like, at all.” Hyun-Ae jumped Ay Leon’s offer for coffee. “Good idea. Excuse me, but where’s your bathroom?” She figured that distancing herself while Leon was out of the room and unable to diffuse the tension would prevent any…explosions.
@Caticorn - Leon
I have the conflict resolution of a rock.

May 2016

“Tu dessines quoi?” Dominic could hear his sister’s voice in his ear as she peered over his shoulder while he was drawing. She giggled as he quickly slammed his sketchbook closed.

“Clara!” He scolded as he turned himself to face her. “Cela est une porte. C’était fermée pour une raison.” He told her, sarcastically gesturing to his door. He was still upset from a conversation with his mother minutes prior and while he knew what his sister was doing, he really wasn’t in the mood.

“Really, Dom? When has that ever stopped me?” She rolled her eyes with a smile as Dom put his sketchbook down on his bedside table, sitting up so his sister could sit down next to him. “I heard you fighting with Maman. Are you okay?” Her tone became serious as she put her hand on top of his.

“I’m fine.”

“You didn’t seem fine when you ran up the stairs and slammed your door.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.”

“Please, Dom.” She pleaded, putting her arm around him and resting her head on his shoulder, making puppy dog eyes up at him. Dom sighed. His sister was the one person in his family who he could actually talk to and trust that she’ll take his feelings seriously. Not only that but he trusted her to keep what they talk about between them. She was one of the only people who could truly confide in.

“It’s like she wants me to be insecure.” He told her, finally giving in and expressing his frustrations. “Which is f-cked up because most parents of fourteen-year-olds would want the opposite. The worst part is, it’s working.”

“Hey. Wait until you’re in high school to start dropping f-bombs.” She scolded with a smirk, causing a small laugh to escape Dom’s lips. “Piece of advice? Nothing will ever be good enough for her. Don’t let her get to your head. Your eyes are beautiful, Dominic, and one day you’ll meet someone who helps you see that. I promise.”

April 2022

Dom smiled down at his newborn daughter as he held her in his arms. Her sister was sleeping soundly but Amanda was wide awake, her big eyes looking back up at him. They were almost identical to Dom’s own but he thought hers were the most beautiful thing in the world.

Clara was right.

The End


Tu dessines quoi? - What are you drawing?
Cela est une porte. C’était fermée pour une raison - That is a door. It was closed for a reason.

@Littlefeets - Amanda


April 29th, 2040

:musical_note: High Infidelity - Taylor Swift :musical_note:

Apparently, Dom needed oxygen. Or at least that’s what his husband had told him when he was shoving him out the door after kicking him out of his studio. He’d only locked himself in there for a few hours to work on a painting but according to Colin, it was a few hours too many and he was sent out to get coffee. He had almost reached their favourite coffee shop when a different storefront caught his eye. It was an art gallery which he swore he had never seen before. Which was strange, considering he usually kept himself in the loop about these kinds of things.

His curiosity got the better of him and entered the gallery. He wandered around, looking at the art they had on display but as he was doing so, he was reminded that it had been a while since the last time he’d done a show of his works. Suddenly, casually browsing an art gallery became scouting out a location. He started to picture his works hanging in the gallery, thinking about how they would interact with the space and he then decided he would speak to the owner of the gallery about the possibility of displaying his art here. He started looking around for any sort of gallery staff, continuing to browse the art on display as he did so. Eventually, he found someone who looked like they worked there.

“Excuse me, do you work here?” He thought he’d ask for good measure.

“Yes, I do.”

“My name is Dominic Lucier, I’m a local artist and I was wondering if I could speak to the owner of the gallery about displaying my work here.”

“The owner isn’t here right now.”

“Oh.” He reacted. He wasn’t giving up that easily though. “Can I ask when they’ll be back?”

“Mr. Lucier, the owner is a very busy woman.” That caught Dom’s attention and it made him even more interested in finding out who this mysterious owner was. “She isn’t always here.”

“Look, I just need ten minutes of her time to introduce myself and give her the link to my portfolio. Does she have a phone number I can reach her at?”

“I can’t give you her phone number but if you come back in two days around 2 pm, she’ll be here doing a walk-through of some new exhibitions going up. If you just so happened to be here, you might be able to get a moment with her. You didn’t hear that from me though.” He nodded and discreetly thanked her before leaving the gallery and getting the coffee that he had promised his husband.

Two Days Later…

Dom returned to the gallery at the time he had been told, only to realize that he had neglected to ask the gallery worker who he had been speaking to what this mysterious owner’s name was or even what she looked like, so once again he was going in blind. He wandered through the gallery, trying to see if he could find someone who looked like they were doing something important or like they were inspecting something since that’s what the lady had told him she’d be doing today. As he searched, he wondered if the owner of the gallery would actually give him a moment of her time, as opposed to the worker from the other day, who didn’t seem to have been all that interested. He knew that they probably had several requests similar to his every day but was it really that hard to just hear him out?

He still had no idea who it was but that made his search even more exciting. Eventually, he found a woman standing on her own, looking at the art and he decided to approach her hoping that she would either be the owner or know who she was. As he got close though, he realized that the woman looked very familiar. He debated internally for a few seconds before deciding to approach her and see if his suspicions were correct.

“Candice?” He asked, getting her attention. “Hi!” He greeted her, unsure of what else to say. What does one say to someone who they spent over two decades hating because they wouldn’t process their own guilt and grief?

@benitz786 - Candice

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The “Something Old” - 2031 - Part 8

“I’ve been reading about Leo this, Leo bloody that and I can’t believe I didn’t realize he was an Azure. I mean all the evidence was here. I must be a terrible bloody journalist.”

Jessica sighed as she felt Dori’s arms wrap around her body. A gentle kiss met her neck as he turned her around to face him and cupped her face soon after.

“You’re being too hard on yourself Jess, you know what helps with that? Sleep.”

Okay… maybe he was right. After putting Shay to bed, Jessica had spent the next three hours going through all of her mother’s belongings in the box she had… “borrowed” and… well… had yet to give back to her mother. What? It’s not like her mum was missing it. Anyways, she hadn’t just gone though it once, she went through it again, and again, and again.

Jessica had overanalyzed all the photos of her mom and Leo being all bloody in love, she had reread the inscription of her mom’s bracelet “For the girl who’s going to change the world - Leo”, she had reviewed every single item in that bloody box. Honestly, at this point she knew those belongings better than she knew her own things.

After that, Jess had spent the rest of the time re-reading the journal - now with her journalistic lens on. She hadn’t even finished yet, still having dozens of pages to read… not to mention Jess was 100% sure this was one journal of many. Plus, after skimming the rest of the pages, Jess also noticed there were multiple pages ripped out of the book… pages that left a clear hole in the story of what occurred with her mother who was engaged to another man. The pages she was reading ended on her mom being excited about being “engaged” to Leonardo Azure, and started up again months later with her mom talking about a plan she had to go to a political speech - no mention of Leo or what happened.

So that was the question - what happened?

How did her mom end up with her dad when there was this entire bloody book about this epic love story with another man… not to mention that said man was her ex boyfriend’s father.


Shaking her head, Jess found herself coming back to reality - meeting Dori’s eyes who… seemingly had been calling her name for a while. “Sorry… bloody hell my head hurts,” Jess whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Wait… did you just call me… you arse, I thought we agreed you were going to become Dorian Pierce.”

“In your… how would you say it? ‘Bloody’ dreams which is what you’re going to be doing in a bit, because we’re not staying awake any longer.”

With those words, Jess found Dori picking her up and placing her on the bed. 1. Rude. 2. If she was less tired, she would have argued. But hopefully - she’d find some answers from her mom in a few hours.

“What are we going to do, Harry?” A small frown met Addie’s lips as she laid her head on her husband’s shoulder. “Honestly… I don’t want to lie to her. I know we said we’d keep this to ourself but… she’s our daughter. It’s been so many years and things are so different now. We’re different you know? I just… I want to be close to her… close to all of our kids because… I didn’t do it right the first time around.”

“I know” Addie heard a sigh leave his lips before he kissed her head. “Then we tell her the truth. I love you Adelaide. I backed you then, I’ll back you now.” “I love you too Harry.”



April 29th, 2040

“Yes, it’ll be absolutely spectacular. The New York location was a hit, as were the Paris and Italy galleries and I thought it was just time to do the same in California. Well, you know, another one in California - not counting the one in San Diego. You’re going to be there right?.. Seriously? Don’t tell me you forgot - we’re having a showing in a month. Delilahhhhhhh… oh… fine… ha ha… sooooo funny.” Rolling her eyes at her sister’s attempt at a joke - Candice walked towards the kitchen where her husband was playing with their 5-year-old daughter and 7 year old son. He gave her a goofy grin - the exact one that she had fallen in love with so many years before. Though before she could say anything else to Delilah, Candice found her phone dinging - indicating she was getting another call. Checking caller ID, “Hey D, I’ll call you back after you’re done with your shoot. Zach’s calling and he’s been having a meltdown since last night about what to wear for his date at 7. Yes I’ll tell him his auntie Delilah tells him not to fck it up.” after a soft laugh, Candice hung up, picking the phone up from her son and putting it on speaker so that Charlie could also hear.

“Mom are you sure I should go with the blue suit? I don’t know… I’m kinda double thinking it because I’m pretty sure she said her favorite color was red and maybe I should wear the red suit…”

“Do not wear the red suit, god Zach. It’s a date, it’s not like you’re proposing tonight.”

“You know, you’re so confident with every other girl you’ve dated… or even guy you’ve dated so what’s the difference with this date?”

“I don’t know dad… it’s just… it feels different this time. I really like her.”

“Zach trust me, if you like her in the way I think you like her…”

Candice watched as Charlie’s eyes met hers, “Then be yourself, and everything will work out. You’re an amazing guy and she’ll see that. Trust me, it works.”

“So… the blue suit then?”

“The blue suit is perfect. Let us know how it goes, and now GET TO CLASS.”

“And don’t forget - we have your grandfather’s show on Wednesday so you have to meet us in Florence.”

“Alright alright. Thanks mom, thanks dad.”


Candice heard a laugh at the other end before Zach responded “Bye Maia Bear and bye Declan Deer.”


“You are to me kid. Love you!” And with that, Candice heard the line ending. With a laugh, Candice walked towards Charlie - taking the seat next to him, giving him a smile before looking towards their daughter in his arms.

And honestly - that’s how her mornings usually went. Life had been good… and Candice couldn’t have asked for anything better. She was happy… happier than she had been in such a long time before meeting Charlie.

Walking into her Gallery, Candice had a goal in mind. First - she had to do a walkthrough of what was currently on display and what artists they were working with, then she had to go into the office and get into contact with a few more artists - a few that she wanted to come on board particularly for the first showing in a month. While the opening for this gallery was a hit - it did not mean the work was done. Candice had worked in this industry long enough to know and understand the fact that the first few showings were make or break for a new gallery… and on the bright side, she had enough contacts in the art world to make the opening a hit.

With her ipad - indicating sales for each painting and how much interest there was for the different pieces that were up, Candice walked around her new gallery. She had looked at half of it so far, and currently she was looking at a piece from an up-and-comer artist who had recently gotten big on tiktok. It was beautiful, truly - a painting of a mother and daughter walking through a colorful forest. Art truly did have an affect on her - it always had. And so, she truly became lost in the work… until of course, she heard her name. “Hmm?” Candice murmured, staring at the painting for a few seconds longer before turning towards the voice.

The second she did, she felt shock hit her body. If there was one person she didn’t expect to… well ever talk to again… or even see to be honest, it was the man who was currently in front of her. “Dom what are you… sorry habit… Dominic what… brings you… here?” Candice questioned - unsure what to say as she looked at him. “I’m sorry that was so rude… asking… sht I say I’m sorry a lot don’t I? I mean… it’s a art gallery and you’re an artist I’m not surprised you’re here… well I’m a little surprised… do you want water? We have sparkling and… regular…” Candice got out - falling over her words. After all… how do you talk to someone you haven’t seen in so long… and someone who hates you with such a feverity? At least… that’s what Candice knew about the man… he hated her and she let him hate her.

@littlefeets - Kai’s son
@novella - Delilah


The woman turned to face him, confirming that his suspicion was correct. Now that Candice was looking at him, he realized that he hadn’t totally thought this through and didn’t have a plan for if it did turn out to be her. Just as he had decided to awkwardly continue the conversation with ‘so…how’ve you been?’, she beat him to it and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to stop himself from laughing at the awkwardness. There was a time in his life when talking to Candice was the easiest thing in the world, even when it came to things he wouldn’t tell other people. Now it seemed like they could barely say hello to each other.

“Dom what are you… sorry habit… Dominic…”


He was so used to hearing people call him ‘Dom’ that hearing his full name always felt strange but hearing it from Candice made his heart hurt. “You can call me Dom, Candice.” He knew he was the reason she corrected himself, which only hurt more, and he also knew that if the two of them were ever going to heal from what happened, he had to be the one to take the first step. “I’m here to try and speak to the owner about doing a show of my art here.” He explained, putting his hands in his pockets in an attempt to relax. “I have a lot of new pieces and I haven’t done a show in Beryl in years, so I think it’s only right. I just can’t seem to get in touch with this mysterious owner”

He had to admit, her use of the pronoun ‘we’ while offering him water was a little confusing but he decided to shrug it off for the moment. “What brings you here though?” He asked, curious. Being an artist, Dom spent a lot of time in art galleries, both showing his own work and supporting friends who had their work on display. When it came to people outside of the art profession, it always interested Dom to find out the reasons why they went to art galleries. For some, it was simply a way to kill an afternoon, a tourist attraction. For others, it was a genuine appreciation for the work on display. Either way, he would always listen to people as they explained their reasons and he was especially interested in hearing Candice’s.


“I know” Harry murmured with a sigh, kissing his wife’s forehead before adding “Then we tell her the truth. I love you Adelaide. I backed you then, I’ll back you now.” “I love you too Harry.”

That moment replayed in Harry’s mind as Adelaide cuddled against his arm, soon falling asleep on top of him. A soft smile met his lips as he watched her, an innocence on her features as her eyes remained shut and her breath steadied to a slow pace. He found himself moving a strand of her blond hair, tucking it behind her ear as he watched her sleep in silence - his mind racing about… various thoughts of the past… but calming only when he looked at her. It was weird, how full of love he was for the woman he called his wife. For a long time, he didn’t think they’d get to this place… maybe part of him even resented her. Resented what he had to do to be with her… especially when he didn’t want to be with her in the first place… not after… well… not after finding out she was Leo’s “Addie.”

Harry Pierce just simply… couldn’t refuse the offer Adelaide Parker had presented all those years ago. That Harry… the Harry who begrudgingly said “I do” at their… sham of a wedding with a blackening eye covered with foundation so no one would know… would have never fathomed how he’d feel now. Hell, that Harry would have never thought how much he would later respect, care about… and lust for the woman who now shared a last name with him. And god he loved her… loved the way she was passionate about her job, loved the way she eloquently spoke about things she cared about, even loved the way she was changing the narrative with their kids… something he was attempting to do as well… though time put restraints on him. After all, that was the deal they had made - they had done all of this for politics, and part of Harry found it hard to let it go… but he was trying to make an effort for their kids.

He watched Addie sleep for a long time, and once again, he found himself kissing her forehead “I love you so much Adelaide,” he murmured to her sleeping self. He did… maybe he didn’t love her in the same way Leo once had, but he did love her. She was his best friend now… the girl who knew more about him then anyone else did. And he knew more about her than anyone else too… and that would likely never change.

While Addie slept soundly, he simply couldn’t. His mind kept racing… thinking about things he hadn’t thought about… in a long time. Harry had suppressed so many of his current thoughts… well… until his daughter stormed into their bedroom hours earlier, asking questions for which the answers had been locked away deep in his mind. Why? Perhaps because in this lifetime, Harry Pierce knew he was the bad guy in his ex best friend’s story… and there was no fixing that. He knew that. What he had done to Leonardo wasn’t something that could be fixed by a simple sorry… hell, even time would never fix what he had done. Trust Harry… he had tried… tried to convince Leo that he would make it up to him one day but… there wasn’t any fixing this. And while Harry had come to terms with the fact that he had lost his best friend of more than a decade, it didn’t mean he had ever truly forgiven himself for being a terrible person. He could never forgive himself for the sins he committed against someone who mattered more to him than anyone else did. His best friend… correction… his former best friend.

