Blue Royalty: New Blood

Round one of dare or drink had been awkward for Embry.

Round two was a little more promising. Hera had dared her to do seven minutes in heaven with a stranger.

She scanned the circle to find someone she would consider to be a stranger so that she could go sit in a closet or something of the like with them for seven minutes. Obviously, all the boys were out because…no. That wasn’t even a notion she wanted to entertain. So, she set her sights on all the girls and female-presenting people. Eventually, she found her target sitting on the other side of the circle.

Paige Pierce.

She was gorgeous and mysterious to Embry. There was something familiar about her, someone she reminded her of, and it only made Bry want to get to know her more. Also, she was British, which of course, gave her bonus points.

“Paige.” She said, pointing at the girl and then beckoning her to come closer. “Shall we?” She invited, gesturing to a small, dark room off of the area they were currently sitting in. There was an excited nervousness settling into her stomach as she stood up and left the circle, waiting for Paige to join her.

@benitz786 - Paige

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The plane had arrived in France after eleven hours. Hyun-Ae wanted to die. At least chatting with Niko was nice. Getting to the cabin, they unpacked and got settled in. She’d slept on the plane, so was ready for dare or drink…or so she thought. Settling down next to someone she didn’t know, she waited for her dare. Kiss the most attractive person in the room. Her eyes flicked around the room to meet their eyes. She slowly stood, closing the space between them and kneeling in front of Niko. “May I?” Hyun-Ae asked softly.
@Caticorn - Niko

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Phoebe could honestly say she had a marvelous time on her flight to France. Not only was she sitting next to Elio the whole time and joking with him, she got to rub that into Lenora’s face and prove how she will always get what she wants. And how once she gets it she quickly gets bored of it, but it was still not time for that. Not when she gets to spend days with the both of them.

That was a nice thought… As soon as she got up from her seat when they landed, grabbed all of her belongings while talking about God knows what, she turned to Elio… But he was not there. The smile she had on her lips and that giddy feeling disappeared almost instantly, leaving her standing there and looking around while people tried to pass her. That’s… Alright. Quickly putting on her usual not bothered facade, she followed everyone to the exit, focusing on what was happening - they were in France, cmooooon. Nothing can ruin that.

Nothing can ruin this trip for Phoebe but that doesn’t mean she can’t ruin this trip for someone else. Now don’t get me wrong - she was not mean and evil in any way but you know how that song goes… Girls just wanna have fun. And ooooh how much fun Phoebe is going to have with her new roomie. Can you guess who it is? Her sister? No. Her cousins? No. Her good good friends? No. Lenora. Of course. Who else would Phoebe share a room with? Truth be told she wasn’t… Planning this. No. If you asked her earlier what was going to happen she’d say she’d be with her sister, what’s a better option than that? But… Why not use this time to make some new friends? Phoebe looooves to make new friends.

”You and me what do you say?” Coming out of nowhere, Phoebe grabbed Lenora’s hand with the sweetest smile on her lips, not even giving her a chance to react as she pulled her towards the teacher handing out keys and making sure everyone had a room to stay in. ”I’m with Foley, thank youuuuuu,” and that’s how you make new friends.

Listen… As much as Phoebe would love to stay in her room and talk with her new bestie, she had better things to do on this first day. While the sun was still out and she could actually enjoy the snowy view. Even dragging her sister out… and Sophie since she was there in the room. Yes, sure, Phoebe was a summer child, born to live on the beach but that doesn’t mean she’d avoid colder weather and MAKING SNOWMEN. No one is ever too old for making snowmen and having a snowball fight… And making your sister go out almost completely naked so you can take cute pics :pleading_face: Amie will look back on this moment one day and really appreciate it, Phoebe knows that.

Phoebe also knows there’s something else she needs to do… Or would be good to do. Or… No. She doesn’t know what to do. She does feel bad but it’s… It’s better this way, you know? He doesn’t need her even if… It feels… Normal to be around him and safe and… Oh, let me explain - we’re talking about Diego. And why is that? Because she spotted him not so far away from her and started feeling guilty all over again. Maybe that’s why she’d been avoiding him all this time… Since prom to be precise. Why she stayed away from him, hoping he wouldn’t reach out. He just didn’t need her. No, she didn’t use him she… That was not her intention but how else would you explain this then? What good would she talking to him do? “Oh sorry, we were just having fun, please don’t think anything of it.” Yeah, real nice… A good example of people using people…

But she had to… Say something. He deserved something. She just didn’t know what that something is. Maybe she was hoping they could just skip all the talking and go back to how things were - him chasing her and her enjoying it and teasing him. Those were some good times… ”Do you want to meet Sir Big Chill?” With a smile she hoped would show him she came in peace, Phoebe got in front of Diego pointing at the snowman she made earlier, saving him from all the confusion. ”He was born on this day in under an hour. It was a difficult birth but he’s a healthy and very cold boy. He might be shy, I’m not sure, we haven’t really talked but he is very photogenic… I think he got that from me,” laughing lightly, she crossed her hands over her chest, allowing herself to shift her gaze back to the boy in front of her and finally meet his eyes. ”Hey,” she whispered, keeping her smile on. ”How have you been?”

