Can you make a case for which genre is the best? I’m not talking about your favourite, here. I just mean which genre do you think has the best quality stories in it, which genre teaches us the most, which genre sells the best etc.
I know what I think, but let’s see if we can change each other’s minds!
Definitely action/adventure. Its not my favourite but it is the most accessible. With the most crossover in terms of other genres that appear alongside it. Not just that, but adventure is always gonna be relatable and fresh.
I’m an action fan, and not everyone’s into that rush of adrenaline but it makes for easy viewing/reading and it’s ever expanding and growing. I love it, personally
Horror is among my personal faves. I just wouldn’t say the best because of how limited it is, like its at its best when it mixes in other emotions but if you go too far its no longer horror. it’s so hard to get right, as well yeah