Allowing his eyes to glaze over, Harry simply stared at the ceiling - a memory coming to his mind…

May 16th, 1999

“Alright, you understand the plan?” Harry asked, looking at two… very bulky body guards he hired. Okay, let’s be a little more specific. These particular individuals Harry was talking to were usually body guards - however, today, they were something completely different. For a… very large tip, they had gone from bodyguards to temporary kidnappers. Or… more specifically, “Leo-nappers”. What? Don’t give Harry that look - he hadn’t seen his bestie in like… months and as the resident best friend who MISSED Leo’s birthday, it was like… a rule that he had to make it up to the man. And, well, he would make it up with the best fcking night the two of them have had in a long time. It was going to be absolutely epic - and they would likely be drunk out of their minds for most of it. Which, in case anyone was wondering, was a good thing. No honestly - Harry already had a bottle of Macallan 15 being chilled on ice for the car ride over.

Plus, it was Leo’s fault for telling Harry where he would be over the next few months… and also giving Harry a spare key to the Hampton’s mansion so… oopsie. Sorry buddy, you’re being kidnapped today. Waiting for the bodyguards to nod, Harry nodded to them to initiate the plan though he stopped them when he remembered one particular fact. “Oh shit wait wait - Leo has a new girlfriend. Give me a second.” Grabbing a notebook from the back of the blacked out car, Harry wrote a very well worded… very clear… precise… quick note so whoever this girl was wouldn’t worry. Trust him… it was perfect. Err… totally. Fine… here’s hoping it was readable - Harry did kinda write it fast before handing it over to one of the guards.

“Alright go ahead - be careful, that dude punches. MAKE SURE NOT TO WAKE THE GIRL UP, we’re not animals and leave that note where she’ll see it and you know, not… call the cops or assume Leo dumped her and… I don’t know ditched her in his own house until she left. Yeah? Thanks…”

And with those words, Harry waited. Remember that grin on his face? Yeah, it never disappeared. This was exciting okay, and look, it wasn’t the first time one of them had done something… outrageous with the other person but that was their dynamic. Maybe they wouldn’t see each other in months, but they would fall into their usual mischief together the minute they were put together in the same room. After all - they had a friendship since they were toddlers and that would never change.

It took… approximately 12 and a half minutes. Harry… needed to hire these guys more because damn they worked fast - but that was irrelevant because soon enough, he found his best friend being quite literally dragged across his own property and within the next few seconds, thrown in the car - right next to him.

“WHO THE FUCK DO YOU T… I should of fcking known it was you”

It took Leo a second to catch sight of him, but the minute he did, Harry could see a sense of calm fall on his features. “Was that really necessary? All for you to say Hi? I was taking a piss man,” The words left Leo’s lips as he brought his hand to his head, massaging his temples probably due to the abrupt… awakening. Hey, at least it woke him up. You know, got his heart pumping - trust Harry, that would be needed for the night they had ahead.

“Do you really not know me at all? You think I was just trying to say Hi? Don’t get me wrong, I’ve missed you, Azure, but that’s exactly why this is going to be much more than a hi. Drive boys,”

Harry heard a visible groan from Leo as he realized what was going on, though it took him a moment longer to really realize the fact that the car was driving away from his house. There was a moment of worry… or at least that’s what it looked like to Harry since Leo immediately looked away from him and towards his house that was being left in the dust. “Wait… Harry what the fck. I’m not going anywhere with you at 1:12 AM. Harry stop the fcking car.” With these words, Harry watched as as Leo attempted to open the car door - as if that was going to work. You’ve been baby locked, btchhhhh - yes, Harry did his research okay and locking his best friend in the car was all a part of that.

“You’re funny Leo, don’t worry so much. I left a note for your girl, I promise she won’t go running away while you’re gone… unless you tried that thing with your foot that you did with that Lina girl 2 year… not the time? Okay fine…” A laugh left Harry’s throat as Leo punched him in the shoulder. Though, Harry knew the man sitting beside him well enough to know that while he was probably slightly annoyed by the rude awakening, there was also a little voice in Leo’s head screaming at him to go with it. Maybe it was simple curiosity to what Harry had planned for the man, or perhaps it was because he really needed a night away eveeeen if he wouldn’t admit it. Either way, any hesitation in the man was subdued as Harry continued. “Anyways, the night’s just started, and we have a party to go to… on that note… drink up… we’re not getting their sober.,” with those words, Harry popped the bottle of whisky on ice, pouring the man… quite a bit in the glass before handing it to him.

The time: 2:32 AM. The place, a lovely little burlesque club in the outskirts of main New York. What? You thought Harry was going to keep poor Leo in the Hamptons? God no - there was nothing to do in the Hamptons past 12:30 AM. It was a place for old rich people to fck without their old rich spouses knowing so… fine if we were being technical about it, there was something… or rather someone to do past 12:30 AM, but nothing that would be worth the birthday extravaganza that Leo deserved. Plus… well… Harry knew that Leo’s birthday celebration involved a party and Harry knew while it was adorable for Leo’s girlfriend to plan all that, Leo didn’t want or need all that. It’s okay, hopefully this girl would learn… Harry just didn’t want to put all of that in a letter and scare the poor girl who was clearly trying to do something for Leo. The issue was that Leonardo Azure’s entire life was pleasing other people - specifically at things like parties and events. That was exactly why anytime Harry made a plan for the two of them, it involved them not doing that… not entertaining people for their parents… not being the people their families wanted to be. Rather, Harry made sure that when the had the chance to hang out for a night or a few nights, they would have chance to be themselves in places where no one would know them or… ask questions. It was exactly why their senior “spring break” was so much fcking fun… because they could be themselves for the first time in such a long fcking time - and the details were something that would always stay between the two of them. Perhaps that’s why their friendship worked so well - while everyone else saw the image they curated for public perception, they each knew that there was more that met the surface.

So, here they were - an illegal burlesque club in New York with two slightly tipsy idiots who had been drinking all the fcking way here while catching up. Again - it had been months since Harry had seen the man and could anyone blame him? The idiot was in nowhere California trying to woo a girl and Harry was at Columbia trying to finish up his second year at law school in one piece because “Pierce’s have to make sure they took respect from the public” even if the goal wasn’t to become a lawyer, rather, a politician… or so his parents chose. After all, his parents were politicians, his grandparents were politicians… and he wouldn’t… rather couldn’t be the one to change that.

While Harry knew where they were - the confusion was clear on Leo’s features as he looked out the window. Though, Harry didn’t let Leo ask questions before throwing some clothes that had been sitting in the passenger seat near the driver . “Change, we’re not going in there looking like you were sleeping an hour ago because honestly, this is basically New York and you sleeping before 5 AM is pretty damn lame.” hopping out of his side of the car, Harry took his time walking towards Leo’s side - leaning against it until he heard a little struggle from the man attempting to open said door - baby lock remember. With that, Harry opened to door - nodding at his friend’s style change before dragging Leo inside the unlabeled building. Currently, Harry was taking absolutely no questions… not that it mattered seeing as the two were soon met with a lively seen of the interior of the building once Harry whispered the guard outside a secret word to let them in.

Inside the large room filled with individuals fascinated by the stage, Harry and Leo were met with the lovely smell of cigar smoke, dancing males and females alike on stage putting on a damn performance, a large bar, a fabulous poker game going on in the side, and so much more. Now look - Harry knows what everyone’s thinking. “You idiot, you brought him to a strip club?”. ITS NOT A STRIP CLUB OKAY. THERE’S A DIFFERENCE. Plus give him the benefit of the doubt? Strip clubs + Leo didn’t mix… plus this was less crass. Dragging Leo to the bar, Harry immediately ordered tequila shots for the two of them.

“So to get this clear, you brought me an hour and a half away from my house… actually kidnapped me so that we could drink in a car… only so we could drink at a underground strip club?”

“One, it’s not a strip club, two you underestimate me, three what’s wrong with drinking?, and four trust me, after you find out what I have planned, you’re going to wish you were a little more drunk. So take the shot, Leo…,”

With those words, Harry licked the salt rim, brought his shot glass up, soon touching the table once again, before drinking the glass, and following it with a lime. Yep - if the whisky hadn’t hit before, that double of tequila definitely would get the two to the perfect point of “are we really doing this… eh we might as well”. What did Harry mean by that? Well…

“Mr. Toretto and Mr. O’Conner? You two are on in 5”

“We’re on in… wait a fcking minute. Harry does she mean what I think she means. Nope. I’m not fcking doing this Harry. It’s too fcking early in the morning for this sht.”

“Nope, can’t bail on me Leo, we have a 10th grade recital to perform with a sexy twist”,

“Try me, I’m not doing that.”

Rolling his eyes, Harry put his finger up for the bartender. “We’re going to need like… three more shots. He needs to be drunk for this part.”,

“I’m not going up there but you be my guest Harry…”

"Mmm… you’re going to have to rethink that Leo. If I remember correctly, you owe me and I’m cashing out buddy. Remember 2 years ago… Vienna… you were in a restaurant bathroom naked. Like… completely naked? If I remember correctly, you begged me to bring you clothes no questions and as the amazing friend I am, I asked no questions but I have this weird feeling your new girlfriend would have soooooooo many questions. Not to mention all the other dirt I have on you that I’d love to spill to her. So… ",

Harry didn’t even have to say anything else - because with the look of PURE hatred Leo was throwing in his direction, it was soon followed with Leo taking the shots the bartender had brought out. And man… did Leo throw those shots back. Clearly he was making sure that this would be one of those nights he would never remember what was about to go down. But hey - this was what memories were made of. With a soft laugh, Harry waited for Leo to say “Move before I change my mind” before leading Leo behind the stage where about 4 background dancers were standing that Harry had obviously hired to make them look… not terrible. Yes… did he send them a video of Leo and Harry’s 10th grade recital so they could practice. Don’t worry, it will obviouslllyyyy turn out fine. And if it didn’t, everyone in the room was too damn drunk to notice.

“Alright ready guys?” Harry asked, the largest grin on his on his face as he looked towards the dancers. “Let’s fcking kill it.” With that, Harry dragged Leo out to the stage that had darkened after the performance right before them finished. With the dark room, Harry placed Leo on his spot on the stage - don’t worry, it was in the back behind the professional dancers.

Taking his own spot, it took a few seconds for a familiar song to start playing. And after about five seconds of the song playing, the lights opened, hitting all of them - with them all doing the familiar moves he and Leo had created with some friends back in their Sophomore year of high school. And in case you’re wondering, they got SECOND place, so it was a REALLY GOOD performance. Or… at least it was funny enough for the student population that they were highly voted. Plus, let’s be honest - the dancers in front of them were doing most of the hard work - this was just to get Leo loosened up and after a few more seconds into the song, Harry noticed the man getting more comfortable with the movements. It didn’t hurt that they were all getting a LOT of screams from the females in the audience - who were soon pulled up to dance with two of the professional dancers in the front - to the point where most people were just dancing for the hell of it.

After the song ended, laughter met Harry’s lips as he grabbed Leo and pulled him off the stage. “Admit it, it wasn’t terrible

“I admit nothing except I’m glad I’m drunk and I don’t owe you any more favors.”

“Well that’s debatable… you remember that time at your parent’s charity auction when you were making out with Emi…*”

“Oh shut up.”

“Deal, come on - we can stay here for a bit. Maybe you can win a game of poker but then we have to get going. The night’s still young.*”

“What the fck did I get myself into?”





Wanna know a secret? Harry could hear him… pretty clearly. But hey, being on the tallest building in New York City with the air whipping around their faces made for a pretty good excuse for not being able to hear his best friend. And what were they doing on the rooftop of the tallest building in New York - well, zip lining of course. Harry had a friend who had a friend who had a rich rich uber rich uncle who wanted to make sure he did everything before he kicked the bucket which for some reason included zip-lining through New York City. It was actually extremely fcking cool, and super underground because even though the police had allowed it for the weekend, they didn’t want the general public to find out. Harry watched as multiple people strapped Leo into a harness and connected it to the line that would take them to somewhere in the upper east side.




Rolling his eyes, Harry looked towards the health official dude getting him checked at every angle. Trust Harry, with the money that went into making this contraption - it was extremely safe. Probably. “IF IT’S GOOD TO GO, CAN YOU SEND HIM DOWN ALREADY HE’S ANNOYING ME” Harry screamed to the health official who, after a few more checks did just that. Which was soon followed by the faint sound of Leo screaming “I ate you” or… “I bait Q”… but like who’s Q? Harry was far too drunk to think about it. “Alright strap me up boys”

To be honest, once Harry was on the zip line… he actually understood that rich uncle of his friends… friend. Like, this - basically flying through the New York City… it was an experience that he wouldn’t trade for the world. The way the lights twinkled in the city that never sleeps, the way he could look down and find people who looked like ants living their lives - one that Harry would never be a part of… it was an experience of a life time. And honestly, he knew as much as Leo would complain, he had to also enjoy this. After all, this was Leo’s empire… and maybe it would be Harry’s too.

Getting to the end took some time - and it was in that sobering silence that Harry had time to think about his life. Though, his thoughts were soon disrupted as Harry found the zipline slowing until he stopped at the end where another man was waiting to help him down. Leo was waiting on the side until he got down - and Harry had his usual contagious grin on his lips as he got unstrapped. “Oh come on, don’t give me that, you had fun didn’t you?.”

“Whatever, are we headed home yet?.”

“Leo, leo, leo… it’s only 4:40.”

“And I should be asleep.”

“Sleep is for the old, come on, we have more to do - don’t worry, I think you’ll like this next part.”

Sitting at their favorite 24 hour diner, Harry waited for them to get served as he looked at his drunk friend who was quite literally sleeping with his head in his arms. “You’re getting old Leo.”

“Oh shut up.”

“Kidding kidding - look, at least that burger and fries will get some food in your stomach so you’re not screaming at me in a couple of hours because you have a massive hangover.”


“Commeeee on wake up. Keep your mind working. Here, tell me about that girl of yours. I’ve only heard bits and pieces in the letters you sent me from that Barrel California place.”


“Same thing.”

“I love her,.”

“I got as much from your letters. I mean, why else would you stay an extra… what… 6 months in Cali when you could be in the best city in the world? So what’s so different about this girl?”

“She’s just… she’s different. I’ve never felt this way about someone before.”

"I’d like to point out that you dated my sister. Harry laughed seeing a look of seriously from Leo as he finally sat up, leaning against the booth. “I"m joking, come keep going. So she’s different? How so? Is she a red head? You haven’t gone for a red head before. Ooorrrrr does she have tattoos all over her body… oorrr is her name like a one liner like Beyonce”.

“No, her name’s Addie and she’s just… so smart… and she’s funny… and so damn fcking adorable… and she does this thing with her nose every time she’s mad and it just makes her cuter. Like every time she reads the news paper and she get’s annoyed at something, which trust me, is all the time. She has this fire in her and she argues about it and I love that about her. She always steals the news paper before I can read it and if I have it she just sits on top of me and reads it with me and… I don’t know Harry… I just love her so much. And she always…”

“You seem happy, Leo. I mean it, like happier than I think I’ve ever seen you and trust me, that means something because you hang out with me all the time and I can usually bring a smile to your face but I don’t think I’ve ever seen you like this, not even with your other girls.”

“I’m telling you, she’s different. And she has this fcking accent that can bring me to my knees. You don’t get it Harry I…”

“What I’m hearing is that you need to lock her down before your funnier, more handsome best friend steals her out from under you,” there was a soft smile on Harry’s features - happy that his friend was so happy. Honestly, Harry had seen Leo in all his stages… and this was truly the happiest he had seen his friend. Well, you know, in between the annoyance Leo had for Harry that night, the only other thing Harry had heard was things his girl would do or had done - with the goofy-est little smile on Leo’s face as he talked about her; sprinkling in details here and there.

“I don’t think you’ll get the chance seeing as I proposed yesterday and she said yes.” Harry watched as Leo’s face turned into the biggest smile. Honestly, if Harry had anything to say, it was the fact that this girl was extremely lucky. Leo was one of the best people he knew, and Harry knew he’d love this girl with his entire heart.


