But you claimed first. Either when there’s another character or if/when I restart this with a new adventure, I’ll ask them first.
I’m okay with whatever
Okay, now I’m confused. I don’t know what that means. (confuzzled) Do you not wanna adopt Salazar anymore?
It’s fine, I can wait.
I’m on the fence…I’ll do whatever is easier. Irdc…sorry!
Wait, have you started reading any of it yet in the past couple of days? (wondering) 'Cause if not then I’m getting the feeling either don’t really want to join or you’re too busy to.
i may forget some things BUT IM CAUGHT UP :DD
WOAH! Thank you, lovely.
so wut do u need me to do?
Sooo… guys, what’s the plan that you all have to agree to?
I think the others have a plan and they can catch you up on what it is.
I’m thinking maybe make a fort using leaves from the trees (i’m imagining palm trees with the big leaves) and make some form of shelter. with the waterproof cape, dig a hole a bit and bury the stuff, cover it with the cape and somehow tie the cape down to cover the metal stuff, that or use the cape as a shelter cover.
how big is the cape?
oops! sorry!
DAMN! That’s a detailed plan! WOW!
Woah I love yours too
I don’t know how I thought of this
Ooh, nice!
- Yes
- No
- Let’s keep brainstorming
I feel so special