Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Dannny dan dan dan dannnn

"Who said I’m tired?

“I’m saying you’re tired,” Dan joked, hearing it in her voice. In all honesty he was getting a little tired as well. It was now well into the early morning of 4 AM and Mikel still hadn’t made his way back - likely meaning he was still drinking, or he was hooking up with someone. Either of which he couldn’t blame the man for doing. After all, He was indeed, a single man. Jezebel had made that clear - though still being confused about what she wanted. Dan, however, had decided to stay out of that whole mess - not wanting to say anything bout it. It wasn’t his place - that much he had learned over the past few months.

Moving the pillows off the couch, Dan made space so that both of them could lay down. “Don’t give me that look, I still want to finish the movie,” Dan nudged, as he pulled the blanket over the two of them, instinctively putting his arm over her body as she laid down next to him. It was… comforting in a strange way. Dan was so used to the meet, screw, and repeat thing now-a-days that he didn’t really have this part anymore. Which is, suffice to say, probably why his eyes soon closed from the warmth of her body against his.


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“I’m saying you’re tired,”
”Can’t argue with a certified genius can I” she commented with a light smirk
”Don’t give me that look, I still want to finish the movie,"
”Okay cranky pants” she chuckled and laid down as he fixed more space on the couch.
Laying down like that, with his arm around her and the warmth under the blanket, it was something she wasn’t used to, the whole cuddling thing. She was the type of girl people screwed and dumped, none of the cutesy stuff. It was more of a finish what you came for and leave her be, or just roll to the other side of the bed, than a stay and be calm and comfortable while you’re already there. But honestly, it just felt good, even natural in a way. She felt warm, and even safe. Something she hasn’t felt in quite a long time.
”Thank you” she said quietly, there was no response at first so he might have been asleep, but it didn’t bother her at all, in fact, it made it a lot easier to say what’s on her mind. and she wasn’t facing him so she didn’t know. ”I had a really really good day today” she added, she really did have quite an amazing day even though it was quite eventful and quite confusing, but as a whole, she enjoyed it, very much. ”And most of it is probably thanks to you” she admitted, honestly Daniel played a huge part in the reasons her day was this good. Yeah, obviously it was Vegas and it was the city of freedom and fun, but wouldn’t have been the same with other people or a different setting. It was perfect the way it is. ”I was wrong about you before, you’re actually quite amazing” she finally admitted. Looking back, she would have never seen herself say that or even think it, and there was still the part of her that was hurt by him. but the more she got to know him, and spend time with him, that part of her grew smaller and smaller as the part of her that actually liked him grew, potentially even too much.
But as they laid there, she didn’t even think about the fact that she’s probably leading herself to getting hurt again. She was too calm and serene, for once she genuinely felt somewhat happy, and she didn’t want her own mind to ruin that.

@benitz786 :sneezing_face:

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As Dan’s eyes fell shut, he was comforted by the girl asleep next to him. Was he asleep? No. Not yet. His mind was still running, thinking through everything that had happened. And then he heard it. Her talking. Which suffice to say, surprised him in every sense of the word. Hearing her speak, the quiet of the room all around them - Dan didn’t say anything. Hell, he wouldn’t know what to say even if he tried. Instead, he just kept his eyes closed, and his breathing calm as she continued to speak. Ironically, everything she said - he felt the exact same way about her. But god, was he confused. Daniel Parker wasn’t the guy people liked. Hell, the people in the world that enjoyed Dan’s presence could be counted on one hand and in a strange way, Dan found comfort in that. In knowing that people hated him. He had gotten used to it. What he wasn’t used to, was this. Being with someone who truly enjoyed his presence. At least… he hadn’t had it in a long time.

After a few seconds, Dan opened his eyes, adjusting to the dark light as he placed a gentle kiss on the back of her shoulder, pulling her closer against him with the simple words, “Good night, Valerie.” leaving his lips. His mind trying to comprehend what he was doing as he laid there - no longer tired.

@CerealKiller - Cuddleeee buddyyyy

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Zion Pestana

They laughed with her in response to her Slenderman joke. “It’s not so much that he’s afraid, just that he’s very much a city boy. The idea of sleeping outside isn’t very appealing to him.” They responded, playfully rolling their eyes. They nodded in agreement as she spoke about sleeping arrangements, laughing again as she mentioned the likelihood of people hooking up. They knew that she was probably correct, though they didn’t really understand the appeal of doing so in a forest. "Yeah, that’s always a possibility.” They added, shrugging. They smiled as she told them to let her know if they needed anything. “I’ll keep that in mind. Although, my mami always makes me overpack. Knowing her, I’ll be prepared for any possible natural disaster.” They said with a small chuckle.

@Ouijaloveletters - Marie



Valerie was no longer feeling tired, or at least she didn’t want to fall asleep, because for once, she was genuinely happy, even if it was temporary. She didn’t want to fall asleep, because inside her she knew when she wakes up, her happiness will fade away, as it always did.
It could be moments before something ruined it, because after all, it had to be ruined in a way, at some point.

And as they laid there, just the two of them, she seemed calm and sleeping on the outside, but inside her mind was running. Damn it, her mind was all over the place.
She was just… confused. On both sides of the story.
On one side, never in her life she thought she’s capable of liking Daniel Parker, in any way. He was one of the people she never expected to manage to get into her heart.
Dammit, she thought she managed to get rid of the stupid ability of developing feelings for people. But it was a fcuking lie, and although she could never admit it out loud, she felt it. The little crack in the wall or protection she built around her heart, a little crack called Daniel, which somehow managed to slowly pass the wall, probably without even wanting to or trying.

And that’s where the second side of the story comes to light,
Even more than she didn’t believe she could develop feelings for others, what she really didn’t believe was that other people could ever have some feelings towards her or like her as more than a friend. So she was just preparing herself for the rejection and pain, trying to enjoy the moment while it lasted.

She wasn’t the kind of girl you meet, get to know, and slowly fall in love with. No, she wasn’t capable of being loved, or at least that’s what she believed. But could you blame her for believing that? It’s all she has been told. Hideous creature, unlovable, a mistake, a monster… who would ever love that?
As much as Valerie seemed like a bubbly and confident girl to anyone who knew her, it was a lie, a fascade, a mask she put on herself so nobody sees she’s actually nothing but a broken girl.
Clearly, the world would have been so much better if she would have died instead of Veronica. That’s what it’s like to be a waste of air, or at least that’s what she’s been told. By her own mother, who for years kept reminding her and showing her how much she hated her and wished she never existed. But that’s how life is sometimes isn’t it? Some people aren’t worthy of being loved, not even in their own home. Or house, to be more accurate. It was never a home, at least she couldn’t remember how it felt to feel safe and wanted, in the one place that’s supposed to be her safe haven.

But her train of thought was soon interrupted, and a feeling of warmth and serenity started spreading through her, chasing away the thoughts, at least for now, as she felt a gentle kiss on the back of her shoulder.
”Good night, Valerie."
The lightest of smiles formed on her lips, as she closed her eyes, as she drifted away into a peaceful sleep, letting herself feel good, just this once…



Marie nodded when Zion explained that their brother was just a city kid. “Ah, I get it.” They agreed with her about the hooking up part, causing Marie to nod. “Yeah, teenagers…” She deadpanned. Zion smiled when Marie told them to ask if they needed anything, explaining that their mom would make sure they were prepared. “Wow, how prepared are we talking about? As in “Survive a Zombie apocalypse” prepared?” She joked, grinning. “That’d be interesting to see.”
@Caticorn - Zion

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Tuesday 8:00 am, 7th April, Cerulean High Courtyard

The highly anticipated Senior Camping trip had finally arrived. Although it seemed like it should be the last thing on everyone’s mind, after the sudden passing of Candice Clarke, the Cerulean High facuilty made the decision to go through with it, in an attempt to life the spirits of the seniors. Though it was a futile attempt, the students complied as they knew that following the light-hearted, team-building challenges set by teachers will be whatever exposing and turbulent endeavours Blue Royalty had in store for them.