“I tried, you didn’t fcking pick up the phone.”

“Oh sht… right you see I was planning this entire birthday extrava-fcking-ganza for my best friend and I didn’t want him to find out so… I was a little preoccupied. So am I getting the honor of being your best man than?”

“No sht… did I tell you about the way she…”

While the night was still young, Harry found a lot of it was filled with details about Leo’s girlfriend… correction, fiancé. And honestly, Harry couldn’t wait to meet this girl and you know, give her the usual “you hurt my best friend, I hurt you” talk. He was happy… and clearly, so was Leo. Suffice to say, it was a good night. Perhaps not as crazy as spring break, but it was pretty up there. And hopefully, it was the first of many for the two.

Harry’s eyes opened, meeting the ceiling fan once again as he shook himself out of that memory. Probably one of the last good memories he had of Leo…


1 Like

December 29th, 2039 - Seoul, South Korea

:musical_note: 7PM (feat. Peder Elias) - BSS :musical_note:

Leon watched Yeong-Mi as she walked through the market. As soon as he saw the excitement on her face, he knew that he had made the right choice in surprising her with this trip. She got ahead of him as he stopped to look at a stand selling jewellery. The rings, in particular, caught his eye. He looked down at his wedding ring, his father’s ring, knowing that Yeong-Mi had a similar plain silver band. What she didn’t have was an engagement ring, seeing as they kind of skipped that step which meant that he had never bought her a ring.

“Yeojachingu isseoyo?” The vendor, a sweet-looking old woman, asked him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

“Aniyo, jeon gyeolhonhaesseoyo.” He answered her as a particular ring caught his eye. It was a traditional Korean jade ring, with small adornments on top. It was beautiful. He found the correct size and then looked back up at the vendor. “I banji-ui gagyeok-eun eolmaimnikka?” He asked her, pointing to the ring in question.

“42,000 won.” He nodded then handed the vendor the right amount in cash. She put the ring in a small velvet pouch before handing it to him.

“Gamsahamnida” He thanked her, taking the pouch with both hands. He turned and walked away from the stand, trying to figure out how he was going to figure out where his wife went. He started walking in the direction she had gone in the last he’d seen her, keeping an eye out for her.

“Ya, Park Nam-Il!” Leon whipped his head around as he heard Yeong-Mi shout his name. She was standing a few feet away from him, holding a container of Korean fried chicken. He joined her, kissing her forehead. “I found chicken.” She told him in English, proudly showing him her find and offering him a piece. The two of them had spent enough time together that she was starting to mimic Leon’s habit of switching between English and Korean in the middle of a conversation. He took the chicken and then suggested they go eat it beside the river. She agreed and the two of them made their way to the Han River, finding a nice place to sit along the bank.

After they finished eating, they stayed at the bank to watch the sunset, Yeong-Mi now leaning against Leon’s chest as she gazed at the horizon. Leon pulled the pouch with the ring out of his pocket, wrapping his arms around Yeong-Mi. “What is that?” She asked as she saw the ring.

“We were never properly engaged and so I never had the chance to buy you a ring.” He explained to her, holding up the ring. The sun caught the small gems on top of the ring, making them sparkle. “I wanted to fix that.”

“Yeppeuda” She commented as she looked at it.

“Humour me for a second?”


“Jeon Yeong-Mi, will you marry me?” He asked her while cuddling her, holding the ring. She giggled before nodding with a smile on her face and letting him delicately put the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. Now, she would have a small reminder of home that also served as a symbol of their commitment to each other.

“Saranghae, Jagiya” She said, turning herself around, placing her hands on his face and kissing him.

“Saranghae, Gongjunim.” He replied, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing her back.


Yeohachingu isseoyo - Do you have a girlfriend?
Aniyo, jeon gyeohonheosseoyo - No, I’m married
I banji-ui gagyeok-eun eolmaimnikka? - how much is this ring?
Gamsahamnida - Thank you
Ya, Park Nam-Il! - Hey, [Leon’s Korean name]!
Yeppeuda - pretty
Saranghae, Jagiya - I love you, darling
Saranghae, Gongjunim - ", Princess

“Adelaide Belle, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband, to live together according to God’s law in the holy estate of matrimony? Wilt thou love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health; and, forsaking all other, keep thee only unto him, so long as ye both shall live?”

Adelaide couldn’t contain the smile on her features as she looked at Leo, her eyes fixed upon his as the Archbishop spoke those famous words. Perhaps they were surrounded by hundreds of people, watching her every move… but honestly in this moment, it only felt like it was her and Leo, her husband to be. There was the softest twinkle in his eyes as he looked at her – it was that very look that made her fall in love with him. Okay… perhaps it was more than just a look, but… well… she could see everything in his eyes. Leonardo didn’t always wear his heart on his sleeve, but he did for her and she could see the depths of his emotions reflected in his eyes - and she adored him for it. The way he loved her so… bloody much and she loved him just as… if not more. She loved him. Adelaide Parker… correction… Adelaide Azure (well… in practically another 5 seconds) adored this man with her entire body, heart, and soul.

“I will”

This felt effortless. It was almost funny… the fact that when growing up, she always found the words in a wedding strange as she attended so many of them for family and friends. How could someone love another so much, that they would forsake all others. She never saw that kind of love in her parents. Hell, she hadn’t even known that type of love existed until she met Leo but now she understood. She would do anything for the man standing in front of her. While the rest of the Archbisihop’s words were a blur, what Addie did hear was the end – far after Leo had already said I will was the sentiment of kissing her new husband, and Addie did not hesitate as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing her lips to his as applause fell around them.

After a moment of melting into her husband’s lips, Addie pulled away, looking at Leo with so much love that her heart truly could burst at any moment. No honestly, she wouldn’t be surprised if her heart simply popped out of her chest and did a little bloody shimmy because she was so damn happy. Bringing her thumb to caress his cheek, Addie let her head rest against his. “I do believe that I’m utterly in love with you, Mr. Azure.”

She heard a laugh leave his lips as he kissed her again before pulling away moments later “Well, Mrs. Adelaide Azure. I love you more.”

Adelaide woke up from her dream with the biggest smile on her face. While her eyes were still closed, she could feel her engagement ring on her finger and it only confirmed the fact that her dream would soon come true. With the smile she couldn’t wipe off her lips, Addie turned to cuddle against her fiancé. Well… she would have cuddled her fiancé if HE WAS THERE. Opening her eyes, Addie found herself alone in bed with Leo’s side of the bed being noticeably cold.

What the bloody hell?

Rubbing her eyes, Addie got off the bed and changed her clothes… which was needed seeing as she wasn’t wearing any after… well… celebrating with Leo last night. What? LAST NIGHT WAS WORTH CELEBRATING OKAY. It’s okay, the rooms in Leo’s home were pretty sound proof - trust Addie, she had yet to hear her brother and Natalia do anything which was a bloody gift from god because she never wanted to hear that.

“Leo?” Addie shouted followed by a soft yawn… indicating to Addie that she honestly should still be asleep and would be if Leo was in bed. Walking towards the bathroom, part of her was looking for Leo, the other part knew she could at least wash her face and brush her teeth before actually looking for her idiotic love who LEFT HER THE FIRST MORNING AFTER THEY GOT ENGAGED. Who bloody does that? Ohhhh was he going to owe her later for that one. After a few minutes, Addie made her way towards the kitchen - her smile returning as she heard someone using the blender “Darling, how bloody dare you. Who leaves their fiancé the MORNING after they get engaged? We’re supposed to be having our first morning sex as engaged peop…” Though Addie stopped talking as she found Natalia at the blender instead of Leo.

"I would say too much info, Addie… but honestly I agree. Leo should be fcking… mind my language… your brains out right now, " There was a mischievous smile on her lips as Natalia poured what looked like a protein shake into two glasses.

Feeling her cheeks redden, Addie coughed slightly to… maybe bring attention away from the fact that talking sex with Leo while sober was not her bloody cup of tea… especially not with her brother’s girlfriend who was 2 years younger than her. “I’m so sorry Natalia… I thought you were…”

“Leo? I got that. Not sure if it helps but I haven’t seen him and I’ve been down here for like… ten minutes? Let me know if you need help looking for him, but for now, I think I should go bring your brother this… trust me, he needs it after last night” With a wink, Natalia grabbed the protein shakes she had been pouring and walking back towards her guest bedroom leaving Addie quite literally gobsmacked because… WELL DIDN’T YOU HEAR HER MORNING MIND RANT ABOUT NOT WANTING TO KNOW ABOUT HER BROTHER’S SEX LIFE? GOD FCKING DAMN.


You so bloody owe her now. MORE THAN YOU DID BEFORE.

Where could he be? Honestly, more than anything else, Adelaide just missed him. Look, she knew she just saw him less than 24 hours ago but that didn’t mean she wanted to be away from him. Rather, what she wanted was to be in his embrace and that’s what she would be bloody DOING if she could find him.

At this point, she had practically walked around the entire house… and even outside to look if she could see him coming back from a run or something but nothing. With a sigh, Addie grabbed the landline in the living room and was about to call Leo before hearing a soft bark from Holly’s bed. Putting the phone down, Addie walked towards where Leo and her had set up Holly’s stuff only to find her… playing?

Though, as she walked closer, Addie could see that Holly wasn’t playing with a toy. Rather, there seemed to be shredded paper all around her. Running towards her dog with worry, she dropped to her knees to pick Holly up and grab the paper out of her mouth… and boy did Holly put up a fight. Honestly, Addie just didn’t want Holly to choke, and after finally wrangling the paper out, she made sure there was nothing else in Holly’s mouth before bringing her to the kitchen and filling up her bowl to keep her distracted while Addie could clean up.

How Holly got a hold of something like this? Addie had absolutely no idea. What even was this? Bringing the bigger…er… ripped piece of paper and the smaller pieces to the kitchen counter, Addie got a napkin and started dabbing everything first to get excess drool off of it. Which granted, was kind of disgusting.

But after a while of it finally drying off a little, she carefully opened what was left of… what looked like a letter? Well, she assumed it was a letter… but honestly it was pretty bloody unreadable with all the smudges, and half of it having teeth marks, or rips.

With a sigh, Addie attempted to use her detective skills, matching smaller pieces of the letter with the bigger one - and the best she could get was a few words here and there.

“Hey” that’s what the letter started with at the beginning, and then a few words down she could read "Got… surprise…er… celebration". Hopefully - the “surprise” word was looking a little wonky, and she was having to do a lot of assuming so far.

Okay, the next words she could read clearly was “boys’ trip” and then a little after that was day or two. Alright alright, we’re getting somewhere. Maybe? This was perhaps a 1/10th of the letter that she could read… and a lot of the words were hopefuls. The final thing she could read on the note was take care.

Okay that was it… so the note… with a few missing pieces said “Hey. Got surprise… celebration… boys’ trip… day or two… take care.”

Hold up.



Addie had spent about an hour on that table, attempting to see if there was any other variation of those words, but no. The only think she could get was the fact that her fiancé had gone out on a boys trip and didn’t have the bloody audacity to wake her up and let her know? It wasn’t even the fact that he went. Addie didn’t care that he went, she just… expected him to at least tell her in person if he was. That’s all she wanted…

Suffice to say, it was an upsetting morning… and afternoon to be honest. Addie had tried to get it out of her mind that Leo hadn’t just randomly left sometime early in the morning and keep herself distracted… but the lack of calls, or anything… send a bloody pigeon for god’s sake Leo… it only reaffirmed the fact that he did leave WITH A BLOODY NOTE.

AND DID YOU KNOW HE LEFT HIS BLOODY PHONE AT HOME? Addie had attempted to call the man to get an answer… any answer but no. He left it in their room meaning his take care message was all she got. Take care? Is that what you say to your fiancé? Really? You know what she was regretting? Saying yes to this bloody ring. Okay fine she wasn’t regretting it but she was more annoyed with Leo than she had ever been before.

Every bloody landline call she got, Addie would hope it was him. You know… for at least some sort of explanation to his disappearance but no. Most of them were strange accidental calls who hung up after she answered, and then there were a few telemarketers. Aka - nothing of value. So yes, Adelaide spent the entire day at home while her brother and Natalia had fun roaming the town.

At the very least, she had Miranda to keep her company. And honestly… she knew she should have gone out with Miranda and painted the town red but… she was sad and partially waiting for the idiot she was in love with to call. So instead, Addie had spent the day lounging around with Miranda on the pool chairs while reading a book… or making a mess baking in the kitchen… or simply pacing around the huge house waiting.

“Let’s go out Miranda.”

“Go out? It’s 9 Addie.”

“Exactly, it’s the perfect time to go out. Come on, we’ve been home all day, bored out of our minds and yes, I know that’s my fault but, let’s go.”

“And where would we go this late?”

“I don’t know… a party? I’m sure someone’s having a party… or we could go to a bar… or… you know what, let’s go to a club. If Leo can go on a boys trip and be too bloody busy to call me back, we can go have fun too.”

"I don’t know Addie… "

“Oh come on. Pretty please? I’ll call Justin and tell him to meet us there with Natalia. I promise we’ll be fine. We’ll watch out for each other.”

It took a little convincing… a lot of pleading… and a sprinkle of begging like there was no bloody tomorrow but Addie finally got Miranda to agree. What took longer was picking out something to wear… mostly because Miranda kept saying no to everything in Addie’s closet but finally she chose a black romper because… in her words “It covered the most”… at least it still made her boobs look amazing so you know what, a win is a win.

And after leaving a little… rude note to Leo which practically mimicked his in the small chance he came back while she was gone, Addie left - with Justin driving since he had returned with Natalia a little while after they had made the plan. And after that - the four of them were off to the night of their bloody lives. Take that Leo.

~2 hours later~

There were probably only a handful of times that Adelaide Parker was drunk. And I mean completely, mind numbingly drunk - and honestly, today, it was a good feeling. It was a feeling that helped her forget the reason she was here in the first place. It was a feeling that allowed her to dance her heart out with Natalia, Justin, and Miranda until of course, her feet got tired and she needed to sit down - hence dragging Miranda to the bar. It was a feeling she honestly didn’t want to end… especially after she got a bloody rude call from Leo like 20 minutes ago asking her where she was?

Where was she?

Excuse you? WHERE WERE YOU?

Which is pretty much what she said before adding a few curses and then a re…reaaad my note you baboon before hanging up on him. Okay maybe it wasn’t the best come back to call her fiancé a baboon but she was bloody drunk, and that was the best she could come up with on the spot. If he had the bloody audacity to party for an entire day and not call her, she didn’t need to talk to him - hence turning her phone off after the call. I mean, at least she knew he was alive and okay… but that also pssed her off more.

“I’m so bloody annoyed Mirandaaaaa.”

Sure, Addie was drunk and she had been taking down shots since the two of them had gotten there. But Miranda, she was probably closer to sober than the other three. Justin had a few drinks, Natalia was probably as drunk, if not more than Addie, and Miranda … well she was probably just a hint of tipsy. Or… maybe she was more tipsy than not tipsy… who knew? Addie was a little too drunk to figure it out.

"Leo? "

“Yes Leo that bloody arse. Did I tell you he finally called? AFTER LIKE 15 hours he decides now is the time to finally call me back. God.”

"You did tell me that… maybe you should turn your phone back on? "

“No…no…no I can’t do that because if I do that, then I’ll hear his voice, and if I hear his voice, I’ll listen to him because I love him so bloody much and god his voice… have you heard his voice? He can literally bring me to my knees with one word… well that and… god I just love him.”

Addie found a frown meet her lips as she put her head in her arms - a groan escaping her mouth as she thought about Leo. “I’ve never met someone like him you know? I mean, you know… like… god why is this soooo hard to explain. I mean, I’ve dated in high school and It never felt the way it feels now. The way he makes me feel is different… like… he’s confident, he’s sweet, he’s so bloody smart it’s annoying, and I can’t stop thinking about him.”

“He’s also really handsome.”

“God he is - I get lost in his eyes every time I look into them and and his lips… oh god his lips…”

“It’s almost like… he’s a greek god or something. Like Zeus… he’s what I’d imagine Zeus would look like. I think that’s what I thought when I first saw him… well technically I thought he was god because you know… drowning. I honestly think he’s probably the most handsome man I’ve ever seen… he looks like he was chiseled from stone… almost like a work of art…and…”

Addie looked at her friend who seemed lost in her own world, though when Miranda realized Addie was looking in her direction, she turned a bright red. Perhaps if Addie was less drunk, she would have realized in that moment that her friend might have had a little crush on Leo. However, the only thing in her mind as she looked at Miranda was the thought that she missed Leo… fck. No. We’re not doing this. We’re not missing men who disappear for an entire day. Nope.

Turning towards the bartender, Addie smiled before putting her hand up “TWO MROE SHOTS EACH LOVE,” Addie screamed, smiling as the man brought them over, sending her a wink and saying it was on the house… though he had been saying that all night. Without a second thought, Adelaide held her nose and quickly took one shot after the other, shaking the jitters out as she got used to the burn that coursed through her body. She saw Miranda take both two… possibly due to the words that left her mouth, but Addie paid no attention as she jumped up from the stool asking Miranda to go dance with her again.

Though this time, Miranda told Addie she’d sit for a little while longer and with those words, Addie nodded before making her way back towards the dance floor. She did love this - dancing. Maybe it was all the ballet and ballroom classes she took as a child, but there was something about simply closing her eyes and letting the music take over. Addie simply allowed her body do what it wanted, her hands touching her arms, waist, and all over her body as she moved to the beat.

It was all great… perfect… amazing… until, of course, she felt an unwanted presence behind her. For a while, she tried to ignore it, dancing as if it didn’t matter. What did bloody pss her off was when whoever was behind her attempted to put his hands on her waist to pull her closer against his… well… you know.

Turning around, Addie immediately pushed the man away. Her frown deepening when she realized it was the same man who had hit on her earlier TWICE and she had shut him down every time. Did he really think third time was the charm? Like what? Addie would be drunk and suddenly she wouldn’t be engaged?

“What the actual fck do you think you’re doing? Don’t fcking touch me, prick.” Addie yelled over the music. Look… she had tried being nice to let him down. Tried politely telling him no and that clearly didn’t work. Instead, she found him only laughing as he forcefully pulled her body against him for the second time - bringing his lips to her ears before whispering “Stop pretending you don’t want it. Your fiancé never has to know… and let’s be honest, you’ll be begging for it later anyways.”

Addie quite literally wanted to throw up… and honestly, perhaps it wouldn’t have been the worst idea to do it on him. She was almost considering it as she pushed him away again - but this time she found his body went further than she expected. Go Addie - maybe those afternoon workouts with Leo were doing something after all. Strong gorl over here.

Or maybe not.

Addie found an angry Leo had stepped between her and the arsehole. In the time her mind took to comprehend the situation, she found Leo was already talking to the man in a conversation that went a little like.

“Who the fck do you think you are.”

“Her fiancé.”

Okay maybe it was a little longer, but that’s as fast as her mind could comprehend at the current moment. Addie could see the color dropping from the man’s face who instantly apologized to Leo. Did you hear her? TO LEO. “ARE YOU BLOODY FCKING KIDDING ME? YOU PIECE OF SHT LET ME AT HIM.” Addie screamed, attempting to punch the idiot in the face - though she was held back by Leo. “You’ll listen to him? Why? Because he has a fcking pen!s? Because he’s a fcking man? I’ve told you to stop like 4 times and you bloody ignored me each and every time and you have the bloody audacity to apologize to him? TO HIM? I’m going to bloody murder you.”

Was Addie causing a little scene? Sure. Were their females in the cloud cheering her on? Also yes. But Leo would NOT BLOODY LET HER GO.

Frowning, Addie stopped trying to scratch the idiot’s eyes out and stilled for a second.

She heard that the man was saying something like thank god I didn’t get with her, she’s crazy and as she turned, she found one of the woman who was cheering her on handing her a drink and it didn’t take a genius to figure out why she was handing it to her.

"Fck you… Addie yelled, throwing what looked like a Long Island Ice tea on him - and yes, she had drenched the arse from head to toe. Handing the girl the drink back, she saw another girl handing her another drink and with a smile, she obliged, ready to do it again. "…and fck the bloody patriarchy.

Here’s the issue though…

You see, Addie was drunk. And her mind… well it was working a tad bit slow. So by the time she had thrown the first drink on the man - Leo once again got in between her, probably telling the piece of sht to leave… which he had after getting dragged out by security.


Well by the time she had thrown the other drink… Leo was facing her… meaning that… this time, Leo was the one who got drenched by the drink she had just thrown… and suffice to say… it wasn’t a small drink.


Ironically, her words of fck the patriarchy and throwing the drink on another man had caused a bloody riot of cheers from almost all the females in the club. Though, the issue was that man was her fiancé and he did not look too happy with her.

Covering her mouth out of shock, Addie looked into the man’s eyes as others in the club resumed dancing - and it was clear he didn’t look happy. Was it bad that behind her covered lips she was also smiling a bit because this whole situation was a little hilarious? Okay… maybe she wasn’t even hiding it that well, because the glee in her eyes were clear as a few chuckles escaped. Her chuckles soon turned into full on laugher as Addie let her hand go to his cheek, trying to wipe the liquid away.

“We’re going home Addie,”

Part of her wanted to argue… but a bigger part of her knew it was useless seeing her drenched love looking at her with his I’m not playing right now eyes. With a sigh, Addie let him walk her towards the exit… only pulling back when she realized Miranda was still at the bar.

It took a few minutes, but after a bit - the two of them had found her and they were all settled into Leo’s car as the man silently drove home. It was a bit of a drive, and Miranda had fallen asleep in the back… which was probably a mixture of the alcohol and it being wayyy past the time they usually went to sleep. It was only when Addie had sobered up a bit that she heard Leo talking.

“What was up with that note you left?”

"Oh you want to start this conversation with my note? Really? After the sht you pulled Leo?


"No, you wanted to get into this so let’s get into it. You left me the same exact note this morning, so I decided to do the same to you. What? It’s only wrong when I do it? But you’re exempt from it?

“I didn’t…”

“Didn’t what? Call? Tell me you were leaving? Hell, tell me you were okay? Yeah, I noticed Leo. It was painfully clear when I was home alone waiting for anything from you”

At this point, Addie was painfully reaching sobriety again… and god did she not want to be there.

“Adelaide, will you let me talk? Please?”

Addie was silent for a second, and thankfully, she found the two puling into Leo’s home.

“Can you help her into her bed?” Addie questioned, motioning towards Miranda who was still passed out in the back seat, before proceeding to unbuckle herself and walk towards the door. Addie went straight for the liquor cabinet. If she was going to have a talk with Leo about this, she honestly rather be drunk so… here we go.

Did she know how long it had been since Leo left to drop Miranda off? No. Did she care? NOPE because she was back on her high - thank god for vodka and limes. Yes, Addie was currently sitting on the floor in front of the fridge cutting limes in forths so she could have one with her shots… okay chugs of vodka.

“I’m cutting you off,”

“BOO LEOOO” Addie yelled as Leo came up behind her, grabbing the drink and putting it out of reach. How bloody rude.

“We need to talk, and that means you need to sober up.” Addie watched as Leo grabbed the bag of limes in front of her and put them away and grabbed the knife out of her hands. What Leo? YOU SCARED? Hmph.

It didn’t look like he was making an effort to talk - perhaps waiting for her to say something as he took a seat next to her on the floor, handing her a large glass of water that she just left to the side as she said the words that had been on her mind all day. “You left Leo”

“Not on purpose, Addie.”

“What does that mean, *not on purpose how do you accidentally leave?”

“My best friend, Harry, decided to kidnap me in the morning when you fell asleep. I didn’t want to go.”

“… and you didn’t have a second to call? Or leave a message longer than the bs you wrote me?”

“He kept hanging up the phone every time I tried… and honestly I don’t know what he wrote in that letter but I’m sorry.”

“Well tell your friend I hate him… and that Holly ate his letter and from what I could understand, you were telling me you were going to go have a boys’ trip for a few days and I should take care

“I’d never say that to you Addie. Look at me, I’d never do that. And I would never leave you like that, I promise. Do you trust me?”

A pout met Addie’s lips as he asked the question she did so often. Do you trust me? She did… and maybe she was a little confused with the revelation, but she did trust him. Watching him lean in towards her, he placed a kiss on her lips that left her aching for more. She didn’t know how long it lasted, but she found him pulling away and placing another kiss on her forehead before he stood up.

“I’ll be right back. Drink your water.”


Getting up a few seconds after him, Addie followed the man towards what seemed like the Laundry room. “Wait… you can’t just bloody leave in the middle of a conversation Leo. We were talking.”

“Technically we were kissing,”

Addie didn’t have to see Leo’s face to know that idiot was smirking.

“You bloody ars…” Did she get to finish her words? No. Because the moment she started saying them, she found Leo taking his shirt off and she… lost her train of thought. Don’t blame her… have you seen him? It wasn’t fair.

“WE are not having sex right now Leo, I’m still mad at you.”

Addie heard him laugh, and she watched has he put his shirt in the washer before turning towards her and leaning against the machine.

“When did I say we were having sex? I’m just trying to change my clothes after my fiancé ruined them by throwing her drink at me.,”

“I… well you deserved it…” Addie added - but her eyes were still not on his face.

“Well now, Addie, I’m sticky… and wet” Leo whispered, pulling her towards him and pushing her against the machine so she was now pinned against him. She found him bringing his lips towards her neck, and his hands slowly going down her body making her shiver. AND THEN HE PULLED AWAY BEFORE ADDING …“and not in a good way so I will have to at least change and take a shower before we continue this conversation.,”

Addie knew exactly what he was doing, and she watched as his hands went to his belt, unbuckling it in front of her. Bloody arse. Honestly she didn’t know what pushed her to do what she did next, but she found herself throwing the glass of water he had handed her all over him. Was he shocked? Yes. Was she shocked at her actions too? Honestly, yes. Did she burst out into laughter after she did that? Also yes.

And instantly, when she saw a look in his eye screaming that he wasn’t going to let her get away with it, she started running, and she heard Leo close behind her. Addie had ran all the way to the kitchen - laughter leaving her lips until she felt the cold RAIN of water that hit her. Apparently, Leo had grabbed the sprayer from the sink and… well clearly you know the aftermath.


Addie was soaked… and technically so was he. And she found him smiling as he wrapped his arms around her. “Don’t start a war you can’t win”," “I can win… Just let me go.”

She found Leo pulling her against him tighter, to the point where she was pinned against his body and with a sigh, she gave up, wrapping her arms around him. She found him pulling her legs up so she had them wrapped around his waist within seconds. “Never, Addie. I’m never letting you go. I love you.” And with those words, she knew she was done for. She couldn’t hold back anymore and… fine… maybe she was wrong about the sentiment she made earlier in the Laundry room. Damn you Leo.

What Addie Wore

What Miranda Wore

Original Note

"Hey thereeee! It’s your fiancé’s best buddy (you knowwwwww… well, you better know. HE BETTER HAVE TALKED ABOUT ME). So, guess what? I’ve got a super-duper surprise plan for Leo’s belated birthday celebration since I couldn’t make it before. We’reeeeeeee going on this epic boys’ getaway trip, just for a day… or two… not sure yet.

Don’t you worry, my dear, I promise to take good care of him, or well, I’ll at least try realllyyyy hard. wink So go on, enjoy some well-deserved relaxation while we’re away, and oh, I can’t wait to finally meet you!" Take Care :).


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What If? - Kai lost most of his family

Kai, in any world, is no stranger to pain and hardship. He is someone who has always experienced more than most. However, in this world, he experiences more suffering than even he does in many other worlds. First with the loss of his younger sister Akielah, killed by Elettra instead of him, then his own mother and baby sister that same year… leaving him with just his father and brother in his life and a deep pain and guilt, for surviving his own troubling health, to carry for years to come. This is a world where Kai needed Jess even more than he could have imagined.

“You have to let me see her.”
Kai needed to see Jess. It didn’t matter what he had to do because of Anna, or the way she pulled away after he told her how her own sister was blackmailing him. He couldn’t get the image of Jess dying out of his mind. He needed to see her with his own two eyes to know she was still alive.


There was no stopping her before it happened. Everything went too fast. In an instant he not only saw the look on his twin sister’s face, but the pain flash across Jess’s. She wasn’t Elettra’s target, he was. It was supposed to be him, but perhaps even Elettra knew, he would have rather it been him instead. She took the blade that was meant for him. He didn’t care if it killed him, but it shouldn’t have been Jess.

He watched the life in her eyes begin to flicker and took hold of her as she dropped to the floor, and despite physically being fine, he felt like he was dying with her, seeing someone else he loved dying in his arms.

Nothing else mattered, not even Elettra. He didn’t care. The only thing he knew was he couldn’t lose her.

“It’s just a little cut… you’ll be fine…” he said as she lightly caressed his cheek, then tried to say something, surely joking about the situation herself, unable to get the words out.

Her eyes started to flutter closed as Kai begged for an ambulance to be there already. “Don’t leave me Jess… don’t… please…” He couldn’t do this again. He couldn’t lose someone like this again… because of him, when it was supposed to be him instead…

End of Flashback

His thoughts were brought back to the present by Daniel’s words about not going in there. He didn’t catch it all, just that Jess had been pregnant… and she lost the baby because of being stabbed…

She was pregnant with Kai’s child… he didn’t think it was possible… but now… Elettra tried taking his life away from him, but instead she took away his child… his chance of being a father…

“I’m going in there.” Kai said, not willing to take no for an answer. With that news, he couldn’t imagine not being right there next to the girl he loved. There was nothing that could stop him from pushing past Daniel to get into Jess’s room.

Kai needed to see Jess like he needed air to breathe. When he saw her, there was no hiding the relief and sadness in his eyes. He felt like he was falling apart, but seeing Jess, seeing that she was alive was such a relief as she spoke up, a kind look in her eyes, asking, “Are you okay?”

“I am now.” Kai said, walking over to sit and take her hand in his. If she didn’t make it, he didn’t know how he would’ve been able to cope. Just knowing about the baby, their baby, and that it was gone because of this, was killing him inside. Though, seeing Jess smile, joking like always, brought his focus to the relief that she was even alive at all. “Hey I’m like one of those ‘incredibles’ siblings, nothing can hurt me, Kai.”

He gave a small smile in return with her lighthearted humor, before saying. “I thought I was going to lose you…”

“You’re not losing me, love. Who’s going to eat an obscene amount of pancakes if I die?”

“Nobody, so it has to be you.” Kai said, trying to sound a little more lighthearted and less sad. He was truly relieved she wasn’t gone. When he sat on the ground, her blood staining his clothes after what Elettra did, he thought it was the end, that there was no coming back, but here she was. He stayed quiet for a while, her hand in his, relieved he could be there with her. He turned to look at her laying there, eyes closed, only opening with Kai’s next question. “How are you feeling, honestly?” He didn’t want the jokes, he didn’t want her trying to be tough, he wanted the true answer.

Her words came out as a whisper to match her sad look after she lightly kissed his hand. “I’ll be okay.”

He didn’t know how long he had been sitting there with her when he finally had to ask the question on his mind. “Did you know you were pregnant?” He asked sadly. He hadn’t known, but he didn’t know if she just hadn’t told him yet, or if she was as unaware as he was. However, his question was answered by the look of sadness that overcame her features before she turned away, eventually whispering “No…” as she placed her hand on her stomach.

“I’m sorry…” he said, placing his hand with hers on her stomach, then carefully holding her close as the grief for the baby they hadn’t known about began to take over them both.

After some time, the silence between them was broken by Jess asking him to leave. The last thing he wanted was to not be by her side. He needed her. Softly he begged, “Please, don’t make me go. I don’t want to leave you.”

Jess was crying and only repeated her request. “Please Kai, I want… I need to be alone.”

Reluctantly, Kai quietly nodded and made his way out of her hospital room, but he couldn’t make himself go any further than the other side of the door. Someone would have to force him to go. He wasn’t going to leave her.

