“You’ll just have to do whatever’s necessary to put on a killer performance.” ”A killer performance at a funeral? I’d get framed for murder” he laughed lightly
“You’re not allowed to die either, at least while I’m alive.” ”not planning on it” he said, but to be fair, he new enough dead people, adding more people to the list was never something he wanted, especially people he cared for. ”you don’t see me complaining” he smiled as she said he wasn’t getting rid of her “Oh really, planning your payback already? Before you even know how I’ll strike.” ”I am, but you don’t even know how I’ll pay you back” he smirked ”so we’re even” he chuckled
"Yeah… it just sucks…” It did suck, though suck couldn’t even begin to cover how terrible it all was. Not even just the crash, but what had led up to it, the moments after… it sucked how they were here, with him, while his parents were pretending that they never had a son to begin with. “It does suck,” she agreed. “And it sucks that his f-cking parents don’t even give a sh-t about him anymore. They just f-cking abandoned him… like he was nothing.” Thinking of the lack of love he got from his parents was similar to being stabbed repeatedly for Aline because, damn, those guys were the ones who were supposed to love you the most, no matter what. It royally p!ssed her off. “Their kid got in a car crash; they should f-cking be here.”
"I think I heard the name before but I’ve never been there.” Well, at least there wasn’t any chance of her being there in the middle of the day and witnessing the whole going-ons by chance. Though, if that had happened, Aline was sure this whole interaction would be very different. Unfortunately for Aline, Annabel heard her muttering under her breath, and asked a question in response to it. "Why not? If it’s okay that I’m asking, you don’t have to answer.” She had asked it so nicely though, now Aline felt inclined to answer. “Um… well, I threatened to cut off this guy’s d!ck in front of the whole cafe so… don’t think they’d want me back there. Ha.” No regrets from her though, the guy had majorly screwed up. And she wasn’t joking either; she had no qualms about attacking someone if they deserved it.
After Kara said she hoped they’d be in cabins, Marie responded with. "That’s not camping, but whatever happens, happens.”
“Well, that’s camping in my book.” Kara said with a frown.
Kara couldn’t imagine herself fighting a bear but she felt a little better now that she knew more about them. 'Oh shoot, I should’ve brought my pepper spray. You can’t go wrong with pepper spray." She said. In her eyes, that was a good defense mechanism for almost anything. “Wait, what was your experience with camping? I think you probably had a rough time but you’re not telling me those details.” She said with a raised eyebrow.
“And it sucks that his f-cking parents don’t even give a sh-t about him anymore. They just f-cking abandoned him… like he was nothing.”
Annabel let out a small partly annoyed partly just hopeless sigh, “Their kid got in a car crash; they should f-cking be here.” ”They should. And believe me, his mother cares, but she’s just a weak person. His father is the problem, and she just can’t go against him, I sometimes just feel sad for her…” she said looking at the boy ”But it is sad that they aren’t here, people like that should never have children” she added
“Um… well, I threatened to cut off this guy’s d!ck in front of the whole cafe so… don’t think they’d want me back there. Ha.” ”Damn” she said with a raised brow ”I bet he deserved it, probably just have to find a new cafe” she said with a light smirk
Kara frowned when Marie said cabins weren’t camping. “Well, you do you.” Kara mentioned pepper spray, and Marie laughed. “I can imagine that. Then if you run out, just throw the Can at the bear and run. Don’t actually do that. Pepper spray could work, though.” Marie said. When Kara asked if Marie was hiding the fact that she’d had a bad time, she shrugged. “Well, there was that time where we almost got caught in an avalanche…but there’s obviously no snow here now, so we’ll be fine.” @Kbail - Kara
There was always a fine line between niceties and full blown arrogance - and Mikel Lucas was playing a game of double-Dutch with that line. Not listening to him Jordan understood. What could he do - Mikel Lucas and himself never got along and they probably would never get along. Perhaps Jordan felt more then a speck of sympathy when Mikel mentioned that he went to a funeral - having his own fathers funeral a few weeks prior… right before Candice’s - Rest In Peace. Jordan obviously noticed the clear avoidance about being in Paris with Jezebel - and couldn’t help his mind wonder if they were there together. His heart sinking at the thought - though it wasn’t his place to feel like that. After all - he was the one to have broken up with her… even if they could have given long distance a try. Jordan… just had his reasons.