Upon arrival, the seniors were displayed with the seating plan for the coach, before finally setting off for the long journey, and even longer week, ahead of them.



Dorian DeLoughrey

Flashback, 6th April, around 2 am

The rest of the day, after being the good guy he is and returning Jessica’s purse, has been normal. If you consider making out in a car with a cheerleader, saving your ex best friend from a creep, then kissing her and staying the night in her room because she’s drunk normal, then that’s exactly what happened. A simple night, nothing more than that.
It was around 2 am when Dorian started getting phone calls he’d just ignore, decline even if he managed to do that because he was too busy running his hands all over Hailey’s body. Yeah, Hailey, Emily’s friend. The cheerleader that threatened him to let Emily live in peace because he was distracting her or something along those lines. Confusing… but fun. For him at least. It was just entertaining to see she wanted him for herself. Who wouldn’t?

“Turn it off,” Hailey mumbled desperately in between the kisses, as she was straddling him, her hands sliding up his t-shirt. Now that would be a perfect night, only if it wasn’t for those annoying calls. “Mm, wait, sorry,” he whispered before he pulled away and cleared his throat, grabbing his phone to finally answer it. He would keep ignoring it if he knew who was calling him, but as the calls continued he couldn’t help but feel a little worried… maybe something happened and he couldn’t ignore it. Even the make-out sesh didn’t help. “Hello?” He picked up, straightening up but still tightly holding Hailey, trying hard to ignore her lips that now moved to the side of his neck. “Hey, sorry for the late call. Girl here says she’s your cousin. She’s at Mclarin’s pub and is wasted…” He heard an unfamiliar voice saying something he didn’t really understand at first and only thought it was a mistake. Cousin? Nora wouldn’t get drunk at this time, right? Well, that was until he heard the one and only, Jessica screaming in the background. Without listening to that part, he moved the phone slightly away from him and rested his head back on the seat, closing his eyes for a second. Ffs. “Listen, you got the wrong number. The worst person you could call. Try Andy or… I don’t know,” He sighed, shifting his full attention to Hailey again, sliding his hand over her thigh. “Wh-“ But before the person could answer the phone call ended… or her phone died, which wouldn’t be surprising. So… this was the part where he should just laugh about it, forget it and continue whatever he started? Not really…

As much as he wanted to enjoy the night he felt bad. Worried. Yes, he disliked Jessica at this point but she was still someone he knew and he didn’t want anything to happen to her. And her phone died, how would they find someone to pick her up? “Sorry… can you leave please?” Was the only thing he said to Hailey before ending their sesh and leaving her alone at the parking lot of the mall. For someone that didn’t want to see Jessica, he’s been doing so much for her.

He got there when they were slowly starting to close the bar but there were still some people in there. But not enough to not notice Jessica and… a guy? That didn’t seem very friendly. I mean, he could tell what was happening, what he was trying to do and Dorian didn’t like it. Who would? Once again, even if he wasn’t friendly with Jessica, he cared about her and couldn’t let anything happen to her. If someone else was in her place right now he would actually do the same thing. Placing his keys in his pocket, he slowly walked over to the two of them, just watching the guy forcing her to go with him and he could feel himself getting more and more frustrated with every step he took. “Thank you for waiting for me,” he simply said, forcing a smile on his face as he stepped in between the two, pushing the guy but wrapping his arm around Jessica and pulling her into his side. “Uhm, do we have a problem here?” Dorian now looked at the guy with a serious expression on his face, an expression that wasn’t necessarily friendly. Not that he wanted it to be. Things would’ve been fine if only Jessica didn’t seem so confused, only p!ssing off the other guy thinking Dorian was trying to do the same thing as him. ”Dude, back off. I found her first, she even agreed to go back to my place,” words that made Dorian chuckle and look down at the ground, shaking his head before punching the guy without hesitation. He immediately turned to face Jessica, wanting to get out of that place as soon as possible but what she was wearing caught his attention. Now that he was standing face to face to her, he could have a better look. “The fck are you wearing? No wonder you have creeps hitting on you…” He mumbled, avoiding looking at her eyes and ignoring her poking him. He felt… weird, just standing there. Sad because of what he saw, frustrated because that actually happened, frustrated because she got wasted and he was the first person to find out and come “save her”. But glad that she was okay.

Letting out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding, he looked up at her as she mentioned how she liked what she was wearing, even doing a little spin. “Nice men,” he repeated after her through a chuckle, looking down at her finger as she poked him again. Of course, the next thing he said is how he is taking her home but she, unfortunately, but not to his surprise, didn’t like that idea. He just didn’t expect she’d ask to go to the club. “You want to go to the club? To dance?" He repeated, laughing lightly to himself. There was no way he would take her to the club, especially not in that state. “That sounds good, let’s go to the club,” he spoke up with a friendly smile, lightly nodding. But he also knew there was no other way to get her to follow him, he had to lie.

And once again, he was stuck in a car with her. Once again he was quiet as he started driving to Daniel’s house. But this time he wasn’t mad. At least not as much as he was that time before they got arrested. She was wasted and he just wanted to get her home, to make sure she was safe and well. It was easier when he thought she wouldn’t remember most of the night. He didn’t have to pretend he hated her so much, didn’t have to pretend like he didn’t know about what she did before she left. Didn’t have to put the blame on her. He was just calmly driving.
Until she mentioned how kissable his face was. His face was what? She would do what? It was a… it was confusing. Everything became confusing after she came back. After he found her voicemail. He didn’t know how to react, what to say, how to act, so he did what he’s been doing all along - he stayed quiet and continued driving. From time to time he would look at her, or stare for a couple of seconds as she was focused on other things, her words repeating in his head.

What she did when they reached the gate of the house was the last thing he expected. He has never seen Jessica act the way she did at that moment and he was… concerned. He just didn’t understand why she didn’t want to go back but he could see that there was something extremely wrong. And he couldn’t keep up the serious act - that was the first time he looked at her, showing he was genuinely concerned and sad. “Hey, it’s okay,” he mumbled, being lost for words but that didn’t stop him from wanting to take her home. And he could see her shuffling in the seat, trying to get out as he continued driving, passing the gate but luckily he locked the door thinking that would stop her. WRONG.
When he saw what she did he stopped the car immediately, for a few seconds just staring at her in absolute shock. She rolled down the window to get out of the car. “What the fck, Jessica?! Are you insane?” He finally yelled as he got out of the car, watching her now sitting down on the ground. Sitting without moving, staring at him. “Get back in the car,” he almost threatened her as he walked over to the other side of the car where she was, but now she was laying down as if it wasn’t raining. Even he ignored the rain because of the shock, but just standing there, waiting for her to do something, to say something, to get up was when he realized that the weather was getting worse. But he didn’t care much about it. It was almost fitting.

