Coronavirus - Is it fake?

Yes, I love Creepypasta.

Off topic: ever since Trump made that topic, suicidal people like myself have been given ideas. And by saying don’t do it, just makes us want to even more. We are suicidal, we’ll do anything to get off this dammed corona sh*t earth!

On Topic: What mean by saying fake virus: Man made replica. But that’s my theory

Although here’s time for an actual bleach joke.

I wonder why he didn’t inject himself with bleach when he got COVID :thinking:


My mom and I were talking about how Trump carries vials of blood in case he gets assassinated, and she said something about his brain, and I just look at her with a straight face and ask “He has a brain?”


people are ingesting weird things into themselves due to the coronavirus :joy:


Ah, I remember that.

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Trigger warning:

That was actually one of my suicide attempts…

Have you even read any articles on the virus that are backed up by facts from researchers themselves? That aren’t just theories? You’re asking questions that have already been answered a lot times.

and I’d like to apologise for the like spam notifications :star_struck:


A reminder to make sure that all talk about suicide has a trigger warning before it. This kinda stuff can mess up the lives of survivors.


Most of the ones I read are from independent researchers. Just because they’re not big scientists doesn’t make them invalid

Yes, but why ignore the “big scientists”? (not a thing)


That’s not how it works…?
You’re ignoring scientific evidence because it’s… Popular? What?


I’m not. I read both sides of the coin. Every argument has two sides.

The for and the against.
And both sides make valid points.

While the virus COULD be natural, I’ve also read articles which COULD suggest that it was a synthetic virus (bio weapon). That’s the whole point of this thread. I’m intrigued to see which side people are on and their views.

But not once do I say don’t wear a mask.
No actually I think we should have been wearing masks before the whole pandemic began as well as practicing personal hygiene.

Some Aisians wear masks when they feel off. It’s basic human respect. I might have something and I don’t want to give it to you. Even a cold might make someone very sick.

Read my reply I just posted.


No. Facts do not have “two” valid “sides”. It’s either a fact or it’s wrong.


Both are scientists. Both studied the same thing. Both do the same job. Only difference is that one is more popular than others

Scientists don’t have “opinions” on their studies. They have facts, statistics and evidence.


yeah, I was caught off guard when I saw that…

I’m very pro trigger warning :eyes: