Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Ketziah Drake

“Kasper, I’ll be fine. It’s a school trip, don’t worry about me.” Ketziah said to her brother as she finished gathering her bag for the senior camping trip.
“It’s my job to worry about you, and I just got you back.”
Ketziah hugged her brother and gave a soft smile. “It’s just a few days with my friends. I have to make the most out of what’s left of senior year, but I won’t do anything too crazy and get myself hurt, I promise.” Since Ketziah had returned home, the siblings hadn’t spent an entire day apart. Whether it was just taking a chance for each of them to check in on how the other was doing, or to have a meal and talk. It was easy to understand Kasper’s hesitation about his kid sister being off in the woods with a bunch of teenagers and potentially unreliable cell reception. Though, none of Kasper’s reasons were enough to make Ketziah question her decision to go as she left her home. When she got seated on the bus, she was glad to see that the person that was going to sit next to her was Andy. She’d been friends with him for years, and honestly had a crush on him for a while as well, so she couldn’t hide a smile when she saw him sit next to her. “Morning Andy. Ready to make this an awesome camping trip?” Ketziah promised her brother that she wouldn’t get herself hurt, but that didn’t mean that she wouldn’t have fun doing whatever she wanted.



As she smiled his smirk turned into a smile as well, it was quite contagious in a way, a sane person can’t just keep smirking after that, if they can, they need to re-evaluate sanity.

“Morning Andy. Ready to make this an awesome camping trip?”
”I was born ready” he said and adjusted himself in the seat. It wasn’t wrong, he was always a big fan of awesome experiences, especially when they included people he cared about, though some… also not really.
”I brought my guitar” he stated afterwards, one thing that he and Ketziah has in common was that they were both very passionate about music, it was pretty much how they started getting along in the first place, which was always nice. ”Now you missy, are now obligated to jam with me” he jokingly said with a smile, even though he genuinely did want her to do that.

@Littlefeets - Ketziah


Jordan in like fancy letters and sh!t

The date. God… what could he say? Jezebel Sloane was glowing, but to Jordan, she always had. Anytime she was in the room - Jordan could only see her. And during the record studio red carpet gala - that’s exactly how he felt. Sure, he was in a room of fame and fortune: Taylor Swift, Khalid, Blackbear, Ariana Grande just being a few of the big names in the room that night. But the only person that mattered was Jezebel Sloane. Well - and Jordan kept an eye on Elodie to make sure Riker didn’t pull any stunts. Though Jordan had been close friends with the man for years so he he knew the man wouldn’t pull anything bad - crazy? Perhaps. But bad - no.

But there was simply this giddy feeling within Jordan and he walked around the room with Jez, introducing her to his other friends, dancing with her - something the two hadn’t did in years and just felt… natural, And talked. Talked for hours into the about everything and everything and most importantly, talked to her about how he felt about her. Perhaps the only thing he regretted during the night was the photos the paparazzi had gotten of the two of them - filling the magazines with “Jordan’s new girl” comments. Little did they know. But he regretted pushing Jez in the spotlight - something she had never asked for. Though Jordan was trying to give Jez enough distance to find what she wanted, Jordan had revealed to the girl that he was still utterly in love with her. Perhaps not in those exact words but it was easily implied. But the one thing that it left with was - he was going to fight for her. If there was one person Jordan Williams didn’t trust - it was Mikel Lucas. Not now that Jordan had seen the drugs in his house. Not with what Jordan remembered about him from the past.

Perhaps this was the irony in what Jordan realized when he reached the bus and saw who he was sitting next to. Mikel Lucas. Damn it. Jordan wasn’t the type of person to show his frustration on his features. His disappointment- yes. But anger and frustration- never. So when Jordan had sat down - the only person on their aisle for a few minutes until the familiar voice of that man hit his ears - though mumbling so Jordan couldn’t hear. Perhaps Jordan had just smelled it enough times over his past 18 years of life from being in the room with people smoking, but it was dreadfully obvious the guy had gotten high. His clothes stunk of the putrid smell and could just feel that little voice in his head saying “‘just another reason Jezebel deserves better’. Though a sigh left his lips as the man asked him about sharing music - making a snide comment about his music along the way. “You know, I think I’m good Mikel” Jordan replied in a short response not really wanting to continue this conversation because he had a bad feeling where it would lead. But Jordan, being Jordan, decided to keep up the niceties. “Did you have a good morning? Running a little late - did you get traffic?” Jordan asked as the man was one of the last to enter the car - though with the smell, he knew it likely was something else.