Game time

Her talk with Diego went… Fine. She thinks. Hopes. She didn’t really say much about what happened, she tried to apologize but also avoid talking more about that… It was… It was just not the time and place for that but at least they are back on good terms… She thinks. Hopes. Ugh, she’ll figure it out tomorrow what’s important now is that it’s time for A PARTY. Drinking. Games. Yes, everything nice. What else were they all supposed to do on a school trip? In FRANCE? Nothing. This was an answer to everything.

Gathered in the living room of the lodge, the first game of the night began - Dare or Drink. If you asked Phoebe there was nothing else she’d rather be doing… well… Nevermind. But this meant more points from what she could see and points was what she needed. She didn’t come this far, she didn’t do all the sht she’d never do if it wasn’t for this messed up competition, to give up now. The damage is done and she can just keep adding to it.

With a drink in her hand, Phoebe was hiding behind some of her friends so she could just see how bad those dares were before deciding to make herself the center of attention. And she’d seen some… Questionable stuff. Paying more attention when it was the turn of certain people… Like Diego. Slowly run your tongue from VC’s collarbone to earlobe. Oh wow, good job Mason, what a dare. How fun- no, she didn’t think he’d actually do it. But she was… wrong. And why was that almost bothering her? Downing her drink she made her way out of the crowd to grab herself something stronger, coming back in time to hear Lenora’s text messages… ”Oh, this is going to be fun,” did she say that out loud? Yup, she did. In fact she was talking to someone standing right next to her and she had no idea who the person was. ”I bet they’re lying.” She continued with the comments, slowly sipping on her drink while her gaze somehow stayed on… Elio. She did wonder where he disappeared to when they landed, wondered where he was when they arrived to this place and now when she finally spotted him during this game she couldn’t keep her eyes off of him. Just wondering what was going through his head. That was all until she heard her name and noticed Elio was looking right back at her. Wait… Wait, wait. What was happening? Did Jp really dare him to take a - Was this really happening? No she wasn’t against it, NOT AT ALL , it was just a surprise. That’s all.

”It would be my pleasure,” a subtle smirk appeared on her lips as she made her way towards the boy, ignoring all the stares. They were all probably hoping for some drama, we’re talking about teenagers here cmon, and she was ready to give them something. Taking one shot before him, she laid down, giving him the bottle and letting him do what he was supposed to do. And wanted to do if you ask her. It was… How would one describe this situation? She was having fun, yeah, but for a split second as she scanned the place and met the gaze of a boy she tried to apologize to earlier she felt that guilt again. For a second only, because the next face she searched for was Lenora’s. Not so nice sitting next to your ex on the plane and then watching this, is it? Phoebe almost… Felt bad for the girl. She… She did feel bad for the girl but don’t tell her that. She also felt very good about herself and sometimes that’s all that really matters so don’t blame her for actually enjoying this moment and not trying to hide it.

A smile on her face matched his as he took the lime from her and straightened back up. Only to give the next dare to her. And ooooh how fun it was. Since my lips have been all over your body, how about you do the same and I dare you to give me a kiss on your favorite body part of mine.
Everything already felt very intimate so she didn’t think twice before she sat up and pushed him down so that now he was the one lying. She hovered over him, placing her hands on both sides of him as she tried to decide what to do. Sometimes too much is too much, even for Phoebe. ”Not my favorite but… Close.” She stated with a smug look on her face before slowly lowering her lips to his, not to kiss him but to move back and gently place a kiss on his lower stomach. ”We have to keep it… Innocent. Kids are here,” with that comment she once again looked around the room stopping for a short second on Lenora, Jp, Clara even Paige before getting back up and turning to Mateo.

”Mateo! Not a dare, I was just wondering something… Would you ever be friends with Elio again? Considering he… Was with your girlfriend?” Was she crossing some kind of a line? Was this all too much for just one night? She’d like to hear it wasn’t but… Now it was too late to take anything back. She was already messing with Lenora by sharing a room with her and then doing… this with Elio. Then asking Mateo about VC with that not only reminding Lenora of what happened but in a way attacking Elio, not really thinking if it might affect him before she said it. Plus she was once again hurting a guy who was nothing but nice to her (Diego).
Can she win this game already?

@Madilfill - Elio
@novella - Lenora mentioned
@benitz786 - Amie, Mateo mentioned
@Littlefeets - Diego mentioned
figured VC wouldn’t mind the dare so I went with it


After the talk with Xavier in the plane, Richard felt more at ease. He actually felt confident enough to wear this withouth anxiety over not having a coat in case it gets cold or another shirt if it gets hot. But he didn’t want to wear anything fancy either knowing this was a high school party he was attending, and what he feels handsome and comfortable in usually isn’t something he’d feel comfortable wearing at a party unless the party is formal dress or business casual.
The moment he walked into the ski resort he felt destitute, looking around the faces of the people engagin in conversations. The realization he’s been here for a long time but never got to know anybody but 3 people in the school struck him hard and he decided to make at least one more friend or at least meet somebody he’ll like as he likes Xavier, Sam or Elijah.

As to not stay near the door the whole party, he walked away from the door to engage more at the party, but he didn’t know where he was going. He found some refreshments which were alcoholic, and his favorite was included. When he grabed the drink thought he didn’t know where to go from there. He walked aimleslly and slowly around the party, he almost got to the end of his drink when he heard a familliar voice call over to him. Withouth hesitation he walked over to Xavier and sat next to him, not realizing he has now joined the party. He greeted him with a ‘Hi’ and a smile, but the smile faded as Xav gave him the dare and looking around he realized what was going on. Thankfully he also realized that participating in a Truth or Dare game or one simmilar to it, would get him to know more people, so his answer to the dare, although it’s not what he would usually say, was a resounding “Hell yeah!” Looking around the people in the circle he joked and pointed to people “Who is gonna help me with this dare? You? Or you?” He giggled. He was a bit nervous still … one drink does help with presenting himself, which helped him with the jokes, but the dare was too much for only one drink that wasn’t even strong, so for the time being he relied on joking about it to help him relax. He turned to Xavier before doing the dare and asked “Do I get to dare you now or is there some special rule? I want my payback for this.”


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Niko watched the dare or drink game transpire, their attention being piqued as Hyun-Ae had been dared to kiss the person in the room who she found the most attractive. They waited for her to make her choice, a pit growing in their stomach. They knew why. They wanted it to be them. The pit subsided as the girl situated herself in front of them, asking their permission. They nodded. “You didn’t have to ask.” They told her, smiling.

@Ouijaloveletters - Hyun-Ae

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Hyun-ae smiled. “Well, I’ve been told that kissing people without permission is rude.” Gently holding Niko’s shoulders, she kissed them for a couple seconds, before pulling away. She was absolutely positive she was beet red. “Thank you. That was nice.” Standing back up, Hyun-ae walked back to her seat, still smiling. That went extremely well. Hyun-ae was pretty sure she’d feel like she was drunk for the whole night, despite not drinking at all. That was what kissing someone for the first time felt like.
@Caticorn - Niko

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To say Diego’s life had been confusing lately, would be an understatement. He had no idea where he fit in his life, and everything had been a complete mess. Prom night was its own can of worms, with everything from finding out about not being who he thought he was in his family, to the Phoebe situation, which she was still avoiding him.

Things only got more confusing when Diego got his DNA results back. Ricky was truly his brother, despite having been adopted, but Raph was still his half brother, with the same father? How did that make any sense? Diego still couldn’t wrap his mind around it. In addition, that same DNA test told him who his, and Enrique’s, biological mother was. How was he supposed to react to learning who she is when he just found out he wasn’t who he thought? Did Enrique know who she was? Diego would’ve imagined he would’ve said something if he knew. Either way, Diego wasn’t so sure he wanted to think about his biological mother’s identity until he had the chance to talk with his brother. If only his dear brother would stop avoiding him too…

Anyway, the flight to France was mostly uneventful on his part. Just… Logan ignoring him when he tried talking to her across the aisle to see if she would talk to his brother for him… but after getting to France and getting settled in, the Phoebe Taylor-DeLoughrey herself approached him. Maybe she wasn’t avoiding him then? Maybe it was just in his head? He had been in his head a lot recently… with his whole family situation and everything…

Though, things took another turn when everyone began to gather for a game, a cerulean high classic, Dare or Drink. For once, Diego actually was in the same place as his brother, but alas, the game was not exactly the place or time to have the conversation he needed to with his brother, but it needed to happen soon.

First, Mason dared Diego to run his tongue from VC’s collarbone, to her earlobe. That was out of nowhere. Typically Diego’s first instinct wouldn’t be to do anything with his brother’s ex, but this was a game and points were on the line, anyone would understand. VC didn’t seem against it, so Diego went for it, doing exactly as he was dared to do, then turning to another girl and telling her to send a dirty text to her crush.

