Blue Royalty | Official Thread

“Oh… yeah, I’m Aline. Different setting… Yeah… same. I’m sorry, who are you again?”
”Ah sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself my head is so off right now” she said ”I’m Annabel, I’m G’s friend, I heard a lot of good things about you” she said with a light half smile
“Is he gonna be in pain? Well, of course he’s gonna be in pain, but is it gonna be bad?”
”I don’t know, the doctor said the surgery supposedly went well, but he had a lot of head and brain damage so he might have a headache or something like that ” she explained ”he also said to call the nurse when he’s awake” she added and walked into the room, to the other side of Gio’s bed
“God, I still can’t believe…”
”I heard you brought him here” she states and looked at Gio, ”Thank you so so much” she added looking at the girl softly

@unsungcheerio - Aline

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Aline Ribeiro

"Ah sorry, I totally forgot to introduce myself my head is so off right now.” She knew the feeling. "I’m Annabel, I’m G’s friend, I heard a lot of good things about you.” The name didn’t ring the bells that she thought it would. Aline had a lingering feeling that she had seen her in a different setting than the hospital, but she wasn’t sure where she would’ve, as she didn’t remember ever having met her before. “Oh, okay, hi.” A slight frown pulled at her lips, and she scratched her head. “I would say the same about you but I really just can’t remember hearing about you… sorry, my head’s pretty off right now too.”

“I don’t know, the doctor said the surgery supposedly went well, but he had a lot of head and brain damage so he might have a headache or something like that.” A lot of brain damage…? She stared at him, watching his chest rise and fall with each breath he took. Was he even going to be the Gio she knew? She didn’t know what to expect, and that was perhaps the scariest thing of all. "He also said to call the nurse when he’s awake.” Annabel moved to the other side of Gio’s bed, so that now she was across from Aline. Aline looked up at her, giving her a nod to show that she had heard what she had said. “Poor Gio…” she murmured, her attention falling back to the boy in front of her.

"I heard you brought him here. Thank you so so much.” Her gaze rose to meet Annabel’s, and her eyes were met with a warmth that told her that this woman was someone who really cared about Gio. She was unsure how they knew each other, but it was clear that they were close. “I just rode with him in the ambulance, but yeah, of course. He’s a good friend, a good guy…” She bowed her head, tears pricking at her eyes for the gazillionth time. “I saw the accident, you know. Saw it happen. Lui saw the aftermath but I saw the whole thing. He was okay and then he… he wasn’t.” She hasn’t had a proper sleep since the accident, her mind liking to replay the way the scene unfolded behind her eyelids. She didn’t have the nightmare this night, but sleeping in a chair didn’t yield a good night’s sleep regardless. “I can’t get the picture out of my head,” she admitted, her voice soft in a whisper.


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[color= #049fe0]Jezebel Mallory Sloane[/color]

It seemed for a moment that Riker wouldn’t actually be coming, but at the last moment he stepped into Jezebel’s view. She looked up at him as he walked over and sat down next to her. Jezebel honestly wasn’t sure quite how to feel about Riker. Riker was Jordan’s friend, so there shouldn’t be that much of an issue. Jordan wouldn’t be friends with someone who wasn’t good to be around, but there was still a tension there how he didn’t exactly seem to like Jezebel. She crossed her arms as she watched him run his hands through his hair and ask to know more about her in a more hushed tone. “What is it that you want to know Riker? I’m sure you’ve heard about me from Jordan.”


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“I would say the same about you but I really just can’t remember hearing about you… sorry, my head’s pretty off right now too.”
”It’s okay. Doesn’t really matter” she said with a light shrug,
“Poor Gio…”
”He’ll be okay, he’s a strong kid” she said and looked at the sleeping Gio with half a smile. and she wasn’t wrong, the boy has been through quite enough in his life, a car crash couldn’t be what knocks him down.
"I just rode with him in the ambulance, but yeah, of course. He’s a good friend, a good guy…I saw the accident, you know. Saw it happen. Lui saw the aftermath but I saw the whole thing. He was okay and then he… he wasn’t.
Annabel couldn’t imagine how it must have felt to actually see it happen with your own eyes, she could only assume it was horrible, which sucked, nobody had to see something like that, especially not when it’s someone you care about.
But she did wonder, why? How? Gio was a good driver, he was quite careful, didn’t skip lights or go over the limit, so what happened?
”I can’t get the picture out of my head,"
”At least you were there to call an ambulance, I can’t even imagine what could have been if you two haven’t seen it” she said with a sigh ”You basically saved his life” she said and gently held Gio’s hand


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Ketziah Drake

She reached over and lifted Andy’s sunglasses just slightly where she could properly see his eyes. “Gotta say, I like my heroes better with awesome sunglasses than with a cape.” Ketziah said with a smile. “When I’m dead I won’t exactly be able to remind you, but I expect a performance at my funeral, and then I can just haunt you and I won’t miss any more.” She laughed as she listened to his comment about throwing tomatoes at him. “Nah, I wouldn’t waste the tomatoes like that. Water balloons… that’s a different story.” She shrugged.



”Gotta say, I like my heroes better with awesome sunglasses than with a cape.” she said and raised his sunglasses a bit from his eyes, he smiled.
”Seems like I’m just the guy for the job” he said with a smirk ”If you ever need rescuing, call me and I’ll be there. Unless you need bailing out, in that case make sure I’m not drunk because there’s a d!ck cop there he likes causing me trouble” he added, and raised his sunglasses back to the top of his head. fcuking whittle.

The greatest performance of all times, iconic funeral that will go down the pages of history” he said in response to her saying she expects a performance at her funeral ”But you’re not allowed to die, even though I won’t mind you haunting me” he added with a light smirk
“Nah, I wouldn’t waste the tomatoes like that. Water balloons… that’s a different story.”
”Is this a threat? Should I go waterproof myself to be safe?” he commented and laughed lightly ”Though water balloons do sound a lot better than tomatoes” he chuckled

@Littlefeets - Ketziah

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Ketziah Drake

“Perfect fit for the job description. Awesome sunglasses, no cape, great with music, and overall cool.” Ketziah said with a laugh. “Note to self, don’t get arrested while Andy’s drunk. If I ever need bailed out of jail, I’ll call you, and if you’re drunk call Riker, or my brother.” Ketziah said in response to what he said about a specific cop causing him trouble. “It better be. Cause without the greatest performance ever, then people will just be upset because of being at a funeral. Not gonna happen.” She paused with a smirk. “Oh really? You wouldn’t mind me haunting you? Even if I write creepy messages on your mirror, open and close doors, and provide a feeling like someone’s always behind you? Well you’re not going to die first, so that leaves one option. I die then haunt you for the rest of your life.” She shrugged. “Hard to say. It might be, it might not. You may be safe while you perform, or you might not. You tell me, should it be a threat?” Ketziah laughed. “Water balloons would be more fun anyway.”



”The pleasure is all mine” he said as she said he matched the job description which she then listed,
”Riker or your brother is a good call” he said as she said she’d call them if she got arrested and needed bail while Andy was drunk ”But just truly not to get arrested ay?”* he raised his brow

*“It better be. Cause without the greatest performance ever, then people will just be upset because of being at a funeral. Not gonna happen.”
”Clearly it should be the best event of the decade. Performances, parties, an open bar” he said ”Be sad at home later” he chuckled

He laughed as she told him all the creepy stuff she’d do as a ghost haunting him for the rest of his life ”Am I not going to die first though? I’m old enough” he said even though he was only a year or two older than her ”But if I don’t, feel free to haunt me forever” he smirked
He shook his head at her comment about the water balloons being a threat ”Sounds like a threat to me” he said with a smirk and a raised brow

@Littlefeets - Ketziah

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aliiiine ribeirooooooooo

"He’ll be okay, he’s a strong kid.” Her expression was taut with worry, but Annabel’s words helped to reassure her. “You think?” If anyone was gonna get through all of this and come out even stronger than he had before the accident, it would definitely be Gio. “Mm, I hope so.” It didn’t look like he was going to die anymore, but who knows what would be different? She’s watched enough Grey’s Anatomy episodes to know that head trauma can really change a person… mostly, Aline just hoped that Gio would still be the kind and caring guy she adored. And that he’d be better in time for his birthday.

"At least you were there to call an ambulance, I can’t even imagine what could have been if you two haven’t seen it.” Had she called an ambulance? The minor details of that day were a blur to her, and she and Lui hadn’t ever discussed it, so it was possible, that she or her brother had called 911. She wasn’t so sure if she did it, but since Lui hadn’t gotten to the wreck until several minutes after she had, she was more sure that he did, between the two of them. “There were people around,” she mumbled, shrugging slightly, “so someone would’ve seen the crash even if we weren’t there.” Though… if the two of them weren’t there then Gio likely wouldn’t have been either, so the crash never would’ve occurred in the first place. "You basically saved his life.” Aline stilled, her eyes trained on Gio’s body. The words were supposed to be comforting, a soothing blanket, perhaps, but they were more like a curved knife in her heart, a wound that she hadn’t seen coming. “I didn’t,” she said softly, inhaling sharply. Saving his life indicated some heroic act, some sacrifice she had made to keep him alive, when in fact, she had done none of that. She hadn’t kept him from his car, hadn’t been there to be the getaway driver who wasn’t emotionally compromised. She thought she had been doing the right thing when she’d taken him to the cafe, but she never would’ve even considered it if she knew it would all end up like this. “I really, really didn’t. And I’ll never forgive myself if his life is ruined because of… all that.”


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“There were people around, so someone would’ve seen the crash even if we weren’t there.”
The girl said, which was fair in a way but still didn’t lower from the respect Annabel had towards her for being there.
”"I didn’t,“l I really, really didn’t. And I’ll never forgive myself if his life is ruined because of… all that.”
”It’s not your fault” she said, ”It’s not like you were in the other car, you probably couldn’t have stopped it from happening, but you’re here with him now which is already good” she added ”I just wish he wouldn’t have gotten into it in the first place” she sighed ”He’s a good drive, it isn’t like him to get in a crash.” she said quietly, even though crashes are w mutual thing, it could have been the other driver’s fault as well… ”Where did it even happen?” she asked


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Dominic Lucier

Dominic left his house, ready for the trip. Neither of his parents were awake, so he’d left a note reminding them that he was going to be gone for a few days. He felt like this trip was a much-needed break from everything that was going on. Not wanting to leave his car in the school parking lot while he went on the trip, he elected

He checked the seating arrangement for the coach, unsure of how to react. He and Valerie hadn’t spoken since Prom Night, a night that was now surrounded by mixed feelings. After taking a moment to put those feelings in the back of his mind, he walked onto the bus, giving Kai a quick wave before sitting down beside Valerie.

He looked over at her, contemplating whether or not to say something to her. He could see that she was just on her phone, but he wasn’t entirely sure that she wanted to talk to him, so he did the same, pulling out his phone to check social media. “Hey” He said, finally deciding to say something after sitting in silence for a few minutes.

@CerealKiller - Valerie

@Littlefeets - Kai (mentioned)


Valerie wasn’t really focused on her surroundings as she replied to Daniel’s dm about going in a limo while she had to sit with Dominic, so she didn’t realise the guy has already arrived and sat next to her until he spoke up.
“Hey” He said, and refocused her back to reality ”Ah Dominic hey” she said and closed her phone ”When did you get here?” she asked, since she didn’t even notice it happened.
She still didn’t know how she felt about being sat next to Dominic, the two of them haven’t talked since prom night, which was… complicated and eventful, to say the least. Last time she saw him ended with the two of them kissing and her walking off and getting in a fight with Candice… And since then so much has happened and changed in that time, it was just complicated…

@Caticorn - Dominic
@benitz786 - Danny and dead chick mentioned

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Ketziah Drake

“Don’t worry, I’ll try not to get arrested, I promise.” She didn’t intend to do anything that could lead to her getting arrested, but anything could happen. Ketziah had been involved in crazy situations before. “Precisely. No crying allowed. It should be such an awesome event that everyone forgets they’re even at a funeral.” Ketziah rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at him. “Ah yes, you’re practically on your deathbed already, since you’re like, two whole years older than me. And assuming you don’t just drop dead unexpectedly and die first, once I’m dead, you’re stuck with me.” She shrugged with a smirk. “Guess you’re just going to have to wait and see if its just a threat or if I follow though.”



”Good” he chuckled as she promised to try not to get arrested, which was already a good start, but who knows what could happen?
“Precisely. No crying allowed. It should be such an awesome event that everyone forgets they’re even at a funeral.”
”I still need to figure out how I’ll manage to stop being sad for a bit so I could perform, sounds impossible but duty calls” he said ”But either way you’re not allowed to die” he raised his brow at her

”Ah yes, you’re practically on your deathbed already, since you’re like, two whole years older than me. And assuming you don’t just drop dead unexpectedly and die first, once I’m dead, you’re stuck with me.”
He laughed lightly at her comment ”Fair enough, I’ll just try to stay away from my deathbed but no promises” he said ”but I’m pretty stuck with you anyway, you don’t see me complaining” he said and nudged her arm

“Guess you’re just going to have to wait and see if its just a threat or if I follow though.”
”can’t wait” he said ”I’ll prepare my payback just in case” he smirked


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Jordan sparkles :sparkles:

“Yes, I have had a good morning thanks for being so very thoughtful.”

Jordan could hear it in the simple tone of his voice. It was… fake. Simple niceties in an attempt to ease the tension - but that was just it, there was far too much tension between Mikel and himself. Because of Jezebel… because of what happened before. Though the one thing that Jordan was widely aware of was the fact that Jezebel Sloane was only one seat away from the two. Not that Jordan would act upon any instinct, though Mikel was having an odd way of getting under Jordan’s skin that he hadn’t really experienced before. In reality, Jordan had never really been this… annoyed? frustrated? with anyone before. Mikel Lucas, for an odd reason, had a special place in Jordan’s head simply for that reason.

“Paris is great - were you… with Jezebel when she went on her birthday?” Jordan wasn’t sure - he had seen the photos of Jez in Paris. Hell, Jordan had almost run into her in Paris - having that brief conversation with Candice, though choosing not to as if not to make things more confusing. But he was curious… screw curiosity killed the cat.

Though what did surprise him was when Mikel honestly revealed that he had been smoking in his car. Yes, Jordan did expect Mikel to lie or hide the truth or do what millions of other addicts do, one of which Jordan had grown up with, pretend. But Mikel was honest. Interesting. While Mikel was sizing Jordan up physically, Jordan may have been mentally sizing up the man. His respect for the man, however, did slightly increase with the truth though still fell beneath the “you’re good for Jezebel” radar. “Right…” Jordan muttered, not knowing what else to say as he leaned into his seat. “I’d say I hope you didn’t bring any on this trip, but I’m guessing you did?” Jordan signed.

@Madilfill - My high boiii
@Littlefeets - Girl they be fighten overr


Mikel thought about putting his AirPods back in and turning up his music all the way while Jordan was speaking but a part of him did want to hear what he had to say. Mikel did take the opportunity to look around the bus to see if any seats were open so he could move there but while doing so he finally realized who was little in front of them. He bit the inside of his cheek, an anxious tic of his. He didn’t know if the presence of being close to her made him extremely happy or stressed him out but it was an odd combination of emotions that were running through him. “Sorry, what were you saying?” Mikel said as he looked back at Jordan. He had heard him, mostly but he wasn’t going to act like he cared about it and give him the satisfaction.