@Littlefeets - Tinkerbell mentioned
@Madilfill - higher than a kite 24/7
@astxrism - his lil sister mentioned


Kara font 2

Marie asked if everything was okay. Kara couldn’t just ignore her, she was always nice, even when she was mean to her. Besides she needed to get out her frustration by talking to someone. She sat up in her seat and turned to look at her. “sigh, No I’m not okay actually.” She put her phone back in her pocket. All she was doing was looking at the screen mindlessly while she thought about how she didn’t want to be here. “I threw this stupid party on Sunday and now I’m forced to come on this trip. I was supposed to stay home the whole camping trip! Now everything I had planned is ruined.” She threw her hands up in the air with frustration. “I know you probably think I’m a whiny brat, but I don’t care.”

@Ouijaloveletters - Marie


Marie listened as Kara explained what happened. “Hmmm…well, did you apologize to your parents? It sucks that your plans were ruined, but maybe you can reschedule. Honestly, I don’t think you’re being whiny, you’re just mad. I’d be too, if I was forced to do something I didn’t want to. Do you think the party was worth it? And who knows? Maybe you’ll enjoy camping. Have you ever gone? If not, I can give you advice.” Marie offered.
@Kbail - Kara


Kara font 2

Kara rolled her eyes. “I tried apologizing constantly but of course they didn’t listen. They don’t care about any of my plans of course, they think it’s nothing.” Kara’s “plans” were to just hang out with friends and watch some Netflix.

Honestly, I don’t think you’re being whiny, you’re just mad. I’d be too, if I was forced to do something I didn’t want to.

Hearing that was like music to her ears, which is why she wanted to talk to someone about her problems in the first place.

“Thank you at least someone gets it! I mean, the party was fun but I would take it back in a heartbeat.”

Then she asked if Kara ever went camping. “No, never, but It sounds annoying.”
If not, I can give you advice.”

“I don’t ca…sigh fine what advice do you have.” She wanted to at least be prepared.

@Ouijaloveletters - Marie

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Marie nodded when Kara said she tried apologizing. “Well…you tried. At least you had fun.” Marie said. When Kara relented, asking for camping advice, Marie began to talk. “So…I don’t exactly know what the tents are going to look like, or even if we’re going to be sleeping in tents…anyway, if you go into the woods, just stay on the trail…seriously. You don’t want to run into poison ivy. To be honest, we should wait to see what the campsite looks like, then I’ll know what advice you need. That ok?” Marie asked. “I just feel like that’s easier.”
@Kbail - Kara
(Lol, I have no clue what I’m talking about)

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Kara font 2

“Tents. I don’t think I will get used to that.” She sighed and slumped in her seat again. She was so used to sleeping on her warm mattress and she didn’t want to be out of her comfort zone. “I’m just going to hope that we have cabins or something cause…no.”

“I also don’t want to run into a crazy person trying to attack me in the woods when I go to the bathroom at night. Aren’t you at least afraid of that happening?” She asked Marie. “I watched Friday the 13th recently thinking that I was safe because I wasn’t going camping, so yeah that’s a concern for me.”

To be honest, we should wait to see what the campsite looks like, then I’ll know what advice you need. That ok?”

“Okay…I guess. Do you have any tips for when a bear crashes our campsite?” She asked sarcastically.

@Ouijaloveletters Marie


Kara said she hoped they’d be in cabins. “That’s not camping, but whatever happens, happens.” Marie said, shrugging. Then Kara mentioned Friday the 13th, and Marie snickered. “Well, I don’t think that’ll happen. Hopefully…” She muttered. Kara asked about bears and Marie nodded. “Well, don’t climb a tree. They’re excellent climbers. There’s actually a rhyme about it. ‘If it’s brown, lay down, if it’s black, fight back. This means that when faced with a grizzly, play dead, and fight back against a black bear. They won’t eat you if they think it’s too much trouble.”
@Kbail - Kara


Ketziah Drake

“Of course, what fun could we really have without any instruments? Just talking, the sound of crickets, or even worse… silence. Yuck, that’d bore us to death.” Ketziah said with a laugh. Music, just what first brought them to be friends. That was one thing they had in common since the beginning. Then she paused as if she was questioning the obligation he stated, though for her it wasn’t a question. There was no way she could refuse. “Well… I guess if I don’t have a choice then… and you mister, can’t get out of it either. Just like you’re obligated to tell me next time you’re going to preform so I don’t miss it again.”



