Copypasta battleground

I’m sure you’ve all heard of copypastas, more specifically copypasta threats, the navy seal one being one of the more popular ones.

Well, dear viewers, this is a thread made specifically for a copypasta threat showdown, starting with me and @E_bee. Others are free to join in, but preferably once we’re done arguing about why oxygen is not overrated :triumph:

Are you ready, Ceryl?


are you? :yawning_face:


Of course


say something about anything then i shall start :triumph:


First of all, Ceryl, I’d like to state that I disagree with your claim that oxygen is overrated. You have no right to dictate what people can and cannot breathe. You think you can just tell me to breathe water and get away with it? And not only that, but to breathe fish as well?

Well, listen here you little fish, I’ll have you know I’m not one to be messed with. I’ve mentioned many times before that I am the prince of 3 countries, not some innocent bystander. I’m responsible for 69 war crimes, and that’s just this Tuesday. I will not stand by and let you dictate what I breathe, you tyrant.

I will arm myself with the strongest water guns there are, ready to strike you at any second. I’m a trained professional in water gun kills, just you watch. You think you could’ve gotten away with this? Well, think again fish. I’m attacking you in your sleep, so you better learn to sleep like a fish too: with your eyes open. Better start removing your eyelids, chump.

With very much love, prince of 3 countries


First of all, Leendah how dare you assume that I was telling people what to breathe and what not to breathe? I was simply giving advice/an alternative for breathing if you’re underwater and drowning. You don’t have the right to dictate me and what advice I give to those in need or what not to. You think you can tell me i’m telling people what to breathe and not what to breathe and get away with it? Puh-lease, Lheandaarh. :yawning_face:

Listen here you assuming, little rat. You may be prince of 3 of those useless and failing countries, but do you own a flying yacht that carries 730 of your armed men? Do you have 287 bodyguards not including your security? Do you even know what it’s like to be prince of mercury? Well no, you don’t. Your threats are empty and I’ll have you know that you’re going to regret ever messing with me.

After 414 of my extreme, highly-paid, talented hackers track your IP and your whereabouts, I will get my Capturing team to bring you to my underground, successful mafia business where all 730 of my armed men will have you surrounded with no escape. You’ll then be taken to my secret headquarters where another 628 of my armed men will have you again, surrounded with no escape. I’ll then come into my secret headquarters with all 287 of my bodyguards and kill you with my bare hands. I will hold you hostage for multiple days with no food or water and it’ll be then where you’ll regret messing with me, The prince of mercury and soon to be Jupiter.

Have fun you stupid piece of sheet. Don’t even think about trying to flee the country because my hackers are tracking you through your brain, my assassin and sniper team have guns pointed from your head to toe so you’ll die if you try anything.

The prince of mercury and soon to be Jupiter.



Well, Ceryl, thank you for the very useless advice. Next time you give out “advice” please put in consideration that some people can’t breathe water or fish, and only need oxygen. Not everyone on this planet can breathe water like you and you need to accept those differences. People who breathe air are valid too, as are people who don’t.

You think these countries are failing? Well that’s because I just started ruling them. Don’t you dare underestimate and insult my countries, my homelands, without proof and without even giving them a chance to prove themselves. I’m starting to see a pattern in your replies, Cayeraw, insulting everything I do instead of attacking. You can speak as much as you want, but actions speak louder than words.

I’m not afraid of your armed men. They’re so weak that they’d need weapons to attack me, when I, the mighty Linda can defeat them with my bare hands. And why are they all men? Do you assume that people of other genders can’t be part of your army? That’s very discriminatory on your behalf, Casserole. And have fun holding me hostage without food or water, I don’t need to breathe those in anyway, so I’ll be completely fine. If not, I’ll just resort to cannibalism. Your guards look like snaccs anyway.

And escape your country? Never happening, I’m not a coward unlike someone. And I couldn’t help but notice you signed this off with “later”, when I gave you my undying love as a rival country leader. Well if you want it like that, then LatEr, the prince of 3 countries.

no homo tho


Why i not tag


You not argue about oxygen with me on shrek succ thread


I thought you said Creepypasta…sadly lowers chainsaw


@E_bee I see you’re cowardly avoiding confrontation. Are you out of things to say already? :triumph:


i had Larry and Barbra round for dinner :triumph:


I had Joshua and Danny, along with their annoying 2 year old Kevin, but you don’t see me complaining :triumph:


Who said I was complaining? Infact, they were telling me how much better my casserole was than yours, Leeandaahr :triumph:


I’m having a friend for dinner with some fava beans and a nice Chianti.


Meanwhile my guests were offering me a very important business deal I could not refuse. Yet I still managed to multitask and go on these forums to write a threat, because the prince of 3 countries doesn’t back down from a challenge :triumph::triumph: also, give me the casserole recipe, Kyarulle, mine always ends up tasting like lasagna


That’s because you only own 3 countries :yawning_face: I have an underground mafia business with my personal headquarters, my 7 private islands, floating yachts, my 11 mansions (that’s only here in the UK), my 7 palaces, my planet and too many more to name… Don’t dare say I don’t multitask. And yes, your casserole SUCKS! You will never get my recipe- yours is too flavourless… add some mayonnaise or something smh


I am the master of spice. I have endured such scorching heat that the firemen had to come and watch. I have set myself aflame and consumed a ghost pepper. I am the heat master. I can bend air, wind, and fire. My stomach is a labrynth of digestion. My diet consists of only hot sauce. Ketchup is for losers. Hot sauce is for the spice master. My cereal has chili flakes. My salads are just peppers. I only eat Indian and Mexican food. My burger king is always dunked in Tabasco Sauce. You need to get on my level you beta male. Only alphas can consume this level. You are on the ground floor and I am on level 9000. Not even the devil can put out this flame. My desire for spice is very great. You cannot compare. I own an elite island in the shape of a chili. I have moved to Chile just so I can live and breath spice. You can’t touch me. I have never cried. I have never drank water. I have never backed down. I am the spice king. I am the master of spice.


You flex about having a lot, yet you poorly manage them. Haven’t you ever heard of quality over quantity? I might have only 3 countries, but they will rise to be stronger than anything your little army could muster. Mark my words, casserole.

On the topic of casserole, I’m sorry I’m inexperienced in cooking. I don’t have time for something so silly as cooking. I prefer to have my time and energy focused on war tactics, as well as taking you and the opposing armies down. Also, I tried adding mayonnaise, but it started growing and I think it opened the oven door on its own. If this turns out to be a mutant monster, expect a new ally of mine, going against your pathetic army.

Now, go answer my previous threat, if you’re not too scared, that is.