Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Daniel watched from the side as Val played the game, raising the bet - matching others, and honestly playing a damn good game. She could probably give him a run for his money. Mental Note: Don’t ever play strip poker with Valerie Wood. He’d likely lose. Which was exactly what happened to the guys at the table who kept lost a big game to Valerie Wood. And by big, he meant that one of the high rollers - the one that Dan had told Val over betted when he bluffed - went all in and lost it all. Making a fuss about losing to a girl as he got dragged out. “So is this a thing you do on a daily basis? Show everyone who’s boss?” Dan asked as he put the winnings into the bucket he got.

The two did that for a while, went around at different games. Black Jack, Russian Roulette, etc. Winning some, losing some. Though, having a hell of a lot of fun in the process. “So, I think it’s about time to win some big money - would you like to do the honors?” Dan asked, Pointing towards the slots machine with the biggest rollout. Dan’s phone was already hacked so that the minute they were next to it, the electronic machine would give them the winning jackpot - giving them 1.5 million dollars off the bat. “Would you like to do the honors?” he asked - walking over to the machine, as he leaned in. “Oh, do look surprised when we win,”. He knew that the two would have to be careful - casinos were always watching the cameras for people reading cards… winning a little too much. Though Dan and Val had won and lost enough money for their movements to be random.


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“So is this a thing you do on a daily basis? Show everyone who’s boss?”
”It’s a habit, can’t control it” she smirked and rand a hand through her hair as she glanced over at the Alfonso guy who just lost to her and gave her an ego filled death glare
They played for a while, win or lose, it was definitely fun.
“So, I think it’s about time to win some big money - would you like to do the honors?”
”it would be my pleasure” she said as they went to the slot machine
"Oh, do look surprised when we win,”
”The most surprised person in here” she said with a smirk and played the slot machine, as she hit the jackpot she grinned excitedly jumping and hugged Daniel in the spur of the moment. After a moment she noticed just how physically close they were, but she was in a state where she didn’t care for anything but the present moment, and as she moved back from the hug, she found herself staring into his eyes for a split second, and next thing she knew she raised on her toes and pressed her lips against his. What was she doing? For that even she didn’t have an answer, but did she regret it? Not by a long shot.

@benitz786 I drunk hello. Forgiveness

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Luciano Ribeiro

He had heard this explanation before, and it still didn’t do much to resolve any of the lingering hurt he had. Lui looked down at the table as he spoke, rubbing his temples. He never understood how Jacob thought that was an acceptable excuse for cheating on him—like he hadn’t been upset either, like he wasn’t looking forward to leaving Brazil and Jacob behind. The trip had been coming to an end, yes, but as it approached he was beginning to think that maybe they could make it work and maybe he could schedule another trip during Spring Break or even earlier; his family had money, affording it wasn’t a problem. The plan had been to break up, he knew that, but he was starting to think that maybe they didn’t have to. Then, Jai told him that he had slept with someone else and… he just didn’t see the point of putting up all the fuss of maintaining something that wasn’t going to work out anyways.

Luciano looked up at him, his eyes narrowed slightly. “I was upset too Jai, you don’t think I was? You think I wanted to leave you?” He scoffed, shaking his head. “I loved you, I—” Lui cut himself off, looking anywhere but at him. “It doesn’t matter now anyway,” he muttered.

Jacob stood, offering a hand to him. "At least give me one last dance? And I’ll leave.” He hesitated, staring at his hand for several moments before he took it, standing too. “Fine. Only one dance.” He had a bad feeling about this, one that he couldn’t shake, but it was just a harmless dance, so he wasn’t sure why he was feeling so apprehensive.

@benitz786 I didn’t know spice was supposed to result in death :grinning:

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A look of feigned shock immediately reached Daniel’s expression as the device revealed that they had won the million-dollar cash-out. Grabbing Val and spinning her around with fake excitement as everyone in the building looked towards the two in awe and jealousy. Little did they know the full extent of what happened. When Daniel had finally put the girl down, he hadn’t expected her next move. As his eyes met hers, time did feel like it had stopped for a second, though Daniel was about to pull out of it before he found the girl’s lips upon his own. For a second, Daniel didn’t mind it. Rather, he found himself reciprocating, as one of his hands snaked along her back pulling her body closer against him. Though, then he realized what the hell was happening again. F*cking hell. Pulling away, Daniel had confusion clearly present upon his features as he looked at her. He was going to say something when an employee came down to lead them to a room where they could get the prize. Though Daniel wanted to say something, he couldn’t. Not in front of the employee or it would ruin the charade. So instead, Daniel put his hands around Valerie like a boyfriend would as they sat patiently for their prize. “Have you ever seen a million dollars beautiful, I knew you’d be my lucky charm,” Daniel smiled, looking at the man as they asked for the two’s IDs. Dan handed them the fake ones he had made for the trip - his work was flawless and Daniel knew it. Both of them were aged 21 and after a few questions, they were handed a bucket with chips worth 1.5 million dollars. In reality, 1.5 million was just chum change for the two of them. They both had seen far more in a lifetime - hell, Dan had dropped more money in a day then what they were holding in their hands right now.

The minute they were out of the office, however, Dan gave Val a strange look. “Val… the kiss… we need to…” he started, not knowing what to say. He didn’t necessarily want to stop. At least part of him wanted, but the other part, the part of his head that knew better, was telling him to end it now before one of them got hurt. And with Dan, those he loved always got hurt and he wasn’t willing to let that happen anymore.

@CerealKiller - drunk Michelle + Val

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“I loved you… I… It doesn’t matter now anyway”

Jácob’s heart broke with every word that left the man’s mouth. God if he could turn back time, he would. He’d make sure he never had made that mistake and hold Lúi in his arms and never let go. But the past was the past. Things that were done could not be undone. What could be done, however, was in the here and now. In this moment, standing with his past love in a cafe that reminded them of their home.

As Jai took Luciano’s hand, possibly for the last time, the memory of their first dance entered his mind. The day they had run into each other again when Luciano had returned to Brazil. The two of them dancing the night, and he truly meant the night - it was Brazil, after all, one didn’t stop dancing until the light from the sun came back up - away. They danced, laughed, ate, drank - did everything together. It was the moment that started it all. That moment when Jái saw him coming into that party from across the room, the moment he recognized his childhood crush. It was what lead to their love - the dates, the parties, the constant being together and not getting enough of each other. As the two danced a soft, sad smile reached Jái’s lips, and he couldn’t help what he did next. “I know you loved me, and as much as I should move on, I still love you. Tell me this doesn’t mean anything Luciano,” Jài whispered in the man’s ear before pulling the man’s lips on his own and passionatly kissing him as they did so many times before.

@unsungcheerio - Ghost pepper spice babyyyyyyyy



“Have you ever seen a million dollars beautiful, I knew you’d be my lucky charm,”
As he pulled away, she noticed what the hell she was doing and the fact that he pulled away eventually was a good enough proof for the fact that she was behaving like a complete idiot. As the employee guy came they gave him ID’s and all sorts of bureaucracy. As much as winning things was fun, she wasn’t actually that excited since she knew they would win and it wasn’t that thrilling when you see it coming. But the spur of an excited moment sometimes clashed with common sense, and as she kissed Daniel common sense was far far away from the building whatsoever.

“Val… the kiss… we need to…”
In these kinds of moments she asked herself why the fcuk did she do that in the first place, but she wasn’t going to let it backfire on her, not this time.
”You said I needed to look excited or something, you never said how excited” she said, avoiding it and brushing the topic off even though she didn’t want to, lt was very realistic, now this is why I got accepted to acting school” she said throwing facts he probably didn’t even know in the air, but it wasn’t a lie. She didn’t want to lie to him, damn, she couldn’t. So instead of lying, just a partial truth was all she had left. Yeah she was acting that was true, he just didn’t know the thing she was acting about was that she didn’t kiss him for acts, she did it because she wanted to.
But dammit, it’s better off this way, it’s not like it could ever lead to something good.
”Celebration drink?” she suggested switching the topic


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“You said I needed to look excited or something, you never said how excited”

So she was playing an act? Of course, she was. Why would Dan ever think there could be something… there, Val clearly didn’t. Even Yara didn’t see anything in him, hence cheating on him. He just wasn’t worth it, and Dan was fine with that. He had gotten used to that idea. Or at least, that’s what it seemed like as he looked upon Val’s features. As she said the words, there weren’t any tells on her face that she was lying. So Dan just nodded, “Uh… good… yeah… good,” he muttered as she talked about acting school. With her poker face, Dan could clearly tell she was going to go places. Just like Yara had gone places in broadway. Though, bringing himself out of his thoughts he nodded. “I’ll meet you there, let me cash this out,” Dan told her - though really just needing some time to himself. To think.