Remembering what she said back in the car, he did what he never thought he’d do - he found himself laying down beside her, looking up at the sky. And it was peaceful. It felt right, even if he would never admit that. It was a little moment he missed so much. Needed. And God knows how long they’ve been there, but they were both soaked and if he didn’t notice her shivering they’d be there even longer. “You’ll catch a cold, Jess. Let’s go inside,” with gentle words he looked to the side, at her, hoping this time it would be easier to get her to do something but once again he was wrong. And once again he held his breath as she moved closer to him… but only to pull another stunt. Before he got a chance to react, she got up and started running away from him. Cursing under his breath, he sat up and ran his hands through his wet hair, just watching her. He wasn’t really in the mood to chase her, but he did it because he just wanted to get her inside. If they were still friends, he’d take this moment to joke and call her a child, to joke about her age but they… weren’t? And it wasn’t really a time for that. So getting up and running after her, he did another thing he never thought he would.

It wasn’t easy to catch her. Maybe she was actually having fun or maybe she really didn’t want to go inside. And for some reason, his mind found just one way to deal it with it, to calm her down. When he finally caught her, he pulled her towards him, his hands moving up to cup her cheeks as he gently placed his lips on hers. And he didn’t regret doing that. Hell, he couldn’t stop thinking about the last time he did that… she did that. And he was swallowing his pride at that moment. There was no going back but he didn’t want to go back. Everything that happened, everything that was happening was just one big mess in his head and what he just did made it even worse. But as soon as he felt her giving in, wrapping her arms around his neck he just let it happen. He deepened the kiss, moved his hands to her waist to pull her in closer and close any distance that was between them, if there even was any. The moment his hand slid to her lower back was when he noticed how cold she was and what they were doing. That was when he pushed her away and immediately looked up to meet her eyes, but she was looking somewhere else. Even if she kissed him back he expected her to be mad at him but the look on her face only left him confused. Everything did. And maybe he didn’t want to stop. Maybe he did it just because he didn’t want her to catch a cold or because she was drunk and he did want to seem like he was taking some kind of advantage of her. Well, he didn’t know and that’s why he stayed silent until she spoke up. “You promised me a dance.”

“I did,” was the only thing he managed to say, smiling softly at her. He was still confused with everything happening that he didn’t think about what he was doing. He just knew he wanted to make her happy, before dragging her inside. So without complaining, he let her rest her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to protect her from the rain or at least warm her up a bit. That was the cheesiest thing he’d ever done. Who would’ve thought he’d be dancing in the rain to imaginary music? Not him. It wasn’t long before he finally got her to go inside. He helped her take her shoes off, tightly holding her arm so she doesn’t trip over, and then continue doing that as he lead her upstairs, to her bedroom. If he remembers where it was. It’s been a long time since he was in this house, he wouldn’t be surprised if some things changed but luckily they didn’t. It just felt unreal to be in that house again, with her. It was like he could remember all the things they’ve done in there, just looking around.

“You need to change, you’re soaking,” he whispered, leading her to the bed before walking towards the dresser to find her something to change into. Something warm. “Here,” quietly adding, he handed her the clothes and turned almost right away when he saw she didn’t even think twice about changing right in front of him. Well, he already saw everything he could so there was really no need to turn but he had some respect. He wasn’t that bad. When he heard her moving was when he looked back at her, seeing she was dressed and ready for bed. So walking to it, he pulled the covers down, tapping the bed as a signal for her to lay down. “C’mon now.”

Dorian’s day started in a weird way but ended even weirded. The girl he’s been arguing with that morning was the same girl he was in bed with now, playing with her hair as he waited for her to fall asleep.
When he got her in bed and tucked her in, he felt her hand on his, stopping him from stepping back. He’d never expect her to beg him to stay with her, not now after four years of not seeing him. After being a complete jerk. What she said in the car, about not wanting to be alone tonight was still replaying in his mind so it wasn’t hard for him to say no. That’s how he ended up in her bed. “Of course,” was the only thing he whispered, laying down next to her and letting her wrap her arms around him. Once again, the memories of them came back to him - he was remembering all the little things they’d do together. At that moment he felt like everything was the way it once was… but it wasn’t. And with that he remembered the night he found her voicemail, he remembered what she said and for some reason, laying there next to her, he said the same thing she did a while ago. “I loved you too.” Maybe it was a good thing, maybe it wasn’t, but at that point, he could see she was already asleep so it didn’t matter, she didn’t hear that.

He didn’t know how long he’d been there. It felt like hours since he was just laying, tightly holding her in his arms and looking at one spot. He didn’t close his eyes for a second or tried to fall asleep. He waited for her to do that so he could leave, even if she fell asleep right away. Having someone seeing them, especially Daniel, was the last thing he wanted but he was still there. After an hour, if he could correctly remember the time, he slowly and carefully moved her arm to get out of bed and go home. For a few seconds, he was just sitting on the edge of the bed, looking at her (not creepy like Edward Cullen), for the millionth time going over everything that happened that night. The way he acted that morning and the way he was acting just hours ago. A mess. Everything felt like that.
Before leaving, he wanted to at least get her a glass of water for when she wakes up so that’s what he did. Getting up and leaving her room, he went downstairs to the kitchen but what he discovered when he went back was the last thing he expected. If they were still best friends that would’ve been the perfect thing he could later tease her about but…

Quietly walking towards the nightstand, as he was about to set the glass down he heard a moan that made him immediately freeze and look towards Jessica. At first, he thought his mind was playing tricks on him but soon he realized it wasn’t. Was she… dreaming about someone? Awkward - how he would describe that moment and the way he felt. He’s had many dreams like that but this was the first time he’s witnessed it happening to a girl, his old friend. It was both awkward and entertaining, but he wanted to leave as soon as possible. Especially when he heard his own name. And connected everything. She was… dreaming about him. He slowly put the glass down but his hand was still on it, his gaze on Jessica. Now that was what made everything even more confusing so he quickly left, leaving her alone in that house.

Tuesday 8:00 am, 7th April, Cerulean High Courtyard

Jessica missed school the other day and he was, in a way, happy about it. That night kept replaying in his head and he wasn’t ready to face her and if she could remember what happened, she’d probably feel the same way. That’s what he thought, at least. He thought she could remember it so now she was avoiding him. Was that smart? Well… he didn’t know, because he also didn’t know how to feel about it. Hell, he even tried to ignore Hailey and Emily because he was so lost and he never does that.
He also wanted to avoid Jessica but for some reason, as soon as he arrived at the courtyard with Elodie, he looked around searching for her. He didn’t plan to say anything to her he just… he just wanted to see her. It was a weird feeling but feeling disappointed was the last thing he expected when he realized she wasn’t there. That her name wasn’t on the list.

Pushing those thoughts away he looked for his name to see who he’d be sitting with. Kai. Not bad. They knew each other because of Elodie, of course, but they were more acquaintances than friends. He had nothing against the guy, he just didn’t like what happened with him and Elodie. So after saying hi to his friends, he got on the coach and immediately spotted Kai.
“Good morning,” Dorian enthusiastically said with a cheeky smile on his face, looking at the empty seat next to Kai. “Great. I hate window seats,” he commented quietly, dropping his little backpack on the ground next to him as he plopped down. And he did hate window seats - he didn’t like to be “trapped” without a way to communicate with people around him. “It’s totally not weird seeing you around here,” jokingly adding right away, he laughed lightly looking up at Kai. “How’s the school treating you? You staying away from Elodie, huh?” With a smile still on his face, he continued teasing Kai even if the last part was meant to be serious.



Ruby got out of her car, grabbing her bag with everything she’d need for camping, shutting and locking the door. She headed over to look at the list of seating arrangements, realizing she was to be sitting next to Zion. She smiled slightly, getting on the coach to see that Zion hadn’t arrived yet. She sat down, putting her bag under her seat and putting on her headphones. She closed her eyes, getting ready for the long ride ahead.

