Cat's Reviews 😺

Heyy! I’ve got some free time and want to do something helpful. That’s why I decided to do reviews for everyone who’s interested! These reviews will be posted on Shannii’s website, so they are also a way to promote your work! I’ll do reviews of stories on Tapas, Dorian, Episode and Wattpad! If your story is on another platform, just pm me about it and I might add it!
The form to sign up for a review is here.

Some short info on the reviews, which you’ll also find in the form:
You can choose between short and long reviews.
The short reviews are basically free but not very detailed. I’ll also put several short reviews on one page so your story has to share the spotlight with others. All I ask in exchange is that you share the review on your social media.
The long reviews are more detailed and you get some more extras. The review will get its own page, so you get the best promotion possible. These reviews aren’t for free but I think they are worth the money and they are really not expensive. All details are on the form. The money from these reviews is for Forums!

Extra Infos:
About unpublished work


The first three reviews are done, for anyone who’s wondering what they’ll look like :see_no_evil:

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Hey, @Bloggers, have you got that story that you’d like feedback on, plus some promotion? Why not submit it for a review from RainbowCat where it’ll be published on the website.
The blog link is in the post above.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.

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I did my first long review this week! Would anybody want one for their story as well? :smiley_cat:

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Hey, @Bloggers, here’s an example of Rainbow Cat’s longer reviews. Whether you’re a writer or reader, have a look to see if it interests you.
The blog link is in the post above.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


New one! (Yes, I’m trying to do one every week)

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This is a good idea x

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Here are three new reviews!

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Hey, @Bloggers, here are more of Rainbow Cat’s reviews. Whether you’re a writer or reader, have a look to see if it interests you.
The blog link is in the post above.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


Here’re three reviews of interactive stories!

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Hey, @Bloggers, here are two more of Rainbow Cat’s reviews. Yes, two… but they’re short and awesome, and you could even find a new story to read. Whether you’re a writer or reader, have a look to see if it interests you.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


New one!


Hey @Bloggers, here are some fallacious first impression reviews. Tell me, do you think I should request (pay for) a full review?
The blog link is in the post above.

Remember that if you really enjoyed this blog, feel free to recommend it (it’s similar to liking it). This will help with it being higher in the results of search engines too.


A review of wut? :eyes:


One of my stories.


i’d say go for it!
it’s always good to get feedback


That’s true. (wink)


More reviews!


I’m going to submit my story for a review as soon as I finish the first three (or the first two) chapters. I love getting feedback on my story because it helps me grow as a writer.