By the time he returned to where he was previously sitting, he noticed Phoebe had left, but it wasn’t for long, and his attention returned to her by the time of Elio’s dare. Everyone could see that she was very into his dare, but that didn’t change when he dared her to kiss her favorite part of his body, and she responded to an extent, wanting to “keep it innocent”. Diego could see how she had been looking at Elio through the whole game, and the way she reacted to each of their dares. It certainly didn’t make Diego feel any better about the situation between them, even after taking a drink.

@astxrism - Phoebe
@benitz786 - Mason, Ricky (aka his bro who won’t talk to him :sob:)
@CerealKiller - VC, Raph
@Madilfill - Elio


xavier pestana

When Richard sat down next to him, Xavier couldn’t help but notice how differently the two of them were dressed. He was wearing track pants and a hoodie whereas Richard was wearing slacks and a knit sweater. “Hey,” He responded to his greeting, smiling back at him. He then watched as the other guy processed the dare he was given, stifling a laugh at how oddly enthusiastic he was about it.

He shook his head in response to Richard asking if he got to dare him now, saying that he wanted payback. “I hate to ruin your fun but you have to dare someone else to keep the game going,” He explained to him, being playfully sympathetic at the beginning. “I’m sure you’ll get your chance to get back at me later.”

@LunaticLeviTheSecond - Richard

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“Dang it” Richard said in a joking way, as if he didn’t really care that much about getting back at Xav, but he made it sound like he did. He smiled when Xav said he could get back at him later and Richard smirked, got up and said “I’m sure I will” and clapped and rubbed his hands. “Okay so who am I drinking the shot off of?”


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He told her he didn’t know what she meant, but she knew that was a lie. He was fidgeting with his thumbs, and looking away like he was confused, but that only meant he remembered everything. The issue was that he didn’t want to confront it. She knew the feeling. Her worst perdition was to stay silent, and watch her life happen as if it was a movie whose sad ending she could not control. That was, up until the point where it was about to end, and she could no longer stand the sight of it. So, she turned it off hard, probably hurting the tv. She refused to sit through this film, however, because it wasn’t hers, and unlike her, he didn’t deserve to go through what she did.

He continued and she could almost feel nauseous hearing that shared memory he spoke. “She kisses you?” Persie knew what she heard, but she didn’t want to believe it. Then he went on about it not ‘feeling’ inappropriate. It was making her upset.

“Well, Etienne, I’m sorry but that doesn’t sound appropriate.”

He only seemed more suspicious when he walked away and told her not to tell anyone what she said. That was also enough for her to confirm what she had suspected. So, she wasn’t going to beat around the bush any longer. “Etienne, come back.” Persephone stood up, walking over to the guy and put her hands up on his shoulders when he turned. “You can trust me.” She smiled empathetically. The girl didn’t want to lie and say she wasn’t going to tell anyone, because she figured she might have had to depending on what he told her. She only knew that if he needed to confide in someone at that moment, she’d be the best person.


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Atlas nodded to confirm but he could tell his response upset Persephone. “It’s really only ever on the cheek or sometimes my head. Rarely ever on the lips.” He told her, speaking casually as if that made it any better. As if showing her how seemingly unbothered he was by his situation, that he’d essentially accepted his fate, would make her any less upset. “It’s more comforting than anything, really.” He added but he was starting to consider the possibility that she might be right. If he had to justify it that much, was it truly okay?

He tensed up when she put her hands on his shoulders, stopping him from running away. She told him that he could trust her. He looked her in the eyes, tears prickling in his own. “I…” The words got caught in his throat. “I miss my parents. France is not my home. My family, my home, is in California and I want to go back.” He confessed, unable to shake the feeling that he shouldn’t be talking to Persephone, especially about this topic. He hadn’t spoken to or about his parents in years. He didn’t even know if California was where they lived anymore. Kaori had told him it was better that way and he believed her because he trusted her. Now, he was trusting Persephone by telling her this and trusting that she would keep it between them.

@raviola - Persie

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Persie <3

He gave many reasons why his situation wouldn’t be that bad, but Persie didn’t seem convinced. She’d done it before. Yeah, this person would treat you wrong, but why would you tell on them if you loved them? And as much as they hurt you, you knew they had a good heart. You just knew, because while they were controlling you, you’d notice their mercy when they wanted to lash out at you, and their smile when you did what they said. If you could just behave all of the time, maybe they’d treat you better, maybe they’d smile more often. So you lie, because it’s the truth to you. “Etienne, you know that’s not true.”

