D&D Adventure Begins - The Kraken

is it the once per dungeon thing becuase ive been waiting to use it as i wasnt sure how many times we could really us it or what a dungeon would be counted as

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Nope. That’s only the skill above the weapons where it’s stated once per dungeon/area.


Small throwing daggers? :]

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All the while the Queen was thrusting her trident about, into the other two heroes, Patrin ran to gather up their daggers from where they had landed. Spininng on their feet to face the Queen, only a few feet away, they threw their blades. Being in such close proximity, of course the three throwing daggers pierced through the Queen’s scales. (-2 damage to the creature) She dropped her trident and swiped her long taloned arms at Patrin, connecting with the skin on their arm. (-1 damage to Patrin)

Rolls… Patrin: 15 & Lizard Queen: 3

Patrin Nemmonis, the Outlaw

Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4


Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains


Knight Vision Goggles:
Wearing these makes you look like a terrifying knight for one attack, complete with indestructible armour. (Play to shield from any attack)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Outlaw:
Defiant, Aggressive, Loyal

Skill: Sneak Attack
When the monster’s back is turned, you strike again! Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter) you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.

Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

@ethereal, what do you do?


well :eyes: we gonna use some magic

i feel like she’s been damaged a lot so i will play it safe especially since i stan and feel bad for her, burning hands! :fire:

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She’s still needs a couple more good hits

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too late to change?

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How? It’s not written yet.

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ok we use the … dangit what’s it called…

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They had all been attacked now by the Lizard Queen, Kiya had watched it all as they attempted to put pressure on their wounded leg from the trident strike. Seeing the Queen swipe Patrin’s arm, Kiya knew they couldn’t wait any longer to attack. Feeling deep inside themselves, they concentrated and felt the strong thumping in their chest. Thump. Thump. THUMP. Then erupting from their chest, beams of translucent energy soared straight for the Queen, hitting her side. (-2 damage to the creature) She regained her footing quickly and gathered up her trident only to thrust it at Kiya. (-2 damage to Kiya)

Rolls… Kiya: 11+2 & Lizard Queen: 6

Kiya Astorio, the Trickster

Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 3
Gold coins: 2


Dungeon maps
Large pile of rope
Vials of acid
Torch and flint


Giant Toad
Hope into battle and sic its slimy tongue upon thine foes. (+2 damage)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Trickster:
Clever, Playful, Impatient

Skill: Invisible Hand
A little magic here and there goes a long way. Now it’s time to lay down the law. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.

Burning Hands (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Magic Missiles (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Describe how you use magic to confuse the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

@elixr, what do you do?

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Small Shortbow

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@CrazyCaliope :eyes:

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At the same time the Lizard Queen thrust her trident at Kiya, Thia grabbed her shortbow and arrow, aiming it at the modern dinosaur. She fired an arrow. It lodged in the the lizard’s chest and she stumbled, staggering forward. (-2 damage to the creature)

Rolls… Thia: 9 & Lizard Queen: 1

Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper

Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4


Jester costume
Disguise kit
Antique bagpipes
Five daggers for juggling


Spider Cloak:
Hide from bad guys, eat some flies. Watch out! It’s Spider Cloakkk! (Play to shield from any attack)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful

Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.

Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players

When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.

Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

@Ouijaloveletters, what do you do?


Sooo… As @Acorn06 is taking time away for themselves at the moment, I need someone to take the character so that I can continue this story/adventure game. As twice now you’ve been interested, would you like to take the character, @Ouijaloveletters?

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Awesome, then I ask that you please take your time and read the story so far. Yes, I know it’s a few hundred posts but it will help to understand what’s happened and how the game is played. But I understand it’s a lot, so take your time. Then when you’re ready, you can answer the last story post.

Edit: Uh… @Ouijaloveletters?

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Ok. I’m going to have Patrin use blow darts. Roll, please.

Staggering forward with the arrow in her chest, Patrin reached into their pocket for one of their darts and the tube. Pushing the dart inside it, they put the dart to their lips and blew. The dart stuck in the side of her neck. A second later, her eyes rolled back and she collapsed to the ground. (-1 damage to the creature)

Rolls… Patrin: 12

Patrin Nemmonis, the Outlaw

Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 4


Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains


Knight Vision Goggles:
Wearing these makes you look like a terrifying knight for one attack, complete with indestructible armour. (Play to shield from any attack)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Outlaw:
Defiant, Aggressive, Loyal

Skill: Sneak Attack
When the monster’s back is turned, you strike again! Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter) you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.

Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

I’ll get to the next part shortly.


Oohh, nice roll.


The group spend the next 10 minutes or so attending to their wounds. Patrin was first to finish patching themself up, and got up to around the giant boulder the Lizard Queen had be on when they spotted her. Around the back of it, they found collection of junk; bones, twigs, makeshift bowls. Among the rubbish there were three Gold coins as well as three item. Gathering them up, Patrin took them back to the group to divvy them out.

You each get one item each. Time to pick. No one can have the same item, so discuss it if you want to.

  • Axe of the Dwarfish Lords
  • Bottomless Pit of Swagger
  • Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire
0 voters

Kiya Astorio, the Trickster

Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 3
Gold coins: 3


Dungeon maps
Large pile of rope
Vials of acid
Torch and flint


Giant Toad
Hope into battle and sic its slimy tongue upon thine foes. (+2 damage)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Trickster:
Clever, Playful, Impatient

Skill: Invisible Hand
A little magic here and there goes a long way. Now it’s time to lay down the law. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.

Burning Hands (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Magic Missiles (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Describe how you use magic to confuse the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

Patrin Nemmonis, the Outlaw

Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 5


Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains


Knight Vision Goggles:
Wearing these makes you look like a terrifying knight for one attack, complete with indestructible armour. (Play to shield from any attack)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Outlaw:
Defiant, Aggressive, Loyal

Skill: Sneak Attack
When the monster’s back is turned, you strike again! Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter) you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.

Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate

Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper

Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 5


Jester costume
Disguise kit
Antique bagpipes
Five daggers for juggling


Spider Cloak:
Hide from bad guys, eat some flies. Watch out! It’s Spider Cloakkk! (Play to shield from any attack)

Items can only be used once per area.

The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful

Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.

Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players

When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.

Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2

Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.

Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate