Ketziah Drake
“Perfect fit for the job description. Awesome sunglasses, no cape, great with music, and overall cool.” Ketziah said with a laugh. “Note to self, don’t get arrested while Andy’s drunk. If I ever need bailed out of jail, I’ll call you, and if you’re drunk call Riker, or my brother.” Ketziah said in response to what he said about a specific cop causing him trouble. “It better be. Cause without the greatest performance ever, then people will just be upset because of being at a funeral. Not gonna happen.” She paused with a smirk. “Oh really? You wouldn’t mind me haunting you? Even if I write creepy messages on your mirror, open and close doors, and provide a feeling like someone’s always behind you? Well you’re not going to die first, so that leaves one option. I die then haunt you for the rest of your life.” She shrugged. “Hard to say. It might be, it might not. You may be safe while you perform, or you might not. You tell me, should it be a threat?” Ketziah laughed. “Water balloons would be more fun anyway.”