Jess laid in her bed after the date had ended, simply attempting to fall asleep as her mind reminisced over what had occurred. The date… honestly hadn’t gone as Jessica had expected. If Jess was being completely honest with herself, she didn’t think her and Kai would be compatible at all – that much could be seen in the brief interactions they had, the date location, and even their discussions. He was trying, sure, but there was just something not clicking. Like he hadn’t fully relaxed into the date. Though, the moment he had agreed to trust her – kind of changed all of that. The remnants of the smile she had when he said, reluctantly as it was, still played upon her lips as she called the waiter over and asked for the check and t put all the food in a to go container – neither of them touching any of it. Jessica would have picked up the tab, though after a short back and forth with Kai – they finally agreed upon splitting the bill before taking him to the car and spewing random directions without telling him exactly where Jessica had in mind.
What she did have in mind, ironically, would have been something she doubted the man would have ever done himself as she made him pull into a fancy wedding reception occurring outside a church – continuing with this idea of “trust” as the two let the valet park the car and acted like wedding guests for the evening. Though, the kick of it, to remove suspicion from the two of them – Jess had taken one of the fancier rings she wore on her pointer finger and moved it over to her ring finger – pretending to be engaged to the lovely Jason Kingsly for the night. The “future” Jessica and Jason Kingsly, giving Kai her name hidden within a joke. Ah yes, navigating the party was interesting to say the least, Jessica changing up the story of who they were for every guest they interacted with – a needed thing as they couldn’t go to the bride’s family and say they were with the bride, or the groom’s family and say they were with the groom. Though, if anything were to come of this night – Jess knew she’d either scare the poor man that was Kai away, or she’d allow him to get to know the real her – something he truly couldn’t do over dinner at an Italian restaurant.
So, they spent the rest of the night doing that: Eating cake, laughing with other guests and making up a story about how her and Kai had met and fallen in love, dancing. Though, probably, Jessica’s favorite part of the night was seeing Kai dance with this adorable little girl who had walked up to the two of them and shyly asked Kai to dance with her. Jessica couldn’t put her finger on it, but there was just something about the way he danced with the little girl that changed the atmosphere of the night. He seemed…. finally like he was enjoying himself.
Though, it would still not be a shocking conclusion to say that Jessica was surprised that Kai had asked to take her out again after walking her to the door. Honestly, she had expected the night to be their last interaction with the way things had turned out. Though him asking her out again, followed by their second kiss of the night which was far better than their first – Jessica didn’t know what to say. Perhaps it was just her being herself, but she decided why not – agreeing to the date. Though, then again, she had also agreed to a second date to Kyle Whittle years ago – so it truly didn’t mean much. Guess she’d just have to see how things turned out on date number two.
Though, perhaps the second interesting part of the night was their conversation after the date – when she realized the Kai she went on a date with was the same “JustKai” username who had made some ludicrous comment about New York being better than London – the two having an interesting talk about that as she DMd him before setting up their second date to grab breakfast before the camping trip. Though, Jess could no longer think about what had happened, sending the man one last message before her eyes fluttered closed – sleep overtaking her tired body
“No… no,” Jess mumbled in the remnant of her sleep, as her mind replayed that memory. It wasn’t the first time Jessica had this nightmare. No, but perhaps it was one of the most vivid times she had ever experienced it. “No…not again. I’m sorry. I am so sorry. This wasn’t supposed to happen. I’m so…” The words left her mouth before her eyes finally jolted open, her realization setting in that she was just dreaming. Though despite that, it didn’t stop the sweat dripping from her features, her darting eyes, and her heart racing – limiting her unable to move as her mind reeled from the memory. Jessica had seemingly been crying in her sleep, indicative by the drops on her pillowcase. It took her a second… maybe even a few minutes to finally get up, hugging her legs as she realized what day it was. She never really had forgotten, perhaps pushed it aside, tried to forget about it, tried to sleep so she wouldn’t think about it. But she should have known better. She hadn’t truly had a good night’s sleep since the incident hence her late night walks that Kai had warned her could get her hurt. But maybe what Kai hadn’t fathomed was she didn’t care what happened to her?
