Children under 16 should be allowed to vote. Agree or Disagree?

Model UNs and governments…


Also in the US there’s this sneaky thing that the sides do where they like draw maps of the borders and districts to influence the vote. So like lets say Republicans if they see that an area is all democratic or something - they’ll try to isolate the area or like split it up or something (I’m still confused about this so don’t ask me questions lol). And they also do this with criminals too or areas that have high crime. They also make sure that some areas are just watched more (like black communities for some stupid reason) so that more crime rates get reported there.


While I think that no one with a violent or exploitative criminal record should be able to run for office, I do think criminals should be able to vote.

Like, no one who’s committed fraud or violent crimes should be allowed to run


Oh yeah I heavily agree with that.




I mean, by this logic, adults shouldn’t vote either because most people involved in criminal activity are adults.


As I said before, it’s much more about making sure that the government can’t ignore or exploit concerns of 16+ year olds.

But what does puberty have to do with being a citizen of a country with rights and interests that should be protected?


I like how fraud bothers me more about the two of these for a public official :joy:

In the US, someone (I believe in the Senate) bludgeoned someone with their cane until that person passed out, and somehow still remained popular

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I get what you mean! Although I don’t think I’d want a pedo running for any position that gives them any control or influence over the Education and Childcare sectors >.<


That’s so gross, I can’t even…


When it comes down to it, voting isn’t about a right of passage or having strong political views. It’s about making sure that you are heard in your country and that your interests are protected. It’s about making sure that no one can make laws to exploit or hurt you in any way.

For example, if they took the vote away from people at university, the Government could very easily raise the tuition to 1 million a year and students would be able to do nothing about it (other than violent revolution).

It’s actually the other way around. The reason that we form political views and why voting is a right of passage is because it is a huge part of exercising our right and our voices as citizens and making sure we aren’t forgotten, ignored or exploited. Political views are about what we believe the priorities of the world or the country should be


Well, I think that 16 year olds should be more educated about politics and voting and that stuff. But that doesn’t happen that much, does it? At least not in my country. Not as much as it must be. I believe that 16s would be more influenced by their parents and their friends, instead of developing their own opinion on the matter. Of course there are exceptions, but many would appeal to the rule.

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The thing is, where do adults get educated about politics? Unless you’re saying that only University-educated people should vote, teens are in a better position to learn about politics than a lot of adults. Life experience doesn’t give you political knowledge and life experience comes to us all at different ages.

And if you are saying that people should go to uni before they can vote, that’s really slippery and will end up disenfranchising PoCs more than anyone else. Like, especially in somewhere like America where you need money to go to uni and where the schools in black neighbourhoods are statistically worse than those in white areas.


I mean brain development, how some people are mature later than others and they can think on their own, and decide what’s right and wrong. Maybe I didn’t use the right word.


Why do I say 16? Well, 16 is when it becomes easier to get a job without serious government backlash. People can go into the army and they can have sex, but they have no say in how the workplace, military or sexual health schemes in their country are run?


This also becomes a very slippery slope and can be used an an argument to take votes away from the disabled and those with neurodivergences. Like, if you can argue that someone with autism’s brain development isn’t the same as an adult without, you could use the same argument to take their vote away.

Then, the government won’t be held accountable by people with mental disabilities or neurodivergences. If they have no vote, they have no way to stop people from exploiting or ignoring them without violent protest.


I agree with this, but like if that’s true then what’s the difference between a 16 year old and younger teens? If the argument of brain development can’t really be used here.


Why not? 16-17 year olds are capable of making decisions (some of them) because of what they see at the internet, their minds start to develop, and guess what? They are more open-minded than some adults. Hear me out.
If a candidate, says they are willing to support LGBTQ rights, women rights and help the poor, if they become president, and then there is trump that’s where adults will disagree with the first candidate’s actions because some adults (mostly parents) are homophobic and will most likely vote for trump, while teenagers are more open-minded about this so they will vote for what’s right. People really underestimate teens but they also have opinions.


I don’t think they can in my state :flushed:

Still a good point, though, there are a lot of responsibilities that 16 year olds have.

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This is why my argument is about the evolving role as a citizen and growing responsibilities :wink: