Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Jordan in like fancy letters and sh!t

The date. God… what could he say? Jezebel Sloane was glowing, but to Jordan, she always had. Anytime she was in the room - Jordan could only see her. And during the record studio red carpet gala - that’s exactly how he felt. Sure, he was in a room of fame and fortune: Taylor Swift, Khalid, Blackbear, Ariana Grande just being a few of the big names in the room that night. But the only person that mattered was Jezebel Sloane. Well - and Jordan kept an eye on Elodie to make sure Riker didn’t pull any stunts. Though Jordan had been close friends with the man for years so he he knew the man wouldn’t pull anything bad - crazy? Perhaps. But bad - no.

But there was simply this giddy feeling within Jordan and he walked around the room with Jez, introducing her to his other friends, dancing with her - something the two hadn’t did in years and just felt… natural, And talked. Talked for hours into the about everything and everything and most importantly, talked to her about how he felt about her. Perhaps the only thing he regretted during the night was the photos the paparazzi had gotten of the two of them - filling the magazines with “Jordan’s new girl” comments. Little did they know. But he regretted pushing Jez in the spotlight - something she had never asked for. Though Jordan was trying to give Jez enough distance to find what she wanted, Jordan had revealed to the girl that he was still utterly in love with her. Perhaps not in those exact words but it was easily implied. But the one thing that it left with was - he was going to fight for her. If there was one person Jordan Williams didn’t trust - it was Mikel Lucas. Not now that Jordan had seen the drugs in his house. Not with what Jordan remembered about him from the past.

Perhaps this was the irony in what Jordan realized when he reached the bus and saw who he was sitting next to. Mikel Lucas. Damn it. Jordan wasn’t the type of person to show his frustration on his features. His disappointment- yes. But anger and frustration- never. So when Jordan had sat down - the only person on their aisle for a few minutes until the familiar voice of that man hit his ears - though mumbling so Jordan couldn’t hear. Perhaps Jordan had just smelled it enough times over his past 18 years of life from being in the room with people smoking, but it was dreadfully obvious the guy had gotten high. His clothes stunk of the putrid smell and could just feel that little voice in his head saying “‘just another reason Jezebel deserves better’. Though a sigh left his lips as the man asked him about sharing music - making a snide comment about his music along the way. “You know, I think I’m good Mikel” Jordan replied in a short response not really wanting to continue this conversation because he had a bad feeling where it would lead. But Jordan, being Jordan, decided to keep up the niceties. “Did you have a good morning? Running a little late - did you get traffic?” Jordan asked as the man was one of the last to enter the car - though with the smell, he knew it likely was something else.

@Littlefeets - Tinkerbell mentioned
@Madilfill - higher than a kite 24/7
@astxrism - his lil sister mentioned