Cat's Reviews 😺

Yeah, yeah, that’s fair. Though I don’t think it’ll be a problem since mature on Tapas is practically what we allow on the PG-13 forums or at least borderline.

That works fine with me. 'Cause it just motivates me to write more before then and get more chapters out. … On a side now, that’s exciting. It means that people value your reviews so much that they are willing to pay for them. YAY! You’re truly amazing, lovely!

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I might just put a warning at the top of the review then, just so people know the story is marked as mature!

Or they didn’t read the part where it says that the long reviews cost money :joy: That happened a few times already and it’s a very awkward situation every time :sweat_smile:

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Yeah, that’s a good idea. Although, I’ve sort of alluded readers to this in the summary and it’s only three out of eight chapters so far that are marked mature.

Oh, damn. Hope it’s not the case this time. Well, at least you have one person who knows here. HEHE. One who want to support both you and Shani! (wink)

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Alright, I’ll try to remember that when I do the review and put some kind of note there!

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(wink) All gravy. I’ll try to remember too, for when I assume you’ll contact me anyway so that I can know when to pay and stuff.

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I just want to mention here that you can request a long review for unpublished stuff as well! As long as we can find a way for me to see it, it’s all good. For the long reviews, you can tell me what you want to see in the public review and what’s only for you to see! That’s one reason why they are worth their price :smiley_cat:
With the short reviews, you can also ask me to read unpublished stories, you could use it to promote your story before it even gets published. However, I decide what ends up in the review and how much I really read, that’s why they’re free.

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New reviews got published earlier today!

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Hey @Bloggers, here are a bunch of reviews that may need focus to read them. Tell us what you think.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.




What? Take a read of Cat’s reviews.


Meow~ nods :relieved::ok_hand:t2:


New long review!


Hey @Bloggers & @TapasTeam, this is the review above that I paid for in order to support both Cat and Shannii. It blew my mind! Tell us what you think. … Also, @Bookworms might appreciate these reviews too, as it could give ya something to read. (wink)

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


Are these the short stories from the Risque Prompt thread?


Yes, they are. (wink) Want me to tag you on the thread where I mentioned this?


Yep, that would be great!


Here’s another review I did!


Hey @Bloggers and @Episodians, here the first long Episode review. Tell us what you think.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


Hey, @Rainbow !
I filled out the form to request a long review a few days ago, but I forgot to specify what I would like included in my review.
For example, the reviews that are published on the website, the public ones, are those complete reviews or do the authors get private reviews as well?
Can we request a certain aspect in which to get feedback? Let’s say that I want a detailed opinion on certain characters and their personality. Would I be allowed to ask for that?
An example of feedback on specific characters would be something like: ‘Although the author intended for us to feel sympathy for Andre in chapter four, when he was talking to Ana Paola in the hallway, he comes across as extremely arrogant’.
I just want to make sure, because I requested a review on the Episode forums before publishing my story, and the reviewer was very vague and didn’t name my character nor tell me anything about them.


Just gonna help here since I’ve had a review done. The review is not it, she gives extra in a PM. A week or two before she’s ready, she’ll PM you asking if you want her to focus on anything specifically.