“Paris is great? Yeah most of the time. I mean I was there for a funeral this time so not too great but sure bud.” Mikel dodged the question about him being there with Jezebel for her birthday. He wasn’t but one of the first times they hung out they had talked about it and he had promised to take her there sometime to show him his favorite places. He still meant that he would love to go there with her. But Mikel didn’t need to tell Jordan anything based on their relationship or what was their relationship. It was there and that’s all that matters, no one else needed to be involved. “I’d say I hope you didn’t bring any on this trip, but I’m guessing you did?” Mikel winked to Jordan. “Spot on, but you better not snitch.” He said with a smile on his face. “What’s the saying again? Oh…! Snitches get stitches or something like that.” Mikel was joking, he wasn’t a violent guy unless someone started the fight. He wouldn’t willingly cause a physical fight or anything like that. He was a lover, not a fighter. “Maybe you and I can bond over a j0int? Trade notes perhaps?” He smirked as the words come out of his lips and his tone was much lower and quieter than before. *Clearly, you don’t mind sharing." As these words came out, his smirk dropped into a blank expression now.
@Littlefeets lOvE TrIaNgLe


Guy who shares the same last name as Elo’s favorite singer’s first name

Riker raised his eyebrow at the abrupt mention that he’s probably heard all about her from Jordan - which, to say, she wasn’t wrong… exactly. Riker had been one of Jordan’s closest friends for years so sure, he knew quite a bit about him. But Jezebel Sloane - that part of his life had always remained a mystery. The girl most of his songs had been over. What Riker believed was Jordan’s ‘the one who got away.’ Looking at the girl in her eyes, he gave a slight smile “actually, he hasn’t said anything about you. So you can’t blame me for being curious. For the two years, I’ve known the guy, I hadn’t heard your name for the first time until yesterday,” Riker revealed, watching her features as he said that - curious to what she would think of it. It wasn’t a lie… though it wasn’t exactly the truth either. After all, almost everyone in the band knew there was a girl - they just hadn’t known that girl was Jezebel Slone.

"So… Jezebel. Favorite color? Did you have a good time at the party? Jordan seemed happy but he didn’t really tell me much. Oh… and who’s this new guy I’ve heard you’ve been dating? Is it serious? " Were they slightly intrusive questions? Sure. But Riker was just trying to protect a close friend. And he knew Jordan wouldn’t do so himself so in his place, Riker Taylor would.

@Littlefeets - cheers to an awkward ride :slight_smile:


Aline Ribeiro

"It’s not your fault. It’s not like you were in the other car, you probably couldn’t have stopped it from happening, but you’re here with him now which is already good.” Aline knew that she was just trying to reassure her, but she wasn’t there. If Annabel knew how it had all gone down, Aline was sure that her opinion of her, of her brother, and her thinking that Aline had “saved his life” would all change. "I just wish he wouldn’t have gotten into it in the first place. He’s a good driver, it isn’t like him to get in a crash.” Aline nodded, her brows furrowing. “Yeah, he usually is a great driver, but…” she hesitated. The whole story was definitely not something she wanted to get into with this friend of Gio’s that had yet to formulate proper opinions on her family. “But I guess he was distracted,” she finished lamely, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Where did it even happen?” Annabel asked. “Not too far from the school. It was at like the next major light from this cafe a few minutes away from the school.” Aline rubbed her arm, somewhat subconsciously. “The cafe… maybe you’ve heard of it, Cafe Con Amor? It’s this little Brazillian shop. It has good food.” She scoffed softly, giving a slight shake of her head. “Not that I can go there anymore,” she muttered under her breath.


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”Yeah, he usually is a great driver, but…But I guess he was distracted,”
Yeah… it just sucks…” she sighed
"Not too far from the school. It was at like the next major light from this cafe a few minutes away from the school. The cafe… maybe you’ve heard of it, Cafe Con Amor? It’s this little Brazillian shop. It has good food.”
”I think I heard the name before but I’ve never been there” she said, she had heard about it not too long ago, but she didn’t go out to cafes often at all.
”Not that I can go there anymore," the girl muttered quietly but she could still hear ”Why not?” she asked ”If it’s okay that I’m asking, you don’t have to answer” she added


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Ketziah Drake

“You’ll just have to do whatever’s necessary to put on a killer performance.” Ketziah said with a shrug. “You’re not allowed to die either, at least while I’m alive.” Everyone dies eventually, but Ketziah had no plans to be at a funeral for someone she cared about again in her lifetime. Funerals were always too sad. Ketziah laughed as Andy nudged her arm. “You’re never getting rid of me.” She looked at Andy, a slight mischievous look in her eyes. “Oh really, planning your payback already? Before you even know how I’ll strike.”
