Blue Royalty | Miscellaneous Thread

May 27th, 1999

“Adelaide Azure… do you think the alliteration is too much? If you read “Adelaide Azure” in the politics section of the news paper, do you think you’d take it seriously or you’d be like… wow… I don’t trust a name that starts and ends with the same letter?”

Addie could feel her body shaking with the hum of a laugh from the man situated behind her- though, it was a VALID question okay. If her name was going to in these papers in the near future, she wanted to make sure people wouldn’t look down to her… though perhaps she was also just teasing the man behind her “I think Adelaide Azure is perfect. I’d trust her.”

As of right now, Addie was snuggled up on Leo’s body his arms resting around her waist as the two of them tackled the crossword portion of the newspaper… though perhaps Addie was distracting herself from said paper because it was a hard crossword. It was a daily routine now, to go through the newspaper together… even though Leo was a bloody fast reader and ended up distracting her by kissing her neck when he was done and making it so she couldn’t finish reading when all she was trying to do was to absorb all of the information… or even finish said crossword.

"But you, darling, have a biased opinion, Mr. Azure. Addie mumbled, putting the crossword down for a second as she tilted her head to the side to look at him - a teasing appearance on her lips.

“Either way, I still think it’s perfect. And you should take my word for it.”

The grin that made it’s way to her lips were almost instantaneous… probably as fast as her eyes fluttered close as Leo’s lips went back to her neck for the second time. Was it a good distraction from doing number 14 across? Yes yes it was. But alsooooooo…

FOR FCKS SAKE LEO just because her brother and her brother’s girlfriend and her best friend were gone did not mean it gave him free reign to do this. And by this, she meant doing something that led to them having sex in the living room… or the kitchen… or the back yard… or you know in the part of the house that maybe should be saved for other activities. Okay fine it wasn’t like she was complaining that much in general because… hell have you seen her fiancé? Leo could still make her heart race with one look. Truthfully, with a touch, she was a goner. BUT COULD SHE JUST FINISH THE CROSS WORD LEO? JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE DONE DIDN’T MEAN ADDIE WAS.

Addie attempted to focus - staring at the half done crossword as her mind read… and re read… and re re read the hint again and again be this man behind her was kissing her neck; bringing his hand slowly up and down her arm causing her breath to hitch and she quite literally could no longer focus. She was stuck on the three letter word for “They come in last” and Leo clearly already had it bloody figured out - meaning Addie was stuck with this until she put the paper down and gave in to Leo’s shenanigans, or tried to be stubborn and then ended up giving in and just asking him what the word was.

“Fine… fine Leo just tell me what the bloody hell number 14 is please so I can do other things.” The question came soon after Addie turned so she could straddle the man on the couch, and yes, she did indeed notice the bloody smirk on his lips

“Do these other things you need to do include me?.”

Oh that bloody wanker. She was going to murder this bloke one day.

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Then I guess you won’t know what the three letter term for They come in last is.”

A feigned frown met her lips as Addie purposefully rolled her hips. “You’re going to come in last if you don’t tell me the bloody answer lad. And guess what, Leo is a three letter word… even though she tried that one already and it didn’t work Pretty please?”

She could see the smile on his lips… hell the entire Hamptons could see that smile it was so bloody big “Answer my question first.”

“Fine Leo, yes. You are on my list of things todo… now what the hell is the word?”


“X,Y,Z? You’re kidding.”

“X,Y,Z. They come in last.”

“That’s not even a bloody word.”

“Technically the paper never said it had to be a word.”

“WELL I think that’s bonkers.” A sigh met her lips as she wrapped her arms around his neck, bringing herself closer to his lips as she continued to slowly roll her hips. “I don’t accept the fact I didn’t get that right. It’s their fault for making the answer bloody idiotic.” “Either way, I recall you promised something if I helped you.” . Addie laughed softly as he placed one hand on her cheek, and the other on her hip helping her continue what she was already doing.

“I mean, if we’re being technical about it. I said you were on my todo… that doesn’t mean you’re first.” There was a cheekiness on her features as Addie attempted to run… attempted being the operative word because she got as far as getting her body up, but was quickly held back by Leo’s iron bloody grip which caused her to fall back on the couch - right into his arms.


“Are you sure about that?” He didn’t let her speak as his lips went to her hands - moving up her arm and back towards her shoulder. “You’re bloody evil, but god I love you.” With those words Addie let the newspaper go and let her lips go to his, starting something the both loved to finish. And trust her, neither of them “came in last” for that.

Addie was laying on the couch - a small blanket covering her body as she finished the rest of the crossword puzzle… which was more doable now that she had Leo’s help on number 14 and a few others he just hinted at. And where was Leo? In the kitchen making breakfast obviously. After all, we don’t adhere to traditional gender roles in this household… though Addie was a brillant cook. Thank you mom (not really) for making her take cooking lessons for her future husband even though she grew up with cooks and her mom never laid a hand anything cooking wise.

Maybe it was because she was still in a little haze after what Leo and her did, maybe it was simple morning time laziness, but whatever it was, Addie snapped out of it as she saw her left hand - with one. notable item missing.

Her ring.

Sht, sht, fcking sht.

Her heart started racing immediately, and she found herself quite literally jumping off the couch and searching every little tiny creves it could have fallen into. Should Addie have let Leo resized it? Sure - but she also didn’t want to let go of it. It’s her ring :pleading_face: , she should be able to wear it all day, every day. Damn it.

“Addie, if you’re looking for your ring, it won’t be there” Addie didn’t know how long she was looking for it, but when she heard those words, followed by Leo joining her on the couch with a plate of eggs, she frowned at him - unsure of exactly what he meant by his words. “Did you see it” Do you… oh Leo… tell me you didn’t." “It’s getting resized Addie. I handed it to my driver to deliver it about 35 minutes ago.” Addie looked at the arse in disbelief. The bloody Audacity of the man. Sure, she did tell him if he could get it off of her, he could get it resized but she didn’t really mean it like that.

“Leo… it was mine…” Addie whispered, and felt the man wrap his arms around her.

“And it’s still yours Addie, it’ll just fit better when we get it back in two days.”

“Two days? TWO DAYS LEO. You’re going to make me be without it for two bloody days? That’s not fa” Addie didn’t get a chance to finish when someone knocked on the door which resulted in Leo kissing her whispering sorry and it’ll be okay before disappearing for a second.

Oh she was going to kill that man… though when he returned, the features on his downturned expression looked like someone had beat her to the punch as he read something in his hands. “What is it darling?” Addie questioned, pulling the blanket tighter against her body as she got up to look over his shoulder. The letter Leo held had dark gold lettering with both her and Leo’s names on it… along side an invitation to a weekend getaway… with the Azure Family.

This… was going to be interesting…

Part 1 of 4


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