Though every word that came out of Mikel’s mouth made him more and more angry. The words Snitches get stitches leaving his mouth making his heart drop. It was words that he had heard his father say often - up until the day he was imprisoned. Perhaps if Mikel haven’t said this - Jordan would have held himself back at his next statement. But this druggie idealist phrase met with his statement of trading notes fully p^ssed Jordan Williams off. The one man who didn’t get p^ssed was furious.
”Clearly, you don’t mind sharing."
That was it. That was the tipping point for Jordan. If there was one thing that Jordan Williams knew is that Mikel Lucas was not the right guy for Jezebel. What he did next no one would have ever expected. Hell - Jordan wouldn’t have expected himself to do it - but soon enough, almost as if everything was moving in slow motion, Jordan’s fist met Mikel’s jaw - causing the man to fall out of his seat and to the floor. To anyone watching - which was likely the whole bus - it was a shocking scene. From Jordan Williams being the one to get into a fight to A 6 foot 4 man fallen to the aisle of the bus. “Don’t you dare. Ever. Say that to me again Mikel. She deserves better than you.” Left his mouth, an essence of spite dripping from his voice - everyone watching awaiting what Mikel would do in response.
@Madilnel - broken jaw possibly? @Littlefeets - girl they actually be fighting over
Mikel was over conversing with Jordan now. He said what he wanted and felt like just sitting in silence the rest of the ride there. He wanted to just be there already, not stuck on a bus. Not to mention his legs were getting tired from sitting in the narrow seat. They clearly weren’t made for someone of his stature. He wanted to get off and find his people, spend some time exploring the outdoors maybe and messing around while doing so. He was taken out of this thought quickly when a fist was connected to his jaw and his head snapped back. The seat did nothing to catch him since he had moved the armrest up and was now welcomed to the floor of the bus. He hadn’t expected to get punched, not by Jordan of all people. He thought how great it would’ve been for someone to get it on video or even a picture and sent it into the paparazzi to ruin his sweet boy image. He couldn’t help but bite his own tongue as the incident happened and he could taste the copper from the blood now in his mouth. He instinctively spits it out because he didn’t want to taste his own blood anymore, it was a surreal experience. He had been in fights before, none he ever started and this just added to that list. “Learn how to punch from your daddy?” Mikel said back to Jordan, his eyes dark with madness and hatred. His hand went up to his jaw and it hurt when he touched it, he knew there would be a bruise already starting and hoped that was all that happened. He had broken his nose once before from someone punching him so he was glad it wasn’t his nose again.
Mikel had no intentions on hitting him back. “Do it again.” He said to him as he stood up in the asile of the bus, his hands rested on the back of the seats surrounding him. He could feel everyone’s eyes on him and it burned. “Come on, right here,” He pointed to his other jaw and tapped it with his index finger. “I’m waiting!!” He said, his tone ragged from his unstable breathing. Mikels anxiety was at an all-time high and he wished he would’ve taken his meds this morning. If he knew something like this was going to happen, he probably would’ve. "She deserves better than you.” “I dont disagree.” Mikel couldn’t help but admit. He believed that after everything that happened that Mikel was the problem. His own problems just seemed to ruin everything else around him. “But that’s not up to you, now is it?” He didn’t like everyone watching but he knew they would. They are teenagers and there wasn’t much else to see except the road until now. He spits again, this time the blood landing where he had once been sitting. He whipped off the bit that ran down his lip and onto his chin. His usual white converse, had some splattered from the first time he spits it out. “Still waiting or does Mr.Perfect only lose his cool once?” @benitz786
Jezebel wasn’t quite sure what to think about Riker saying that Jordan hadn’t actually said anything about her. She knew Jordan well enough, and they had been close for so long that it didn’t make sense that Riker wouldn’t have heard anything about her. Jordan may have just not said who she was. She listened to his questions carefully. “My favorite color is blue. That gala was great, especially to finally be around Jordan like before he left. He’s sitting behind us, and you should really ask him that.” Things were still complicated with her and Mikel. She still didn’t know how she felt between Jordan and Mikel, but she knew what Jordan was thinking and she had no idea what Mikel felt. She didn’t know if he’d still want to be with her, or what things would be like between them even if he did.