After putting her hands on his shoulders, she felt him break down the wall he hid his story behind. It was more than she expected, because she never expected to hear someone in a situation like hers could be stolen to another continent so easily. That could have been her if she hadn’t found a way out. And she felt bad for him, almost as if that was too much for her to know what to do. Persie hugged him, void of words to say. All she managed was an apology.

“I’m so sorry.” She consoled him as best as she could. “But Im proud of you for admitting that, it takes a lot. I didn’t until I had to.” She also confessed, referring to the only reason she was trying to turn her life around, hiding under her shirt.


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Persephone was right. Nothing he was saying was the truth but over the past three years, he’d forced himself to believe that it was. The more he spoke to her, the more the differences between his reality and everyone else’s became more and more apparent. How he had blurred the lines between right and wrong so much that he could no longer differentiate one from the other. “I know,” He responded, looking down. “, but I was fifteen and desperate for comfort. She showed up, offering me what I was craving and it was like I became addicted.”

Atlas relaxed and reciprocated the embrace when Persephone hugged him, her words making him feel as if he wasn’t as alone as he thought. “What do I do now?” He asked her, more or less asking her for help. She seemed to have experience in getting out of a situation like his so he was hoping that she might be able to at least point him in the right direction. “I don’t even know if my parents still live in the same place. Even if I could leave Kaori, where would I go?” Now that he was considering leaving being an option, his mind was flooded with uncertainty.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what made you decide to leave your, I don’t even know what to call it, your…situation?” He wanted to know more about her experience but he also wanted to turn the conversation away from him for a second. He was also letting his curiosity get the better of him, wondering what, or who, led to her making the decision to leave.

@raviola - Persie

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Fifteen and desperate for comfort. That hit too close. “I get it, really. Not having anything to reach out to sucks, but being with that person is worse.” He continued, and then asked her what to do with his situation. That was where things got a little bit messy, and she pulled away from the hug. “I couldn’t tell you anything right now, or it would be impulsive, but you know what? I know people who can help you find your family. We could talk to my sister Hera, and our friend, Leon! It’s a long shot, but they have a lot more resources than I can manage. And I want to help you.” Persie took his hand, and showed him she wanted to do her best, even if it meant controlling her impulses and asking for help.

He asked her why she left her situation, and it dawned upon her that she herself didn’t really know what her intentions were when it happened.

It was January, and Persie sat cuddled up with Shuto on the bed of his truck. She wore her night gown, and socks with the little lace at the top. Because it was night time, and she had asked him to come with her to do something beautiful. He lit his cigar and took a drag, looking up at the stars as nicotine ran to the edges of his mind. She had done what he asked, and so in exchange, he gave her the gift of staring at the night sky, not as what they were. As lovers.

”You’re gorgeous.” He said, running his hands through her perfectly brushed hair. “And you’re bad.” He teased.

P laughed slightly, trying to play his game. Yet, she couldn’t hide her sadness. “This isn’t wrong, is it?”

”Depends who you ask. He might think it’s wrong, if you ask him. Leon, you said?” Shuto laughed, deep like his voice, yet you could hear the shallow of it. “But he’s not gonna find out about a thing, is he?”

Persie looked away shyly.

“Oh come on, princess. You said you wanted to be more like me. Well, there you have it. Lie to this guy and I’ll keep you forever. You’ll do it for me because we’re in love, right?”

”Yeah.” Persephone agreed. That was the one thing she was sure of in all of this. Looking at the country sky with him, she could see colors lacing between the stars, like an aurora borealis that no one else could see. Except him, right? He made the chemtrails above them reflect every hue, because he made the darkness shine. If he did it so easily, why couldn’t she?

The truth was that Persie had been proposed to. She was promised to live her life in the arms of a man who would protect her, promised to never be the other woman, to never be alone. On one condition that would upgrade her from an innocent girlfriend, to a wife disposed to ride or die by her husbands side. Because, regardless of how her life ended now, she would be buried next to him. So he told her to have sex with a married man, trick him into thinking she was having his baby, and force him to buy her silence, pay for the life he worked so hard to uphold. He told her he gave a task that was relatively easy. She could leave cold blooded kills to him, for a lady should never get her hands so dirty. Unfortunately, Persie wasn’t cut out for the life her boyfriend lead. Sure she was capable of malice and revenge when she fought fire with fire, but this only seemed to burn.

”Just, whatever happens, I love you, okay?” Persephone gave her precautions. She didn’t believe in herself, but she didn’t want to lose him either. “I’m the girl who cleans up your bloody noses, and makes your mashed potatoes just how you like them.” She smiled tenderly. “And I’ll be the girl walking to you down the aisle.”

”Of course, baby.”