As he went back to the exchange, getting it transferred into his bank account - or at least the one he had created for his fake ID, 1.5 million, halfway towards a shiny new Island. Though, perhaps Dan had taken a little longer than he promised on returning. He just… needed a breather. But he wasn’t going to leave her there. What he hadn’t expected was for a guy to be all over Val when he returned. Or at least trying to be all over her. She was drunk but she was still clearly handling herself. Dan smiled coming back as he put his arm around Val, “Hey love, is this man bothering you?” Dan asked, playing the boyfriend once again. What was it with Americans respecting a man saying she’s taken then a girl saying she’s not interested? What the absolute f*ck was wrong with this damn country?


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“I’ll meet you there, let me cash this out,”
As he left, she sighed, and it was nowhere near a sigh of relief. She walked outside for a little breather, looking at the sky, not really caring she was cold because wearing only a dress outside in the middle of an April evening.
In comparison to other people who just won the jackpot, she clearly wasn’t excited enough, but she couldn’t let it show.
Conceal, don’t feel, don’t let them know
Like Elsa in frozen said. Never before has she related to a Disney quote just as much.

As she was outside, a girl, drunk, on her own, it was bound to happen that soon enough some random guy approached her. Even though at other times she might have rolled with it, he was after all quite attractive, this time… she didn’t want to. Her mind was too preoccupied and it didn’t go well considering she was quite drunk.
But sadly he turned out to be one of those idiots that don’t take no for an answer. Although she managed to take care of herself quite alright, when Daniel showed up playing the boyfriend again, Valerie felt relieved.

“Hey love, is this man bothering you?”
”You’re back!” she smiled and looked at him as he came and put his arm around her. She was genuinely happy, but it could still look like an act. She hated it but it was so convenient.
”Meh, he’s just not the sharpest knife in the drawer” she said with a light shrug, casually implying the guy was a bit stupid for supposedly not understanding what I’m not interested stands for.
”Now, do you finally understand I’m not interested?” she asked the guy as her ‘boyfriend’ was there, a good enough reason to stop hitting on a girl.
The guy, disappointed and a bit annoyed, tried one last time, flirting and pulling a “You’re out of his league”
”Oh honey, he’s out of my league here” she said brushing the guy off before he gave up and walked away. Honestly… it wasn’t a lie. The better she got to know Daniel she realized he’s way way way out of her league, which sucked.
”Fcuking idiot” she muttered as she watched him go.

@benitz786 the league

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Aline Ribeiro

"It’s not that easy to digest, it’s deep hard information, not every human mind can understand.” She sighed, shaking her head. “And I thought you were different,” she said wistfully. He replied to her fvck you remark: ”Offended. No lunch for you.” She laughed, looking appalled. “What- a girl’s gotta eat, Gio. Here I’ll pay for your lunch though as a ‘don’t-be-offended-gift’.”

"Of course you can’t.” She grinned, laughing with him.

"Ever more confused, but I appreciate it. I think-“ Aline patted his arm, giving him a smile. “You’re welcome.” After Gio parked the car, she got out, looking towards the cafe. She didn’t feel anything, not a sense of dread or whatever, but even if she had, she wouldn’t have listened to it. She thought that Gio deserved to know what events were taking place, and she would show him, as his friend.

She looked to him now, her expression twisted again. “I just think that I should say that Lui’s a good guy, really. Is he being a colossal assh0le? Yes. But he loves you a lot. He doesn’t want to hurt you.” She paused, her gaze flicking to the cafe again before returning to meet Gio’s. “Sometimes he just needs to see things for himself, y’know? Which is 10000% something he should’ve told you about which makes it that much worse but.” Aline kind of just stopped, not sure where she was going with this. “Anyway, okay, let’s go.”

Aline took the lead, and as they walked in, she was the first to see the two of them. What she had expected to see was very different from what she had actually seen. She thought that she was simply going to see her brother sitting down talking with that cachorro, but instead, they were dancing. She pushed through the doors and then just stopped walking, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. Her brain was still processing, trying to figure out why Lui would ever dance with this guy ever again when the guy leaned in and kissed him. Kissed him. They were kissing. Kissing in front of her… and Gio, oh, Gio…

Regret. That was the prominent emotion she was feeling right now, and she never regretted things. But as she turned his way, her eyes wide with surprise, and took in his reaction, that was pretty much the only thing she felt. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-- I didn’t know.”

As her gaze returned to the couple, where Lui was now standing a few feet away from the cachorro, another emotion nestled into her mind. Anger.

Luciano Ribeiro

Dancing with Jacob in this cafe to this song took him back to Brazil, when he’d rekindled with Jai after returning to his birth country in late August. Before going to Brazil, he’d been crushing on Gio for a long time, but he still hadn’t known if he was straight or what. They were good friends and he didn’t want to mess that up, so he didn’t tell him anything about the way he felt before going to Brazil for the next several months. Reuniting with Jai gave him a distraction from those feelings, and while perhaps he had used the beginning of their relationship as a means to try and get over Gio, he ended up falling for Jai, genuinely.

Lui had known him as a kid, they’d all been friends, but he hadn’t ever thought of Jai as anything beyond that until the fateful Brazil trip. The festival he’d sen Jacob at was the event that changed everything for him, for the two of them. They’d danced a lot that night and they were dancing now, though this felt more final. It was a nice way to properly end the relationship in Lui’s mind, with one last dance. To him, it felt like a farewell, but obviously, it didn’t feel the same to Jacob, who leaned in to whisper what Lui thought was a parting message in his ear: “I know you loved me, and as much as I should move on, I still love you. Tell me this doesn’t mean anything Luciano.”

Luciano was about to ask what he was talking about, his brows furrowed slightly, but then his lips were on his, and Jai was kissing him. The taste was familiar and calling back to all the times they had kissed underneath the Brazillian sun. For a single moment, Lui relaxed into his arms, kissing him back, before he regained his senses and pushed Jacob off of him, taking several steps back to put distance between them. “¡¿Qué demonios estás haciendo?!” “What the hell are you doing?!” He asked, visibly upset. His hand fluttered up to his lips, where the feeling of Jai still lingered. “¿Estás jugando? Are you kidding me? I have a boyfriend, I told you I was already dating someone and—”

He was cut off by the familiar yell of someone from across the cafe. “YOU FVCKING FVCKTARDS.” Dread settled over him like a weighted blanket. Luciano turned, registering a very plssed off Aline and Gio. God. Gio was there. Had he seen all of that?

Luciano and Aline Ribeiro

Aline marched towards them, stopping right in front of where they stood. “You are so FVCKING STUPID. I cannot fvcking BELIEVE how fvcking–” Luciano moved around her as she yelled at him, walking to where Gio was. Aline continued anyways, yelling at his retreating back. “UGH you’re so fvcking unbelievable. ¡Que te den! Fvck you!” Her gaze turned to Jacob, eyes cutting a sharp glare his way. “And you.

She walked to him, shoving him with her index finger. “I fvcking hate you, I fvcking hate you so fvcking much, as-wipe. Me cago en la madre que te parió. I sh!t on the mother that gave birth to you (spanish expression). You will never be even half as good as that guy over there. Ever. And you will never ever fvcking be with Luciano again, or even see him again. I dare you to show up at our house because you have no idea how fvcking much I would like to cut off your fvcking d!ck and shove it down your throat. Don’t fvcking test me.”

Luciano moved quickly to where Gio stood, swallowing a gulp as he approached. His face was laden with guilt and shame and he was hoping beyond hope that Gio would be able to understand. “Gio–” His voice cut off and so he tried again. “Gio, God, I’m so sorry. I swear I’m not cheating on you, this is the first time I’ve met with him.” He was beginning to ramble, but he allowed himself to, trying to get Gio to see. “He’s my ex, from Brasil, and I told him I’d meet with him but I didn’t think he would kiss me, I don’t— Gio, I love you, not him. Please.”


the spice
has been



”You’re welcome."
She said and Gio smiled at her as the car was sitting there parked. Gio loves Aline very much as a friend, he was glad he got to know her better lately, and wished nothing would happen to ruin that whatsoever.

“I just think that I should say that Lui’s a good guy, really. Is he being a colossal assh0le? Yes. But he loves you a lot. He doesn’t want to hurt you…” She went on about how Lui was a good guy and needs to see things for himself sometimes, which wasn’t at all less stressing than anything she said until now.