Jezebel was trying to not pay attention to the conversation behind her, but she could hear Jordan and Mikel. She hadn’t heard exactly what provoked it because of answering Riker, but somehow things escalated and Jordan did something that Jezebel honestly never imagined he would do. Jordan actually punched Mikel. She turned away from Riker to look at both Mikel and Jordan. “What the hell are you two doing?”
Riker listened carefully at her answers - smiling ever-so-slightly at the mention of Jordan being behind them - a fact he was easily aware of and had been careful as so Jordan wouldn’t overhear their conversation. Though his interest was piqued as he waited for her to answer his last question. The one about her other boyfriend. Though, it seemed both of their attentions were drawn away when someone fell to the floor beside them. In front of the two of them was a scene that no one expected, and Riker almost immediately stood up, standing in front of Jordan with his hand holding him back. But he did leave Jezebel with one simple phrase, whispered under his breath. “Are you happy now?”
Perhaps Riker Taylor hadn’t been completely honest with his overstaying his welcome. It wasn’t just off pure will that he stayed, though it wouldn’t be a stretch from what he had done in the past. No, this time, the record label had asked him to look after Jordan and make sure he stayed out of trouble. And this right here - this one action that Jordan had committed had told Riker one simple thing. One thing he had a feeling of since the moment he had met her. Jezebel Sloane wasn’t good for Jordan. And now, the press would have a field day if anyone took a video of the incident.
Applebottom Jordan, boots with da fur (I’m sorry, they’re just getting worse and worse)
Anger coursed through his veins as Jordan looked at Mikel. He was seething, to say the least, though there was still a small part of him, his moral compass, telling him… even begging him to calm down. But it wasn’t helping that his moral compass was being drowned out by the man in front of him - bringing his father up. Oh, Jesse Williams. There weren’t many people who had the honor of meeting the man - usually because Jordan kept them away. Jesse was not someone Jordan would let anyone he cared about meet. It wasn’t because he was embarrassed by having him as a father. No, Jordan felt a different emotion when it came to Jesse. Fear. Jesse Williams was not a good man, and never had been - until the very day that he was murdered. If there was one person who knew about Jordan’s dad being an awful man - it was Mikel Lucas. And comparing Jordan to the dead man was not doing Mikel any favors - especially when Jordan was honestly considering punching him.
The one thing that was clear was Mikel was egging him on. Maybe Mikel even felt like he deserved the punch that Jordan had given - clarified as the man uttered that he didn’t disagree with Jordan’s revelation on the fact that Jezebel deserved better than him. Maybe Jordan believed that too. But it didn’t matter what he believed. Despite the seething anger he felt, the one voice that was clear within it all was Jezebel Slone’s - the words “What the hell are you two doing?” snapping him out of the daze of anger he was in. Jordan’s eyes flicked towards where Jezebel was sitting and felt his anger subside immediately and soon replaced with disappointment. Not towards anyone but himself. “I-” Jordan started, blocking out Mikel’s ‘Mr. Perfect’ comment as he looked over towards the girl, and soon over at Riker standing in between him and Mikel. A sigh left his lips as he looked over at Jez with a regretful frown, “I’m sorry,” He mumbled towards her - hating the way she was looking at him at the moment. "
His eyes flickering towards Mikel, not saying anything. No sorry leaving his lips. Hell, he couldn’t. He didn’t have anything to say sorry for. Mikel Lucas deserved what he got - though he did regret that it was him giving it to him. Though Jordan was glad he didn’t have to say anything, because, within a moment, two teachers had come between them trying to figure out what happened and helping Mikel up.
