Hearing the the loud booming horn of the ship, Addie knew they were now leaving the dock and once again, the little anxiety that had been bubbling was starting to grow again. God… again, why the bloody fcking hell was she so nervous? Was it Lauren? Did her words get to her? Maybe… maybe they had but she knew how to do this - her entire childhood was trained for impressing people and here she was, drinking her bloody mimosa trying to calm the hell down. Her body was pinned against the boat rail, with Leo having both of his arms on the rails around her. He knew his touch was a calming presence for her and she appreciated it… his touch… his voice as he told her for the millionth time that she’d be fine.
“We should go meet them. I can’t just keep hiding out, my love.”
“You can stay here as long as you’d like, Addie.”
“As adorable as you are, we both know I can’t. I’m… well I’m not ready but I’m ready darling.”
There was a loving smile that met her lips as she felt Leo kiss her forehead, “I love you.” “I love you more.”
At the very least, the mimosa Addie drank earlier was somewhat working on her nerves. Currently, her hands were intertwined with Leo’s as he led her towards the front of the ship where most of the guests were gathered. It truly was the epitome of what wealthy people did on a Friday Afternoon. There was a bar in the corner, but the entirety of the area was covered with several servers that had champagne and mimosas on their trays - walking around so that anyone could grab them. Alongside the drinks, there were also appetizers on other trays that screamed “expensive”. And again, expensive didn’t necessarily mean it looked edible.
All around the ship, people were conversing - but Addie could see the clear distinction in where the men were wanted, and where the women should converse to talk about… god knows what. Some wives and girlfriends were with their husbands, but they simply stood at the outskirts of the conversation, nodding along. Addie’s eyes did meet “Hannah’s”, and honestly, she seemed to be one of the only people actually talking to multiple men - laughing, uncaringly as she leaned against who Addie imagined was her husband. They were an adorable couple… at least from what Addie could see from afar. It seemed like everything between the two was natural - every moment, every touch, every smile. It was honestly contagious, and Addie could only feel happiness for the girl she met only a few moments earlier.
Feeling Leo lift her hand up to his lips with a mumble of are you ready? as he looked towards her. Adelaide only nodded. It felt almost impossible to get any words out, but she was likely more ready now than she’d be later. At least, Addie had Leo’s hand in her own. Again, his proximity was calming… and thankfully, this would be the rest of her life. Him with her. The love of her life… first she just had to meet his parents.
After a few seconds, Leo led her towards two individuals situated at the middle of the ship. Addie had noticed them the moment she walked in, but… hadn’t necessarily paid attention to them until this moment. The two did have a strange way of pulling everyone’s attention on them… so It only made sense that they were the hosts of this extravaganza. And if it wasn’t for the fact that they were quite literally standing at the middle of the party…it was the fact that every individual at this party was either keeping their eyes on the couple, or they were attempting to strike up a conversation with the hosts.
After all, it seemed that being on their good side was the key to this event. As they got closer to the two, Addie could finally make out their features that she couldn’t really see from a far. It only became clearer why the two were drawing the attention from every person in the room, they were a beautiful couple. In looks, they were gorgeous. Alone and together. Both had striking features; blonde hair, blue eyes, sharp features. It was truly alluring, and honestly, impossible to look away from. While Leo’s father had a more golden touch to his hair, his mother seemed to have more of an ashy color. In a strange way though, Leo didn’t exactly look like either of them. Leo had more of his dad in him then his mom; the color of his hair… the chiseled jaw… but there was something that separated Leo from the two. Don’t get Addie wrong, however, Leo was just as striking by himself. Leo was likely the most handsome man Adelaide had ever met, and perhaps Addie was biased, but even before she was in love with the man, she had to give him props on the fact that he was good looking.
In any case, Leo’s parents complimented each other; in looks and reactions. They truly looked like the image of perfection. Every move seemed calculated - but only to a trained eye and trust Addie, she had seen this so many times before. She grew up around this - and she knew how to spot it. Though, Adelaide didn’t exactly have time to think much about it because before she knew it, she was in front of them. Perhaps it was instinct… a trained part of her drilled into her as a child… but the moment she stood in front of them, that nervousness dripped away. Instead, the girl in front of them was Adelaide Parker, granddaughter of a prince and in line for the english throne. A girl trained in all thing etiquette, with detailed understanding that first impressions meant everything.
