Children under 16 should be allowed to vote. Agree or Disagree?

  • Voting should be 18+
  • Voting should be 16+
  • Voting should be changed radically

0 voters


Exactly. Some 16 year olds are so immature that Iā€™m thankful they donā€™t get to vote Not everyone, but some of them yes. And since they can easily influence their friendsā€¦ Dizasta


Omg :joy:


Of course I am not saying that everyone is that way, of course not butā€¦


Some of themā€¦


Some 16 year olds are even involved in illegal activity. Iā€™d rather they not vote


I actually kinda think that criminals should get to vote but thatā€™s a whole other debate

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Woah woah woah thereā€¦ :joy:


Iā€™d need to do more research on it before forming an opinion but yeah.

Children (under 16) voting in my eyes is stupid tho.

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For me, itā€™s not just about having political opinions. Itā€™s about having interests that deserve to be taken seriously by the government. For example, the Tories just announced in the UK that they were getting rid of free London travel for under 18s. If they had to make sure that they could secure the 16-18 vote, they would think twice before throwing older teens under the bus for the sake of their budget.

In any country, the people who donā€™t have the ability to vote are always the ones it is the easiest to exploit. For kids, their parents will usually have their best interests at heart and so Tories have to cater to parents. For older teens, though? They can very easily be taken for granted because people donā€™t have to worry about their vote


No pun intended


I think I agree with that. Itā€™d be good if actual older teens could vote on teen issues.


In fact, I think itā€™s less productive for a country when 90+ year olds can vote compared to 16-18 year olds. Why do 90+ year olds get to decide the future of 16 year olds when they arenā€™t even going to be around to see what they did, but 16 year olds have no stake in their futures?


Can anyone tell that Iā€™m bitter that the people who voted for Brexit the most are the ones who wonā€™t even live long enough to find out what voting for Brexit really means?

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:rofl: :rofl:

I completely agree with you! Again, criminals are very easy to exploit. Like, what even gets considered a crime? In the US when slavery was abolished, they left in a little loophole that meant that prisoners could be used as slave labour (think chain gangs but real). Then, they made things like loitering illegal and overpoliced black areas so black people would get arrested more often and for stupid ā€œcrimesā€.

So while the law technically didnā€™t go against black people, the way they enforced it did. And because they were throwing black people in prison so much, they could actually stop black people from voting in politicians who could make a change.

These tactics are very sneaky ways to disenfranchise people.


On another note to that, youā€™d be surprised about the power that teens actually have and how capable they can be. I was in this club/group where we basically worked on projects to help the world and one of them was to make a better fostercare system and so we made plans, some of us went down to court and spoke to higher people to get our IDEA THINGY ONTO AN ACTUAL BALLET AND I THINK IT HAPPENED. Idk what happened after that tho. I felt so amazing to be a part of that and actually help out and help come up with ideas (even tho I still donā€™t really know what exactly it is we did cuz it all confused me).


Exactly! And teens are actually in the best position to vote responsibly if we equip them with the right tools.

Like, they literally go to school. We could have lessons teaching people how to identify fake news and disinformation, talks with politicians of different political beliefs, classes in which students have to read and discuss political theory from all over the political spectrum, regular current affairs presentationsā€¦


Not to mention how drug laws, sentences, and policies on prisoners may not seem racist but definitely are not race blind