As she stayed in that position, her mind went into overdrive about what to do. Usually, she’d smoke some weed and go for a run, or a walk for a few hours – but that dream just… the vividness of it all. She couldn’t. She needed something stronger. She needed to… forget. So, with that in mind, Jess did what no one in their right mind would think about doing. She changed, fixed her make-up, grabbed her fake ID, and went to go get plastered – leaving the lonely house behind that would truly give her no comfort. Maybe if Dan had been home, she would have gone to him. But he wasn’t and right now, she just… needed to forget.
And that’s what she did. Walking to the nearest bar, Jessica did what she promised herself she’d never do again… not after what happened with her sister. She drank to get drunk. Taking shot, after shot, after shot until everything around her felt better. Happier. Brighter. She didn’t know when it had happened, how it had happened, but it was around 2:30 AM when Jessica stared face to face at a p^ssed-off man she thought she wouldn’t see ever again. Well, she’d seen him over the past few weeks – but every time she saw him recently was a shock to her system. “Doriii?” Jess slurred with confusion, the man that had been talking to her for the past few minutes who had been telling her about this nice vinyl collection at his place that she could check out pushed to the side, talking to Dorian. She didn’t know what they were saying, but within a blink of an eye, the man had fallen to the floor. Maybe if Jessica wasn’t wasted, she would have connected the dots that Dorian had just punched a guy who was trying to get her into bed. But she had gone past the point of clarity so in her mind, she simply thought he had decided to take a nap and somehow Dorian appeared out of thin air. Maybe she was hallucinating? She wouldn’t be surprised. Dorian and she were best friends for years and tonight, on the anniversary of the worst night of her life, of course, Dori would be here – in her mind, hating her. Though she deserved to be hated. Hell, Jessica even hated herself.
Though she soon realized she wasn’t hallucinating… yes… she poked him. Don’t judge. Though he soon asked what she was wearing which made her roll her eyes as she shrugged her jacket off. " I likeeeeeee itttt, dontttt youuu?" Jess asked, spinning for him, though stumbling over her feet slightly which only resulted in laughter from her lips. “At leasttt nice men give me attentionnnn in thisss, youreeee just meannnn” she pouted, poking him again to make sure he was, indeed, real. But she found him soon trying to get her back home. Home. What a bloody funny word. But that was the one place Jessica didn’t want to go – hence, pushing him away and trying to drunkenly escape him. “NOoo I want to go dancing,” Jess pouted, “and I wantttt a drink,” she continued, trying to go to the bartender who had cut her off a few minutes earlier causing her to mutter the word “RUDE”. Though after a few minutes, and Dorian promising to take her to a club so she wouldn’t have to walk, Jess finally agreed – getting into the passenger seat of his car.
Could he really blame her for what happened next? This was Jessica. Sober Jessica had no bloody filter, but drunk Jessica – that was a negative filter. So she talked to him. Or tried – who even knew if the words coming out of her mouth made any sense. It did in her head-ish. Though she may have said something along the lines of “I would kiss you if you weren’tt so meannn to me. Youu haveee a verry kissable face,”. Yeah, see. Zero filters. But she couldn’t help it. Her mind moving in overdrive as she watched the small droplets of rain hit Dori’s car window, getting distracted in that for a few minutes. Well, until she noticed Dori arriving at the gate to Dan’s house. “Waittt,” Jess mumbled, realizing a bit too late that it was Dori’s intention to take her home the whole damn time. “No… no, please Dorian… Dorian don’t” Jessica groveled, her heart racing as she remembered the reason she had left in the first place. “Wait, Dori, please. Please don’t take me back here. Dan’s nott home. I can’t… I can’t be inn there alone. Please.” She stated, clearly shaken by where they were, for some reason making more sense than she had a few moments earlier. Looking into his eyes, there was fear clearly in hers. “Please, Dori. I can’t. I just… not tonight. You said you’d take me dancing please, please,” she mumbled, her voice growing anxious as she found him putting in a code after a few minutes and Jessica immediately tried to undo the annoying belt she had on so she could just bloody run away. Though it would be of no use since Dori had apparently bloody child locked the door. Though, that didn’t stop Jessica from rolling down his window and quite literally starting to climb out of it while he was driving which made him stop – probably so she wouldn’t get hurt, cursing as he saw what she was doing. It was honestly a shock that Jess hadn’t gotten hurt pulling that stunt.