That was the last time she had some idea of what her future might look like, before everything went wrong. And frankly, Persie wasn’t sure if it was her guilt, her fear of Shuto, that she really fell for Leon, that he really did get her pregnant, or the fact she was so bad at lying she made her story real life— which made her turn around. But what she knew now was that it was worth it. Because every time that we run, we don’t know where it’s from. We only realize when we slow down.

Persephone looked around to see it was just them, and then lifted up her hoodie for Etienne to see her baby bump, making a slightly embarassed face, but then relaxing because she knew she wasn’t alone. Not because she was marrying her abuser, nor because she had found a new guy, but because her new friends understood her, without having to at all.


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Atlas nodded when she told him that being with his ‘guardian’ was worse than not having anyone to reach out to. She was right, he was just having a hard time cementing that into his mind. He crossed his arms over his chest after she pulled out of the hug, making himself seem smaller but he perked up a bit when she told him that she knew people who could help him find his family. Then she said a name that was too familiar.



:musical_note: TFW (That Feeling When) - ENHYPEN :musical_note:

“Kajima.” Atlas pouted as he pressed his cheek into Leon’s back, tightening his hold on his boyfriend’s waist. Leon chuckled. “Ya! Utjimallago!” He scolded, making sure that he sounded as offended as possible.

“You have practice and I need to get home.” Leon responded, laughing again as he spoke. Instead of responding, Atlas just kissed him again on his neck.

“That better be your boyfriend, Choi.” His teammate, Ezra, teased as he approached the couple. Atlas rolled his eyes before releasing Leon, keeping a grasp on his hand. “I will not be a witness to public acts of infidelity.”

“Yes, Han, he’s my boyfriend.” He informed him, doing nothing to hide the sarcasm in his voice as his friend cackled. “Ezra, Leon. Leon, Ezra. We’ve been playing hockey together since I moved here and for some reason, I still put up with him.”

“Nice to finally meet you.”

“Oppa!” A young girl’s voice called through the crowd. Atlas and Ezra both looked directly at Leon, the only one out of the three of them with a younger sister.

“That would my cue to leave. It was nice to meet you, Ezra.” Leon explained before turning to face Atlas. “I’ll text you later.” He said before kissing him and leaving.

“So that’s the guy you can’t shut up about. Leon.”

End of Flashback

The chances of the Leon she was referring to being his Leon were so incredibly low but that didn’t change the fact that it was a little too close for comfort. He had been holding back and ignoring his memories of him for years and he knew that he was bound to break at some point, he just didn’t know that it would be this easy. He had tried to find replacements for the people he left behind when he came to France but it wasn’t the same. Kaori will never be Leon and Henri and Lisette will never be Ezra. That’s what hurt the most. He swiped at his eyes with his sleeve, wiping away the few tears that he couldn’t hold back as he tried to maintain what was left of his composure.

“If you trust them, then so do I and if they can help me find my parents, that’s even better.” He responded to her to her saying she knew people who might be able to help him. He didn’t trust easily anymore but Persephone had shown him that he was safe with her. Then she lifted her shirt, revealing that she was pregnant. “We can’t catch a break, can we?” He asked her, sympathizing with her situation. He recognized that he could have been in the same situation if he was girl. He put his hand on top of hers as a comforting gesture. “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want but your baby, is it your Kaori-person’s?”

@raviola - Persie


Kajima - Don’t go
Ya! Utjimallago! - Hey! Don’t laugh!
Oppa - older brother (used by girls)

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After the conversation with Hera, they kept whining like a little btch, talking about how Ari is mean, rude, annoying a demon’s child, and blah blah. She she preffered the term angel with a sexy side. Thank you very much. It was time for a new dare for her, and boy, all Ari could do was roll her eyes. “Really blondie, hat’s such a kiddie dare” Ari told the blonde hag looking teen who had given her the dare of *‘What was your most embarrassing situation while in bed?’ see! It was very kiddie and eye rolling. Perhaps because Ari did not have many embarrassing bed moments, that happened to her, so Ari had to look really har to find an embarrassing sx moment. “I was in a relationship with this dude, who had a thing for having sex on roof tops.We got caught more than once of course – one time was on her friend’s roof, another was on the roof of a very busy pub, in front of a crowd of baying revellers below and a girl I liked was watching us too so it was pretty embarrassing, fun but embarrassing.” She said shrugging, there was also another time she was about to have sx with a gay guy whom chickened out and left with her panties mistaken it for his boxers (how Ari does not know. Maybe he had a kink for wearing women’s underwear who knows) there was another time when Ari was younger she wiped the c^m from one of the girl she had a fling with and wiped it across her forehead and whispered ‘Simba’. Ari does not even remember why she did that at that time it seemed funny because Ari thought the girl looked like Simba so she wanted to give her the Simba special.