“Mom, Dad, this is Adelaide Parker, the girl I’m going to marry”
There was a trained smile on Addie’s lips as she looked towards the two. Her hand was still intertwined with Leo’s as she took her moment to speak. “It’s an honor to to finally meet Leo’s parents. Thank you so much for the invite to this weekend’s events, I’m looking forward to getting to know both of you during the festivities. Nothing has been short of perfection, and I’m sure that both of you had a big part in making that happen. Leo was actually telling me how there’s a charity art auction starting in a little while, and I’m so excited to take part in it. My family is always looking to grow their collection in art. We actually just donated Salvador Dalí collection to The National Gallery in London.”
Matching her practiced smile, Addie could sense a similar one on both Leo’s parents as she spoke. While it was somewhat unsettling, Addie had had this type of conversation many times before.
[color= goldenrod] “I’m glad our son finally brought you along. It will be nice to finally get to know the girl my son wants to marry. And please do, we have some great pieces going up for auction and all the funds collected will be going towards the Memorial Sloane Children’s Cancer Center in New York. I even believe we may have a Dalí going for auction, if you’d like to add to your parent’s donation in London.” [/color]
Addie wasn’t the only one to hear that right? The moment Leo’s father said wants to marry. Clearly Addie wasn’t the only one, because she felt Leo’s hand tighten around hers at those words - and she felt his demeanor shift. Though technically, she had noticed a shift the moment they arrived in front of his parents. That being said, Addie didn’t allow any reaction to show on her face as she responded to his comment.
“That sounds absolutely divine. I’m looking forward to it.”
This entire time, Leo’s mother had yet to say a word. Instead, she had simply stood there, drinking her champagne, watching Addie with judgement in her eyes. Though, to anyone else, the smile that was on his mother’s face would only show the presence of a loving wife who was smiling at the chance of meeting her daughter in law. Addie knew too much about this world, however, to be fooled by that.
[color= goldenrod] “Adelaide, while we’d love to get to know you some more right now, sadly our hosting duties mean we have to keep greeting the rest of our guests. How about we plan for a private brunch on Monday before you leave? We can talk about the wedding then. For now, we will have to steal Leo for a little while for hosting duties. I do hope you enjoy the event, please make sure to get some appetizers and talk to some of the other girls.” [/color]
For a second, Addie felt Leo tense up for the second time - his grip tightening around her but after a second he, kissed her hand. There was a look of… regret and frustration on Leo’s features… likely due to having to leave Addie alone. Though Adelaide sent him a soft smile telling him it was okay. “I’ll find you soon okay?”
Great… so all of Addie’s fears were correct. This was all a test - the entire thing meaning she had to be on her “best behavior”. Not that she wasn’t already going to be but… let’s just say that anxiety that she had at the beginning of this entire weekend was ramped up 10 fold. AND she bloody missed Leo and wanted to talk to him about it but she couldn’t because he was with his parents. So here she was, with her second mimosa, alone looking out at the sea. The coast was no longer in view, so now truly all she could see was the water.
“That bad?”
Turning around, Addie saw Hannah join her; soon leaning against the railing across from Addie. “Not bad… per say… just… it all feels…”
“Like you’re playing a part?”
“Exactly. His parents are using this weekend to figure out if he should marry me.”
“Then we show them that you will.”
A little pep talk from Hannah was just what she bloody needed. Was she still anxious? Yes. But was she a little less so after Hannah walked her through exactly what she knew about Leo’s family and what to do to impress them? Yes. Hannah was a bloody godsend.
Hannah only left her to go find her husband when the announcement about the charity auction beginning hit the loud speakers of the ship; though she had triple checked that Addie would be okay before doing so. Would she? Let’s hope.
Walking towards the large interior of the yacht; Adelaide found that they had set up one of the largest inner rooms for the auction. Chairs were situated all around the room, faced towards the elevated platform where they’d likely bring out the paintings to show them off. Yes, this wasn’t Addie’s first art auction, and it likely would not be her last.
Grabbing a number from the workers handing them out, Addie finally walked inside. Most of the room was full already; meaning there was only sparse seating left. Though, Addie didn’t necessarily mind. Walking towards the middle, Addie smiled towards an older couple sitting near the side “Is this seat take…” However, she didn’t get to finish those words as she felt someone’s arms around her waist, turning her around.
“Sit with me.”
It had probably only been an hour and a half since Adelaide had seen Leo, but it felt so much longer without Leo. Addie had instinctively placed her arms around his neck - keeping herself steady as Leo kept his hands on her back pulling her close to him. “Is that an order?”
“It’s a request, because personally, I’d like to be sitting next to my fiancé.”
“Mmhmmm… what if I wanted to sit in the back?”
“Then I’ll pull up a chair next to you.”
“You’ll cause a scandal.”
“Anddddd, let’s go find our seats, love, before we cause a spectacle.” Addie smiled, pulling away only to put her hand in his. It was a good thing that most people were still talking - likely paying no attention to the two of them. (Well… Lauren and Preston were paying attention but that’s another topic all together)
Walking with Leo to quite literally the front row, Adelaide took a seat next to him before laying her head on his shoulder. “I missed you.” Addie mumbled, letting her free hand that wasn’t already holding his trail his arm. “Trust me, if I could have been with you. I would have… it’s better than just standing like a puppet saying hello to everyone.” She heard him whisper so low that only she could hear. She was going to respond but she found her attention brought to the front when Leo’s dad and mom made the stage. They started by thanking everyone for coming, followed by a what this auction is for and how they want to give back to the community. You know - what ever speech at every art gallery consists of.
However, there was something Addie noticed; it was a look that Leo’s dad gave to Leo when he caught sight of Addie. It was followed by another stiffening from Leo - and Addie knew, once again they were being watched. Perhaps she shouldn’t have dropped her guard… when Leo’s dad clearly was… making it perfectly clear that they weren’t to act like this before their approval. So while Leo didn’t make any moves to let go of Addie’s hand, Addie stopped leaning on Leo, fixed her posture, and attempted to take her hand away from his. Attempted because she felt Leo’s grip tightening, causing her to leave it right where it was.
Soon after the hosts speech, Leo’s parents took a seat next to the open seats on the other side of Leo; and the auction begin. For the most part, it was as expected. Most pieces went for a few million, with the highest thus far going for 28.7 million for a Rembrandt. Supposedly it was the most coveted item of the auction, so that was to be expected. Addie truly wasn’t too interested so far… well that was until one particular painting came up for auction.
And no, it wasn’t the Salvador Dalí.
“Next we have the Truth of Nature by Monet valued at 1.2 million. We’ll be starting our auction at that price.”
It was the first painting Adelaide had seen in the art gallery she had… well… forced her way into as Leo’s “girlfriend”. It was the first real conversation Leo and her had - discussing the painting where Addie had called it a bridge with some flowers and a lake. Addie’s grip tightened on Leo for a second before she put her number up to bid on the painting.
“1.2 million, do we have a… 1.5 million…”
And that went on and on. Addie raised her paddle when someone bid against her, wracking up the cost to 4.2 million before she realized… well… she left her purse in Leo’s car with her checkbook. Fck. Perhaps Leo sensed her panic, and noticed the fact that she had yet to put her paddle up when someone bid against her.
But before the auctioned could say sold, she found Leo lifting his paddle with the words “5 million” .
“6 million”
“7” .
“9” .
It seemed Leo’s participation in the auction caught someone else’s attention. Addie noticed another man their age had raised his paddle for the first time since the auction started. But with the man getting to 10 million, Addie held Leo’s paddle down as a It’s okay, we can let it go. So despite her fiancé seeming tense, he dropped it allowing the painting to be sold. Addie knew he was frustrated - and perhaps she didn’t know the entirety of why, she brought his hand to her lips and kissed it.
As the auction was coming to a close, Addie excused herself to go to the bathroom. After realizing she left her purse a while earlier, she hadn’t exactly bid on anything else. Damn… there goes impressing Leo’s parents on that front. Perhaps that’s why she lingered a little longer outside the room. Her eyes settled on the nearing estate in the distance. Honestly, it was calming; being on a boat surrounded by water.
“Interesting auction wasn’t it?”
Addie allowed her gaze to leave the water and meet the man she had found bidding against Leo earlier.
“I wouldn’t say it was interesting.”
“You don’t think so? I think buying a painting 8.8 million over the value of it’s pretty riveting.”
“Is that supposed to be impressive? It’s going to charity.”
Addie watched him laugh before leaning against the railing she was originally leaning on - causing Addie to back away slightly to put distance between the two.
“Leo seemed to find it… fascinating if you ask me. How did Leo get a girl like you anyways, you are… beautiful. Honestly, I think every man in that room had his eyes on you, including me. What are you and Leo anyways? Are you his… girlfriend? His…”
Adelaide didn’t like where this was going. Honestly, this man was just making her uncomfortable at this point.
“He’s my fia…”
Leo’s dad had made it clear that saying those words… well… weren’t acceptable at this point. So what made her say her next words? Honestly… perhaps it was just the panic of needing to cover up her tracks.
“He’s my friend… and I don’t appreciate you…”
Adelaide didn’t get to finish those words as she felt her body pulled against another from behind. She felt Leo’s lips on her neck, followed by Leo’s voice. “Leave my fiancé alone, Preston.”
Addie heard a cruel laugh come from the man as he looked between the two of them. “Fiancé? You sure about that? Because she just introduced herself as your friend, which to me, means she’s free game to hit on. Not that her being yours would have really stopped me anyways.”
Her heart dropped hearing Preston use her words against her. Fck. Turning around to face Leo, Addie could see his gaze directed at Preston. But she knew he was hurt. So without waiting, she placed her hands on his face bringing his eyes to meet hers before kissing him on the lips. Pulling away she brought her lips to his muttering I didn’t want your dad to be angry about me telling everyone we’re getting married
Though those words only seemed to make Leo hold her tighter. “Why are you still here? Leave.”
“Just enjoying the view. Please, go on. I’m fascinated to see how easy this is going to be for me. Oh Leonardo, how’s that black piece of shit you call your friend? Is he still sucking your dck at every turn? Or did he stop following you around like a lost puppy?”
Addie had never seen Leo angrier than she had seen him in this moment. He was fuming - and while Addie could see him trying to hold it in, he wasn’t doing it very well with his. next words.
“F^^k off, and don’t let another f^^king word about my friend, or fiancé, leave your mouth again.”
“I’m just saying what we both know is true, Leonardo. Harry’s your little slave, as it should be. And with girls, I mean… let’s be honest, all of your exes would agree that I was better in every way anyways.”
“Can you leave us alone?”
Maybe Addie was trying to ease the tension, but her speaking and turning back towards him only brought his attention back to her - which was followed with a smile as he looked at her. “Anything for you… Addie was it? I hope to see you again… under less disruptive circumstances”
With those words, She found the man bending down and grabbing her hand before placing a kiss on it. One that was far too long for her liking - though with the man in front of her, any interaction was far too long. Pulling her hand away within a second of him grabbing and kissing it, she added “And I hope we don’t interact at all.”
And with those words, Addie pulled Leo away from Preston before anything could happen. And trust her, with the way Leo was looking at Preston, something was about to. Addie could sense it… hell… if anyone had walked by, they would be able to sense it too.
Addie hadn’t stopped pulling Leo’s arm until they were far away from where Preston was and the two of them were alone. Wrapping her arms around Leo, Addie hugged her fiancé tightly as his heart raced and his breath followed. “I’m going to fcking be…”
“Leo, look at me.”
Addie pulled his face back towards her, allowing his eyes to meet hers until she continued speaking. “I love you. I love only you. I will only ever love you.” Addie whispered, Looking into his eyes.
“Do you trust me?”
“I trust you Addie, of course I trust you.”
“Then breathe with me.” Addie whispered, taking a deep inhale and waiting for him to follow, and then exhaling. She did this a few times until she could feel his heart rate had gone down. “I don’t… know what that was Leo, but I love you and I’m here for you and I know I was stupid and I called myself your friend but I didn’t know if I was allowed to tell people I was your…”
“Addie, I’m going to marry you. I don’t care who says what, you’re my future wife and I’m going to make sure the entire world knows.”
The entirety of this day had been… mind Addie’s mind language a mind fck. Thankfully she was now in a room alone with her Leo, but it seemed even that was going to be taken away when the maids told Leo and Addie they were in separate rooms. Suffice to say, they were not in separate rooms anymore… even if Addie felt terrible as the maid told Leo that his parents had specified they were to be in separate rooms.
In any case, they were here now: post shower, wrapped up in each other’s arms. Addie let out soft moans, feeling Leo kiss her neck - though her mind was elsewhere. Yes, today had been a long day - one that included meeting Leo’s ex… fiancé. “Leo, tell me about your exes…”
Leo was still kissing her neck, leaving probably more than one mark before he finally pulled away. “What do you want to know?”
“Everything. All of them. Start from the beginning. You tell me yours and I’ll tell you mine. Like, who was your first kiss?”
“My first kiss was with my girlfriend when I was 14… she and I dated for… 7 months before we broke up.”
“Was it a good kiss?”
“For the life of me, I can’t remember. Which tells you it wasn’t as good as you. What about you?”
“Technically, my first kiss was from this boy in Switzerland when I was 12. Okay fine, look you wouldn’t really consider it a kiss. It was just a kiss on the cheek, but he helped me get expelled from boarding school so it was a well deserved kiss.”
Addie could see the strange look on his face - questioning the words she had just said. And she didn’t hesitate before telling him the longwinded story of how she tried to run away from school and this boy a little bit older than her helped her realize that the best way was just to get expelled and even gave her an ingredient list on how to make a stink bomb and set it off alllll over school. Though the look he gave her after the story was far stranger than the one before.
“What? What’s that look for?”
Leo didn’t respond, instead, she found his lips on hers as he kissed her again. It took a while before he pulled away, but when he did he continued with “So when was your second first kiss?”
Part 2.5/4