The moment Jess got out, She sat down on the road, staying in the rain unmoving – glaring at him as he told her to get into the car. Though she didn’t. She stayed there, laying in the light pitter of the rain like she had done the night she left this place. Left Dorian and all her friends. And for some reason… he did so with her. She didn’t know how long they were out there, but it was enough for the rain to have picked up and for both her body and his own being soaked from head to toe. It wasn’t until Jess involuntarily shivered that Dori finally said the first words after a long time. Something about having to go inside or she’d catch a cold but she didn’t want to. No, instead, Jess did something she’d never do if she was sober. She leaned in close to where Dori was laying, her hand holding onto his chest for support as she brought her mouth right next to his ear before whispering, “You’ll have to catch me,” before moving away immediately, getting up, and starting to run up the path to Dan’s house, laughing with no care in the world as the rain fell around her.
Perhaps she was being stupid. No, she certainly was being stupid. But she didn’t care. She just felt… free. And not thinking about… everything else clouding her mind as she was running, escaping Dorian each time he tried to call out to her or grab her. Well, until he finally did, and she felt something she hadn’t felt in a long time. His lips on hers. Jessica calmed down immediately, melting into the kiss, as her hands found the back of his wet hair, her other wrapping around his neck as she pulled herself closer against him and drunkenly reciprocated immediately. Her mind falling the last time she had kissed him, in the closet of that party. A childish game leading to something… less childish. But as in that first moment, the alcohol still coursing her system, she didn’t care as she let out an involuntary moan against his lips. She didn’t know how long they stood there, lips on one another fervently kissing, but she knew she wasn’t the one to pull back. No, he had pushed her away – causing her to frown as she looked at his bruised lips. She knew he didn’t feel the same way about her. He had made that much clear years ago. But it still hurt. Though she pushed it away as she looked towards him, “You promised me a dance” left her own lips – knowing what he was going to say next about going inside, but shockingly, he followed through. Her head against his chest as they danced to imaginary music in the rain.
She finally agreed after a few minutes to go inside – her body shivering as she had taken her jacket off a long time ago and the bodysuit, she had worn wasn’t doing much to hide anything or even warm her up. Jessica struggled up the stairs with Dorian’s help, him leading her to where he knew her bedroom had been – having stayed the same from when she used to stay here years ago and handing her a change of clothes that she did right in front of him, not caring about what he saw before finally going back into the bed she so wanted to escape. Though, when Dori made a move to leave her, Jess didn’t let go of his hand. She couldn’t. She knew if he left, she’d have the same dream and she couldn’t… she couldn’t go through that again. So instead, she did something sober Jessica would have never asked. She begged him to stay there and hold her. And in an odd twist of fate, he agreed, getting into the bed with her where Jessica immediately wrapped her arms around his body and fell into a much-needed sleep that she honestly had been missing for years.
As she fell asleep, comforted by Dorian’s arms – a whisper of something incoherent meeting ears though Jess was too far gone to understand what as her mind shut off for the night. Thankfully, her mind was clear of the nightmares she was trying to escape. Perhaps it was having Dorian near her, but instead, her mind was filled with another memory. Rather, her mind went back to the night where Jessica Pierce knew she had messed up. Messed up because she fell for him. Or at least, finally realized she had.
Dorian and Jessica had both been invited to a party at UC Tech – and of course, the two of them had went. Who could say no to a college party, after all. Kara had been busy and Lyonrad said he may drop by later, but for the most part, random last-minute parties had always been Jessica and Dorian’s specialty. Neither had expected, however, to get roped into a childish game of, well, first strip poker, and then later, 7 minutes in heaven. And suffice to say, neither had ever expected to be pushed into a closet together to complete 7 minutes in heaven. Hell, they were best friends. Neither had feelings for each other… right? Well, maybe Jess did deep down but she never really knew until that moment. Until her drunken self just shrugged at being stuck in the dark closet and uttered the words “Rules are rules,” as Dorian said something about not having to do anything. Instead, Jess wrapped her arms around Dorian’s neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Though perhaps it was the alcohol already in her system, but that innocent kiss escalated faster than she had expected.
Though, as her lips were upon Dorian’s, the memory of marks they left on each other’s bodies reaching Jessica’s mind – ones she later lied to Dorian about “probably being Lyonrad’ pretending she didn’t remember anything that happened that night. The scene changed. This time, Jessica Pierce was back in her room but no longer in her 15-year-old body who was making out with a man that wasn’t her boyfriend in the closet of a frat party. No, instead, It was Jessica as she was now, a few minutes ago – still soaked in her clubbing clothes. But she wasn’t alone, no, Dorian was there. It was almost a perfect replica of what had happened when she was awake. Or was she awake? Jessica couldn’t tell anymore. The lines between reality and her dream were mixing, despite the same exact things happening. However, with one difference. When Dorian had gotten into the bed, Jessica hadn’t fallen asleep. Instead, after a few minutes of laying in his arms, Jessica started kissing his chest over his clothes. The words “What are you doing?” leaving his mouth, but she shut him up as her lips met his own, soon straddling him. “Dori,” She whispered in the dream… maybe… god was it even a fvcking dream? Oh… it was definitely a fvcking dream – but what she meant was, was it a reality? That much she didn’t know, all she knew was she wanted him and he wasn’t really resisting. “I need you,” she mumbled, bringing her lips from his own, before moving them down his neck where she felt his pulse point. Maybe that should have given it away that it wasn’t real. If it was, he probably would have pushed her away by now. But he didn’t. Maybe, just maybe she didn’t even want it to end. Dream or not. She wanted it to happen. Within a few seconds, Dorian had flipped them over and continued what she had started, emitting moans from her mouth as she whimpered his name. And she let him take control – despite never really being one to lose control to a guy, but for some reason, she didn’t fight him. No, she was too busy pulling his shirt off, and moving her hands to his buckle as his lips moved to where she needed him. And let’s just say, that was the most innocent part of the dream or fantasy or whatever it bloody was.
She woke up from the fervent dream with a gasp, her heart racing for the second time as it took a second for her mind to realize where she was. It was a dream. Thank… god? Maybe… Wait. Her eyes darted around the room trying to figure out if it all was all in her head. She remembered… everything. The club, Dorian, her acting, idiotic to say the least. It was the downside of her mind, she never really forgot. No matter how drunk she got. But she didn’t know if it was real, or if her mind was making things up. It being if Dorian had actually come to get her and bring her home, staying the night with her. Fvck did they actually sleep together? Had she simply fallen asleep after the deed? Did they even bloody use a condom? Though what she did know was at the moment, she was in her bed alone. Perhaps it hadn’t happened? Maybe all of it was one big made-up fantasy. Though, the pile of clothes from what she had worn the night before discarded in the corner told her differently. And a single glass of water laid on her nightstand - though she didn’t exactly know where that came from. Grabbing it, Jess took a long drink - trying to ease her pounding head. But really, all she bloody needed was a freezing cold shower. Bloody hell.
Though she tried to forget about the whole incident… not knowing how to go about it. Though a brief discussion with Yara had helped somewhat in that department, she was still stuck. Though, she pushed the idea aside - skipping the day from as she reeled from the massive hangover she had - only leaving when she convinced Andy to take her out to get some food; though her mind, as much as she pushed away, was still on Dorian DeLoughrey. F*cking hell.
Tuesday 6:00 am, 7th April, Cerulean High Courtyard
If Jess was being honest, she had been considering skipping the trip all together. She knew Dorian would be on the trip and it just made… everything all the more confusing. But Dan convinced her otherwise and after a short back and forth she agreed with the stipulation that she would be with Dan in his limo. Assigned seats on a bus where 99% of the people hated her? No thanks. Not today Satan.
Though the morning did have an interesting start as she went on yet another date with Kai, this time her choice in one of her favorite small bakeries in town. Though, she had to admit - this date had been better than the one before. Mostly because Jess had the chance to talk to Kai’s lovely younger brother who was dating Eve. So of course she asked what was on her mind, not caring about what Kai thought, as she asked the younger boy, who looked familiar though she place from where, if Eve had tried the techniques that Yara and Jess had showed the girl when giving guys blowjobs. Simple lessons they had learned over the years - though a smile when the boy slightly blushed and asked how she knew. Though after breakfast - truly the only reason Jess would be awake at 6 in the morning, Jess returned to Dan’s place - bid Kai farewell as they packed for the trip and put the lugage into the limo which they would be in for the rest of the ride over. A relief off her shoulder as she could… push off seeing Dorian DeLoughrey for just… a little bit longer at least.
@Littlefeets - A man who now has gotton blow job advice from Jessica and his lil brother
@CerealKiller - Girl who knows how to give a good blow Job + a McNugget
@astxrism - It’s complicated