[color= #049fe0]Jezebel Mallory Sloane[/color]

That date with Jordan overall had to have been one of the best nights she’d had in quite some time. She hadn’t exactly expected to be attending a fancy gala full of celebrities. Though, the night did lead to magazines showing her as Jordan’s date. She didn’t regret anything about that date, but she knew those photos would get back to Mikel and it’d probably hurt him. That night was yet another reason Jezebel knew that no matter what there’d always be that part of her that loved Jordan. She still loved him, and always would, even if they weren’t together or had feelings for other people. They talked for hours that night, and Jordan wanted to fight for her. He cared enough to show her that he wanted to be with her, which was something she wanted. She needs to feel like someone cares. Someone has to show her that they do care about her or she gets in her own head feeling like she doesn’t matter. When she had arrived to get on the bus for the camping trip, the seating arrangement was a shock. Jordan and Mikel were paired together, right behind her, and she had to sit with Riker. That in itself wasn’t a great start. While Jezebel had been with Jordan at that gala, Riker had been there as well with Elodie. Then, at one point Riker and her had a conversation, one which hadn’t gone as well as it could have. She sat down in her seat as she looked to Jordan and Mikel where they were seated for just a moment, just hoping nothing would go wrong.

@benitz786 - Jordan mentioned/Riker
@Madilfill - Mikel mentioned

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Dorian DeLoughrey

To Malachi’s answer, Dorian simply nodded, not really showing he was actually glad he got to talk to Elodie only once. Because once again, he was being overprotective. “Luckily you got here at the very end of the school year so I guess it is fine. But don’t get too comfortable, this trip will be…” Laughing lightly just to show he was joking and didn’t want to sound like he was threatening him in a way, he looked around himself, at students that were close to him. Valerie just had to be in front of him and as she was walking to her seat he could help but say “Great”, loud enough for her to hear. At least Brandon and Mikel were near him. Fcking Valerie. “Isn’t she your cousin or something? I’m sorry about that,” He added as he looked back at Malachi with a forced frown but quickly continued what he started talking about before that. “Yeah… Sht will go down.”
“But just once, really? Who else do you know here then?” He curiously asked, slouching in the seat.

@CerealKiller - Val :angry: mentioned
Ahhh bad, I’m sorry, I wanted to give you something but I’m drowning in work


“Of course, what fun could we really have without any instruments? Just talking, the sound of crickets, or even worse… silence. Yuck, that’d bore us to death.”
”Camping trips actually have crickets so that’s an issue. But silence is the worst, good thing we have a guitar” he smirked
He laughed as she mentioned him being obligated to tell her next time he was going to perform so she couldn’t miss it
He laughed, ”I’m gonna be reminded of that forever now am I?” he shook his head lightly ”Next time I’ll just put you in the middle or the stage so theres no way you could miss it” he added with a smile
”Though, I’m on in [Insert some big city in their state] next Monday, you should come” he said ”It would be way better if you were there this time” he smiled lightly

@Littlefeets - Ketziah


“Did you have a good morning?" “Yes, I have had a good morning thanks for being so very thoughtful.” Mikel said back to him with a forced smile and a nod. It was obviously a lie too, his life had been anything but good as of recently. “Just got back from a nice little trip to Paris actually so I am a bit tired.” He added. Another lie, not a nice trip. How would going to a funeral ever be nice. Usually, he loved spending time in Paris, going to his favorite place but it was bleak this time. Mikel looked away from Jordan and shook his head as he did so. Just his luck he would be stuck on a bus with him but also the sharing a seat. "Running a little late - did you get traffic?” Mikel couldn’t help but laugh a little bit as he shrugged. “No, not entirely, I got a little high actually, but traffic was a little rough.” He told the truth and smirked with a cocky grin.
@benitz786 sorry its bad im studying