Ari’s eyes scanned for the next person to give a dare too, and she reached Sammi, a pretty (maybe pretty was a stretch; more like above average in beauty compared to the rest of her classmates) dark-skinned girl who had a big forehead and was kind of boring. She had heard of Sammi’s relationship with her ex-boyfriend and how deeply it had hurt her, and Ari could only think, fun

"Make out with your ex with ice down your pants for more than 5 mins " Ari said with a smirk, “Try not to make the making out boring while you’re at it, I want a real show.”

@Littlefeets - Bree (mentioned)
@raviola - Hera (mentined) and Sammi

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Etienne assured that he trusted Persephone, obviously. He seemed nice, and a tad naive. That was the problem with them, but it was also what helped them the most; to have hope. “Thank you. I can’t promise we’ll find them, but I’m gonna try.” Persie didn’t want to illusion him, so she tried to focus on the facts, which she was surprisingly good at in situations like this. Was she mentally ill? Yes. Ditzy? Sometimes. But that doesn’t remove her experience with survival. “For now, tell me anything that could be useful; how you got here, where and who you were with before, and anything important about this woman.”

Persie laughed when he said they could never catch a break. That was definitely one way to put it, but she never thought of it so simply. And also interestingly, P seemed to have more in common with this guy than being taken advantage of. It was kind of refreshing, most people don’t understand. “We really can’t. It hasn’t been too bad, though. I feel like at least now that I’m gonna be a mom, I have some purpose, you know?” P spoke vulnerably. It was the truth. Before, she never really had a reason to do the things she did. Yeah, she had to maintain herself, but it was so repetitive, and at the end of every “new” day, she still felt like crap.

Then, Etienne asked her a bit of a personal question. She almost felt offended that he thought it might be a gamble to guess who the baby’s father was. But she also couldn’t be, because he was right… It wasnt- wait, what did he mean by kaori person? Persie was a little lost, but she then understood he was probably trying to relate to her and talking about her ex. If you could call it that. “His name is Shuto.” Persie giggled, “But no. He told me to go after another guy, long story, but it’s his. He’s actually the guy I was going to introduce you to, Leon. We’re friends now.” She smiled to herself, kinda proud she was able to make up with him.

“Kaori you said? That sounds familiar, I think I knew a Hawaiian kid with that name. Shuto and Kaori.” She established. “And my friend is Leon.” P paused, and then laughed slightly, “So many names.”


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Sam went to play dare or drink and got an interesting assortment of challenges.

1 flirt with any guy besides Elijah.

Easy!! There were a lot of hotties there, and Elijah was a pig. So she was going to do that anyway. Regardless, Sammy peered around the ring of seniors until she could find a couple of cute ones that stood out to her. Firstly, she just had to approach Richard, the better man in their once trio. Besides being good looking, he was actually kind of adorable. Sam went up to him and said “Hi,” twirling her curls as she spoke. Then, after their conversation, she went to speak to other guys too.

2 make out with your ex for five minutes, with ice down your pants.

Of course Ari had to come up with the most evil thing possible. Girl, your breakup was with my sibling, I never got involved! Also, she was technically supposed to avoid Elijah the whole night, but, she supposed she could just do this one thing and her dare would still be valid. Sam wouldn’t let Aris negativity affect her. She grabbed an ice cube from her empty drink, and let go of it under her waistline. Sammy grimaced, the cold freezing against her body.

Then, she walked to Elijah, and suddenly dealing with the ice seemed like a piece of cake compared to kissing him. Thinking about how awful the ice in her pants was, she pulled him by the belt, kissing him roughly. There was no passion in it for real, but the stress of the ice made her just want to get it over with so she wanted him to feel it. If she was lucky enough, Elijah would think it was too much and pull away.

3 tell an embarassing story about yourself

Finally, after that nightmarish makeout, she got a nice break to embarrass herself some more. That time shouldn’t have been so bad, though, because she was actually in control of what happened now. At least to an extent. Sam took in who was listening from the circle, and just gave a simple explanation.

“Just last week, I heard this lady talking on the other side of the library. It was late, and we were the only two people left in there. I went closer and realized it was the librarian. She asked “How’s it going” which I assumed was customer service talk. I told her it was fine and asked her the same. She said she was good. We were having a nice little conversation, so I went over to thank her for making my day because I had been pretty upset earlier. Until I realized she was on the phone. And I looked like a schizophrenic.” Sammy facepalmed, flooded with regret for that interaction.