Marie grabbed her bag of camping supplies, hoisting it on her back and getting out of the car. She closed and locked the door behind her, going to see who she was to be sitting next to on the coach. She found her name easily, she was to be sitting with Kara Melbourne. They had talked some, and Kara was quite nice, so Marie wasn’t too worried about things being awkward. She got on the coach, having to hold her bag on her lap because it wouldn’t fit under the seat. She sighed, knowing her legs would definitely fall asleep, but she was glad she came prepared. She sat down, putting on her headphones and getting comfortable.

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April 6th 12:31 AM:

Jess laid in her bed after the date had ended, simply attempting to fall asleep as her mind reminisced over what had occurred. The date… honestly hadn’t gone as Jessica had expected. If Jess was being completely honest with herself, she didn’t think her and Kai would be compatible at all – that much could be seen in the brief interactions they had, the date location, and even their discussions. He was trying, sure, but there was just something not clicking. Like he hadn’t fully relaxed into the date. Though, the moment he had agreed to trust her – kind of changed all of that. The remnants of the smile she had when he said, reluctantly as it was, still played upon her lips as she called the waiter over and asked for the check and t put all the food in a to go container – neither of them touching any of it. Jessica would have picked up the tab, though after a short back and forth with Kai – they finally agreed upon splitting the bill before taking him to the car and spewing random directions without telling him exactly where Jessica had in mind.

What she did have in mind, ironically, would have been something she doubted the man would have ever done himself as she made him pull into a fancy wedding reception occurring outside a church – continuing with this idea of “trust” as the two let the valet park the car and acted like wedding guests for the evening. Though, the kick of it, to remove suspicion from the two of them – Jess had taken one of the fancier rings she wore on her pointer finger and moved it over to her ring finger – pretending to be engaged to the lovely Jason Kingsly for the night. The “future” Jessica and Jason Kingsly, giving Kai her name hidden within a joke. Ah yes, navigating the party was interesting to say the least, Jessica changing up the story of who they were for every guest they interacted with – a needed thing as they couldn’t go to the bride’s family and say they were with the bride, or the groom’s family and say they were with the groom. Though, if anything were to come of this night – Jess knew she’d either scare the poor man that was Kai away, or she’d allow him to get to know the real her – something he truly couldn’t do over dinner at an Italian restaurant.

So, they spent the rest of the night doing that: Eating cake, laughing with other guests and making up a story about how her and Kai had met and fallen in love, dancing. Though, probably, Jessica’s favorite part of the night was seeing Kai dance with this adorable little girl who had walked up to the two of them and shyly asked Kai to dance with her. Jessica couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was just something about the way he danced with the little girl that changed the atmosphere of the night. He seemed…. finally like he was enjoying himself.

Though, it would still not be a shocking conclusion to say that Jessica was surprised that Kai had asked to take her out again after walking her to the door. Honestly, she had expected the night to be their last interaction with the way things had turned out. Though him asking her out again, followed by their second kiss of the night which was far better than their first – Jessica didn’t know what to say. Perhaps it was just her being herself, but she decided why not – agreeing to the date. Though, then again, she had also agreed to a second date to Kyle Whittle years ago – so it truly didn’t mean much. Guess she’d just have to see how things turned out on date number two.

Though, perhaps the second interesting part of the night was their conversation after the date – when she realized the Kai she went on a date with was the same “JustKai” username who had made some ludicrous comment about New York being better than London – the two having an interesting talk about that as she DMd him before setting up their second date to grab breakfast before the camping trip. Though, Jess could no longer think about what had happened, sending the man one last message before her eyes fluttered closed – sleep overtaking her tired body

1:23 AM:

“No… no,” Jess mumbled in the remnant of her sleep, as her mind replayed that memory. It wasn’t the first time Jessica had this nightmare. No, but perhaps it was one of the most vivid times she had ever experienced it. “No…not again. I’m sorry. I am so sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m so…” The words left her mouth before her eyes finally jolted open, her realization setting in that she was just dreaming. Though despite that, it didn’t stop the sweat dripping from her features, her darting eyes, and her heart racing – limiting her unable to move as her mind reeled from the memory. Jessica had seemingly been crying in her sleep, indicative by the drops on her pillowcase. It took her a second… maybe even a few minutes to finally get up, hugging her legs as she realized what day it was. She never really had forgotten, perhaps pushed it aside, tried to forget about it, tried to sleep so she wouldn’t think about it. But she should have known better. She hadn’t truly had a good night’s sleep since the incident hence her late night walks that Kai had warned her could get her hurt. But maybe what Kai hadn’t fathomed was she didn’t care what happened to her?

As she stayed in that position, her mind went into overdrive about what to do. Usually, she’d smoke some weed and go for a run, or a walk for a few hours – but that dream just… the vividness of it all. She couldn’t. She needed something stronger. She needed to… forget. So, with that in mind, Jess did what no one in their right mind would think about doing. She changed, fixed her make-up, grabbed her fake ID, and went to go get plastered – leaving the lonely house behind that would truly give her no comfort. Maybe if Dan had been home, she would have gone to him. But he wasn’t and right now, she just… needed to forget.

And that’s what she did. Walking to the nearest bar, Jessica did what she promised herself she’d never do again… not after what happened with her sister. She drank to get drunk. Taking shot, after shot, after shot until everything around her felt better. Happier. Brighter. She didn’t know when it had happened, how it had happened, but it was around 2:30 AM when Jessica stared face to face at a p^ssed-off man she thought she wouldn’t see ever again. Well, she’d seen him over the past few weeks – but every time she saw him recently was a shock to her system. “Doriii?” Jess slurred with confusion, the man that had been talking to her for the past few minutes who had been telling her about this nice vinyl collection at his place that she could check out pushed to the side, talking to Dorian. She didn’t know what they were saying, but within a blink of an eye, the man had fallen to the floor. Maybe if Jessica wasn’t wasted, she would have connected the dots that Dorian had just punched a guy who was trying to get her into bed. But she had gone past the point of clarity so in her mind, she simply thought he had decided to take a nap and somehow Dorian appeared out of thin air. Maybe she was hallucinating? She wouldn’t be surprised. Dorian and she were best friends for years and tonight, on the anniversary of the worst night of her life, of course, Dori would be here – in her mind, hating her. Though she deserved to be hated. Hell, Jessica even hated herself.

Though she soon realized she wasn’t hallucinating… yes… she poked him. Don’t judge. Though he soon asked what she was wearing which made her roll her eyes as she shrugged her jacket off. " I likeeeeeee itttt, dontttt youuu?" Jess asked, spinning for him, though stumbling over her feet slightly which only resulted in laughter from her lips. “At leasttt nice men give me attentionnnn in thisss, youreeee just meannnn” she pouted, poking him again to make sure he was, indeed, real. But she found him soon trying to get her back home. Home. What a bloody funny word. But that was the one place Jessica didn’t want to go – hence, pushing him away and trying to drunkenly escape him. “NOoo I want to go dancing,” Jess pouted, “and I wantttt a drink,” she continued, trying to go to the bartender who had cut her off a few minutes earlier causing her to mutter the word “RUDE”. Though after a few minutes, and Dorian promising to take her to a club so she wouldn’t have to walk, Jess finally agreed – getting into the passenger seat of his car.

Could he really blame her for what happened next? This was Jessica. Sober Jessica had no bloody filter, but drunk Jessica – that was a negative filter. So she talked to him. Or tried – who even knew if the words coming out of her mouth made any sense. It did in her head-ish. Though she may have said something along the lines of “I would kiss you if you weren’tt so meannn to me. Youu haveee a verry kissable face,”. Yeah, see. Zero filters. But she couldn’t help it. Her mind moving in overdrive as she watched the small droplets of rain hit Dori’s car window, getting distracted in that for a few minutes. Well, until she noticed Dori arriving at the gate to Dan’s house. “Waittt,” Jess mumbled, realizing a bit too late that it was Dori’s intention to take her home the whole damn time. “No… no, please Dorian… Dorian don’t” Jessica groveled, her heart racing as she remembered the reason she had left in the first place. “Wait, Dori, please. Please don’t take me back here. Dan’s nott home. I can’t… I can’t be inn there alone. Please.” She stated, clearly shaken by where they were, for some reason making more sense than she had a few moments earlier. Looking into his eyes, there was fear clearly in hers. “Please, Dori. I can’t. I just… not tonight. You said you’d take me dancing please, please,” she mumbled, her voice growing anxious as she found him putting in a code after a few minutes and Jessica immediately tried to undo the annoying belt she had on so she could just bloody run away. Though it would be of no use since Dori had apparently bloody child locked the door. Though, that didn’t stop Jessica from rolling down his window and quite literally starting to climb out of it while he was driving which made him stop – probably so she wouldn’t get hurt, cursing as he saw what she was doing. It was honestly a shock that Jess hadn’t gotten hurt pulling that stunt.

The moment Jess got out, She sat down on the road, staying in the rain unmoving – glaring at him as he told her to get into the car. Though she didn’t. She stayed there, laying in the light pitter of the rain like she had done the night she left this place. Left Dorian and all her friends. And for some reason… he did so with her. She didn’t know how long they were out there, but it was enough for the rain to have picked up and for both her body and his own being soaked from head to toe. It wasn’t until Jess involuntarily shivered that Dori finally said the first words after a long time. Something about having to go inside or she’d catch a cold but she didn’t want to. No, instead, Jess did something she’d never do if she was sober. She leaned in close to where Dori was laying, her hand holding onto his chest for support as she brought her mouth right next to his ear before whispering, “You’ll have to catch me,” before moving away immediately, getting up, and starting to run up the path to Dan’s house, laughing with no care in the world as the rain fell around her.

Perhaps she was being stupid. No, she certainly was being stupid. But she didn’t care. She just felt… free. And not thinking about… everything else clouding her mind as she was running, escaping Dorian each time he tried to call out to her or grab her. Well, until he finally did, and she felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time. His lips on hers. Jessica calmed down immediately, melting into the kiss, as her hands found the back of his wet hair, her other wrapping around his neck as she pulled herself closer against him and drunkenly reciprocated immediately. Her mind falling the last time she had kissed him, in the closet of that party. A childish game leading to something… less childish. But as in that first moment, the alcohol still coursing her system, she didn’t care as she let out an involuntary moan against his lips. She didn’t know how long they stood there, lips on one another fervently kissing, but she knew she wasn’t the one to pull back. No, he had pushed her away – causing her to frown as she looked at his bruised lips. She knew he didn’t feel the same way about her. He had made that much clear years ago. But it still hurt. Though she pushed it away as she looked towards him, “You promised me a dance” left her own lips – knowing what he was going to say next about going inside, but shockingly, he followed through. Her head against his chest as they danced to imaginary music in the rain.

She finally agreed after a few minutes to go inside – her body shivering as she had taken her jacket off a long time ago and the bodysuit, she had worn wasn’t doing much to hide anything or even warm her up. Jessica struggled up the stairs with Dorian’s help, him leading her to where he knew her bedroom had been – having stayed the same from when she used to stay here years ago and handing her a change of clothes that she did right in front of him, not caring about what he saw before finally going back into the bed she so wanted to escape. Though, when Dori made a move to leave her, Jess didn’t let go of his hand. She couldn’t. She knew if he left, she’d have the same dream and she couldn’t… she couldn’t go through that again. So instead, she did something sober Jessica would have never asked. She begged him to stay there and hold her. And in an odd twist of fate, he agreed, getting into the bed with her where Jessica immediately wrapped her arms around his body and fell into a much-needed sleep that she honestly had been missing for years.

4:15 AM

As she fell asleep, comforted by Dorian’s arms – a whisper of something incoherent meeting ears though Jess was too far gone to understand what as her mind shut off for the night. Thankfully, her mind was clear of the nightmares she was trying to escape. Perhaps it was having Dorian near her, but instead, her mind was filled with another memory. Rather, her mind went back to the night where Jessica Pierce knew she had messed up. Messed up because she fell for him. Or at least, finally realized she had.

Dorian and Jessica had both been invited to a party at UC Tech – and of course, the two of them had went. Who could say no to a college party, after all. Kara had been busy and Lyonrad said he may drop by later, but for the most part, random last-minute parties had always been Jessica and Dorian’s specialty. Neither had expected, however, to get roped into a childish game of, well, first strip poker, and then later, 7 minutes in heaven. And suffice to say, neither had ever expected to be pushed into a closet together to complete 7 minutes in heaven. Hell, they were best friends. Neither had feelings for each other… right? Well, maybe Jess did deep down but she never really knew until that moment. Until her drunken self just shrugged at being stuck in the dark closet and uttered the words “Rules are rules,” as Dorian said something about not having to do anything. Instead, Jess wrapped her arms around Dorian’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Though perhaps it was the alcohol already in her system, but that innocent kiss escalated faster than she had expected.

Though, as her lips were upon Dorian’s, the memory of marks they left on each other’s bodies reaching Jessica’s mind – ones she later lied to Dorian about “probably being Lyonrad’ pretending she didn’t remember anything that happened that night. The scene changed. This time, Jessica Pierce was back in her room but no longer in her 15-year-old body who was making out with a man that wasn’t her boyfriend in the closet of a frat party. No, instead, It was Jessica as she was now, a few minutes ago – still soaked in her clubbing clothes. But she wasn’t alone, no, Dorian was there. It was almost a perfect replica of what had happened when she was awake. Or was she awake? Jessica couldn’t tell anymore. The lines between reality and her dream were mixing, despite the same exact things happening. However, with one difference. When Dorian had gotten into the bed, Jessica hadn’t fallen asleep. Instead, after a few minutes of laying in his arms, Jessica started kissing his chest over his clothes. The words “What are you doing?” leaving his mouth, but she shut him up as her lips met his own, soon straddling him. “Dori,” She whispered in the dream… maybe… god was it even a fvcking dream? Oh… it was definitely a fvcking dream – but what she meant was, was it a reality? That much she didn’t know, all she knew was she wanted him and he wasn’t really resisting. “I need you,” she mumbled, bringing her lips from his own, before moving them down his neck where she felt his pulse point. Maybe that should have given it away that it wasn’t real. If it was, he probably would have pushed her away by now. But he didn’t. Maybe, just maybe she didn’t even want it to end. Dream or not. She wanted it to happen. Within a few seconds, Dorian had flipped them over and continued what she had started, emitting moans from her mouth as she whimpered his name. And she let him take control – despite never really being one to lose control to a guy, but for some reason, she didn’t fight him. No, she was too busy pulling his shirt off, and moving her hands to his buckle as his lips moved to where she needed him. And let’s just say, that was the most innocent part of the dream or fantasy or whatever it bloody was.