Riker in fancy words and stuff

“Damn it,” Riker groaned as he ran to his car, throwing his surfboard on the top and strapping it in. To say that Riker had last track of time was just the tip of the iceberg. Yes - Riker Taylor was late late having been caught up in surfing since the sun came up around 5:45 AM. But who could blame him? The waves were perfection and Riker hadn’t been able to pull away - until his watch started notifying him of messages from Jordan about where he was. Jordan - now that was a man who was good at being on time. Riker on the other hand… well let’s just say there was probably a reason he was driving 80 on a 50 to get to school so he could make the busses. Suffice today Riker’s hair was still wet and he was still in his wet suit - which he promptly changed in the parking lot into a shirt and and jeans not really caring who saw what. Honestly there wasn’t time to care - which is why within a few moments - Riker was holding a bag with everything he needed in one hand and running as fast as his legs could take him to the closing doors of the coach. He was easily met with the annoyed look of the teacher on board and let a long sigh of relief when he made it. Though when he found that he was seated next to Jezebel Sloane - he almost regretted it? Perhaps. The conversation with the girl a few days ago was interesting to say the very least - though he did enjoy his date with Elodie - who he couldn’t help but glance at with a soft smile before and stick his younger out at Jordan before taking his seat next to Jezebel.

He looked at the girl with curious eyes - people were loudly talking all around them so there weren’t many prying eyes their direction. Though despite that, he lowered is voice ever-so-slightly - “so Jezebel…” Riker started, running his hands through his ever-so-wet hair. “Saw the magazines with you and Jordan. People’s magazine has you as a top headline of “who’s that girl” - so…” Riker smiled playfully, “who exactly is that girl? Why don’t we get to know each other better?”

@Littlefeets - Jez
@astxrism - Elo da cutie mentioned


Aline bro

So the crash was bad. The paramedics came and she got a front row seat in watching them extract Gio from the car. They would only let one person go with him in the ambulance to the hospital, and Aline ended up being the one accompanying him. She knew it made sense for Lui to go with him, since this was his boyfriend (were they still together? She didn’t even know) but perhaps there was still some residual anger left in her from the whole situation, and she fought him on it until he relented. So she sat beside him on the ride to the hospital, gripping tightly onto his hand as the paramedics tried to keep him alive.

There was a lot of waiting and crying and tense conversations after she met up with Lui and her mom at the hospital. Hours later, her mother said she had to go pick up their sisters from school, but Aline volunteered to do so as she was beginning to feel like she was suffocating from the hospital environment. She just really hated hospitals; they reminded her of the dead and the dying and she would rather not think of Gio as dead or dying. So she distracted herself, spending the evening with her sisters and trying not to think of how broken Gio looked.

She and Lui didn’t go to school in the days after that. Aline moved between the hospital and her home, acting as a bridge between the two places for her mom and brother; Luciano spent all his time at the hospital, never too far from Gio’s bedside, while her mom was never too far from either of them. Aline knew that was because Marcia felt somewhat responsible for him, because of the whole disowned-by-his parents thing. Aline had been watching from a bit away when her mom had called his family and told them of the accident, and though she didn’t know the exact words exchanged, her mami looked frustrated when she got off the phone. The call with Gio’s sister seemed to go much more smoothly, and so it was no surprise that it was only his sister who showed up.

It saddened Aline though, to know just how little of a sh!t his parents gave about their own kid… just because he was gay. She knew her mom was holding out hope that they’d show, but Aline didn’t think they should count on it. People like that… they were stubborn like mules, their problematic ideals sticking like honey, blinding them to the little boy who really just needed his parents.

It was Friday now, the day of the senior camping trip. The trip had been something she had been looking forward to for the longest time, but now… well, Lui wouldn’t go and Gio couldn’t go and now it was hard for her to even think about going in these circumstances. But with Gio’s surgery having taken place earlier and him looking to have got through it okay (at least right now), she was beginning to think that maybe it was alright if she took a week off to go on the camping trip. Lord knows she needs the distraction.

Gio’s surgery was early that morning or late the night before, however you wanted to view it, and he was back in his room by the time she stiffly awakened in the chair she had claimed for her bed. Her Papi was at home with the girls so she could stay here with Gio, Lui and her Mami. And Francesca, his sister, who had stayed the night too, what with Gio’s surgery and all. She was in the chair by Gio’s bedside, her body kind of slumped onto the bed. As her eyes slowly sweeped the room, she noticed someone that was somewhat familiar to her but she couldn’t quite recall the name of. She was probably also someone close to Gio in some way or other. Luciano was curled up in another chair near her beside Marcia, his head resting on their mother’s shoulder as he slept. Aline rubbed her neck, regarding them groggily. He used to fall asleep like that almost all the time when he was little, her shoulder always the comfiest pillow. Both of them were close to their mother, but her mom and Lui… they shared a bond that Aline would never even approach.