”Clearly I’m the luckiest person in here, they’re just jealous"
She grinned cockily,“And I am glad that you know it. Such great company.” She looked down at the book in her lap, gently setting it aside for now. Leave the reading for when she’ll be bored.
”There’s good and there’s some bad” ”Comme Ci, Comme Ça. But nothing too crazy.”
She nodded, listening to him as he continues. That must be a good sign if nothing too crazy has happened. “Ah, I’m glad. Even if life isn’t that eventful now. Means for some much needed relaxation.” Mare laughed. “God knows we need it while living here.”
”what about you? We haven’t talked in quite a while lately ”
She shrugged,”Uh well nothing major. Mom and Dad are still never home always on there ‘business trips’. I have no clue how there relationships doing.” She sighed running her hand through her hair. Yeah, they’ve come home for a few days and then their back on the rode. Sometimes not even coming home at the same time as the other. “Otherwise life is how it always is here. Filled with Spicy Drama and the love of my friends.” She laughed, Somewhat joking.
Whipping her head to the commotion coming near them on the bus. “What the- Oh my gosh Jordan.” That was something she wasn’t expecting, but good for him. Not that he punched someone of course, but he is fighting for what he believes in… literally “So, uh, that’s another interesting thing to add to the list…”
“Well, I can’t have you getting framed for murder, but it must be the best of all time.” Ketziah said with a small laugh. “Good.” She smiled at him. “Even if you start complaining, we’re stuck together. No backing out now, and there’ll never be another chance.” Ketziah laughed slightly as he mentioned they were even. “True, so I guess we’re even. I’m just waiting for when you’ll least expect whatever it is that I plan to do.” She didn’t know exactly what she would do or when, but she knew she had to do something to catch him completely off guard sometime, just because.
After a long ride and small fight with his sister, he had finally arrived. Elias opened his door and headed for his trunk where his bag was put. Once he grabbed it, he headed for the bus. Everyone was already there for the most part. Except for a few latecomers. One of them being himself. Stepping up into the vehicle, he gave a friendly smile before looking for his seat. Glancing back down to make sure. Ah, Delilah. They don’t really know each other well so it might be interesting. Well except the occasional rumors, but you never know if those are true or not. She isn’t here yet anyways, probably gonna be fashionably late. He took out his AirPods, placing one in each of his ears.He flipped through his Spotify playlists. Yes, you heard correct Spotify. No one will get him to change his mind. Premium is better than apple.
He pulled out his laptop, looking at his own music. How it was doing on the charts among everything else. He needed to record sooner than later again.
Elias looked around to see if she was here yet. Searching… Searching… and nothing Watch her have missed the bus. Not like he’d be complaining, the whole seat to himself doesn’t sound that bad. And he spoke to soon as The Delilah Hawthorne was stepping up onto the bus. He knows everyone’s names practically so it didn’t matter much. “So look who arrived?” He laughed, pulling on of his AirPods out. The music was way too loud.