7:19 AM

She woke up from the fervent dream with a gasp, her heart racing for the second time as it took a second for her mind to realize where she was. It was a dream. Thank… god? Maybe… Wait. Her eyes darted around the room trying to figure out if it all was all in her head. She remembered… everything. The club, Dorian, her acting, idiotic to say the least. It was the downside of her mind, she never really forgot. No matter how drunk she got. But she didn’t know if it was real, or if her mind was making things up. It being if Dorian had actually come to get her and bring her home, staying the night with her. Fvck did they actually sleep together? Had she simply fallen asleep after the deed? Did they even bloody use a condom? Though what she did know was at the moment, she was in her bed alone. Perhaps it hadn’t happened? Maybe all of it was one big made-up fantasy. Though, the pile of clothes from what she had worn the night before discarded in the corner told her differently. And a single glass of water laid on her nightstand - though she didn’t exactly know where that came from. Grabbing it, Jess took a long drink - trying to ease her pounding head. But really, all she bloody needed was a freezing cold shower. Bloody hell.

Though she tried to forget about the whole incident… not knowing how to go about it. Though a brief discussion with Yara had helped somewhat in that department, she was still stuck. Though, she pushed the idea aside - skipping the day from as she reeled from the massive hangover she had - only leaving when she convinced Andy to take her out to get some food; though her mind, as much as she pushed away, was still on Dorian DeLoughrey. F*cking hell.

Tuesday 6:00 am, 7th April, Cerulean High Courtyard

If Jess was being honest, she had been considering skipping the trip all together. She knew Dorian would be on the trip and it just made… everything all the more confusing. But Dan convinced her otherwise and after a short back and forth she agreed with the stipulation that she would be with Dan in his limo. Assigned seats on a bus where 99% of the people hated her? No thanks. Not today Satan.

Though the morning did have an interesting start as she went on yet another date with Kai, this time her choice in one of her favorite small bakeries in town. Though, she had to admit - this date had been better than the one before. Mostly because Jess had the chance to talk to Kai’s lovely younger brother who was dating Eve. So of course she asked what was on her mind, not caring about what Kai thought, as she asked the younger boy, who looked familiar though she place from where, if Eve had tried the techniques that Yara and Jess had showed the girl when giving guys blowjobs. Simple lessons they had learned over the years - though a smile when the boy slightly blushed and asked how she knew. Though after breakfast - truly the only reason Jess would be awake at 6 in the morning, Jess returned to Dan’s place - bid Kai farewell as they packed for the trip and put the lugage into the limo which they would be in for the rest of the ride over. A relief off her shoulder as she could… push off seeing Dorian DeLoughrey for just… a little bit longer at least.


@Littlefeets - A man who now has gotton blow job advice from Jessica and his lil brother
@CerealKiller - Girl who knows how to give a good blow Job + a McNugget
@astxrism - It’s complicated


Flashback - 6/4/2020

And it was indeed a good night, as Valerie dosed off into a peaceful sleep, nothing seemed to bother her until she woke up from the sun in her eyes, to what was bound to be a somewhat awkward morning.

But as adults (not necessarily responsible, but still adults), they managed to live with the awkward and go on with their day, the day when the three of them left the never ending city of Las Vegas and headed back home to Beryl Heights.

As much as she could recall, Mikel wasn’t there when she fell asleep, which was quite late, but he was there in the morning which stopped her from getting worried.

Getting back to Beryl, Valerie arrived home, to her father being at work, probably being so busy he hadn’t even noticed she was gone in the first place, and her mother who clearly didn’t care. Did she ever? Probably not.

Valerie clearly didn’t go to school that day, she didn’t even consider it. She knew school was important, especially because she cared for her college plans, but she needed some rest after the trip and before the upcoming school trip, which she was somewhat excited about as well,

Morning of the trip - 7/4/2020

Because after all, Valerie loved trips. They were always an opportunity to get away from things, and enjoy time with her friends or see new places.
And although she did want to get away from home, at the same time, she kind of wanted to get away from school as well, especially now. Not as if there was anything bad there, or at least that wasn’t the problem.

It wasn’t even a concrete problem by the book, it was just how she felt, and she felt confused, still.
It wasn’t like she just started liking him on the trip, no, it already started before. It was a tiny snowball that rolled slowly down the hill growing bigger with every step of the way. But it wasn’t problematic enough at the time so she denied it and kept it out of her mind, it didn’t bother her and run through her mind just as much before he kissed her at the party.

That’s when the problem really started. If that wouldn’t have happened she’d probably manage to get past the concept and move on with her life without screwing herself over, but no. As she felt his lips against hers, it was as if time stopped and her whole body was on fire. But as he pushed her away and ran off, she felt like a bonfire who’s been turned out by a surprise rain. It hurt, and she didn’t realize why before, but that? that was the moment she could no longer keep denying what’s going on inside her, that was the moment she realized she was starting to have feelings. Ew, fcuking feelings.

But she tried looking at the upcoming trip as a good distraction from either one of the things in her life that bothered her as for now. But as she checked the seating arrangements to the coach, she didn’t know if it was a good or a bad thing. She hasn’t spoken to Dominic since prom night, which although it was good at some parts, it was still a night she didn’t want to remember. The night she went to prom with her best friend’s ex boyfriend and got in a fight with her, also being the last time she would ever see her. And Dominic was a great guy, but the whole association just confused her…

Valerie got on the bus and sat down by the window. she loved window seats, she enjoyed resting against them and looking through them as the world outside as if moved along with them. The bus was still not too full when she came on it, she didn’t notice much but she did notice Kai and Dorian sitting behind her, so she smiled lightly at Kai and sat down. She’d talk to him, but she wasn’t in the mood for Dorian, she didn’t like Dorian.
She sat and scrolled through her phone, with one AirPod stuck in her ear as she waited for the drive to start or for Dom to arrive and sit, whichever happened first.

@Caticorn The guy with the eyes aka dead chick’s ex

@benitz786 Dannydandan and the dead chick mentioned
@Madilfill The highest in the room mentioned
@astxrism she don’t like dori but he mentioned
@Littlefeets raddest of cousins mentioned (Don’t tell Adele)


Arriving home from his trip to Vegas, he was greeted to an empty house but surprisingly there was a sticky note on his door. He ripped it off with his free hand and examined it. At the country club. See you for dinner. Hope you had a good getaway. :slight_smile: The handwriting resembled that of his mom’s. It made sense, his dad would never leave him a note and especially never one with a smiley face at the end. He knew he had at least an hour or two until they were home, so he decided to shower and wash off the weekend. In all honesty, he could remember most of it. He knew that Dan and Val had basically vanished later into the first night which left him alone, but he got some good images and even talked to that girl from the bachelorette party. He was really proud of himself for remembering her name because it was Isabella. She told him how it was her sister getting married and how she hated the guy. She dragged on and on about him being a boring guy, and how her sister could do better. Mikel didn’t really care but he nodded and let her vent to him as he sipped on what may have been his seventh drink by now. As she drank, she started getting handsy and leaning on him, which he did not want. She kept mentioning going back to his room, but he knew that wouldn’t be happening. He got up and told her that he was going to the bar to get another drink and never came back. He instead ran into a few friends, ones he had taken photos for before, and went back to their hotel to take some for them.

It felt right to be back behind the camera. He missed the way it fits into his hand just right and the way the buttons were worn down from their original smoothness under his fingertips from overuse. This was his favorite camera of all the ones he owned. It had been given to him by his grandfather’s ex-wife when he was fourteen and since then none have been able to work him the way this one did. It was truly his first love. Odd to say but it was. An intimate object but it wasn’t love the same as you love a person. It was the love that made you feel like you had a purpose, it instilled confidence, and made him know that he had found his calling.

