Card Games Thread

There’s already a thread about tabletop games, but I think we should talk about card games! I love a good card game, and having something that lets you use a standard 52 card deck (or a version with jokers) is especially nice because of all the options with fewer materials. However, card games like Pinochle and Uno exist, with their own special sets of cards.

What’s your favorite card game? Does it require a lot of skill or is it based more on luck? How does it work?


At the moment, I love the game 500! Actually, no, I always love this game!!! (wink)


Go fish :joy: That’s the only one I knew how to play. I forgot how to play it but it was still fun. I think it’s mostly based on luck but I’m not sure.


Uni is fun! :heart_eyes:

Mao :joy:

The sign is also fun, then you’re on teams and collecting a set of 4 of something and have to touch the deck thing together as your partner and have to make a sign for it.

I also like “poor man and president” (no idea if it’s called that in English). What’s nice with it is that you can be lots of players.

I don’t like stress games that much :laughing: because I get super stressed.

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I’ve only heard of one of those :pleading_face:

You’ll have to teach me how the rest of them work. :smiley_cat:

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Yeahhh! I’m half awake… can’t teach anyone anything lol

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I’ll also have to learn how to play 500 from @CrazyCaliope, because trying to look up and read the rules just confused me more.


Lol, me and some of my friends kinda created our own little variation on Cheat/B.S. It’s basically a game where you have to decide if people are lying or not. Everyone starts of with 3 cards, then some random person starts saying:

Two eights

Then the next person thinks if they believe that’s in the full game, if they do the say

Two eights and a two

And then the next person decides, this continues until someone doesn’t believe it’s in the game anymore and they say B.S. Then everyone shows the cards they got from the called numbers, if the person who said B.S got it right they will gain a card, if they got it wrong they will lose one.

Also, I used to be a huge fan of playing

I used to play that with my family so much. It’s like a very tactical game

Oooh that looks interesting! I’ve also have a lot of fun playing BS with people.

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I don’t play many card games with just a standard deck of playing cards. (Pretty much just solitaire when I find a deck of cards and I have nothing to do)

Some of the card games I do really like with their own decks are Unstable Unicorns, Deer In The Headlights (technically you could use just a regular pack of playing cards, but the game has it’s own set of dice), Uno, Cards Against Humanity, and a card game called Bang!.


Oooh… there’s an app where you can play it.


oooh that sounds fun

there are also apps where you can play CAH but I might get in trouble saying anything more than that :zipper_mouth_face:


Yeah, it’s a heap of fun.

Yeah, I know. Why would ya get in trouble?


Not allowed to say anything that could be 18+ :pleading_face:


Ooooh… I think mentioning it is fine, considering we have a Final Fantasy 7 thread here.


Probably, but I shall remain perfectly chaste for another half year


As long as you don’t say the specifics, mentioning the game is fine for sure.
Then, there was my high school, where a group of us played Cards Against Humanity many times during the final couple weeks of 9th and 10th grade. I was 14 the first time I played it. (And every single time I’ve been the youngest person playing)


Oooh… are you an adult at the end of the year?! Exciting!



but adults have to do more stuff… :thinking:


I think the game’s really most popular among teenagers! I know way more teenagers than adults who play the game.