” Ah, I’m glad. Even if life isn’t that eventful now. Means for some much needed relaxation. God knows we need it while living here.” ”Relaxation here is pretty impossible to say the least” he let out a breath chuckle
”Uh well nothing major. Mom and Dad are still never home always on there ‘business trips’. I have no clue how there relationships doing. Otherwise life is how it always is here. Filled with Spicy Drama and the love of my friends. ”I swear they never have enough of these business trips do they” he sighed shaking his head ”They’re missing out on the spicy drama and love of your friends” he jokingly added with a smirk
“What the- Oh my gosh Jordan.So, uh, that’s another interesting thing to add to the list…”
She said as a mess started around the bus, turning around he saw Jordan had punched Mikel, which was quite a shock because Jordan wasn’t a fighter. ”Wow” he said partly surprised ”Did not see that coming” he added quietly
”The best of all times it is” he smirked “Even if you start complaining, we’re stuck together. No backing out now, and there’ll never be another chance.” ”Sounds good to me” he smiled ”Even perfect” ”True, so I guess we’re even. I’m just waiting for when you’ll least expect whatever it is that I plan to do.” ”Can’t wait” he said ”See what you got under that pretty little sleeve of yours” he smirked in a jokingly teasing tone to his voice
For the first time in, what seemed like, forever, Delilah had been completely disconnected to Cerulean High and Beryl Heights. Leaving no warning, or a chance for goodbye, Delilah had gone off the grid. Though it had only been a few weeks, the lack of three instagram posts a day had been widely noticed. She assumed there would be some concern among the students, however what she didn’t know was that, in reality, people saw this as an opportunity to take her place on the social ladder. Her unexpected return had proved that no one managed to do so.
It had become apparant to her how infamous her disappearance had been when she stepped on the coach. It didnt help that she had shown up later than everyone else, as she had spent most of the morning debating whether or not now was the right time to come back. Yes, she loved the attention and the thought of people fabricating wild and adventurous theories for where she could have been all this time, all of which Delilah never denied as she somewhat wished they were the truth. The part she didn’t like about it was the thought of people actually finding the truth.
Delilah walked through the coach, past the familiar eyes of people she certainly didn’t miss. But, almost immediately, she could see that someone wasn’t here. Conviniently the person she had wanted to see the least. So, she let out a small exhale for now, though knew that this prolonged time would make the reunion that much worse.
Following the coach seating plan, which Delilah had thought unnecessary and ridiculous, she went to her assigned seat that resided next to someone she vaguely recognised, perhaps from social media. “Yeah – just please try to contain your excitement about it,” She replied, not nearly sarcastically enough. “Otherwise it’s going to be a long journey.”
Soon Mrs.Hanover had hurried down the aisle of the coach, pushing past students who were trying to get a glance of the commotion towards the back of the bus. She was followed by the boy’s baseball coach, in which Mikel didn’t even know the name of. He didn’t seem to care and was even yawning, seems as though this little incident ruined his nap. But Mrs.Hanover was worried. “Boys!” She kept repeating in a concerned tone as she got closer to them. “What the hell are you two doing?” Caught Mikes attention away from the teachers and the spectators. He looked quickly at her. He was fuming but when he looked at her, his demeanor relaxed. He may have been egging Jordan on but he never laid a hand on him. He wouldn’t have. He may be known to break things from time to time when his emotions got the best of him but physical fighting was never his thing. There was still an alertness in his eyes, behind the glasses that sat crookedly on his nose. Looking at her, he’s sure that she could tell. He’s almost positive that she can see how lost he was. Could everyone tell?
He looked away from her and stared off into the crowd but didn’t seem to see anything. He had once tried to be a better man, mostly for her but he didn’t know if there was him and her anymore. He heard Jordan apologize but he knew it wasn’t aimed towards himself. Mrs.Hanover looked at the scene. “Mr.Williams and Mr.Lucas, I think one of you needs to find a new place to seat for the remainder of the ride,” she said but was trying to sound more of a friend than a teacher. The baseball coach on the other hand was mad. Mumbling about cleaning up the mess when they parked at their destination and even something about pushups so he didn’t has to write an incident report. He even breathed in deeply, smelling the air. “Do you smell-” He started but Mrs.Hanover laughed obnoxiously loud before he could finish his thoughts. “Well, this is already so eventful! Okay, everyone back to your seats! We will be there soon!!” She yelled loudly and let her hand fall on Mikel’s shoulder, tapping it gently. “I have some kleenexes upfront I can get for you to clean up the blood Mikel.” She said a bit quieter, a sweeter tone to him. She turned quickly on her heels and ushered everyone in the aisle back to where they belong. Mikel also turned to follow and find a new spot. As he did so he didn’t even bother looking at Jordan. He was over it. His arm on the other hand did brush lightly against Jezebels as he walked past them and a few seats ahead, sitting alone. That’s it then, nothing more to see… @benitz786@Littlefeets
“An…avalanche? See, if you guys stayed in a nice cabin with some hot chocolate it would have been fine.”