He did end up posting two of the unedited images right then and there. He almost didn’t because he didn’t want people or persons to get the wrong idea about what he was doing. It was strictly photography. When it got so late his eyes were starting to flutter shut he got a ride for himself back to the hotel. He went back to the suite that night and fell asleep to his phone playing music and shooter bottles scattering the bedroom floor. He didn’t worry too much about Dan and Val, they were old enough to find their ways back here when they wanted to.

As he stood in his own bathroom in his home now with the hot water running over his head and he thought about his weekend, he wished someone else would’ve been in those memories too. He was glad she had texted him back. He wanted to text her more and call to hear her voice. Heck, he even thought about getting in his car and driving over to her place and standing outside of her bedroom window holding a stereo playing some cheesy love song like in “Say Anything”. But instead, he leaned with his back against the cold tile of the shower walls alone.

A while later, his parents arrived home while Mikel was editing his images on his computer. He had finally cleaned his room since prom also. All the pictures he tore down were in a neat pile on his bed, the broken bottles in the bathroom trash can, the chair he kicked over and broke the arm off of was glued back together and sat in the corner. He was also sober for the time being and back taking his medication. He thought about messaging his therapist about meeting sometime soon but once he started editing, he couldn’t stop. His fingers tapped quickly on the keyboard and mouse pad and his eyes scanned across the screen. He only stopped when his dad knocked on his door and Mikel turned to face him. “Yeah?” He said as he rubbed his eyes. “Your mom wants to have family dinner, so uh come down when you are ready.” His dad told him but there was a shallowness in his tone which was new. Mikel’s dad was always a smooth talker and someone you just wanted to keep listening to. There was never any fault in his voice but that was not the case right now. Mikel nodded back to him. He saved his work and got up. He pulled a plain white t-shirt over his head and walked downstairs. The table was set as if they were having a dinner party but on the table was a food that he never expected his mom to ask Virginia to make. It was your typical American style hamburger. Mikel’s favorite food. He raised a brow but took a seat across from his parents who held hands.

He knew his parents loved each other and looked past the mistakes the two have made in the past with their infidelity. It was hard for him to process why they stayed together when they had cheated on one another previously. Anytime the conversation was brought up it was because they still loved each other and don’t want anyone else by their side for the hard times. The look on their faces proved to Mikel that something was in fact wrong. “Are you two getting divorced?” Mikel asked them and reached for a French fry, drowning it in ranch as he waited for their response. His dad laughed at the question which Mikel saw as a good sign. “Honey, it’s your grandfather,” His mom started. “He had a heart attack this morning and passed away.” She let go of his dads’ hand and used her hands to wipe under her eyes. “Your mom got the call from her sister around nine and you weren’t home yet, so we thought we would wait to tell you in person since we know how close you were.” His father was sincere when he spoke. Mikel knew that his dad and grandfather had gotten closer over the years but only because of the business. Mikel’s dad took it over soon after he started seeing his mom and once, they got married, the papers were signed, and he had a partial stake in the company. Mikel’s mom and her dad, his grandfather was also very close. Compared to her siblings and because she was the oldest, they had many similar interests, but it was Mikel himself who was the closest to Mikel sr.

Mikel had cousins but they never seemed to care to get to know their grandfather more than a birthday and Christmas check. But since Mikel could remember that his grandfather was always the first to run over to him and giving him the biggest hug. He made him feel so welcome in the family constantly and genuinely compared to other extended members of the family. Aside from his new parents, his grandfather was the only one to try and get to know him, sometimes even more so than his parents. From then on, he was the most important person in his life.

Dinner a little later. His mom had cried and started re-decorating the dining room while his dad tried to calm her down but also keeping an eye on Mikel who was pulling around the bun of his burger. After dinner, Mikel went outside to smoke whatever he could find and soon fell asleep on one of the lawn chairs.

The rest of the days started to blur together with the same old things happening, Mikel driving for hours with music blaring, smoking whatever he could get, drinking till he blacked out, and doing it all over again. He was almost like a zombie. The funeral came around and they made a trip to Paris. All his relatives there asked Mikel what his plans for graduation were or if he had a special someone in his life and he would just find ways to avoid the topics. At school, he did his work and tried his best to keep his grades up. He knew the camping trip was coming up and he wasn’t sure if he was happy about it or dreading it. He knew a change in scenery would be good for him and he also really loved the outdoors but being around that many people for 3 days straight, including a few in particular didn’t seem too thrilling.

He got onto the bus and had an earbud in, so he wasn’t really paying attention to the talk of everyone finding their seats. Redbone played in his ear as he found his seat, only to his eyes widen when he saw who his ride buddy would be. “Well gods really just testing me now huh.” He said under his breath to himself as he shook his head and plopped down in the seat next to the one and only Jordan. Mikel was glad he had decided to smoke in his car this morning before getting on and also filled some water bottles with the necessities, he didn’t think he would need that right away thought. He looked over at the boy and sized him up a bit. really the first time since prom has ever taken a chance to look at him. Short. He thought to himself but who wasn’t short to Mike. He took the other air pod out of his case and held it out with a smirk to his seat neighbor. “Want to listen, we can share” He said with the air pod in his hand and faced him. “Though my apologies, I don’t think I can promise to will play your poppy sh-t but maybe if you beg enough, I can be kind for one song.” He said with a wink to Jordan and a smacking noise made with his tongue against the roof of his mouth.
@benitz786 mentioned dannnn but also jordann
@Littlefeets mentioned jezzzzz
@CerealKiller mentioned vallllllll


The past few days went by pretty well, Andy started performing again, which made him feel good. He missed the stage, preforming his music live for whoever wanted to hear. It was more than satisfying, it gave him life. It was the one thing in his life he loved more than anything, even through the hardest times it was there to keep him from going crazy of falling apart.

April 7, annual senior year camping trip. Andy wouldn’t really describe his feelings as excited whatsoever, but he also didn’t necessarily want to miss it, especially since he was in a good mood.

Entering the bus, almost late but still on time, he looked at the seating arrangements and noticed he was placed next to ketziah, which made him smile. The two of them have been friends for years now, and honestly, she was one of his favorite people.
Andy walked over to his assigned seat and smirked at the girl who was sitting there, sitting next to her ”Morning K” he said, referring to her in a nickname he liked calling her.



Theo looked forward to the camping trip, it was the first official school class event he was able to participate in since he’s been back to his normal life.
Other than wanting to spend time with his friends, he also liked trips because they were always a great opportunity to walk around with a camera and take some pictures of whatever. Nature, people, whatever comes to mind and sight.

Coming up to the bus, he went to his seat, which was apparently the seat next to mareena, although she wasn’t there yet when he arrived. Mare and him had quite some history, but she was and remained one of the people he loved and cherished the most out of his classmates, although they were no longer together. They remained on good terms, which was good and something Theo was in a way happy about.

He sat and scrolled through his phone, trying to avoid people magazine and the interview they were trying to get about his and Anna’s relationship and breakup, he didn’t really want to talk about it, especially since he still wasn’t exactly sure what happened. All he knew was that he needed to talk with Jessica, because she was definitely a big part of it, if not the only part. But looking around, he didn’t see her so he assumed she wasn’t coming to the trip.