@LunaticLeviTheSecond richard
@Kbail elijah


Atlas nodded when Persephone told him that she couldn’t promise that they’d find his family. By now he knew better than to get his hopes up, especially when it came to his parents. “Even if you just try, I would be forever grateful.” He told her, wanting her to know he wouldn’t be disappointed if they couldn’t find them. She asked him to tell her everything and he took a deep breath. She was asking him to tell her things he had never said out loud to anyone. “I ran away from home when I was fifteen. There were some people after me and I thought it would be safer for my parents and my boyfriend if I just left. That’s when I met Kaori. She bought me food, gave me a place to sleep and just listened to me talk about everything. The more time we spent together, the closer we got and I don’t even know what I was thinking but I agreed to come to France with her. Before, I lived in this area of California called Beryl Heights. It was just my parents and I, their names are Percy Choi and Amber Han. I don’t know that much about Kaori. I know that she’s from Japan and she speaks Japanese, French and English. Her last name is Ito.” He told her, hoping that would be enough. Kaori always preferred hearing about him and so he never really got to learn much about her.

He knew what she talking about when she said that being a mom gave her a purpose. His sense of purpose was the first thing he lost when he left his family. “My purpose used to be hockey, I used to play on a team in Beryl, but I don’t know what it is now.” He confessed, looking down as he spoke. The more he spoke to Persephone, the more he started to talk about himself, about Atlas, not Étienne and it felt good. Like a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. “Although, I guess it’s making rich French people coffee.” He added as an afterthought with a small laugh, laughing at what his life has become.

Her initial reaction to his question made him wonder if he shouldn’t have asked it or if his analogy had been too complicated. “That sounds like a lot and an awful position to be in.” He replied once she had answered. “At least you’re friends with him now, that should make everything easier.” He told her, knowing that if he wasn’t unsure of whether he’d see her again after tonight, he would offer to help her. Tell her that she could reach out to him at any time for whatever she needed.

He laughed at her comment about names. …and I’m Atlas. He thought to himself, considering saying it out loud but ultimately deciding that it was still too risky to tell her. “It’s definitely a lot of names.” He responded instead, laughing again. “How are we ever going to keep track?”

@raviola - Persie

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Flashback Part 2

FCK…fcking bullshit. What? That’s probably what you’re wondering right? Why was Enrique fcking Montoya cursing when he could be screwing this beautiful girl in front of him. This drop dead gorgeous girl that was clearly ready to have her mind fcked senseless. So WHY COULDN’T HE GET IT UP.

COME ON LITTLE ENRIQUE. Okay, let’s be clear first of all - it wasn’t little. Ricky was being affectionate with that term, not accurate. But anyways… COME ON LITTLE ENRIQUE, COME OUT TO PLAY… nope… nothing. This girl was doing everything in her fcking power to get him excited and nothing worked. Sht. After trying for god knows how long, Ricky picked the girl up and put her on the bed before sitting on the other end and putting his head in his hands. This had happened with every girl since Annie and if he was being honest, he knew why. He knew that he wasn’t over Annie. Ricky knew he missed her… that he wanted her… that evey fcking girl he was with, he was imagining Annie.


“Baby… I can keep trying… or maybe you could help me out?”

Ricky sighed. looking at her sitting on the bed; already getting on her knees as she got closer to Rickys… well… you know.

“Why the hell can’t I get her out of my mind?” Ricky asked the girl who stopped in her tracks, giving him a confused look.

So what did he do? Did he pleasure her? No… he may have… talked so fcking much about Annie that she fell asleep.


Enrique Montoya had lost possibly the love of his fcking life.

Yes… he was numb. Completely numb as he took his seat and watched Annie - not even making an effort to hide the fact that he was watching her. He didn’t answer her question of when he would label it truly… honestly… he didn’t know. He couldn’t remember… he just knew that one day, the lines of it being a game, and it being something more were blurred. One day, he had this need to be around Annie… this want to see her smile… laugh… scream his name. One missed “update” vlog blue royalty had requested… and then another one… and another.

It wasn’t just a game… it was more, but he knew she’d never believe him. However, his attention was brought out of his numb thoughts when he heard Lenora turning her question towards him - who had he loved? It wasn’t even really a dare, and the answer was simple; but he found Annie grabbing a bottle and walking towards him. His eyes never left hers, and soon he found her arm in front of him - holding yet another alcoholic escape, however it was her words that stung more than anything else. Words that only he heard as she whispered it quietly enough.

Taking a long drink: Enrique looked towards Lenora with a frown. “Maybe she’ll never fcking believe me. Maybe she doesn’t care… doesn’t feel the same way…” A sadistic laugh left Ricky’s lips as he took another drink from his bottle, before looking at Annie with a fire. “…the last person I loved… the person I’m still fcking in love with is the girl who won’t even give me a moment of her time. Annie Williams.”


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