“Where did you even go camping.” Kara asked, genuinely curious. Suddenly, there was a huge commotion on the bus, and she turned her head and saw Jordan and Mikel fighting. She didn’t really know what they were fighting about but it had to be about Jezebel from the gossip she heard. She turned back to Marie with a smile on her face. “Oh my gosh, did you see that?”
Jess leaned against the padded seat with her legs up as Dan filled up her champagne glass for the third time as they watched the bachelorette in the limo - making fun of the mess of what was going on. Neither had been watching the show the whole season, but hell, a 2-hour drive meant it didn’t hurt to tease and laugh at other people’s love life. Especially while tipsy. “Okay god I hate him, I don’t know what it is about that guy but he’s such a bloody arse,” Jess mentioned and Dan rolled his eyes, not really paying attention to the show - more lost in his phone.
“Jordan and Mikel just got in a fight” she heard and raised her eyebrows. “What?” Jess questioned looking over Dan’s shoulder where a video of the punch was playing from the bus webcams. “Damn, Jordan punched Mikel? Is there audio?” Jess asked and Dan shook his head. “Poor Jezebel,” Jessica signed as Dan tried to find more about what happened. Jess would have texted Jez, but she knew that it probably wasn’t the time. Not to mention she couldn’t… find her phone. “Damn it,” Jessica whispered, trying to recall where she last remembered the device - though the last thing she could remember was having it when she was on her date that morning.
“Dan can I see one of your seven phones?” Jess asked, smiling as Dan handed her one of the extras in the car and using it to call Kai’s number she had gotten that morning. Guess her memory did come in handy sometimes. As the facetime rung, Jess drowned her champagne glass - her mind still on the fact that soon she’d be in a small enclosed space with about all the student population that hated her. Dorian DeLoughrey - the man she’d been avoiding for the last two days - being one of them. As Kai picked up, Jess smiled - putting the glass down. “Hey Mr. Kingsly. Question - did I leave my phone in your car after our date this morning? I have absolutely no idea where I put it.” Jess asked the man, more bubbly than usual as the drink was settling into her veins.
will future chid remember to properly make her have a name plate
who knows
"They should. And believe me, his mother cares, but she’s just a weak person. His father is the problem, and she just can’t go against him, I sometimes just feel sad for her…” Annabel spoke as if she knew them personally, which was interesting for Aline to note. She wondered if Annabel was more of a family friend than just a friend to Gio because she found it hard to believe that she would know this much about his parents with just a close relationship with their son. Or maybe they liked her as a friend to Gio. Aline really didn’t know. “What do you mean? Is she like trapped in the marriage?” She queried with a raised brow. “Does he hurt her? Hurt him?” Her head flicked to Gio, a frown pulling at her lips.
"But it is sad that they aren’t here, people like that should never have children.” She nodded firmly, a slight sigh escaping her lips. “I think the exact same. Your fights with your kid should become minor if he gets injured like this… I just can’t understand.”
"Damn. I bet he deserved it, probably just have to find a new cafe.” A grin pulled at her lips, the first legit smile she’d made since the whole accident. She liked this Annabel lady—Gio should’ve introduced the two of them a long time ago. “No, he so deserved it, not even a question. He- well-” she hesitated, not sure how much to say. “I probably shouldn’t get into it.”