@angelic Mareena
@benitz786 The pierce twins mentioned ay


Elodie May DeLoughrey

This trip was supposed to be fun. Elodie has been patiently waiting for this day and she had high hopes. She just wanted to have some fun before school ends, she wanted to enjoy herself and spend those days with her friends, being happy. That was all she needed. So she woke up early, actually, she hadn’t slept that much but it didn’t matter. The excitement was keeping her awake and she had the whole morning to properly get ready. Meaning she could take a long shower and do her usual natural makeup, style her hair, and get dressed. Nothing much, she knew she was going to be outside all the time so that wasn’t really important but she liked to make herself look pretty. It made her feel better. Her bag has already been packed so she didn’t have to worry about that, unlike someone else in the house… Speaking about him, he was acting rather strange the other day. Stranger than usual, which made Elodie curious but she didn’t want to ask questions. Davina will figure that out and then tell Elodie.

As soon as their driver dropped them, Dorian went straight to his friends, leaving Elodie standing alone by the car. She looked around, smiling at the scene in front of her, before going to check the seating plan. Elodie was hoping she’d get to sit with someone she likes, a good friend but she was supposed to sit alone. And she loved it. No, she didn’t have a problem with anyone but it was always nice to have all the space to yourself and it only meant she could listen to music and look out the window daydreaming in peace. This really was a good day.
Getting on the bus, she smiled at people she passed before she plopped down and moved to the window seat, resting her back on it and immediately grabbing her phone and AirPods.

Mmm, when you get bored you could approach her, I guess??

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Mareena Stokes

Today was not her day. She lost her keys along with a ton of her other stuff. Then her brother was in a… mood so he is mad at her. Just as she found her keys, she bent down to pick them up and on the way up her head hit the handle of a drawer. Now that hurt the most out of everything. At least her outfit was one of her bests. If she looks good physically people shouldn’t pick up on her stress that was practically flowing off her in waves.

The only good thing so far is that she’ll be sitting with Theo. Someone that she isn’t stressed to see. Actually, she was kinda looking forward to it. To just relax for this bus rideand then everything will be much better when they arrive. She had brought her thoughts for the most part and then a book. Suprisingly a book, yes. Figured she might as well try and get back into her book phase from middleschool.

At The School

Finally she had arrived at the school. Sort of late, but not too too late.Throwing her hair up into a bun, quite messier than anticipated, but it will do. Looking at the seating her chart again, making sure what seat she is sitting in. Walking on the bus she looked for Theo. “Ah there he is.” She smiled and sat down in the seat. “Now how lucky are you to be able to sit next to me?” She laughed and adjusted herself in the seat. It wasn’t too uncomfortable so it’ll be manageable. “So how are you lately?” She asked not intentionally thinking about a certain subject. They haven’t talked in somewhat of a while so might as well catch up.



Malachi Azure

Malachi’s date had certainly not gone how he had expected. He had the dinner planned, but then she asked him to trust her. With a reluctant agreement, she had their waiter prep their dinner to go, before they discussed the matter of paying for the dinner that neither of them ate. Malachi was one to always pay while on a date, and its not like he had any struggle with money, but they agreed to split the check before heading out for her to give directions to an undisclosed location, which was only the beginning of the unusual, unexpected events of the night. At one point during the drive he even had to question if she was leading him somewhere to kidnap him like she had questioned him on the way to the restaurant. She ended up directing him to drive to a wedding, where they went to the reception for a couple they didn’t even know. It was something he never would have decided to do himself, but he was trusting her and following her lead. In the act of pretending to be there for either the bride or groom depending on who they were interacting with, she called him Jason Kingsley, and she was his fiancé, Jessica, actually giving him her real first name. He was hesitant, and strange for him to play along at first with the idea of them being engaged, especially when they were merely on their first date. Although, as the night went on, he was able to play along, and actually enjoy himself, particularly once a little girl had asked him to dance with her. That was one thing you could always count on with Malachi, he was good with kids. Whether it was from being the big brother to three younger siblings, one of which was still just an innocent kid, or that he just liked kids and kids seemed to like him for the most part. He couldn’t say no to making that little girl’s night by dancing with her. Eventually he took Jessica back home, where he asked her out again, and kissed her. It was the second time they had kissed that night, this one not just because they had to. Then, it hadn’t been long after he left that Jessica DMed him, having realized they had interacted before of her responding to his comment of New York being better than London.

Then came the morning of the camping trip, which began with his second date with Jessica. Although, less of the breakfast included them actually talking, and more of Jessica talking to Malachi’s younger brother over a video call. Malachi now knew much more about his little brother’s sex life than he ever needed, or wanted to know. Then eventually came the point where he had to take Jessica home then finish preparing for the camping trip, which included riding with the other seniors. Technically, he could have gotten out of it, and at least driven on his own, but it was a better choice to ride with everyone else. However, the seats were assigned and he was to sit with someone who he didn’t know well, though he did know the individual. Dorian DeLoughrey, Elodie’s brother. Malachi had taken a seat first, and looked at Dorian when he sat down after him. “Morning Dorian. The school is treating me fine, even if I’ve only gotten to talk to Elodie the one time at prom.”



”Ah there he is." She said and Theo smiled at the girl with the messy bun who came to sit next to him, “Now how lucky are you to be able to sit next to me?”
He chuckled lightly ”Clearly I’m the luckiest person in here, they’re just jealous “ he replied with a small smile and put his phone in his pocket as she adjusted in her seat, which wasn’t ideas but there were worse.

”So how are you lately?"
How was he really? He was quite alright in a way, and it wasn’t the kind of small talk that bothered him, they did have some catching up to do. ”There’s good and there’s some bad” he said with a light shrug ”Comme Ci, Comme Ça. But nothing too crazy.” he said ”what about you? We haven’t talked in quite a while lately ” he asked with genuine interest



Kara font 2

Kara wasn’t planning on going on the camping trip. She was actually going to stay at home, kick her feet up and be lazy for the weeks the camping trip continued, but she actually did something stupid again so her parents forced her to go on the camping trip. She actually threw a party when her parents were gone on Sunday. It wasn’t supposed to be that large but things...starting breaking around the house. She thought she was going to use her car to drive instead of going on the bus she was supposed to go on. But no, that was a part of her punishment. She had to do everything the camping trip asked of her. Her bags were already packed and she reluctantly left for school with a sour expression on her face. “I can’t freaking believe this.”She mumbled to herself while walking to the bus. The cold morning air definitely made her feel worse when she would much rather be snuggled under a blanket watching a movie. When she got inside, she waved to Elodie and sat down in the seat next to Marie. She really didn’t expect to sit next to Marie since the last time they had a full conversation she babysat her sister, which was a few years ago. “Hi.” Kara said to her. She didn't want to be *too* rude, even though she was irritated and didn't want to talk to anyone. Then she pulled her phone out of her pocket for entertainment.

@Ouijaloveletters Marie

@astxrism Elodie mentioned

It was the morning of the camping trip and he was excited. All of his bags were packed and all he had to do was get dressed. It was very rare for him to wake up glad to go to school, so he was definitely going to soak this feeling up for all it was worth. After his dad drove him to school, he went on the bus with a smile on his face and optimistic thoughts. When he got to his seat, Selena wasn’t there yet, so he texted her to see what her thoughts were about the camping trip being today. Then, he relaxed in his seat and put his earphones on to listen to music.

@Quinn Selena Mentioned

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“Hi.” Marie Heard- next to her, signaling that Kara had arrived. She took off her headphones, turning to smile at Kara. She noticed the girl didn’t seem to be in a very good mood, and she wasn’t sure if she should try to talk to Kara, or just leave it. She decided to take a chance, knowing it was better to let Kara know that she could vent if needed. “Hey. Everything ok? I’ll leave you alone if you want, but you just seem like you need to talk.” Marie said, shifting in her seat to give Kara her full attention.
@Kbail - Kara