She walked over to where her mom was tucked with Lui, taking the car keys out of her purse. Sending her a text she would see if and when she woke up, Aline headed home to freshen up. She took a shower and changed, the house quiet in the early hours of the morning. Her suitcase, which had been packed since March, was tucked into the back of her closet, and she cast a forlorn glance its way before leaving the house again, driving back to the hospital.

She was back in his room, her mother awake now and giving her a small smile. Lui wasn’t in the room, which was odd to her as she couldn’t remember a time where he hadn’t been there. Francesca and the familiar woman weren’t there either—Francesca had probably headed to work but she had no idea where the woman could’ve gone. “Hey, mijha.” Marcia held out her arms and they shared a hug, her mother holding her tight in that signature way of hers, the kind of hug that made her feel like everything would be okay. “I’m going to grab Lui and get some breakfast, okay?” Marcia murmured in Spanish after she had stepped back, her hands rubbing Aline’s shoulder. “Lui…” Her mother sighed, rubbing her head. “He needs to get out of here, even though he thinks he’s fine. All this hospital… well, it’s no good for anyone.” Aline nodded slightly, passing the car keys into her hands. “Yeah, okay.”

Her mom glanced towards the door, a thought occurring to her. “Oh and Annabel was here—she just stepped out. She’ll be back soon probably.” She looked like she wanted to say something more, but then she just nodded, kissing Aline gently on the cheek before heading out. “I’ll see you,” Aline said to her retreating back. The question popped up in her mind after she had already gone: who was this Annabel?

Her mom gone, Aline dragged a chair to Gio’s bedside, her hand slipping into his. She looked at him, a sigh tumbling through her lips. “Gio…” she whispered, a tear running down her face. “How did we get here?”

@/CerealKiller k bet

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Annabel was doing her usual housework around the De Luca household when the news hit her.
She was just about done for the day and only had Mario’s office to clean and a few other things, but he was in an important call so she didn’t want to disturb. At some point, as she saw the conversation wasn’t about to end, she knocked on the door and asked for permission to clean while he was working, which he approved. As she cleaned the office, a call from an unrecognised number made his personal cellphone start buzzing, and since he was still busy he told her to pick it up.
She stepped outside the office food to pick up the call. Then she was told they were calling from the hospital about his son. Hearing those words her heart started beating a bit faster as she was scared of what they were about to say next. Which in a way did come true, even though it wasn’t the worst case scenario, they told her the boy had gotten in a car crash and is now in a critical state in the trauma center of the hospital.
She thanked them and hung up the phone. She had to go tell his father, but inside her she didn’t want to because she knew he wouldn’t care, not even a bit.

Annabel has been working for the De Luca family for a bit over ten years now, and if there’s one thing she had learned, was that Mario De Luca was a heartless bastrad. He cared for no one but himself, not even his own son, flesh and blood. Nothing.
He deserved nothing of what he had, his wealth, his status, his wife, his son. None of it, in her eyes he was a bad and cold hearted man, what did he do to deserve such a good life?
His wife, Valentina, was just a sad case in Annabel’s opinion. She was a good woman, she really was, but she was so stupid to marry that idiot, and lives her life spinelessly, rarely ever going against her husband’s word, even if he was wrong.
If it was up to her she wouldn’t have kicked Gio out in the first place, as much as her husband denied it, he was still her son. She still loved him.
Annabel did have a small place in her heart for that woman, but it wasn’t nearly as big as the part Gio had in her heart. That boy was like the younger brother she never had. Ever since she started working for the family, as the young girl in a foreign country she was ten years ago, since the first day she came into the house, she felt a connection with the boy, who was only a kid at the time, and the bond between the two only grew stronger with every passing day. He was he favourite person in the world as she was for him. The two of them shared a bond nobody could ever recreate or even understand, and hearing the boy was in a critical state in the hospital, made her hurt as if she herself has been in the crash.

