DID and OSDD-1: the fragmented mind (+ a coming out)

nope, some dont even have an age, some ageslide as they vibe, some dont even age on their birthday so yeah its really diverse
i do have a birthday but the time in the inner world is really distorted, once 2 months passed when it was only 3 days in the outer world so that was kinda weird- im gonna be 19 in about 2 inner world months, but i cant quite pinpoint my birthday


well happy early birthday
how long have you all known eachother? When did your outerbody meet your first alter?

Sorry i am curious


thank youu
no no dw its cool. you probably mean when we first realised we were a system, i honestly dont really know, i knew when i fronted the first time after our diagnosis so that was a few weeks ago, we got our diagnosis in october? november? im not sure? and the first alter that knew was our primary gatekeeper, immediately after she split somehow, which was body age 6
or if you mean when the first alter developed, no one wrote it down anywhere but phoenix and arden said they came at age 3 so some time before that sorry im so indefinite i really should know more about my headmates :moyai:


the way you known things seems like this has been happening for years but you were recently diagnosed and you know so much :star_struck:

still new. hi other peeps~


i mean its been happening since idk body age 2 but we only recently becane aware of it ig? i just know what the others have told me so it might be a better idea to ask someone else-

true true. ill tell the others you say hii

also people a system friend sent us this if anyone’s interested, very helpful!


I also created a specific inner world some years ago and have 5 aspects of my personality with their own names, but they are not alters, just parts of me. But I thought it might be interesting for you to see how singlets work, it’s not that different in the end. Not saying that things are very complex for you to organize and all, more in terms of tolerance, we all have fantasy, it’s just not as vivid as yours, I guess, but you really need a cosy place for everyone to stay. :sunglasses:


SANDERS SIDES! I also have a side too. She’s my dark, rage filled side.


This part confuses a lot of people. It seems to be different for each system.

I have a chronological age now. Since I want to age. When I first fronted I was 15 I’m now 16.

8 - sophs little is stuck at 8. She is perfectly fine being 8 years old.

:eagle: Raven


oh thats pretty cool! so kinda like alter egos? the identifying trait of did is the memory loss tha comes with it so i dont think theres a problem with that, but some people might be offended because tulpas-

yeah, also from alter to alter, im honestly really really confused with the ages-


Not Alter Egos directly as we share the same believes and ideals, more like representations of certain character traits as Ouija described it. A more animalistic and furious part or a female counterpart, for example. :wink:


ohh make sense! thats pretty interesting, i think some of us also have those but im not sure

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Yep! It’s like Jekyll and Hyde.

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Or its modern version, Bruce Banner and The Hulk. :grin:

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