Aline Ribeiro
"It’s not that easy to digest, it’s deep hard information, not every human mind can understand.” She sighed, shaking her head. “And I thought you were different,” she said wistfully. He replied to her fvck you remark: ”Offended. No lunch for you.” She laughed, looking appalled. “What- a girl’s gotta eat, Gio. Here I’ll pay for your lunch though as a ‘don’t-be-offended-gift’.”
"Of course you can’t.” She grinned, laughing with him.
"Ever more confused, but I appreciate it. I think-“ Aline patted his arm, giving him a smile. “You’re welcome.” After Gio parked the car, she got out, looking towards the cafe. She didn’t feel anything, not a sense of dread or whatever, but even if she had, she wouldn’t have listened to it. She thought that Gio deserved to know what events were taking place, and she would show him, as his friend.
She looked to him now, her expression twisted again. “I just think that I should say that Lui’s a good guy, really. Is he being a colossal assh0le? Yes. But he loves you a lot. He doesn’t want to hurt you.” She paused, her gaze flicking to the cafe again before returning to meet Gio’s. “Sometimes he just needs to see things for himself, y’know? Which is 10000% something he should’ve told you about which makes it that much worse but.” Aline kind of just stopped, not sure where she was going with this. “Anyway, okay, let’s go.”
Aline took the lead, and as they walked in, she was the first to see the two of them. What she had expected to see was very different from what she had actually seen. She thought that she was simply going to see her brother sitting down talking with that cachorro, but instead, they were dancing. She pushed through the doors and then just stopped walking, her mouth hanging open in disbelief. Her brain was still processing, trying to figure out why Lui would ever dance with this guy ever again when the guy leaned in and kissed him. Kissed him. They were kissing. Kissing in front of her… and Gio, oh, Gio…
Regret. That was the prominent emotion she was feeling right now, and she never regretted things. But as she turned his way, her eyes wide with surprise, and took in his reaction, that was pretty much the only thing she felt. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-- I didn’t know.”
As her gaze returned to the couple, where Lui was now standing a few feet away from the cachorro, another emotion nestled into her mind. Anger.
Luciano Ribeiro
Dancing with Jacob in this cafe to this song took him back to Brazil, when he’d rekindled with Jai after returning to his birth country in late August. Before going to Brazil, he’d been crushing on Gio for a long time, but he still hadn’t known if he was straight or what. They were good friends and he didn’t want to mess that up, so he didn’t tell him anything about the way he felt before going to Brazil for the next several months. Reuniting with Jai gave him a distraction from those feelings, and while perhaps he had used the beginning of their relationship as a means to try and get over Gio, he ended up falling for Jai, genuinely.
Lui had known him as a kid, they’d all been friends, but he hadn’t ever thought of Jai as anything beyond that until the fateful Brazil trip. The festival he’d sen Jacob at was the event that changed everything for him, for the two of them. They’d danced a lot that night and they were dancing now, though this felt more final. It was a nice way to properly end the relationship in Lui’s mind, with one last dance. To him, it felt like a farewell, but obviously, it didn’t feel the same to Jacob, who leaned in to whisper what Lui thought was a parting message in his ear: “I know you loved me, and as much as I should move on, I still love you. Tell me this doesn’t mean anything Luciano.”
Luciano was about to ask what he was talking about, his brows furrowed slightly, but then his lips were on his, and Jai was kissing him. The taste was familiar and calling back to all the times they had kissed underneath the Brazillian sun. For a single moment, Lui relaxed into his arms, kissing him back, before he regained his senses and pushed Jacob off of him, taking several steps back to put distance between them. “¡¿Qué demonios estás haciendo?!” “What the hell are you doing?!” He asked, visibly upset. His hand fluttered up to his lips, where the feeling of Jai still lingered. “¿Estás jugando? Are you kidding me? I have a boyfriend, I told you I was already dating someone and—”
He was cut off by the familiar yell of someone from across the cafe. “YOU FVCKING FVCKTARDS.” Dread settled over him like a weighted blanket. Luciano turned, registering a very plssed off Aline and Gio. God. Gio was there. Had he seen all of that?
Luciano and Aline Ribeiro
Aline marched towards them, stopping right in front of where they stood. “You are so FVCKING STUPID. I cannot fvcking BELIEVE how fvcking–” Luciano moved around her as she yelled at him, walking to where Gio was. Aline continued anyways, yelling at his retreating back. “UGH you’re so fvcking unbelievable. ¡Que te den! Fvck you!” Her gaze turned to Jacob, eyes cutting a sharp glare his way. “And you.”
She walked to him, shoving him with her index finger. “I fvcking hate you, I fvcking hate you so fvcking much, as-wipe. Me cago en la madre que te parió. I sh!t on the mother that gave birth to you (spanish expression). You will never be even half as good as that guy over there. Ever. And you will never ever fvcking be with Luciano again, or even see him again. I dare you to show up at our house because you have no idea how fvcking much I would like to cut off your fvcking d!ck and shove it down your throat. Don’t fvcking test me.”
Luciano moved quickly to where Gio stood, swallowing a gulp as he approached. His face was laden with guilt and shame and he was hoping beyond hope that Gio would be able to understand. “Gio–” His voice cut off and so he tried again. “Gio, God, I’m so sorry. I swear I’m not cheating on you, this is the first time I’ve met with him.” He was beginning to ramble, but he allowed himself to, trying to get Gio to see. “He’s my ex, from Brasil, and I told him I’d meet with him but I didn’t think he would kiss me, I don’t— Gio, I love you, not him. Please.”
the spice
has been