Sorry guys but I’ve always wanted a swaggy bottomless pit
You can vote, you know? Or are you waiting for Lixie to vote first?
I was going to take final pick.
Wait, how do you pick a pit? The axe and lyre, I get. But you can’t pick up a hole. Is this like Hermione’s bag in The Deathly Hallows?
HAHAHA! Nah, it’s actually a bottle. It’s just the name.
Oh, my brain was struggling for a bit there.
Hii, I’m gonna take the Lyre.
Thanks for waiting for me!!
Axe for me, then.
So, quick question, as Lixie and I were discussing it…
- SG
- Forum Game
Once the three heroes had selected their items and pocketed their gold, they wearily made their way through the trees again. Stumbling with their injuries as the weather turned grey. They would need to probably rest soon but knew they had to reach the group again, it was better in a bigger pack. The rain was setting in.
The trio were soaked to the bone when they found the path again. Thia leaped into Lucan’s dripping arms, who was worried at the state she was in, but the thought was pushed aside when the thunder rolled in. The weather had worsened. A lightning storm descends, and all their gear is likely to attract the electric strikes.
Come up with a plan together.
Kiya Astorio, the Trickster
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 3
Gold coins: 3
Dungeon maps
Large pile of rope
Vials of acid
Torch and flint
Giant Toad
Hope into battle and sic its slimy tongue upon thine foes. (+2 damage)
Bottomless Pit of Swagger
One swig and not only do you feel unstoppable but you pretty much are. (+1 damage & +1 stamina)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Trickster:
Clever, Playful, Impatient
Skill: Invisible Hand
A little magic here and there goes a long way. Now it’s time to lay down the law. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.
Burning Hands (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Magic Missiles (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you use magic to confuse the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Lucan Silverfrond, the Scholar
Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 8
Gold coins: 4
Piles of maps
Ink pen
Book about fire monsters
Magnifying Glass
Knot a Joke:
Tangle up your enemies in a stressful ball of string. (+2 damage)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Scholar:
Honest, Cautious, Smart
Skill: Timeless Knowledge
Elves are long lived and have profound wisdom. They know when it’s best to rely on a friend. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter) you may choose to roll with a friend, choose the highest roll for this attack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-17 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 18+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 3 & you get one gold
Cloud of Daggers (Attack spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Short Sword (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Natural Disaster
Describe how you use nature to attack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Patrin Nemmonis, the Outlaw
Race: Red Dragonborn
Class: Rogue
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 5
Large ball of yarn
Grappling Hook
Lock and Chains
Knight Vision Goggles:
Wearing these makes you look like a terrifying knight for one attack, complete with indestructible armour. (Play to shield from any attack)
Axe of the Dwarfish Lords
It slices, it smashes, it’s shiny. The handle’s a bit short though. (+2 damage)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Outlaw:
Defiant, Aggressive, Loyal
Skill: Sneak Attack
When the monster’s back is turned, you strike again! Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter) you may choose one of your attacks to play twice before the monster retaliates.
Small Blow Darts (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Small Throwing Daggers (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Sleight of Hand
Describe how you use trickery and the items in your backpack to attack the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
[details="Salazar Tarmikos, the Healer”]
Race: Human
Class: Sorcerer
Stamina: 9
Gold coins: 4
Bar of soap
Box of bandages
Waterproof cape
Ponderous Tome:
When used, this hefty book will provoke deep, remorseful thought in your enemy while you dodge out of the way. (Play to shield from any attack)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Healer:
Merciful, Selfless, High-strung
Skill: Soothing Words
When you see someone in need, your first instinct is always to help. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Earth Tremor (Attack Spell) (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Whirlwind (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Describe how you bring an object in your backpack to life to attack the monster.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
Thia Silverfrond, the Peacekeeper
Race: Elf
Class: Bard
Stamina: 6
Gold coins: 5
Jester costume
Disguise kit
Antique bagpipes
Five daggers for juggling
Spider Cloak:
Hide from bad guys, eat some flies. Watch out! It’s Spider Cloakkk! (Play to shield from any attack)
Lyre Lyre Pants on Fire
A magical instrument that sets your enemies ablaze! (+2 damage)
Items can only be used once per area.
The Peacekeeper:
Calm, Easy-going, Insightful
Skill: Song of Rest
Even in the heat of battle, you can bring healing to your friends. Once per dungeon (1 of the 4 areas of Neverwinter), you may roll to see how much health you can distribute. Meaning you can up your stamina.
Roll 1-10 = +1 stamina to any two players
Roll 11+ = +2 stamina to any two players
When this ability is used, the monster doesn’t attack you.
Small Shortbow (roll 5+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 1
Hideous Laughter (Attack Spell) (roll 12+) = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Theatrical Distraction
Describe how you get the monster’s attention using musical instruments or items in your backpack.
Roll 1-10 = Nothing happens
Roll 11-16 = Attacks the monster with damage of 2
Roll 17+ = Attacks the monster with damage of 1 & you stun the monster, so he won’t retaliate
OOOOO I see @duckling has a waterproof cape
still looking at other backpacks too! ^-^
Maybe we should dig a hole near camp, throw all our metallic equipment in there, fill it up, and mark it. That way the lighting won’t be attracted and we can sleep a few meters away.
Also Lucan would like to continuously treat his wife’s wounds to make sure they don’t get infected.
Is there a cave nearby?
Or a…yeah, never mind. I was going to say forest, but they could easily get struck by lightning.
Nope. Just the Neverwinter forest.
Bad idea, as I stated.
Ooh, we could go into the hole and cover the entrance with the cape. Does that make sense? Kiya has a torch and flint which could be used for making a fire. After that, Thia can use her bagpipe to entertain everyone. How about that?
I mean that will probably work
Idk if I’d want to be in the same hole as all the metal equipment because lighting is drawn to metal
But a hole in general would work as a place to sleep
We could dig two or three holes.