Gio was naturally a somewhat paranoid and anxious guy, but what he saw when they walked through the cafe door was a lot worse than what he had ever expected.
There was Luciano, his beautiful boyfriend he loved from the bottom of his heart, with another man. Not something that would usually bother him since he wasn’t a jealous person. But next thing he knew the two of them were kissing and everything turned black. Not literally, but he was shocked and hurt and mad all together, he didn’t know how to even respond to what was happening in front of eyes. Was it reality? Was it a bad dream?
He just stood there frozen, now Aline shouting and the whole fight going on around him turned into white noise as his gaze was fixed on Luciano.

“Gio-- Gio, God, I’m so sorry. I swear I’m not cheating on you…I love you, not him. Please.”
Gio was absolutely dazed and confused, and didn’t even take in half of what the guy just said. He was overwhelmed and broken, as if his world just crashed on him. ”I trusted you…” He managed to say, with a broken voice trying to hold himself from looking as broken as he felt ”I trusted you with everything he said, bolding the word everything as he spoke. ”I should have known it was too good to be true. Go on, I won’t get in your way anymore” he added as his voice broke, he looked at him, the look in Gio’s eyes was deep and hurt, staring at him with blackness. He looked at him, and then at aline for a split second before turning away and leaving the cafe and into his car.

As he got into his car closing the door behind him, he couldn’t hold the amount of emotions flooding through him, and the gates of the tears opened wide.
He was clearly in no state to be driving, but he had to get out of there, far and quick. He couldn’t bare the thought of Luciano and that guy kissing, yet the image kept coming to his head in every passing moment.
He turned on the engine and the radio turned on automatically in the middle of some sad Lewis Capaldi song that was playing on the radio. He wasn’t in the mood for sad songs, but he also couldn’t be any more bothered and make the effort of turning off the radio.

He was just too hurt, too shocked, too… everything. All these emotions together piling up on him and doing what they can to break his spirit.
It’s not like he hasn’t been hurt before, damn, this isn’t even the worst he’s been through, but coming from the one person he loved and trusted, and never expected to hurt him like that… it just made it hurt so much more.
Made him wonder why did he even trust people in the first place.

Reversing and driving out of the parking spot at the side of the road, he headed out to the road driving away. And just as he thought the day couldn’t get any worse, crash. At a close by junction between two main roads, the unfocused Gio drove throughout the road leading away from the cafe, when another vehicle crashed into him from the back side, causing Gio’s car with the boy in it, to fly away and flip. There was a sound of crashing metal and something broke, was it the window or his bones, he didn’t know, but a sharp and intense pain hit him for a moment, but next thing he knew. his vision blurred and everything black…




With his hands wrapped around her stomach, Daniel placed a playful kiss on the back of her head as he glared at the guy who clearly couldn’t take no as an answer. A smile playing on his lips as she insulted the man. “Clearly,” Daniel replied, “Do yourself a favor and please go…” Dan started, “Can we even call this flirting? Flirt with girls who are actually interested in you, Though there’s a low chance, I’m sure someone in there might be,” Dan muttered, pointing back towards the casino.

Daniel raised his eyebrow as Valerie Wood called him out of her league, though made no commentary about it in front of the guy. Truth be told, the girl standing in front of him was the one out of his league. Though, he knew it was all an act to get the guy to back off. The minute the idiot had left, Daniel reluctantly removed his hands from around her and stepped away - “Agreed,” he muttered, “It’s why I bloody hate Americans,” he stated, walking in front of her so he could face her. “You okay? We can head back to the suite it’s already,” Dan started, looking at his watch, “like 3 in the morning,” Dan added, surprised at where the time had gone.

@CerealKiller - His fake girlfriend

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The guy finally left them alone and walked off towards the casino, leaving the two of them standing out there. As he was gone, Daniel stepped back, taking his hand off her.
“Agreed, It’s why I bloody hate Americans,”
It was actually quite funny, for a school in America, there were quite a lot of Brits. Not that it bothered her, on the contrary, she actually missed the UK, it was one of her favorite countries.
“You okay? We can head back to the suite it’s already, like 3 in the morning,”
”It’s already three? Damn” she replied partly surprised, it didn’t feel that late and she wasn’t even remotely tired. ”And sure” she said with a light smile and a nod ”Sounds about right” she commented on going back to the suite. She wasn’t tired, but a calm and cozy place sounded like it couldn’t be any harm.
So they walked in towards the hotel and the elevator and headed up to the suite on the top floor. For a moment she wondered how Mikel was doing, but she wasn’t worried she believed he was having a good time, probably thinking a lot less than she was constantly overthinking.

@benitz786 Dannydandan
@Madilfill Mikey boy mentioned

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The elevator ride back up to their suite was… to say the very least… a bit awkward. Perhaps it was the fact that the two had kissed multiple times that day, or maybe it’s just what happened the last time the two were alone… and drunk in an elevator. But they truly rode in complete silence until they reached their floor and later the room. As they entered the suite, Dan finally said the first words in a while. “Would you… like some water? I mean we’re both kind of drunk still, and it’ll probably help with the eventual hangover,” he stated, but before she had even answered, he had already grabbed two bottled out of the fully stocked fridge and handed it to her.

For some reason, as drunk as he was - he wasn’t tired, at all. His mind still spinning from everything that had happened that night. From the dancing to Val’s lips against his. It had taken him a few days to get the girl out of his mind the first time they kissed, and now, bloody freaking hell. She had to go and remind him. Taking a long drink of the bottle, Dan pointed towards the flatscreen. “Are you tired? I was probably going to put on a movie for a bit if you want to join me?” Dan questioned, walking over to the couch as he watched her to see if she’d agree. Maybe part of him hoped she didn’t… perhaps this would just confuse… all of this so much more. But another part… it wanted her to say yes.


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”Thanks” she smiled lightly as he offered and passed her a bottle of water ”I’m not that drunk though, only moderate level” she stated emphasising the word that in her sentence

“Are you tired? I was probably going to put on a movie for a bit if you want to join me?”
”I’m not even a bit tired, that’s why I was surprised it’s already three” she said ”a movie? I’d love that” she said with a light smile and ran a hand through her hair before sipping some water from the bottle

She wasn’t at all tired, maybe it was because of how eventful the night was, or maybe it was just because she wasn’t tired. But she didn’t want to go to sleep anytime soon, not at all.

She took off her shoes, at some point wearing heels isn’t fun anymore and all you want it to take them off and actually be able to feel your legs.
Getting up and coming to where he was and sat on the sofa ”what are we watching?” she asked with a smile ”Okay, what’s your favourite movie?” she asked, both trying to figure out a movie and try to get to know him a bit better.

@benitz786 Cuddly toy

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The Twins

colourless because pain

Lui could hear the pain in Gio’s voice, could see the barely restrained pain he was feeling. He hated himself for being the cause of that, hated himself for ever thinking that he should meet Jacob without telling Gio. This was his love, the greatest thing that had ever happened to him, and he was standing in front of Lui, so clearly upset because Luciano had ruined it all. The words he was saying, each individual one was like a knife in his heart, twisting deeper as he went on. And when Gio met his gaze… Lui could see how utterly he had fvcked up. He choked back a sob, a tear running down the side of his face. “No, Gio—” He reached out for him, pulling his hand back as he realized that probably wasn’t the best idea. “It wasn’t too good to be true, Gio, please—” To his dismay, Gio simply turned and left the cafe, moving over to where his car was parked.

As he got into the car, Aline stepped away from where she stood with Jacob, glancing back to the front of the cafe, where Gio was now missing. Considering he was her ride, that was definitely concerning. She hurried out of the cafe, saying nothing to Luciano except a simple shake of her head. She couldn’t believe that he had kissed someone else… it was like he wasn’t even the Luciano she had grown up with anymore.

By the time Aline got out of the cafe, Gio had already reversed out of the parking spot and was merging onto the road. She ran, trying to wave him down, not wanting him to be alone but he either didn’t see her or ignored her and he kept going down the road. She slowed her pace from a run, to a jog, to a walk as she realized that Gio wasn’t going to stop for her. She paused for a breath, and as she looked up, not even a block away from her was Gio’s car, cruising through the intersection and then being crashed into from the back, Gio’s car soaring through the air because of the force.

Aline screamed, her hands flying to her mouth in terror as she watched the scene unfold in front of her. She must’ve started running again, she didn’t remember, but moments later she was at the intersection, right in front of the wreckage that was Gio’s car. She was sobbing, the tears ruining her carefully applied makeup and snot running down her face. The car was on its roof, the window shattered, revealing the broken boy that sat in the seat. She sat beside the car, pleading with him to wake up, with no response.

Please God, please please please. She rocked back and forth, just sobbing inconsolably beside the wreck. Arms wrapped around her, and she gasped, registering Lui’s presence without having to look up at his face. He was crying too, she could feel it in the shakes of his chest against her head. But it was comforting. Even though she blamed him for Gio’s crash, and she could feel that he blamed himself too, she knew that he would never have wanted it to end up like this. And he was beating himself up about it, she could tell.

“Lo siento, lo siento, lo siento mucho,” he was muttering, over and over again.

She hugged him tightly, rubbing his back. “Está bien. Todo va a estar bien,” she whispered through her tears. She wasn’t sure if she believed it herself, but she needed to say them.

‘Cause maybe then they would come true.

ORP: lol I needed closure
didn’t get it tho :kissing::v:t5:
still broken ehehehhehe


Jacob has left the building (escaped quietly through the back)

@CerealKiller @unsungcheerio



“Still don’t want you to have a headache in the morning, so drink up,” Daniel stated, finishing his own water and discarding the bottle as he moved over towards the television, nodding as she told him she wasn’t tired. “Me neither,” he added with a slight smile. He didn’t know what it was, but something about the day had jolted him awake. He wasn’t exhausted at all. Some people may claim it was the rush of winning millions of dollars, but that wasn’t it. Again, that was just chump change for Daniel Parker.

Flipping through the array of movies, he raised his eyebrow as she asked him his favorite movie. Honestly, he didn’t really have one. Sure he would binge bad horror flicks with Jessica every now and again, but a favorite? Nah. Though as he flipped a specific one caught his eye. “Ever seen Kingsman: The Secret Service?” Daniel asked with a smile, “Or would you rather watch a romcom, though you don’t seem like the type of girl who’s into those movies?” Daniel asked.

@CerealKiller - Blahhhh my first response was better + longer but I give up. I’ve lost motivation now :frowning:

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“Still don’t want you to have a headache in the morning, so drink up,”
”Yessir” she said with a light chuckle and drank some more from her bottle
She nodded as he said he as well isn’t tired, ”I clearly should be tired, but fcuk it” she said ”common sense has left the building”
She sat on the couch and watched him as he flipped through movies
“Ever seen Kingsman: The Secret Service? Or would you rather watch a romcom, though you don’t seem like the type of girl who’s into those movies?”
She raised a brow at his statement, honestly though, romcoms were nowhere near her favorite genre either way, not that she minded them they could be great sometimes, but she did wonder what made her look like a romcom type of girl.”Do I? Well actually-“ she started ”I’m a catholic wh0re currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black jewish boyfriend who works at a military abortion clinic. So hail satan , and have a lovely afternoon madam” she said quoting one of her favorite scenes of the film ”So yeah, to your question, I’ve seen it” she said with a smirk
”I’ll let you pick, I don’t mind” she added after a moment

@benitz786 I love that film sm thooooo

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A smile made it’s way to his features as she added common sense has left the building. “Was it ever in the building? We’re in Vegas,” he grinned - laughter meeting his lips as she quoted possibly his favorite line from the whole movie. “Well that settles it, Kingsman it is,” he revealed, putting the movie on as he stood up and disappeared to his bedroom, returning with the blankets and pillows so the two could watch the movie in comfort.

As he returned, he took a seat next to the girl placing the blanket upon the two without really talking about it. After all, talking about it means that Daniel has to admit to more than he’s willing to at the moment. Though as the movie progressed, he found the girl leaning her head against his shoulder, a slight smirk making way onto his lips as he watched her," “Hey, do you want to lay down, Miss I’m not tired?” Daniel whispered, trying to see if she’s awake.

@CerealKiller - cuddle buddy

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“Was it ever in the building? We’re in Vegas,”
”Okay true, Vegas and common sense don’t mix” she said in return with a small laugh
“Well that settles it, Kingsman it is,”
”Perfect” she said with a nod and moved her hair away as Daniel got up and came back with blankets and pillows. He sat and put the blanket on the both of them, which made her internally smile but she kept it to herself, letting it roll without having to talk about it.

Though a while passed, and although she loved that movie very much at some point the late hours started catching up with her. She rested her head on his shoulder, not thinking it over too much, it just seemed natural for some reason. Though she wasn’t asleep, but she was indeed somewhat tired.
”Hey, do you want to lay down, Miss I’m not tired?”
”who said I’m tired” she jokingly muttered, quietly in an obviously tired voice. ”But that does sound comfy so I’ll roll with being tired” she added, that was a thing about her, even when she was drained tired she was rarely ever cranky and just stayed the fun witty talker, even if she was halfway asleep, which specifically now she wasn’t necessarily, but still.

@benitz786 certified* cuddly buddy

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