It couldn’t have been very long before he heard a commotion, and after waiting only a moment he walked back into Jess’s room to find her on the floor crying, having tried to get up and walk out on her own. Kai immediately helped her up and back into bed, prompting her to say, ”I told you to leave…"

“I couldn’t.” He watched her close her eyes, holding her stomach again, quietly crying. He sat next to her, and there was no doubt in his mind. It didn’t matter what she said, he wasn’t going to leave her side. They were both hurting, and there was no reason they couldn’t be heartbroken together. He loved her, and never wanted to lose her.

@benitz786 - Jess (Dan and Anna mentioned too)

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Shorts Series: Alternate Universe - Kai’s What If - 2037/2038

Being around kids always brought out the best in Jessica. Perhaps it was because she could give them something that she herself never got as a child… (aka love… attention… more love… you know the jyst) though, honestly, she didn’t know the exact answer to why she adored kids. What she did know is simply that she did. Maybe there was also a part of these interactions that made her a tinge bit sad. In the back of her mind locked up and hidden away she knew that she’d probably never have any of her own. Sure, Jessica hadn’t went to a doctor since her first miscarriage, but there was something in her heart that knew she couldn’t handle that… kind of information if it came from the source. She didn’t want to hear from the doctor the words she already knew… that Jessica Pierce wasn’t meant to have kids in this world. Hell, she was probably meant to have died years earlier but here we fcking are - stuck in this endless hell scape living for the sake of her friends and family. Truly, she felt like a ghost in her own body most of the time.

Bringing her attention back to the baby in her hands - one who had fallen asleep soon after finishing the bottle - Jessica allowed her hand to caress the child’s chubby cheeks. She was tiny… honestly she couldn’t have been more than a few weeks… maybe a month old at most. So… perhaps the biggest question in her mind at the moment is… why did Kai have this baby? It had to be his - she could see that much in the little’s girls features and eyes. But, if she recalled correctly, his kids with the princess were far older then this. Did the Princess have another child? Did someone else have Kai’s child - it wouldn’t be a surprise as the affair rumors were even present years earlier. But then, why leave with just one? She knew Kai, she knew he wouldn’t leave his children behind. Trust her, Jessica knew more than anyone that he would choose them over all else. Yes - Jess had connected enough pieces to know that the Princess being pregnant the first time and Kai leaving her overlapped.

But for Kai to be here with nothing but a stroller and a few bags? And the way he looked when he showed up at her door - that didn’t make sense. A sigh left her lips at the unanswered questions revolving in her mind - but honestly, she likely wasn’t going to get an answer anytime soon. The meds Jess had provided to the man alongside his exhaustion… or at least Jessica was guessing on that latter portion… would keep him out for probably 15-20 hours. That would mean he wouldn’t be awake until 5-9 PM… and it was currently 2 AM.

Finally standing up from the couch, Jess brought the baby to her bedroom - creating a little nook for the child to sleep in on the bed with her. Though, even as she laid the child down - Jess knew she likely wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep… her mind was far too much in overdrive.

So did she sleep? No - this time, she simply couldn’t. She had tried for a bit and after about an hour of laying in place with her mind running, she realized it was useless. After making sure the baby was secure in her bed, Jess walked back towards the living room - and… well… ended up going down a rabbit hole she probably shouldn’t have.

Let’s just say… over the past few years Jessica had actively avoided anything to do with the Listaran Royal Family… and anything to do with Kai. It just hurt too much… and truly, what was the point? Jess was sure he was happy… healthy… doing better than she bloody was.

But… Well… with her lack of sleep, endless amount of questions, and clear access to the internet, Jessica simply couldn’t help it. She found herself looking at hundreds of articles, using Dan’s database to find scrubbed articles, and simply read until it was time to do Well… let’s be specific. Technically on google, she found nothing but good things being said about Listara. It was only when she looked at Daniel’s data that she found far more negative articles.

The New York Times

Title: Palace of Power: A Cloistered Kingdom and the Plight of Listaria’s Forgotten

Subtitle: A Harrowing Tale of Monarchy and Misery Unveiled Within the Fabled Walls of the Palace

By: Sarah Torrento
Published: May 5th, 2026

LISTARIA — Amidst the opulent halls and grandeur of Listaria’s ancient palace, an unspeakable truth hides behind the pomp and circumstance of the monarchy. A damning exposé reveals a shocking state of affairs, where the personal comfort and indulgence of the ruling elite take precedence over the well-being of the palace staff and the broader citizenry. The moral compass of this celebrated monarchy appears to be fading, revealing a stark contrast between the regal facade and the underlying reality.

The story unfolds within the vast corridors of the Royal Palace, where the daily struggles of the invisible hands that keep the machinery of the monarchy running are rarely acknowledged. Palace staff, including maids, butlers, and kitchen workers, toil under oppressive conditions, working exhaustive hours for meager wages that barely sustain them and their families. The system perpetuates a cycle of servitude, leaving the palace staff destitute and trapped within the gilded cage.

Disturbing testimonies collected by investigative journalists have shed light on the heart-wrenching tales of mistreatment and disregard for the well-being of these essential workers. Reports of excessive work hours, physical abuse, and lack of basic rights within the palace have surfaced, painting a bleak picture of an institution that has lost touch with the reality of its people. As the monarchy revels in extravagance, the plight of the staff is treated as a mere footnote in the annals of Listaria’s history.

Moreover, the problems plaguing Listaria extend far beyond the palace walls. The populace, loyal and patriotic, have borne the brunt of a growing economic disparity, widening the chasm between the haves and the have-nots. A lack of access to education, healthcare, and essential services has left many citizens grappling with the harsh realities of life while the royal family enjoys an insulated existence.

The Listarian people, known for their resilience and unwavering loyalty to the monarchy, have watched their dreams fade into obscurity as their aspirations are swallowed by a system that favors the elite. The time has come for Listaria to take a hard look at its moral compass and address the festering wounds that have been left unattended for far too long.

The global community must also play its part by holding Listaria accountable. Diplomatic pressures and economic sanctions should be considered as effective means to push for reforms within the kingdom. As the nation’s reputation hangs in the balance, the world must not turn a blind eye to the cries of the oppressed.

Listaria’s monarchy stands at a crossroads. The true measure of a nation lies not in the grandeur of its palaces but in its treatment of its people. It is time for Listaria to reflect on its past, to take responsibility for its present, and to pave a path toward a more just and equitable future.

In the hallowed halls of power, change must come to reign. It is only through the dismantling of oppressive systems and the embrace of a compassionate ethos that Listaria can truly ascend to its rightful place as a beacon of justice and compassion.

As the sun sets on the horizon of Listaria’s legacy, it remains to be seen whether this tale of mistreatment and indifference will become a rallying cry for the forces of change or simply another chapter in the tragic history of the palace’s unchecked power. The world waits with bated breath for Listaria’s response, for the hopes of an entire nation depend on it.

There were quite a few articles like that… detailing the fact that there was mistreatment in both the palace and in the kingdom itself which… honestly was a surprise to Jess. It was an angle to the politics that she hadn’t recognized before. Well… mostly because when she interviewed them, this wasn’t as big of an issue which means it only went downhill… not to mention, Jess knew Kai and if he was in charge, what the fck was he doing. Perhaps she shouldn’t have fazed out what was going on in Listara… not that anyone in the general public would even realize with all the censorship.

The Washington Post

Title: Shadows of Conspiracy: Unraveling the Enigma Surrounding the Assassination Attempt on Listaria’s Princess Anesthesia

Subtitle: A Tale of Intrigue and Ambition that Sends Shockwaves through the Heart of Listaria’s Monarchy

By Jorge Gonzolaz
Published: January 2nd, 2017

LISTARIA — Listaria’s serene monarchy has been jolted by a harrowing assassination attempt that targeted Princess Anesthesia, the rightful heir to the throne. As the nation grapples with this sinister act, speculation abounds regarding the identity of the assailant and their motives. Delving into the shadows of conspiracy, one theory emerges with disturbing clarity — that Princess Evangeline, Anesthesia’s twin sister and next in line to the throne, may hold the most compelling motive behind this audacious plot.

Princess Anesthesia, bearing the weight of the crown-in-waiting, possesses qualities that have endeared her to the people of Listaria. Her popularity, coupled with her vision for a more inclusive and progressive monarchy, has threatened to overshadow Princess Evangeline’s future reign. The perceived threat to her own ambitions and the potential erosion of her power make Evangeline a compelling figure within this intricate web of suspicion.

The complexity of sibling rivalry is no stranger to the annals of history. In the world of royalty, where power, status, and influence intertwine, the bond between sisters can sometimes become a delicate balancing act. The throne, a symbol of authority and prestige, can ignite a fierce fire of ambition, casting shadows of mistrust and treachery even within the closest of relationships.

While the motive behind such a heinous act may appear crystal clear, the assassination attempt on Princess Anesthesia offers a glimpse into a much broader landscape of intrigue and power dynamics. Courtiers, advisors, and other actors within Listaria’s political sphere also hover under the veil of suspicion, driven by their own agendas and desires for influence.

The interconnected nature of palace politics leaves room for an array of possibilities. Foreign powers, threatened by Listaria’s stability and diplomatic prowess, may have orchestrated this assassination attempt to destabilize the monarchy and sow discord within the kingdom’s borders. These external forces seek to exploit the ensuing power struggle for their own strategic advantage.

As investigators sift through the evidence and piece together the puzzle, the truth surrounding this audacious act remains elusive. The identity of the would-be assassin and their precise motives lie at the heart of Listaria’s most pressing mystery, one that holds the potential to reshape the destiny of the monarchy and the nation itself.

While speculation abounds, it is essential to remember that theories are just that — theories. The investigations, conducted with utmost diligence, will unravel the threads of this intricate plot and expose the truth hidden within the shadows. The outcome will not only determine the fate of Princess Anesthesia but will also cast a long-lasting impact on Listaria’s future.

In the wake of this shocking event, Listaria finds itself at a critical juncture. The nation must confront the specter of betrayal and navigate the treacherous waters of power, loyalty, and ambition. It is a test of fortitude and integrity that will define Listaria’s resolve to uphold justice and the principles that underpin its monarchy.

As Listaria holds its breath, the question lingers: Who orchestrated this assassination attempt, and what lies beneath the facade of power and privilege? The truth, when finally revealed, will shape the destiny of a nation, illuminating the path toward a future governed by transparency, accountability, and the preservation of the sacred trust bestowed upon the monarchy.

Only then will Listaria emerge from the shadows, stronger and united, prepared to face the challenges that lie ahead.

Interesting… this was not an article she had found when she did her interview in 2023… the kingdom must have hid it well…

Listarian Daily News

Title: Tragic Hit-and-Run Claims Life of Pregnant Palace Maid in Listaria

LISTARIA — In a heart-wrenching incident, a pregnant palace maid lost her life in a hit-and-run accident, sending shockwaves through Listaria. The unidentified driver callously fled the scene, leaving behind a shattered family and a grieving nation.

The tragedy highlights the urgent need for improved safety measures and stronger legal protections for vulnerable workers within the palace. Listaria must address the broader issues of inequality and prioritize the well-being of all its citizens.

The ongoing investigation aims to bring the perpetrator to justice and send a clear message that such heartless acts will not be tolerated. The loss of this innocent life must serve as a catalyst for change and prompt comprehensive reforms in the kingdom.

Listaria mourns the untimely demise of the palace maid and her unborn child, urging the nation to unite against the injustices that plague its society. The memory of their lives should inspire action to protect and ensure the dignity of all individuals, regardless of their position within the palace walls.

And that seemed to be the most recent news… quickly deleted which was strange. Why would the government take down an article about a hit and run? Well… sure it slightly undermined the kingdom, but it was not in a big newspaper so what was the point? The Listarian people would already know by word of mouth… so what was the censorship for?

For a long time, Jessica got lost in the weeds - reading every article, over analyzing every word… honestly this is usually how her big undercover jobs started… a lot of research. More research than anyone could fathom. The only thing that brought her out of this haze was the small crying from her bedroom. Usually, nothing could bring Jessica out of her research spirals but even in the midst of her falling down the rabbit hole of Listarian corruption, Kai’s child had. Checking the time, Jess found the clock reading 6:34 AM which meant she had truly been at this for the last 3-4 hours. With a sigh, Jess put her laptop… and dozens of notes she had been writing down before walking to the child crying for her. “Morning Darling, How’d you sleep?”

Jessica felt stuck at home waiting for Kai to wake up. There was only so much research she could do before Kai’s child started crying again for either a diaper change, or food, or affection… and part of her mind kept wondering when the man in the other room would awaken… and that thought was maddening. Any thoughts of Malachi Azure was maddening… so at 9:15 AM, Jess decided that she needed to do something else. Okay fine, at the very least, she needed to get some distance between her and a sleeping ex… sooo here she was. An adorable girl in tow - sleeping in her walker.

Did Jessica buy this girl about a dozen new outfits? Yes… yes she did. WHAT? Jessica truly couldn’t help herself. Suffice to say, they had been clothe shopping for most of the morning… from Chanel… to Gucci… to Target. Yes, target. DON’T KNOCK TARGET JESSICA LOVES IT THERE :triumph: and sometimes they do have adorable clothes. And then Jess bought her little toys… and blankets… and beanies because it was COLD outside… and we couldn’t forget a little bed to sleep in, and a little holder so that Jess could keep the little girl against her body without putting her arms around her - which is what she was currently using as she walked around a Whole Foods. Jess had moved on from buying the darling girl things to simply buying things she needed to get anyways.

If anyone’s worried about the sheer amount of things Jess bought - don’t, thankfully Jess’ driver was kind enough to leave her somewhere, drop the items she bought back in her apartment, and do it all again as Jess finished up at the next place.

At the current moment, she was grabbing some things from the dairy aisle. “Alright darling… what do we need… we still need to grab some milk which in case you’re wondering, we don’t bloody refrigerate here like they do in the states kid. I don’t know, I thought Americans were so bloody weird when I first saw that.” Jess was talking to the little girl coddled against her chest. “We need cheese, lots of cheese. In case you haven’t figured this out, I adore cheese. I hope when you grow up you do too… and we need a few egg cartons… and…”

“Can I just say, you two are adorable. How old is your daughter?”

Jess looked up at an older woman who seemed to be smiling at the two - possibly watching Jess talk to the child as she went through the grocery aisles.

“Oh I don’t actually know… possibly a few weeks? Maybe a month or two? Currently unknown if I’m being honest. Man do I wish babies could talk sometimes, isn’t that right darling, don’t you wish you could just tell me you were hungry instead of screaming at the top of your lungs? I’m sure your dad would appreciate that too.”

“Oh sorry… are you the nanny then? What’s her name.” There was a bright look on the woman’s face as she neared Jess, smiling at the child who was soundly asleep.

“Oh god no… and honestly I don’t know, I’ve just been calling her darling and nugget but I don’t think she really minds… maybe I should call her something else…” Jess replied out of reflex… until of course, the face the woman made indicated to Jess that perhaps she didn’t explain that right. “oh I don’t mean it like that… I just mean… I actually only met her today… technically like less than 24 hours ago I think… oh that doesn’t sound good does it? I’m not… I didn’t steal her I promise… er… well you see my ex came to my door last night and I think it’s his daughter… at least I’m assuming it’s his because… well no… that didn’t come out right either… what I mean to say is…”

Perhaps it was the lack of sleep? Either way, Jessica Pierce ended up rambling in front of this lady who likely thought she was a child kidnapper for about… 8 minutes until thankfully the kid started crying and Jess apologized before making her escape…

Well… maybe it was time to go home then?

After putting everything away, feeding the currently unnamed… well name unknown child, and putting her to bed again, Jessica begin her research again and it wasn’t until she heard a voice that her eyes shifted from her computer screen. Looking up, Jess found her heart pulling in her chest when she saw Kai again after seeing him the day before. Yes… he was sleeping only a few steps away but distracting herself actually did help her forget for… a bit that he was there. And now, all of that was rushing back. He looked better… though, of course, that was in retrospect.

Now that Kai was standing before her, Jess could see him clearly. His eye bags had lessened, but he still looked exhausted - probably needing another dose of the antidepressants/sleep aid in a few hours. His hair was long and Jess honestly had never seen it like that before. However, behind his rugged appearance, Jess could still see him - her Kai behind the mask of the man who stood before her today.

Or maybe, the Kai she knew was the mask.

“How’d you sleep?”

What else was she supposed to say? Jess found herself putting down her laptop… slowly moving the papers on her coffee table before making room for the man on her couch… though she could see his wandering eyes looking for something. For a second, his eyes settled on the various things now scattered on her apartment. There were bags scattered on the side in a neat pile, a “sensory play mat” assembled on the floor, alongside more diapers and formula. “She’s sleeping… you can check if you’d like. I didn’t want the light to bother her so she’s in her bed in my room.”



April 29th, 2040

Okay. Breathe, Candice. This is a conversation - that’s it. Nothing more… nothing less… okay it was a conversation with a high school sweet heart that didn’t exactly end on the best terms because… well… did she even need to say (or think) it? In her mind, the man before her had every right to be pssed at her which brings up one particular question; why hadn’t he done anything yet? Like… yelling? Screaming? An annoyed grunt before he walked away from her in a rage.

And truthfully, he had every right. Sometimes it was easier to hate people close to the situation, then hate the situation itself… Candice had fallen prey to that more than once herself. Suffice to say, she had grown up a lot over the past few decades, so taking yet another subtle deep breath, CC kept her cool as the man responded. Though his words were… something she never expected as he told her he could call her Dom.

There was a sad smile on her lips, and a soft mumble that followed “I think I lost that right a long time ago,” . Perhaps he heard her… or maybe not, but she found her head shifting back towards the painting for a few seconds as he told her that he was here to speak to the owner about doing a show. Wouldn’t that be interesting?

Dominic had always been an amazing artist - she knew that from the very first day she met him in art class and then, they started dating soon after. It was one of the things they bonded over throughout the years they were friends… and more. Art. Candice wouldn’t lie, over the years she had seen his newer pieces too. Perhaps not in person - she did avoid that much, but the man in front of her had only grown in talent and fame, in the art world at least. She liked his pieces, though she always had - and in her head, she was already imagining an exhibit for Dom with those words, but she had always been one to get a little ahead of herself. Just because she could imagine it, wouldn’t mean it was something that would happen. That’s not how life worked.

It was only with his question of why she was here that she had pieced together the fact that he didn’t know she owned the gallery. Then again, who would? While CC’s gallery’s were famous… or at least growing in fame throughout the world, her name was still in the background and honestly, she preferred that. Candice had been in the limelight enough as a kid, and she preferred this. Though, that very though showed her that her earlier image of Dominic having a showing would never work here. He would never do a showing in a place she owned.

With a stoic expression - attempting to forget the bad memories of the past that Dom and her had gone through - Candice kept her eyes on the painting. “Enjoying the art… or trying to. I had some time off for the first time in a while, and I wanted to look” . It wasn’t exactly a lie. It was the first time she had time off in a while, and she did want to look at the art.

“Thoughts about this one? It’s by Jerry Tright who’s pretty big right now… and I really do think it’s beautiful… it’s almost captivating how the painting portrays a mother and daughter walking through a vibrant forest. The artist’s skillful use of color and attention to detail creates a truly whimsical and realistic scene and the tender connection between the figures is palpable.” Candice started, looking back at the image with her artistic eye. She truly did adore talking art with someone who understood exactly what she was saying. Yes, Charlie tried. But he was a director and animator. It was a different type of art. This type of conversation she enjoyed with other artists or even her father. “Though the foreground could benefit from more depth and some brushwork refinement… I mean… I know the artist is newer so it’ll take him some time to get there, but honestly I really enjoy the bond shown between mother and daughter amidst nature’s colorful embrace. What do you think, Dominic? I also don’t know if it fits with the other pieces too well right now. There’s not really a coherent movement from the other pieces to this one.”

@Caticorn please give advice and gooo dom :stuck_out_tongue: :joy:


The “Something Old” - 2031 - Part 9


If you’re expecting me to tell you that this was a once in a life time occurrence, reduce your expectations to zero. Oh? What, you may ask? Did a 3-year-old Jessica Pierce screaming you’re never going to catch me… er… sucker not give it away? Well, let me set the scene.

Imagine a crazed toddler running, jumping, squeezing herself through the doggie door, and then proceeding to run some more out into the backyard. And why? Well, I forgot to mention that said toddler was very strongly clutching a jelly donut. Truly, the clutch was so tight, that she had more than a little jelly all over her school clothes. But, to Jessica, that was irrelevant. After all, why go to a private preschool. (… yes… you heard me right… private… they have those… ) when you could be eating a beautiful, large, sugary jelly donut. This was clearly more important… and look, could anyone really blame Jessica? The nannies had placed her and her sister on a strict no-sugar-diet. WHO DOES THAT? Like what the hell, she’s three… let her have some sugar for gods sake… and see, this is exactly why Jess preferred the cooks in the house than the nannies. The cooks could be manipulated with a few bats of her eye lashes and her big brown puppy dog eyes. The nannies… those not as much. Taking a seat in the dirt on the garden bed, Jess gave a big smile to the gardener before taking one… ONLY one… big bite of the donut. It was quite literally the best bight in her life and the second bite probably would have been better if she didn’t hear these words:


Sigh. It seemed that the nanny had realized where Jess had run off too. They likely had taken her sister to school already, seeing as they both had individual nannies which sucked because Jessica would rather be sharing this amazing donut with her sister. And why they had one nanny for each of them? Well, because clearly the two got into more than enough trouble when they only had one.

In any case, Jess wanted to take another bite. It was a deserved bite… but alas, the nanny was far too close… so she begin running agin. Jess’ nanny attempted to grab her, but look, Jessica was great on her feet. Her and her sister were even in soccer class now and JESS WAS THE FASTEST ON THE TEAM. PROBABLY THE FASTEST IN THE WORLD. Yes she was. Yes. STOP ARGUING WITH HER IMAGINARY THREE YEAR OLD DORIAN SOMEWHERE IN THE WORLD ALSO TAKING SOCCER LESSONS. Watch out world, she’s gonna be a great star one day… either in soccer or eating. As of right now, it is undecided. Come on she’s three, she has a little time to figure it out.

Running back towards the closed door, Jess once again crawled through the doggie door made for Holly which was her mama’s dog… though Jess liked to think it was her own personal escape door. And for the second time, Jess had almost escaped… if only they weren’t WAXING the living room floor which is why in her rush, Jessica Pierce fell.

THE WORST PART? No it wasn’t the fact that her knees were now bleeding because of how she scraped her feet. That was irrelevant. What was relevant was the fact that her donut was far in front of her, on the floor, with all the jelly pooling out. HER DONUT :sob:

Could anyone blame the tears that came out of Jessica’s eyes at her lost donut? No… no they couldn’t and if anyone reading this says otherwise, YOU’RE A SUGAR AND DONUT MEANIE AND JESSICA DOESN’T LIKE YOU.

All of it only got worse when Jess tried to scoot over to her lost donut to… er… possibly lick the top. You know, 20 minute rule or whatever right? That was a thing? BUT BEFORE SHE COULD HOLLY BEAT HER TO THE PUNCH. YEP HOLLY WAS EATING IT AND IT’S NOT FAIR.

So… yeah more tears. She couldn’t help it.

Honestly, Jess didn’t know how long she was crying, she heard a commotion around her but she truly wasn’t listening, the next thing she knew however, someone had grabbed her from behind and was walking her up the stairs. COME ON NANNY, SHE DIDN’T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL WHEN SHE WAS MOURNING THE LOSS OF HER DONUT… but when she opened her eyes, Jess found herself sitting on the edge of the bathroom sink and her mommy was there, putting a bandaid on her leg. That was weird - Jess hadn’t seen her mommy in… one…two…five…er more than the fingers on her hands.

“What happened darling?”

Jessica’s eyes opened from her dream… or technically it was a memory she hadn’t thought about in a long time. As a child, her mother truly wasn’t around much. But… when she was… her mother was kind. Well… for the most part from what she could remember. Jessica’s relationship definitely had gotten better over the years, but there was a handful of memories that she had of her mother as a child that weren’t her and her dad telling her she had another event to attend, or a modeling job to do, or something else of that nature.

As Jess blinked a few more times, attempting to get herself out of the groggy state she was in, she could hear another voice beside her. Did she know what time it was? No… but the voice was easily recognizable. Well, specifically, two voices were recognizable.

“”What did you say?”

There was a mumble from Shay in response to which Dorian immediately responded "So that’s why you don’t want to go to sleep… I told you there are no monsters in the dark.”

This had become a frequent occasion - Dorian talking to Shay, responding as if he understood ever single word that came out of her little mouth. Well, Dorian would say he did understand, but even if Jessica wasn’t too sure about that, she did know that this was the cutest little thing. Jess stayed laying on the bed, her eyes closed as she listened to the exchange. Part of her just wanted to hear them interaction because Jess just adored it. She adored her husband… her baby girl… the life that they were building together… everything. ANNNNnd maybe she also wanted to see if the idiot was being SNEAKY and getting her daughter to try and say “Daddy or dada” while she was asleep. SO GO AHEAD DORI.

”Janxkahasah aadajap,”

If Jess had to guess what Shay had said (which is what she was assuming Dorian was doing when he talked to their daughter), it would be nuh uh dad, you’re wrong. Which he probably is - GO CHECK UNDER THE BED DORI, THAT’S CREEPY SHT. The kid was probably explaining all the creepy stuff she’s been saying so CHECK DORI because to hell with it if Jess was going to. She was more of a chicken then Shay, let’s be real.

”No way. What else do they do?” ”Psvosj asskspp.” ”Really?” ” ”Dasddsdaap.” ”Nooo… you’re just messing with me,”

Jess opened her eyes slowly, unable to keep them closed any longer. She was sleeping in a way that she could see Dorian seated up, with Shay in his lap. She watched as he tickled her and kissed her cheek… and honestly her heart couldn’t take how adorable this was. She knew Dorian was scared to be a dad… but honestly, he was a bloody amazing one.

”Abbbabp dbjjjp.” ” No, no, you can’t say sorry now” ” ”Dpaaddpa aadajap.” ”Mommy says I should forgive you? She told you that?”

Obviously Dori. Listen to Shay, she’s always right. Though, when she heard Dori mention mom - Jess closed her eyes… maybe not hiding her growing smile but she couldn’t help it as she felt Dori hovering Shay towards her. Jess subtly touched her daughter’s foot for a second before Dorian took her back towards him. Hey RUDE.

“How bloody dare you assume she doesn’t want her mom?” Jess mumbled, pulling herself up and near Dorian as she placed a kiss on Shay’s chubby cheeks. Clearly an awake mom got Shay excited as she started bouncing in Dorian’s arms as she previously was with him.

”I didn’t assume, it’s what Shay said. Isn’t that right?”

”daaammma cadddaea.”

”See, I’ll translate. She siad, yes dad, you’re right.”

“She did not, she said you’re wrong and she want’s her mom’s love now.”

With those words, Jess kissed her daughters cheeks again, tickling her as she did so before placing her head on Dorian’s chest so she could look straight at her daughter who was sitting on his lap.

”I guess if you want to believe that you can… but I’m telling you I’m right… though I guess I can’t blame her if she did want mom’s love, even though mom should be asleep right now.”

Jess felt a kiss on her head and she smiled before pulling away and placing a kiss on his lips. ” ‘Mom’ needs to do a little more research before she interrogates her mom in two hours darling. Oh and before I forget, I just had a lovely dream darling, and I wanted to remind you, I’m actually a very bloody good soccer player. My three year old self agrees.”

”da dabab eseam.”

” 'Annnnnd so does Shay.”

With those words, Jess didn’t listen to Dori’s nagging about how she was wrong before grabbing her mom’s journal and opening where she left off. ” 'Do you want a story to go to sleep, my love?.” Jessica asked, placing her hand near Dorian’s lap so she could hold her daughters hand.

𝓙𝓾𝓷𝓮 1𝓼𝓽, 1999

𝒮𝑜 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒’𝓈 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔… 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑒𝓌 𝑔𝑒𝓉𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑒𝓃𝑔𝒶𝑔𝑒𝒹 𝓉𝑜 𝐿𝑒𝑜𝓃𝒶𝓇𝒹𝑜 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝑒𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓁𝓎. 𝐼 𝓊𝓃𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈𝓉𝑜𝑜𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝑒𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝒷𝑒𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓂𝓎 𝓅𝓇𝑜𝓅𝑒𝓇 𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻 𝓌𝒽𝑒𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒾𝓉 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝑒𝓃𝑒𝒹 𝒷𝓊𝓉… 𝐼 𝓃𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓊𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒷𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓌𝑒𝑒𝓀𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝑒’𝒹 𝒷𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓀 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉.


Dorian's Misc Link

This text will be hidden



May 27th, 1999

“Adelaide Azure… do you think the alliteration is too much? If you read “Adelaide Azure” in the politics section of the news paper, do you think you’d take it seriously or you’d be like… wow… I don’t trust a name that starts and ends with the same letter?”

Addie could feel her body shaking with the hum of a laugh from the man situated behind her- though, it was a VALID question okay. If her name was going to in these papers in the near future, she wanted to make sure people wouldn’t look down to her… though perhaps she was also just teasing the man behind her “I think Adelaide Azure is perfect. I’d trust her.”

As of right now, Addie was snuggled up on Leo’s body his arms resting around her waist as the two of them tackled the crossword portion of the newspaper… though perhaps Addie was distracting herself from said paper because it was a hard crossword. It was a daily routine now, to go through the newspaper together… even though Leo was a bloody fast reader and ended up distracting her by kissing her neck when he was done and making it so she couldn’t finish reading when all she was trying to do was to absorb all of the information… or even finish said crossword.

"But you, darling, have a biased opinion, Mr. Azure. Addie mumbled, putting the crossword down for a second as she tilted her head to the side to look at him - a teasing appearance on her lips.

“Either way, I still think it’s perfect. And you should take my word for it.”

The grin that made it’s way to her lips were almost instantaneous… probably as fast as her eyes fluttered close as Leo’s lips went back to her neck for the second time. Was it a good distraction from doing number 14 across? Yes yes it was. But alsooooooo…

FOR FCKS SAKE LEO just because her brother and her brother’s girlfriend and her best friend were gone did not mean it gave him free reign to do this. And by this, she meant doing something that led to them having sex in the living room… or the kitchen… or the back yard… or you know in the part of the house that maybe should be saved for other activities. Okay fine it wasn’t like she was complaining that much in general because… hell have you seen her fiancé? Leo could still make her heart race with one look. Truthfully, with a touch, she was a goner. BUT COULD SHE JUST FINISH THE CROSS WORD LEO? JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE DONE DIDN’T MEAN ADDIE WAS.

Addie attempted to focus - staring at the half done crossword as her mind read… and re read… and re re read the hint again and again be this man behind her was kissing her neck; bringing his hand slowly up and down her arm causing her breath to hitch and she quite literally could no longer focus. She was stuck on the three letter word for “They come in last” and Leo clearly already had it bloody figured out - meaning Addie was stuck with this until she put the paper down and gave in to Leo’s shenanigans, or tried to be stubborn and then ended up giving in and just asking him what the word was.

“Fine… fine Leo just tell me what the bloody hell number 14 is please so I can do other things.” The question came soon after Addie turned so she could straddle the man on the couch, and yes, she did indeed notice the bloody smirk on his lips

“Do these other things you need to do include me?.”

Oh that bloody wanker. She was going to murder this bloke one day.

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Then I guess you won’t know what the three letter term for They come in last is.”

A feigned frown met her lips as Addie purposefully rolled her hips. “You’re going to come in last if you don’t tell me the bloody answer lad. And guess what, Leo is a three letter word… even though she tried that one already and it didn’t work Pretty please?”

She could see the smile on his lips… hell the entire Hamptons could see that smile it was so bloody big “Answer my question first.”

“Fine Leo, yes. You are on my list of things todo… now what the hell is the word?”


“X,Y,Z? You’re kidding.”

“X,Y,Z. They come in last.”

“That’s not even a bloody word.”

“Technically the paper never said it had to be a word.”

“WELL I think that’s bonkers.” A sigh met her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing herself closer to his lips as she continued to slowly roll her hips. “I don’t accept the fact I didn’t get that right. It’s their fault for making the answer bloody idiotic.” “Either way, I recall you promised something if I helped you.” . Addie laughed softly as he placed one hand on her cheek, and the other on her hip helping her continue what she was already doing.

“I mean, if we’re being technical about it. I said you were on my todo… that doesn’t mean you’re first.” There was a cheekiness on her features as Addie attempted to run… attempted being the operative word because she got as far as getting her body up, but was quickly held back by Leo’s iron bloody grip which caused her to fall back on the couch - right into his arms.


“Are you sure about that?” He didn’t let her speak as his lips went to her hands - moving up her arm and back towards her shoulder. “You’re bloody evil, but god I love you.” With those words Addie let the newspaper go and let her lips go to his, starting something the both loved to finish. And trust her, neither of them “came in last” for that.

Addie was laying on the couch - a small blanket covering her body as she finished the rest of the crossword puzzle… which was more doable now that she had Leo’s help on number 14 and a few others he just hinted at. And where was Leo? In the kitchen making breakfast obviously. After all, we don’t adhere to traditional gender roles in this household… though Addie was a brillant cook. Thank you mom (not really) for making her take cooking lessons for her future husband even though she grew up with cooks and her mom never laid a hand anything cooking wise.

Maybe it was because she was still in a little haze after what Leo and her did, maybe it was simple morning time laziness, but whatever it was, Addie snapped out of it as she saw her left hand - with one. notable item missing.

Her ring.

Sht, sht, fcking sht.

Her heart started racing immediately, and she found herself quite literally jumping off the couch and searching every little tiny creves it could have fallen into. Should Addie have let Leo resized it? Sure - but she also didn’t want to let go of it. It’s her ring :pleading_face: , she should be able to wear it all day, every day. Damn it.

“Addie, if you’re looking for your ring, it won’t be there” Addie didn’t know how long she was looking for it, but when she heard those words, followed by Leo joining her on the couch with a plate of eggs, she frowned at him - unsure of exactly what he meant by his words. “Did you see it” Do you… oh Leo… tell me you didn’t." “It’s getting resized Addie. I handed it to my driver to deliver it about 35 minutes ago.” Addie looked at the arse in disbelief. The bloody Audacity of the man. Sure, she did tell him if he could get it off of her, he could get it resized but she didn’t really mean it like that.

“Leo… it was mine…” Addie whispered, and felt the man wrap his arms around her.

“And it’s still yours Addie, it’ll just fit better when we get it back in two days.”

“Two days? TWO DAYS LEO. You’re going to make me be without it for two bloody days? That’s not fa” Addie didn’t get a chance to finish when someone knocked on the door which resulted in Leo kissing her whispering sorry and it’ll be okay before disappearing for a second.

Oh she was going to kill that man… though when he returned, the features on his downturned expression looked like someone had beat her to the punch as he read something in his hands. “What is it darling?” Addie questioned, pulling the blanket tighter against her body as she got up to look over his shoulder. The letter Leo held had dark gold lettering with both her and Leo’s names on it… along side an invitation to a weekend getaway… with the Azure Family.

This… was going to be interesting…

Part 1 of 4


1 Like

Alt: What if? - Kai lost most of his family

It hadn’t been that long since Jess was discharged from the hospital, but she was getting better. Her body was hurt, yet healing, but her heart still had a long way to go, as did Kai’s. Perhaps that, and his mind dwelling on what had been lost led him to mumble an apology out of nowhere.

They were lying together in his bed, her having been staying with him since leaving the hospital, and Kai softly placed his hand on Jess’s stomach. “I’m sorry…” Nothing had brought it up, but he felt guilty for what happened, and heartbroken wondering what the baby would’ve been like, how it would’ve been finding out she was pregnant if everything hadn’t of happened… and he was sorry that Jess would have to feel this pain, that his child wouldn’t get to grow up, and for himself, that he wouldn’t get to be a father.

It seemed Kai wasn’t the only one whose mind was on what happened, as soon after Jess finally brought up a question that was bound to come up eventually. “Why didn’t you tell me you had another sister?”

Kai paused for a moment, sitting up when he heard the words. He told her about his little sister, Akielah, the night of his birthday and how she died… but he never told her about Elettra, his older, twin sister. He always tried to not think of her, but then she stabbed Jess, killing their baby, when she meant to kill him… Knowing they shared the same blood made it hurt all the more. He hated her for everything she did. She wasn’t family to him, and hadn’t been in years. “I don’t think of her as my sister anymore… We were twins… and she was the one who killed my little sister.”

“And you left that out before.”

“I tried to forget about her… but what she did… I can’t…”

“I’m sorry… I…I know bad sisters… but I don’t think Anna would ever go that far”

“It just… it should’ve been me… Not my sister… not you… not… our baby…” Kai told her, each word growing harder to say than the next. It was always supposed to be him. He knew that. He should’ve died instead of his sister, he should’ve been stabbed instead of Jess. He felt that he was supposed to be the one that died.

Though, the way Jess wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in his chest, said she felt otherwise, even before he heard her whisper, “No.”

All he could do was put his arms around her, on the verge of a full breakdown, before whispering back, “I would’ve done anything to keep her from hurting you…” They held each other, crying silently, for a while before Kai could only add, “It was all my fault…” He knew it was his fault, and he didn’t see a reason to not blame himself.

It was then that Jess brought her hands to his cheeks, making his eyes meet hers as she shook her head. “Don’t blame yourself Kai… you couldn’t have stopped it.” Maybe he couldn’t have, but he should have. He felt like he should have been able to do something…

“What happened to you, to the baby… was because of me… my sister… my mom… it’s my fault they aren’t here Jess…”

Jess looked at him, with a slight confusion visible in her features, before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him once again. “I don’t know… what happened, kai. But I do know that anyone who reacts like this… it’s not their fault.”

He couldn’t stop thinking about how he had Akielah come into the kitchen that day, then his mom… his health… he had her so worried… and then she was gone too… “I was the reason my little sister was there… I was the one who was supposed to die, not her… I was the one who worried my mom so much she didn’t take care of herself. I didn’t kill them, but I’m still the reason they’re gone…”

For some time, they sat there, quiet, before Jess got up, leaving the room. Perhaps it would be better… if he was on his own. He would be too much of a burden. He was broken and… his train of thought was broken by Jess sitting back down next to him with a full container of ice cream. “This doesn’t… fix everything… or anything really but it helps… I think.” she whispered, leaning against Kai. “I can’t convince you that you’re not the reason they’re gone, Kai. I know I can say it’s not your fault, but it won’t work unless you believe it and nothing I can say right now will take away years of how you’ve felt.”

At that point Jess let out a small laugh as she took a small bite of the ice cream, then added, “Honestly, I still think I should be dead… for a lot of reasons but that’s not relevant right now. Here’s what I can say… let’s be alive right now… together. We can’t change the past… even though we both wish we could… but I need you Kai… so be with me right now and we’ll live for those who we lost together.”

Kai put his arm around Jess and kissed her, though not making a move to eat any of the ice cream. The more he thought about the past, the less he wanted to eat. It was nothing against the ice cream, or food in general, but memories of the past always took away his appetite.

He kept quiet for a while, only taking a bite of ice cream if Jess directly offered it to him, before finally admitting, “People say I’m lucky to be alive… but it doesn’t always feel like it…”

She turned to look at him with a small sigh, “I’m lucky you’re alive… I love you.”

“I love you too. If I’m lucky… it’s because you’re still here.” He said, before they sat there cuddling without another word.

Despite Jess’s comforting, Kai’s mind remained on the past, especially as he later found himself standing in front of the bathroom mirror. He rarely looked at himself in the mirror, especially shirtless where he could see his scars. There was no hiding from the past when looking at the surgical scar that went straight up his abdomen, or the scar on the upper part of his chest. Looking at it for too long made him feel sick to his stomach. The scars only reminded him of pain and suffering, not of survival or being fortunate to be alive.

Kai was entirely lost in thought when he felt Jess wrap her arms around him, able to tell something was wrong. “If you’re looking at the scars, I think they look hot.” she said kindly, giving him a soft smile, likely trying to get him to smile. “What’s going on in that mind of yours?”

All he could do was give a weak attempt at a smile in return. He didn’t feel like anyone could see his scars that way, he certainly didn’t. “You’d be the only one… I just see a reminder of everything I’ve lost…”

For a moment, they were both silent, before Jess kissed his shoulder and softly whispered, “Those scars mean I haven’t lost you though.” Jess was smart, she could figure out that his scars weren’t from something minor. She likely knew that the one scar was from surgery, perhaps even the other scar, but she had no way of knowing the full story.

“Just a future…” Kai stopped himself, needing to pause knowing what he was going to say next. She didn’t know what he meant by it, and he knew that. To him, his scars were a reminder of the pain he caused, and of what he may never have, no matter how much he wanted it. “I can’t have kids, Jess… that’s what those scars mean… I can’t…”

Kai looked down as Jess stepped back, then looked back at her as her gaze met his eyes, which only showed his pain. “so you mean… our baby…”

“might’ve been my only chance…” he said sadly, finishing her sentence. He didn’t think it was even possible that he would be able to get her pregnant like that in the first place, but he did… and now that baby, their baby, was gone, and he may never have another chance to have a child like that again. Jess didn’t have words to say at that point, just pulling him into a hug which he tightly returned. Under different circumstances, losing that baby would have still been devastating, but this loss was greater in a way because of the situation, and their hearts were broken.

@benitz786 - Jess

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May 30th, 1999

Do you want to guess how many days it had been since Adelaide wore her ring? Three. THREE. Do you remember how many days Leo had told her it would take? TWO.

SO YES. Addie was more than a little grumpy as she sat in the car in silence while Leo’s driver took them to the Hampton Yacht Club. Once they got there, the two would be taking off soon after and staying on his family’s boat until they reached Leo’s parents’ chateau which would take… around 4ish hours. So sure, she couldn’t be grumpy at Leo in front of guests, but at the very least she could do so in the comfort of their own privacy. Honestly, could anyone even blame her? She was expecting to have her engagement ring back that morning, and instead she was wearing what Leo picked out as a “temporary” one until the store jeweler finished with her ring… which wouldn’t be until they returned home after the weekend. Sure… she did appreciate having a ring on her finger, but it wasn’t her ring.

Since Addie had gotten into the car, she had moved to the opposite side of the limo - far away from her fiancé who was watching her with his stupid little smirk the entire time. He had attempted to talk to her right after the jeweler fiasco, though Addie chose to ignore him as she quietly did the morning crossword puzzle herself and surprisingly, for at least a few minutes, he left her alone.

Emphasis on “few.”

“Addie, come on…”


Maybe she was being stubborn, but she was upset. And sure, part of her knew it wasn’t his fault that the jeweler needed an extra day… or the fact that since they’d be away for a few days, that meant she wouldn’t have her ring for a week. BUT IF HE DIDN’T STEAL IT IN THE FIRST PLACE, SHE’D HAVE IT ON RIGHT NOW. And yes, Addie knows the counter argument of if she had given it to him in the first place, this whole situation would have never happened but that was irrelevant.

Lost in her own thoughts, Addie didn’t even notice when he scooted over towards her… until of course he was right next to her; his leg touching her own. He even pulled her legs on top of his bringing her even closer to him and grabbing her attention away from the crossword she… honestly hasn’t been paying much attention to anyways. She found his hands go to her cheek, moving her chin up so she’d look at him for the first time in probably 8 minutes.

“Adelaide, I’m sorry the ring isn’t ready yet.”

“…It’s not fair Leo.” Addie sighed, meeting his eyes with her own. There was something about his presence that always calmed her down… but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still a little upset.

"Trust me, everything will be fine, and as soon as we can leave we’ll go pick up your ring.”

A sigh left her lips and Addie lips as she leaned her head against Leo’s shoulder, “I don’t know why I’m so anxious darling.”

"Are you really nervous about the ring… or is something else on your mind Addie?” At that question, Adelaide stayed quiet - her eyes settling on her temporary ring which, granted, was gorgeous. Leo had made a deal in the store that he would pick out a new ring for her to wear on occasions where she didn’t wan’t to bring her own ring… and she liked it. She liked her finger not feeling naked. She liked making sure everyone in the damn room knew she was taken. So was this the reason she was nervous? Maybe… maybe a part of it?

“I don’t… I don’t know… I’ve done this before so many times before Leo… meet my parent’s rich friends… hell darling, I’m pretty sure my entire life has been geared towards impressing high status individuals so I don’t know why I’m so nervous.” Addie let out, a sigh leaving her lips as she fidgeted with the new ring.

"Hey look at me.”

Moving her head back up to face the love of her life, Addie smiled slightly with his touch. "Everything will be fine and I’m going to be there the entire time. Do you trust me?”


Okay… maybe Leo was right. Maybe Addie was nervous about more than one thing and she was using her missing ring to evoke other emotions… although technically, not having ring made her more nervous. Why was she so bloody nervous for this? She’s met her past boyfriend’s parents before… so many times and she was honestly pretty good at the whole meet the parents thing. If there was one thing Addie was well versed in was impressing others when she needed to and perhaps that was her parents doing. After all… with etiquette classes… and ballet… and French… and German… and Mandarin… and art… and piano… and harp… okay suffice to say, Adelaide was a very bloody busy child who learned enough to impress all adults.

That being said… she was, indeed, extremely nervous… and maybe it was because this wasn’t any old boyfriend’s parents… this was her fiancé’s parents. The man she loved more than anything else… and she wanted their approval. And… well… Leo had explained enough about his parents for her to know that she had to put on the face her parents had taught her to. And while she hated that… hated pretending to be something… she would if that meant they would approve of Leo and her marriage.

Addie felt a breath of quiet relief when Leo wrapped his arms around her stomach from behind… followed by a kiss on her cheek. “Relax Addie, you don’t have anything to be nervous about. What can I do to make you feel better?”

Closing her eyes for a second, Addie relaxed into his touch - allowing her breathing to match his. Inhale… exhale…Inhale… with almost every breath, Addie held onto Leo’s arms with a little less of her iron grip strength. After a few seconds, she found herself answering his question: “Tell me you love me,” Addie whispered. She found herself smiling as she felt him turn her around to face him. She felt his arm wrap around her waist, pulling her towards his body and within seconds she felt his lips on hers. If she had relaxed into his touch before, she was fully relaxed as his lips met hers and she tasted the familiar taste of her fiancé “I love you Adelaide Almost Azure… did you like the alliteration there?” There was a smirk on his lips as he allowed his head to lean against hers.

Rolling her eyes at his statement, Addie pecked his lips again “Are you making fun of me? It was a valid question idiot… but, I love you too. I know we should go to your parents right now but… do you mind getting me a drink so I can ease my nerves a little more?”

Adelaide was only alone for a few seconds… perhaps even 2 minutes at most with her line of sight faced towards the water as she appreciated probably one of the only modes of transportation that she didn’t have a terrible experience with. She probably would have looked out into the sea forever… or until Leo came back, when she found someone behind her clearing their throat. Turning around, slightly expecting to see Leo with her drink, Addie found herself surprised as her eyes meeting another girl’s. She looked maybe a few years older than Addie, with striking green eyes and brunette hair that went down almost to her waist. The girl was taller than Addie… and that was while Addie was in heels. And… perhaps Adelaide imagined it but she could have sworn there was a smirk on the girl’s lips as she looked up and down at Adelaide.

“Lauren Carrington of Carrington Perfumery… you know, the multi-million dollar luxury perfume brand?” There was something about this interaction that was slightly unsettling Addie… perhaps it was the way this girl was looking at her… or maybe it was just the previous anxiousness playing apart in all of this… mess.

“Oh hello, it’s nice to meet you Lauren. I don’t actually think I’ve ever heard of i…” Which granted, she hadn’t and she was about to explain it was probably because she had been international until the last year until the girl… sorry, Lauren Carrington… spoke over her.

“Oh don’t play coy, everyone wears a Carrington perfume. I’m pretty sure you’re wearing some now. Don’t worry sweetie, I think that’s just adorable. It’s almost flattering. And, who are you?”

“Sorry… I’m Adelaide Parker”

“Adelaide Parker of?”

“Of… London?” Addie knew where this was going. The girl wanting to know if she was worth talking to or if she was a waste of her time. It was always the same with the rich and wealthy - the question of what can you give me that I don’t already have. And at this current moment, Addie wasn’t in the headspace to explain her lineage to someone she didn’t know and was instantly looking down upon her.

And it was clear that Addie was right, since with her answer, Lauren instantly chuckled, not even attempting to cover up the fact. “So, you must be Leonardo’s cousin right? That distant one he told me about. You’re so adorable. I think he talked about you… maybe once when we dated”

Dated? Okay… so now this interaction makes sense.

“No… actually I’m Leo’s fiancé”

“Oh are you?” She seemed to frown for a fraction of a second, but it soon moved to her previous smile as she looked Adelaide up and down for the second time - this time with what seemed like a new set of eyes. “That’s adorable, you’re his new plaything, but if I were you, Adds, I wouldn’t get too comfortable in that position. I mean, I would know as his ex-fiancé. But don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll let you down gently because of how ki…”

Lauren didn’t get to finish her sentence as another girl made her appearance and stepped between the two; stopping Lauren in her tracks. Perhaps Addie should have paid more attention to their interaction, but she couldn’t help it, Lauren’s words had gotten to her. Addie phased the two out as she found herself lost in her own mind. Leo had a fiancé before her? How come he had never bloody mentioned it? It seemed like information that wouldn’t have hurt her to know. And his fiancé was also here, on the boat… so did Leo’s parents like her? Prefer her?

“Hey… hey are you okay?”

Finding herself snapped from her daze, she now found a new girl standing in front of her: this time a red head with kind eyes. "Look, I don’t know what Lauren said, but trust me, don’t pay any attention to her. She thrives on being an absolute bitch to anyone she feels threatened by. "

“I’m oka… thank you. Honestly.”

“Anytime, trust me, I’ve dealt with her attitude enough to know it’s never personal and that there are so many better things you can do than worry about what she said. She probably saw you, realized you were drop dead gorgeous and new, and got jealous.”

"I appreciate it… and If I’m being honest I don’t think it’s just her… I’m also meeting my fiancé’s parents for the first time and I’m nervous about that… and I don’t even have my real ring… I just have this temporary thing… and then that interaction on top of it all… I’m… god I’m sorry I’m just dumping all this information on you and we don’t even know each other. "

“Trust me, I don’t mind. It’s more interesting than anything else happening at this party. But how about we fix that second part first? I’m Hannah Buckingham, and no, I’m not going to emphasize my last name like Lauren probably did because I don’t care enough and what’s the point of emphasizing my husband’s name when I am my own person?”

A laugh left Addie’s lips at the girl’s words and before she could even respond, Hannah beat her to the punch “Good, you’re laughing. I guess I did something right this morning.”

“I’m Addie, It’s really good to meet you Hannah.”

“So you’re meeting your fiancé’s parents huh? I remember my first time, I honestly almost pee’d my pants I was so intimidated.”



Addie found Hannah’s words disrupted as her fiancé returned with a mimosa in hand, handing Addie the glass and kissing her cheek as he smiled at the other girl. “Oh… oh this makes so much more sense now.” Hannah said, a soft laugh leaving her lips. “What does?” “I’m sure you’re beautiful fiancé will catch you up, buddy. On that note, I should probably find my husband before he somehow convinces the rest of the men to play a game of poker… and for gods sake, Leonardo, don’t encourage him when he invites you to play.” “I can’t make any promises, we both know he always loses to me.” “And then he spends the rest of the night trying to beat you, I know. Anyways, Addie, it was nice meeting you. You’ll do great with the parents, I have no doubt.” And instantly, Hannah dissaperaed almost as soon as she came.

“So what did she mean?”

““Do you know a Lauren Carington?” Addie looked at her fiancé, her eyebrow raised as she took a sip of the mimosa Leo had brought her.

“Yes, why? What about her?” The look on Leo’s features shifted at her question; though, she couldn’t exactly place what emotion was going through him.

"And how long did you date her, darling? Because I had the… loveliest interaction with her telling me to basically not be surprised when you leave me” With those words, Addie saw him stop in his tracks for a second, before hearing a audible sigh as he walked closer to her and wrapped his arms around her body. “I was with her in high school, but I won’t be leaving you.”

Maybe she wanted more information… maybe she was hoping Leo would have eased this unsettling feeling that Lauren had left… but he hadn’t. So with a forced smile, Addie tried to lighten the atmosphere… as best as she could "I sure hope not, this second ring is pretty bloody expensive and if you do, I’m taking both my ring, and this one too… oh and Holly. I’m taking her too. "

“You don’t have to worry about taking Holly, or your rings, because you’d have to force me to leave you.”

While she smiled, there was still this unsettling anxiety about why Leo wasn’t telling her about Lauren… and she would never push him to do so… so instead, she simply stayed in his arms while trying to ease her mind.

Part 2/4

What Addie Is Wearing


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It was quiet, but he heard what Candice said and it just reminded him of how he had ruined everything with his anger and hatred. “Candice, I owe you an apology.” He said to her, looking her in the eyes. Truth be told, he had owed her this apology for the past twenty years. He was just too caught up in himself to realize that. “I never should have treated you the way I did. I was angry and looking for anyone to blame but myself and I’m so sorry for putting you through that." He apologized, watching her intently while mentally preparing himself for whatever her reaction would be.

Thanks to his husband forcing him into therapy because apparently the way he had coped with everything as a teenager ‘wasn’t healthy, Dom’ and he ‘needed professional help’, to quote Colin directly, he had reached a point of forgiveness. First, he had to forgive himself and realize that his sister’s death wasn’t his fault. She had made a choice. He also recognized that he had to ask for forgiveness from the people he had hurt and cast away in his grief. The person at the top of this list was Candice. He hadn’t intended to see Candice today but he felt it was some kind of sign.

Returning to the painting, he nodded when she told him her reasoning for being at the gallery this afternoon. “I always find galleries to be very relaxing. It’s easy to forget the world when you’re inside, surrounded by all the art.” He responded as he began to analyze the artistry of the piece. As an artist, it was hard to just look at a painting, or any piece of art really, but especially paintings because that was he focused his craft on. He couldn’t stop himself from looking at every small detail and wondering what led to the artist making that choice.

“It’s a very beautiful piece, he’s very talented. Nice guy too. My husband and I went to one of his first shows together and I got to speak to him. His understanding of colour is very impressive.” One of the things Dom liked most about his husband was his appreciation for art. That they could go to galleries together without Dom feeing like he had dragged him there against his will and they could have conversations about the art that was there. “His brushwork will improve the more he paints, everyone has something they struggle with when they’re getting started but I think he’s on to something with his art style.” He paused for a moment to consider what she asked him. “It’s a little too vibrant compared to the other pieces. They used more muted colours and so next to this one, they look dull. It needs to be next to pieces with a similar colour scheme.” He advised her after he was done comparing the piece to its surroundings.

@benitz786 - Candice

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2037- the ruining of Leon

He was crying, if he could, Adonis thinks that Leon would be crying blood. The sight of Leon’s tears, the anguish etched on his face, struck Adonis to the core. It was as if the life force within Leon had been extinguished, leaving behind a mere shell of the vibrant person he once was. He had not even been vibrant for that long fck. His father had just recently died, and Leon was still suffering from that but he was getting better he really was and Atlas came in and at first he made everything even better, though it would be a lie to say that Adonis liked Atlas, but now Atlas made everything worst.

Adonis could count the amount of times on his thumb he had seen Leon cry- 5, but he had only seen him cry like this twice. During his father’s death and now during Atlas supposed death, hopefully Atlas was as dad as they said he was and not just disappeared because if Atlas was alive and just left Leon without any world, Adonis vowed to beat him to a pulp for leaving just like that, knowing the state Leon was. Leon was not in an ok state, and he knew that, and yet he disappeared. Hopefully Atlas was as good as dead.

If Atlas was dead, and hopefully that if answer was a yes, then Adonis still
couldn’t help but hold Atlas accountable for the anguish he saw in his friend’s eyes. The absence of Atlas had left a void that seemed impossible to fill, and it was clear that Leon’s world had been shattered, his world was merely a small crack but now it has been completely shattered and Leon was too young to have a shattered life. He was 15, *they were 15. If he was dead, it was not Atlas fault but still he would hold a grudge. A grudge was a useless thing to hold when held against a dead person, he knew this and that was why Adonis was holding it. It was useless, just a way to blame Leon’s mental state right now on someone who definitely deserved the blame.

As Adonis gazed at Leon’s tear-streaked face, it felt as if his own heart was shattering into a million irreparable pieces. The pain etched in every line and curve of Leon’s features mirrored the depths of his soul. Adonis could almost taste the bitterness of their shared sorrow, as if the tears falling from Leon’s eyes were liquid anguish. Adonis did not want to cry, he didn’t like crying or seeing anybody crying so he didn’t cry as he watched Leon cry but he felt like he would. He looked at Evie and Sebastian- Evie seemed to be going through a similar conflict as him and Sebastian just seemed confused, he didn’t know what to do, none of them did really. Maybe Evie and Sebastian might but Adonis definitely did not. Handling him when his father died was hard but easier than now and since that was hard for him, he did not know how to handle him now.

“I hate him,” Adonis said to Evie and Sebastian. “I hate him so fcking much, I wish Atlas never existed. He ruined Leon. Leon was already in a pretty bad mental state and he was supposed to make it better but that @sshole went out to die instead.” Adonis also could not help thinking but did not say it out loud that Leon was stupid for falling in love with Atlas.

Though he knew, that maybe Leon was just searching for an emotional connection after the loss of his father.


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What if Dom had been the one to die?

(TW: drugs, death)

August 2016

Clara bit her thumb as she watched her phone, waiting for something, anything from her brother. It wasn’t like him to ignore her and she hadn’t seen him since the night before when he told her he was going out. Slowly running out of options and dreading the first that came to mind, she dialled Candice’s number. The first time, it rang until it went to voicemail. She didn’t bother leaving one and just called the number again.


“Candice, have you seen Dom?” She asked, trying to mask her anxiety.

“I haven’t, isn’t he with you? He told me he was staying home today and I told him I’d call him tonight. Why?” Clara took a deep breath, trying to remain calm.

“He didn’t come home last night and he’s not answering my messages or picking up his phone and I’m scared.” She rambled, her voice breaking at the end.

“Give me a second, I’ll call you back.” The girl was whispering but Clara could tell that she was worried. She hung up and Clara just stared at her phone, waiting for Candice to call back.

“Come on, Dom…” She mumbled as she waited. She was hoping that he just didn’t want to tell her where he was or what he had gotten himself into. She answered her phone the second it rang again. “Well?”

“I tried calling him and he’s not picking up for me either…I don’t know where…wait wait I have his location shared with me…sh-t. I don’t have it…I don’t…I always have it…I…I don’t know, Clara.”

Clara could tell that Candice was starting to get more and more worried, she could hear it in her voice and it only amplified Clara’s own worries. She heard a voice in the background of the call, which she presumed to be Lily-Ann, screaming and then Candice cursed again.

“I can’t get out of this…stupid f-cking thing right now but but…I’ll figure it out. I…I have a friend…I’ll ask him…and then I’ll help you look when I’m done.”

“Okay, you do that and let me know when you’re done. I’m going to call the police.” She told her before hanging up and instead dialling the number for the police. Calling the police was high up on Clara’s list of last resorts but now she felt that the more people they had looking, the better. “I’d like to report a missing person…Dominic Charles Lucier…last night, around 10pm…I don’t know where he went…our family home in Beryl Heights…yes, male…caucasian…14 years old, born March 7th, 2002…um, 5’6, athletic build, dirty blonde hair and he has heterochromia, his right eye is blue and his left eye is brown…he was wearing a navy blue t-shirt, black shorts and white Adidas superstars with black accents…I can bring one down. Thank you.” As she hung up the phone, she took another deep breath but her breaths were becoming shakier and shakier with each one. The phone call she had just made was one that she never thought she would have to. She pulled out her phone to text Candice.

Hey. I’m going to the police station to give a pic of dom if you want to meet me there

She got in her car and drove, having printed out the last picture of her brother that she had on her phone. Her parents were still asleep. She didn’t want to wake them with the news of ‘your son is missing’. She parked at the police but decided to wait for Candice before going, no longer sure if she could do it alone. Except when the girl arrived, she was a wreck. She could barely walk because of how hard she was crying.

“I…I…I’m so…so…I don’t…know…how do I…oh god…Clara, I’m so sorry…I’m sorry.” She babbled while sobbing and Clara put her hands on her shoulders.

“Candice. Candice, breathe.” She instructed, starting to become worried about caused her to be crying like this. “What happened?” Candice closed her eyes.

“He’s dead, Clara…Dom…he…he died…he overdosed.”

Clara felt the air leave her lungs and her hand flew up to her mouth as she finally let herself break down. She quickly embraced Candice as she began to sob.

Two Weeks Later…

Attending the funeral of her fourteen-year-old brother was by far the hardest thing Clara had ever done. Aside from their family members, most of the attendees were kids Dom’s age, his friends from school and soccer teammates. Candice. Seeing the sombre expressions on their faces was yet another knife into Clara’s heart. She had convinced her parents to let her give the eulogy. When it came time for her to give it, she stood up with a handful of tissues.

“Good afternoon. If anyone doesn’t know who I am, Dom was my little brother. The problem with a life being cut as short as my brother’s is that there isn’t much for a eulogy. He was born on March 9th, 2002 and our parents named him Dominic Charles Lucier. He always preferred Dom, though. He, um, he loved art and…and soccer.” She reached her breaking point, unable to keep herself from crying anymore. Her dad came up and put his arm around her shoulders, rubbing her arm to comfort her as she dabbed at her eyes with her tissues. When she finally felt ready to continue, she took a deep breath. “He would never let anyone see his pieces until he was satisfied with them, even if they were already beautiful. He loved spending time with his friends, especially his girlfriend, Candice. Dom was supposed to be going to high school next month, attending the same school that both myself and our mother attended. Instead, he died, two weeks ago, because of a drug overdose. I can only hope that he wasn’t alone or in pain. Love you forever, Dom.” As she finished and went back to her seat, she caught a glimpse of the other attendees. Candice, poor thing, hadn’t stopped crying, her sobs only intensifying when Clara mentioned Dom’s art. His friend Jordan was looking at his feet. Daniel, the little sh-t, was on his phone and Clara knew that she had seen him roll his eyes during the eulogy. If they were anywhere else, she would’ve decked him right then and there. Lucky him, she was too busy crying.

Clara cried through the rest of the ceremony. Then it was time for the cemetery. She travelled with her family and Candice. Clara held Candice’s hand the entire drive. She managed to calm down her crying on the way over and held it (somewhat) together during the ceremony at his grave but when it came time to place flowers on his coffin, a few as she set down the blue forget-me-nots that she had chosen for this moment,

At the reception, people kept coming up to Clara and offering their condolences, telling her what a shame it was for her brother to have died so young. The issue was, most of these people Clara had never met or had only met once in her life. They were her parents’ friends and co-workers or distant relatives. Their sympathies felt empty. So Clara got away from that as soon as she could, finding Candice in the crowd.

“Hey hun, how are you holding up?” She asked, putting her hand on the girl’s back. Candice just hugged her and Clara hugged her back, holding her tight. She’d seen the tears in her eyes and that was a good enough answer for her question.

“How…are you doing?” Candice asked after a few moments had passed.

“I miss him.” This was all Clara could come up with and really it summed up how she had felt since that day. She couldn’t bring herself to enter his room because she knew that he wouldn’t be on the other side of the door, yelling at her to get out and she wasn’t ready to face that. “Candice, I miss him so much.”

“I keep thinking back to his last words to me and…and…I told him that I loved him and I’ll call him in the morning and now I can’t and…it feels like sometimes I can’t breathe…” As Candice spoke, her voice barely above a whisper, all Clara could think about was how Candice was too young for this. She was too young to know this kind of loss.

“I know, Candice, I know.” She cooed, tightening her embrace on the girl. “He knew how much you loved him and he loved you, too. You were the best thing that ever happened to him.”

The End

@benitz786 - Candice, Jordan and Dan