And just as she expected from Mario, he didn’t care, and kept playing the act of not knowing what she’s talking about, and denying the fact that he has a son.
Arguing with him or confronting him in any way, had absolutely no point, but at the same time, it’s not like he even cared, so why bother?
So Annabel tried and kept up with her work, because she couldn’t just get up and leave. And as she finished everything she rushed out and made her way to the hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, it was very late. Gio was in surgery for hours and in the waiting room she saw Gio’s older sister Francesca, his boyfriend who she recognized from pictures the boy showed her, and another woman who she assumed was his mother.
They were a few people she respected, they were the family who took care of Gio when his own parents dumped him out, and she couldn’t be more grateful for them than she already was.
They were all asleep, except for Francesca which she talked to, and she explained to her and filled her in on all that was going on with Gio before she got there.
Apparently the boy got in an accident earlier that day, he now has some wounds and quite some damage to his leg and severe head trauma, for which he was now in surgery. Worried and scared, she stayed there until the surgery was done.

The surgery was done, and the boy laid in his hospital bed, sedated and connected to machines. He was now in recovery, still under the influence of the anaesthesia, so he has yet to have woken up. Sometime around that, his boyfriend left, Francesca had to work, and Annabel and his boyfriend’s mother Marcia stayed there by his side for that time, and at some point she left the room to go to the bathroom as well as call in sick. Although she wasn’t sick, she couldn’t see herself leaving the boy and going to work.
As she came back to the room, Marcia was gone, and another person was there, which she recognised to be his boyfriend’s sister Aline.
She seemed worried, and sad. Which were both things Annabel could relate to,
”Gio…How did we get here?” the girl whispered and a tear fell down her cheek, not noticing Annabel came in.
”You must be Aline” she said as she stood at the door looking at the girl sitting next to him with a soft look in her eye. ”It’s good to finally meet you, I just wish it was in a different setting” she said with a weak half smile.
”The doctor said he should be waking up anytime soon” she added filling her in on what the doctor said


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Ketziah Drake

“Guitar equals camping trip saved. Guess that makes you my hero.” Ketziah said with a smirk. She nodded with a laugh at his comment of being reminded about it forever. “For as long as I live.” Then she shrugged just slightly. “Well, I wouldn’t complain about that.” She paused listening to his statement that it would be better if she was there next time. “If only you’d thought about that last time, then who knows what fun we could’ve had. Next Monday, I’ll be there. What kind of friend, or even a fan, would I be to miss it anyway?” Ketziah said with a smile.



“Guitar equals camping trip saved. Guess that makes you my hero.”
”Guess some heroes don’t wear capes” he smirked and brought his sunglasses from his head to his eyes ”They wear awesome sunglasses”
“For as long as I live.”
*”Sounds like a long time to me.’ he chuckled
’If only you’d thought about that last time, then who knows what fun we could’ve had. Next Monday, I’ll be there. What kind of friend, or even a fan, would I be to miss it anyway?”
The smile on his face widened as she spoke, ”Can’t wait” he said ”Just don’t throw tomatoes at me from the place I’ll save for you in the front” he chuckled

@Littlefeets sorry it’s bad I just woke up :slightly_smiling_face:

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AlIne ee

A voice behind her, the lady apparently knowing her name already without her even having to tell her. She turned, wiping at the tear that had escaped almost without notice (she’d been doing so much crying as of late that she was beginning to just not realize when she was crying). It was the woman from earlier who was talking, the blonde one whom she couldn’t name. “Oh… yeah, I’m Aline.” She tried a smile, the one she mustered feeling weak and forced. The woman spoke with a familiarity that Aline couldn’t match as she still wasn’t totally certain who she was in the first place. “Different setting…” she repeated faintly, the sentence trailing off before being punctuated with a humourless husk of a laugh. “Yeah… same.” She paused, still racking her brain for the way this woman fit into Gio’s life, before meeting the woman’s gaze. “I’m sorry, who are you again?”

“The doctor said he should be waking up any time soon,” she said. Aline nodded, her glance falling back onto Gio’s still body. “Is he gonna be in pain?” She asked softly, her hand gently running down his arm. “Well, of course he’s gonna be in pain, but is it gonna be bad?” The idea of Gio waking up in pain was a thought that physically pained her—he was the last person that she would ever think should be subjected to any kind of pain. “God, I still can’t believe…” she sighed, shaking her head.


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