Blue Royalty | Official Thread

Applebottom Jordan, boots with da fur (I’m sorry, they’re just getting worse and worse)

Anger coursed through his veins as Jordan looked at Mikel. He was seething, to say the least, though there was still a small part of him, his moral compass, telling him… even begging him to calm down. But it wasn’t helping that his moral compass was being drowned out by the man in front of him - bringing his father up. Oh, Jesse Williams. There weren’t many people who had the honor of meeting the man - usually because Jordan kept them away. Jesse was not someone Jordan would let anyone he cared about meet. It wasn’t because he was embarrassed by having him as a father. No, Jordan felt a different emotion when it came to Jesse. Fear. Jesse Williams was not a good man, and never had been - until the very day that he was murdered. If there was one person who knew about Jordan’s dad being an awful man - it was Mikel Lucas. And comparing Jordan to the dead man was not doing Mikel any favors - especially when Jordan was honestly considering punching him.

The one thing that was clear was Mikel was egging him on. Maybe Mikel even felt like he deserved the punch that Jordan had given - clarified as the man uttered that he didn’t disagree with Jordan’s revelation on the fact that Jezebel deserved better than him. Maybe Jordan believed that too. But it didn’t matter what he believed. Despite the seething anger he felt, the one voice that was clear within it all was Jezebel Slone’s - the words “What the hell are you two doing?” snapping him out of the daze of anger he was in. Jordan’s eyes flicked towards where Jezebel was sitting and felt his anger subside immediately and soon replaced with disappointment. Not towards anyone but himself. “I-” Jordan started, blocking out Mikel’s ‘Mr. Perfect’ comment as he looked over towards the girl, and soon over at Riker standing in between him and Mikel. A sigh left his lips as he looked over at Jez with a regretful frown, “I’m sorry,” He mumbled towards her - hating the way she was looking at him at the moment. "

His eyes flickering towards Mikel, not saying anything. No sorry leaving his lips. Hell, he couldn’t. He didn’t have anything to say sorry for. Mikel Lucas deserved what he got - though he did regret that it was him giving it to him. Though Jordan was glad he didn’t have to say anything, because, within a moment, two teachers had come between them trying to figure out what happened and helping Mikel up.

@Madilfill - punched lil boy
@Littlefeets - a disappointed gal